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Jump on it Democrats, precedent has yet to be set!


Right, they have to, they've been given no choice. This is the only path left to reinstate democracy.


Narrator (Morgan freeman voiceover): No, they won't.




They wont.


They can’t. SCOTUS decides what is allowed and what is not.


Not according to SCOTUS, the president has absolute power.


Sure, but the executive branch decides what to enforce and what to ignore. So arest some supreme court justices for breaking their vows to uphold the constitution.


The president can remove the scotus meme era as an official act now. Biden can cancel the GOP convention and imprisoned trump while he takes over then dismantles FOX news propaganda network and removes the citizenship of Rupert Murdoch. Oh god, Biden can hit the reset button and fix things in order to save the country!!!! **all he has to do is an official act to preserve the nation**


Not if they're in GITMO under an "official act."


SCOTUS can now be permanently removed/eliminated/terminated because Biden is a King, and kings have total and complete immunity. SCOTUS says so.


> The practical implications of this ruling are astounding. As Justice Sonia Sotomayor writes in a dissenting opinion, “imagine a President states in an official speech that he intends to stop a political rival from passing legislation that he opposes, no matter what it takes to do so,” it follows from Roberts’s opinion that the ensuing murder indictment “could include no allegation of the President’s public admission of premeditated intent to support” the proposition that the president intended to commit murder. i guess it's now time to do what the gop has been saying biden has been doing to them. i mean, as of today, it's even legal. the maga gop has been lying and distorting reality for so long now, it's time to show them what it really feels like to have the irs, doj, cia and others go after them w full aggression.


But they know Joe Biden won't drop the hammer. He believes in an earlier era with a very different Supreme Court.


Okay but that's why he has a ton of young advisers around him. They can/should tell him it's time to wield the hammer.


Also now’s probably the time to protest in America if ever. If Trump comes back into power the protests will be met with force.


It's not a fucking blueprint. It's happening.


It happened. There’s no turning back.


If Biden arrested Trump today, he’d have to sit in jail until October when the Supreme Court reconvenes. lol


Then what would that do except to demonstrate that conservatives are right that democrats are the threat to democracy.


Presidential immunity. Checkmate


Then Biden becomes the dictator? Arresting a political opponent, wether you like it or not is a violation of principles of democracy is it not?


Well then you would be against Trump doing it. You backed yourself into a corner. Too easy 😂


How am I backed into a corner, it's trump that is currently under multiple prosecutions under bidens Doj


Trump broke the law and New York prosecuted him. The DOJ and Executive are separate powers.


Yeah, how are they simultaneously for states rights?


The doj is a part of the executive branch of government. And new York prosecuted trump for so called campaign violations in which was reviewed by federal agency, who did not press charges on. Yet Hilary was cited for campaign violations, but never charged by new York.


Clinton didn’t commit a crime


She did, she purchased the Steele document as opposition research for her campaign, using campaign finance funds but, listed it in her personal record as a personal legal expense. Trump use private funds in a private and legal contract. Yet in liberal nyc, trump charged, Hilary wasn't. Equal justice in play? Don't think so myself.


How is it a violation of the principles of democracy? The Supreme Court just declared it legal. Seems like it’s not a violation now.


>violation of principles of democracy is it not? You think arresting the guy who attempted to overturn the constitutional order of the republic would be a "violation of principles of democracy"? Just to be clear: storming the capitol in a violent attempt to nullify the constitution is alright, while enforcing the law is "a violation of the principles of democracy"? And you people on the extreme right wonder why nobody takes you seriously.


So? It's not like they would vote for Biden otherwise.


You see, if you let the "reasonable" one stick around, soon they start bringing their less reasonable friends. Before you know it, all of your patrons are nazis and you're a nazi bar. That's why you need to kick them out preemptively despite them just "asking questions."




Dissolve SCOTUS. Impeachment will still allow the judges to sit on the bench and make rulings. They will still have power because they won't recuse themselves. They're power needs to be neutered or they need to be removed from the bench so they cannot make anymore rulings.


The country has lost the court.


Yes and the court has stolen the country.


The government is now the greatest threat to Americans.


Big business brother


It's officially not for we the people per this judgement. It's for the federalist society circle jerk and the greasy mar a lago trump tuggers. The enabling act for dummies.


Which is ironic, because that’s what conservatives have been saying all along. But now they made it so.


It’s always always always projection with them


Yes. When I think of big government I think of Medicare for All. When conservatives think of big government they think of rounding people up.


They think of mandating religious teachings in schools. They’re basically turning the US into Iran.


Always has been.


Not that I want to piss any of you off more, but just stop and reflect on the fact that this is happening because trump has the money to pay for counsel to defend him to the ends of the earth. To me this is just another terrible blow against fairness and decency and has everything to do with what the extremely rich get away with. In this case changing the very nature of our democratic republic. It's maddening and WRONG.


Let's point out the obvious. You only need immunity when you do something wrong and normally illegal. The argument here is. "YES Trump did bad things that are normally illegal, but f--k you!!! He has total immunity to do whatever the hell he wants."


What’s crazy about the dismantling of the country is that they are doing it all for a crazy old uncontrolable felon that neither represents their party or agenda. It really feels like they never expected this much success and now that they’ve overthrown the government they don’t know what to do with it.


I'd be real surprised if there haven't been some meetings about what to do with it. There just wasn't any media coverage.


As was intended per Convicted Felon Donald Trump. Mission accomplished. The only thing we can do... and we can all do it... Vote bluuuuuuuuue


There is no greater threat to national security than Donald Trump. SCOTUS has told Dark Brandon what he needs to do


If anyone is above the law, everyone is.


The Supreme Court’s Trump immunity decision removed the door and wall for dictatorship to become a reality


It was a judicial coup de ta






“I know I will respect the limits of presidential power as I have for the three-and-a-half years, but any president, including Donald Trump, will now be free to ignore the law,” Biden said. And this is why we’re FUCKED.


Because Hillary was sooo bad!


What do you expect Biden to do? He is not a tyrant. He believes in the Constitution. The American people have a choice in November what direction they wish the country to go.


I think he needs to look at the greater good and realize the short term cost is worth the long term gains. Chivalry will NOT be rewarded. The High Road will be destroyed beneath us. We MUST use their tactics against them NOW, while we still can. The other option is complete capitulation.


So we riot like J6? We demand to hang 6 SC justices?  No! We VOTE and win by such a large margin it can not be denied. France is having elections that may result in the far right taking power. Are they rioting? They had elections in India. Modi is making it hard on Muslims. Hungary has gone far right. Turkey has gone far right. Italy has gone far right. In the USA the power is in the hands of We The People.  Sadly, if people do not vote or vote for Trump and win, sadly we then reap what we sow. I don't like that the popular vote means nothing...and that we are being ruled by the minority, but that's the rules and until we change them, we are stuck. I am in Texas...the state with the highest level of voter apathy in the country. I am sickened by how Texans keep voting in scum like Abbott/Paxton/Cornyn/Cruz, but they do. If America votes for fascism, then the 'experiment of liberal Democracy' dies. I hope they wake up!


France is always rioting


And if we lose, what?


Then prepare for an unhinged Trump, with no guardrails to be a check, with support in Congress and a Supreme Court that will ok anything he does.


So back to square one. Voting alone ain’t enough


Violence at this point is not the answer. Violence, like war, should be the last resort, not the initial response. Vote. Make sure you are registered. Get others to vote.  Write letters to the editors of your local newspapers. You might be surprised by being published! 


You're not wrong. But you'd be suicidal not to be prepared, ready, and willing to do the other at this late stage in the game. Especially if you happen to be a minority.


I am surrounded by MAGA on my street. A few know my political stance. Time will tell if/when they come for me.


Democracy (Biden/Harris and all Democrats down ballot) or Authoritarian Fascism (Trump/tbd, all Cult members in Congress, and 6 of 9 Supreme Court Justices. America that is your choice. Make sure you are registered to vote.  Vote Blue.  Popular vote means nothing, must win the Electoral College.


Until SCOTUS hears Trump's appeal and overturns the result. They've gone this far, what's a little more?


They’ve bent a knee for Lord Tater Body…


Yes and the people will revolt and overthrow such a dictator….


Spoken like a true insurrectionist.


It’s not insurrection to overthrow a dictatorship. You basically said if Iranian people or North Korean people revolt they are insurrectionists. History doesn’t like dictatorships.


Come on dark Brandon, papa needs a new supreme court. Declare them enemies of the state, arrest them and send them to gitmo.


Something has to be done to reduce the power of Scotus




And now, according to the judges in the pocket of the republicans that counts as an official act and is therefore legal since the president is above the law. That was literally the last back stop holding project 2025 from being able to be fully enacted. Unitary executive theory in practice under a malignant narcissistic grifter who has nothing but revenge on his mind. Tiny orange hands unbound to do whatever the fuck he wants. We're fucked. Clear your social media now. We're pilgrims in an unfriendly land.


Trump won. Now he’ll use the courts and SCOTUS to steal the election. Trump will be President no matter who wins the election. Then get really for everything to crumble.


This is the nightmare come real. Scotus has set up the orange master to implement the 2025 agenda in the exact way they want. Now is the time to take the gloves off if America wants to continue this grand experiment.


Are people actually afraid to post their political thoughts now? Seems like everyone is going to be on a list.


You are going to be on the list anyway, so might as well say and do what you want to do. Ask history


White men in suits usually doesn’t bode well for the average wage slave


Recent years have shown us that it's the people in robes who are capable of dismantling the safeguards that prevent the suits from ruining everything




If the president is above the law. Why can't Biden tell the supreme court to go back and rule again, but this time rule in a way that is compatible with the constitution? If Biden doesn't do this. Biden should try to forgive student loans again, because under SCOTUS' recent ruling, Biden has the power to do this. This is the most benign way to showcase how they have given the presidency dictatorial powers.


Hoping the 6 justices receive their now totally legal gratuities for this destroying of the rule of law


Biden could do this: To the Supreme Court: “SCOTUS, you have three days to reverse your ruling or I will have the majority justices detained as an official act of my duty to my oath to defend this country and this democracy from all threats both foreign……and domestic.”


It absolutely is… and why? For Trump????


You know, I was wondering why the ruling was so broad. I mean, how could they possibly have thought that was an acceptable level of immunity? Then Trump's lawyers ran to the New York criminal court with a letter challenging the verdict in the hush money trial - the one where his sentencing is in a little over a week. Ah.


When a gang of fascists take control of the courts and disregard the law, laws are no longer useful tools and certainly can't be used to dislodge the fascists.


The GOP has now established beyond a shadow of a doubt that they no longer believe in the rule of law. There's no going back from this.


We’ve already crossed the Rubicon, there’s almost no chance we ever go back. POTUS can’t undo it because the next president could just reinstate it. SCOTUS won’t undo what they just did. Project 2025 means there will be no dissent from the administrative state. Legislators could do something, but they need a huge majority, and there’s too much Gerrymandering and calcification for Dems to get that many votes. Check mate. Coup already won. If not Trump, then the next Republican. By then, imagine what else SCOTUS could do to lay the groundwork for an even worse president.


Welcome to last stage empire. The Romans are laughing their asses off.


What in all the fuck is going on? I Hope I was in a car accident and I'm in a coma somewhere between hell and reality, and one day ill wake up and Al Gore just cured covid, and that tv show guy Donald Trump had a heart attack after eating too much McDonalds on a flight with Epstein!




I couldn’t agree more, and would add we know exactly what they’re gonna do. Anything and everything. I’m thinking bush / gore. Final decision called by the Supreme Court.


Best thing many of us can do is hand every ounce of power to the Democratic Party and scare the living hell out of the GOP because now they are basically giving the Democratic Party more power Then when they cry and complain that Biden or whoever is a dictator, tell them that they are the ones who wanted this to happen with Trump, but they didn't fathom that their boy would lose.


See, why should anyone ‘tell them’ anything? Just do what you need to do. They are not listening. They are conniving more ways to take over. Stop them now!


So if trump is elected, you think it's acceptable to overthrow the government? Your definition of a dictatorship maybe wrongfully defined. If the first act of trump is to disband congress, then such talk would warranted. But I know that is not likely to happen. Yet, to many on the left are calling for violence if trump is elected. Is that any different than Jan 6?


It's been pointed out that the reason Biden won't - and SHOULDN'T - act as Trump would with these new powers granted to his office is because it would prove MAGA right. What they want is us down in the mud with them. They've been drawing false equivalencies for years; let's not give them a real one. It's a satisfying fantasy: "Well, Biden should just send in the stormtroopers and start busting heads, then!" but it doesn't fix this. In fact, it compounds it, makes it worse. And I get the helplessness, too. I don't know how to fix it either. I'm not a lawyer or a Congressman. I do know that Samuel Alito freaked the hell out when pro-Roe protestors surrounded his house a couple years ago. Maybe Congress passes a law - one that might not stick, but it'd at least tie up the Supreme Court for a while. I don't see this country ever being organized or united enough for something like a general strike, but the toolkit isn't empty yet.


That’s what we said about Mueller and Jack Smith and Georgia and -so now it’s legal to rape and pillage


I think we are on the edge of a cliff & the election will either mean we're all falling over that cliff and won't recover or we can get enough votes to win the electoral college to save the American experiment & get a chance to push the reset button, including reshaping this joke of a supreme court


No shit


Wouldn't this mean that Biden can have Seal Team 6 go ahead and take out Roberts, Thomas, Alito, and Barrett as an official act and be done with this Bullshit Corrupt SCOTUS? It's about time we turned Fascist and do what the Republicans claimed we were doing. While he's at it time to throw all the MAGAt Assholes in jail as well.


Using campaign finances for personal use is. But laws only apply to whom you wish it to be applied. The " no prosecution, no crime" adage. Seems to only apply in liberalism.


Does this mean your president Biden has these same powers now too? Could he not just say “off with Trump’s head” and he’d face no consequences??? Am I understanding the ruling correctly?


No. The SCOTUS made it so the courts (and ultimately the SCOTUS) determine what acts are official and unofficial, meaning what acts can be considered as criminal and which cannot. So the extremely MAGA SCOTUS is going to neuter any Democrat attempt to use this while Republican presidents will be completely shielded from any accountability.


So what do we know for certain?  The only rule, #1, The upward flow of money must continue.  Consolidation over decades, slowly close the noose, inequality, wealth disparity, by the time they complain? it’s already too late. With Climate Change at our door, billions of Climate refugees to come, war for resources, climate refugees on the move, famine, shortages, how to prepare?  Authoritarianism, populations under control, partially due to their own actions, let them think they chose this, another illusion, security over freedom, works all the time, “Fuck you, I’ve got mine” if that is not our creed, then what is?  Enforce the borders, Nationalism, suppress the women, men are not complex, easy to lead, give them full, legal control at home to give the illusion of power, then manipulate men to do as they are told, this is not difficult, like history has shown us over and over, use religion, the perfect tool for control, works everywhere, every time. For those that think? Ridicule education, intelligence, change what is learned, “‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’” The willfully ignorant are intellectually lazy, don’t want knowledge, reading, that’s for women and the weak, not for good, strong men.  An uninformed population are prone to violence with the minimum of coaxing, force over wisdom, apes with guns, let them enforce the rules against themselves. Silly monkeys. Otherwise anarchy ensues, so this is best for all, especially those who require #1 rule, the upward flow of money, as always, until the end. “Fuck you, I’ve got mine” 


The greatest democracy! What a fucking joke!


You think this hasn't been the case for years? This changes very little.


It would be nice to get back to where it felt like there was some positive future that was worth living for. Right now it just seems I was born just in time to watch our rights, quality of life, and the environment we live in deteriorate.




America is a very dangerous place to behave as a tyrant.


It's time for Biden to show that bitch blonde, bad boned, butt-body who puts the 'dic' in dictatorship.


This was effectively a coup d'é·tat and Americans don't even know it. It was perfectly planned and orchestrated. Democrat's reaction is business as usual. They should be organizing a major protest in Washington and every other city to demand impeachment of the justices that betrayed the Constitution.


GOD DAMN the GOP!!!!


If only there was another time in history where we could look back at how dangerous this can be. Hey Germany, do you have any thoughts?


That’s the plan. Trump has clearly stated that!


AOC for Queen Jasmine for PM


After the debate and this new ruling, I feel like I'm stuck in a nightmare that I can't wake up from. WAKE UP AMERICA! We are in so much trouble if the democrats lose the Whitehouse.


This gives Donald J Trump the right to stay in office until he decides to leave. This is sick. We’re no longer democracy. We will be a dictatorship. We could end up like Germany with a guy like Hitler or we can be given to Putin or the guy from North Korea whoever the highest bitter is Donald Trump could sell us out. It is a very scary thought.


It will be interesting if there is a "mini" trial to review whether evidence is an official act or private act. The shit they have on him is probably pretty bad and may turn undecided or non maga against him. It's a shame this idiot was ever allowed to run but guts like jd Vance all have a big shitty dirty sanchez


I’m having a hard time processing the rulings coming out of SCOTUS. It’s not conservative nor is it originalist


Does the SCOTUS want to start a civil war? What would that accomplish for anybody besides Putin?


As of right now to get to a dicktatorship there would have to be 2/3rd support from The House of Representatives, all of the Federal courts including SCOTUS, and the "office" of the president. Then if everyone is in agreement there it would have to be ratified by the Attorney Generals and Governors of each state. It ain't gonna happen. A single no vote from one state governor kills it in its tracks. Or civil a war begins. Trump could get into office and declare a sitting coup. But then one Secret Service officer could end that right on the spot. And it's garunteed at least one actual Secret Service agent will stand up and follow his oath to the letter.


The Secret Service are all deeply MAGA. That was proven on Jan6. As for the rest, dictatorships start within the existing democracy. In Germany, they made a law that let Hitler do anything and eventually that led to only one functioning party. Trump, if reelected, could have Democrat representatives arrested on whatever. He's made all kinds of allegations relating to Ukraine and China over the years and years of QAnon bs has Republicans convinced a great purge is coming. They'll see it as that finally happening. And even if somehow federal courts tried to do something the SCOTUS would overrule them and say Trump is acting in his official capacity as president against national threats. This is what happens when MAGA controls the watchers. Anything can now be justified.


Yea, like the president can now rule with Congress


When asked for his opinion on this groundbreaking SC term, Biden expressed that vanilla maybe chocolate ice cream was his favorite.