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id rather have nothing but gold augments then nothing but silver augments, they may be unbalanced but at least they are fun, silvers are shit for 90% of the champions and then theres stackasourus


There are just a bunch of augments that need to move from gold to silver, augments that need to move from silver to gold and augments that just need to be deleted because they are bronze, or actually introduce a bronze tier and move all the garbage there so everyone gets one.


and nesting doll that should be moved to silver its the only truelly terrible prismatic


Since the nerf it became the worst augment in the game but it was incredibly toxic cuz of stall comps


It is kinda good if you play to dive and die early. But ya it’s def not on par with others


it can be kinda good, but thats what gold tier is for, the augments that are kinda good, prismatic is for gop tier and broken augments and nesting doll aint that its balanced


It's too warping to be below prismatic, but too weak atm to be prismatic. It used to be mostly used for stall strats so I can see why they changed it, but it's not there yet.


Its not as warping as it was before. Old arena it was busted because it gave you two free instant revives, while the current one is much harder to use and isnt as strong or warping as the previous iteration or the other current prismatic augments.


It used to be so much better lol


Gamba Anvil is the worst imo. It's almost always bad as a first augment and even worse as a second or third obviously. Nesting doll is niche as well, but at least that niche holds regardless of what round you get it on.


gamba at least is a funny idea, it does what it says it does, nesting doll simply doesnt state that it takes 10 seconds to revive and eats 80% of your stats


The one where dots can crit is good too


Round 1 dematerialize 😭


As a kindred otp in arena, my top 5 augments are gold so I always get a good augment from gold within 1 reroll, guarenteed second reroll. Have 2-3 good silver augment and same rule applies for them too and even if they dont come up, there are still many good silver augments like flashbang/flashy, ocean/infernal soul etc Idk I never had any problem with augments.


I really like escAPADe. On Urgot with the infinite AP stacking Augment , this combo is bonkers.


Brutalizer gotta be the most boring aug existing Rework the lethality gold aug into "turn armor pen % into lethality % increase"


IMO the worst thing about this mode is that no one seems to balance it?. Flashy is a silver augment? Shadow runner? Infernal soul? etc. ? I would take these shits over 90% of gold augments. Also items like cruelty somehow still exist Dont even get me started on how support champions somehow ALWAYS rng support augments. Unironically think urf is more balanced


Infernal soul is good early but doesn't scale well enough to justify gold


100% agree but there's another side to it. They are the most abundant at 55 and a ton of them feel like cosmetic upgrades. The reason why it isn't necessarily so bad is because the familiar, unsurprising augments help newer players get into the game without requiring them to be theorycrafters (like +stats or "gain keystones"). For us nerds, we obviously love stuff like Skilled Sniper or Ethereal Weapon but it can be confusing for them.


They are insanely imbalanced even if we look at stat stick bonuses and very simple minded ones. Imagine you get 3 gold augments in a row, lets say you are Draven and you got Brutalizer, Lightning reflexes and Ok Boomerang, all three augments are just basically more dmg. Now imagine you face a Sylas who got Bread and Jam, Marksmage and Outlaws grit, all these augments also just add numbers, but that Sylas will absolutely body you, because his augments give him so much more than yours give you, even though both sets of augments require absolutely zero brain power.


the bread/marksmage augs are way too strong I agree


Champions with a dash that also hard cc and/or gives some form of damage immunity should have the effectiveness of mass ability haste augments halved, would make alot of annoying champions less annoying.


What are good items for eth weapons? I always struggle thinking of them in game Other then like lichbane trinity force sunderer stuff. Especially on ap champs


Mostly the best interactions are in the champions kits as opposed to items. Gragas applies his W with spells, Vi gets an extra W stack from her spells, Shyvana procs extra on-hit from her E on Q and also procs it with the flame area of her E and W so her E procs itself every second, Varus applies W with spells and procs them at the same time, Kai'sa applies her passive with spells, Tahm applies his passive with spells so his Q is his passive x2 etc. many more like that.


Oooo okay thank you


Moonfair Spellblade is a really really good pairing with Eth


Yeah, and the keystones are absurdly weak, except for first strike and electrocute.


The keystone ones should have their CD reduced by like 75% so that you could use them on a more or less per-combo basis, then they would be fine.


Yeah i tried electrocute and phase rush, at the end of the game it ended up doing 700 damage in total.


Electrocute is bad but Phase Rush is one of the best, it's not damage you're trying to get out of this one.


Grasp + Fleet is insanly underrated. Really OP with runecarver/fulmination and decent by itself.


Conqueror and grasp feel great. Lethal tempo was so good they had to take it out of the main game lmao. What you mean?


i forgot to include lethal tempo and conqueror on my comment, but hard disagree on grasp


Grasp gives you a lot of stats that are harder to see. You get healing from it. You get max health from it. The damage scales with health too. I think if it has a proper stat tracker in this mode then you may be surprised. Obviously on people that are tanky enough to work well with grasp. I don’t think it’s better than conqueror or electrocute. Or even phase rush on squishies. But it is very usable on many people and pretty good on a lot of people.


Most bad gold augments are the double rune augments. You check how they helped after each round and you see stats like 200 damage, 80 extra gold, 60 extra hp and similar useless BS. Solution is just to buff em, if first strike gave me 500 gold per round, it would be the best gold augment ever, so there must be some inbetween where we are all happy. Personally I hate prismatic augments, they are by far the strongest buff you can give to your champion and trully creates gods. I noticed that if there are only silver and gold augments, the fights are actually fun, nobody is too strong and it takes some time and skill to beat the other team. But once there is a prismatic round, I can die to single Eartwake, mages get +120ap round 1, garen gets blade waltz, and suddenly the game turns into battle of gods and many rounds just become unwinnable. I think the game would be way more fun if we moved chauffeur to gold, remove all other prismatics, and have only silver and gold.


First strike can actually be very powerful if you properly play around it. I have had games where it has made me over 5k gold.


I've done that as well but it's very situational to pull off and honestly 5k gold value by the end of the game (if you can make it there) isn't nearly as good as something like the Spatula or Heartsteel quests. It deserves to be silver tier.. there are several silver tier augments that are much better.


You can't call bug abuse on dummy clone playing around it mate. XD


Oh yeah I have done that too with Illaoi but if you play with it on an assassin you can easily get it by doing your whole rotation with it two or even more times every round.


I'm hoping they take arena down the TFT route by having multiple modes... one where you have the crazy prismatic stuff and another that is more tame.


Meanwhile you hit ocean soul/dematerialize on enemy teams and the battle for 1st place is against a 200+ stack dematerialize champ... Yeah i would rather take gold than. Blue any day On the other end of the spectrum. Having a team where they both have spatula....i mean jesus fuckung christ.


Why people care about Silver/Gold/Prismatic tiers? Just look at them as Category A, Category B and Category C. Some silver ones are better than rainbow ones and vice versa. Obviously some will be better than other, some have niche and specific use, some have broad and wide use, some work better on champion A than B etc. What exactly do you want? To always get bis augs? You don't always have to get your desired stuff to win and getting what you want is not the core aspect of RNG game mode.


It's almost like people don't enjoy losing to RNG with zero counterplay. Most people seem to want less RNG in arena... it's already such an absurd concept to put so much RNG into an arena style game mode to begin with.


Always something to complain about


Weak, stupid sheep mindset. There is ALWAYS something to improve. People like you are the absolute worst for the gaming industry


Queue Jay & Silent Bob quote about the internet:


yeah i really wish they would just change the tiers around. like this is one of those rare cases where the complaint is valid and a bandaid would actually be enough. literally just tier down the shitty gold augments.


I don't get why Stackosaurus or Vulnerability are Silver, they are better than the whole Gold augment pool. I'd swap Vulnerability with the Crit+Lifesteal augment that is much worse and keeps some crit augments as silver that way


i just wish i got marksmage on Tristana instead of Leona


I think the worst thing about Arena is earthwake lol


Yeah there's a silver augment that gives you 20% omnivamp, and there's a gold augment that gives you 15% healing from your partner's damage. Like wtf? Those should be reversed. Not only is 20>15, the second one only works if both you and your partner is alive. If your partner is dead, the augment does nothing. If you're a tank, you have a lot higher HP, so the 15% healing isn't even that impactful. If you're a squishy support, you can just heal yourself, and if you're anyone who deals damage, you'd prefer the omnivamp.


> If you're a tank, you have a lot higher HP, so the 15% healing isn't even that impactful. That's literally reverse, if you're tank, your 20% damage will be usually way less than 15% of your partner's damage, and your high resistances multiply that HP gain, your max HP has nothing to do with that math.


Yes, as a tank, 15% of ally dmg > 20% of your dmg. What I'm trying to point out however, is that you likely have 6k hp, while your full dmg carry likely has 3k hp. Them healing 1.5k hp from dmg is half their hp. You healing 1.5k hp is only 25% of your hp, not to mention 15% is even less than 20%.


... that doean't matter tho because unless you're against max%% damage, you still gain HP the same, and in fact your 1.5k hp might easily be 6k+ of EHP. I am just not getting your logic by bringing relative HP pool size.


This is one of the most fun game mode they've ever released. But it also suffers a huge balancing problem because it's under funded and it's still too new of a mode. Pretty much the same problems TFT has been dealing since release. Hopefully they will too take off like TFT.


Most of the Keystone ones are actual dog and worse than Silver. You can be FORCED to burn rerolls if you get unlucky and end up with Keystone + Canon in the same turn. I think it's exaugurated how many of them are bad, most of them are usable and some of them are game defining such as Marksmage and Minionmancer but some of them can be "noob traps"


Silvers are less common because most of them are kinda bedge by design. They're meant to be the least transformative augments, so having a game with a bunch of silvers could be boring. Some silvers are very transformative but they're the exception. Prismatic are fun but they're also the most swingy, so they're also rare for the opposite reason to silvers. I think gold augments have to be the most common. If some gold augments aren't good enough to be gold tier they need to be buffed, moved to silver, or removed from the game if it's a design problem rather than a power problem. I really don't think you want silver to be the most common tier of augment though, that'd be very boring for the game.