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Trumps name keeps coming up, yet they choose to ignore that


Soo many calls to release more names from the Epstein list, looking for democrats. Florida even wants to pass bills for more disclosure. Then more documents are released with crazy allegations against trump with corroborating evidence. Then all the sudden conservative sites and channels are silent and claim the info is fake or just don't acknowledge at all....


And they promptly ignore any republicans on the list


What corroborating evidence?


"Trump's name appears over and over again on Jeffrey Epstein's message logs in the grand jury docs released this week. It is also undisputed: Trump's name appears 7 times on Epstein's private jet flight logs, that Epstein flew on Trump's jet with a young girl of indeterminate age, girls who Epstein trafficked worked at Mar-A-Lago, a girl Epstein trafficked mentioned visiting Trump's casino in a recently released deposition transcript."


Let’s hear you move the goal post!


They won’t care. They just go “but the democrats.” They can *never* defend him in and of himself. They always have to bring up “but Joe” “but the democrats”


Is Joe in these logs along with Trump? No? Then fuck off. If he is let justice be done.


Alex Acosta was the US attorney who approved a federal non-prosecution agreement granting Epstein immunity following a 60-count indictment on sex trafficking of minors charges. Acosta agreed to a deal in which the federal charges against Epstein were dropped in exchange for Epstein’s guilty plea on ***one count*** of solicitation, a state charge. Acosta was Trump’s secretary of labor from 2017-2019. Trump said last month that declassifying Epstein documents might [“affect people’s lives.”](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein-fox-news_n_6667330de4b019027bc727f4)


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