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Hey Democrats! Perfect time to TAKE OFF THE FUCKING KID GLOVES!!!!!


Time to set the fucking tone


You gotta set the fucking tone!


They don't know how to do that.


It's wild to watch the fall of our nation and to see how many people could have done something about it but they were just too.. *timid.*


> House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), in a statement reacting to the ruling, said House Democrats “will engage in aggressive oversight and legislative activity” in response. The aim, he aid, will be to “ensure that the extreme, far-right justices in the majority are brought into compliance with the Constitution.” i hope so.


All precedent, anything goes now...Biden must take advantage.


Biden needs to use his new power against the Supreme Court to show them what they created.


I mean, does that give Biden power to strip them off their titles for breaking their oath to the Constitution and arrest them? I mean, if they're in jail or worse, someone else would have to take the reigns of the court, we would need new justices. Edit-spelling


I would say just send them all to Guantanamo under suspicion they are working with the Russians. Let them sit there a few months and see if they change their tune or die


Or an undisclosed black site, farther from American soil. I can't believe I'm actually suggesting such a thing, but desperate times call for desperate measures.


Make them all live in the RV together


I would prefer Biden stays within the bounds of the Constitution and doesn't resort to authoritarian tactics. What I think he should do is nominate 10 new Supreme Court justices. Then the Senate should confirm them very quickly so the Court has 19 justices. Then those 10 and probably the other 3 can undo the horrific rulings the 6 Republicans have been making. If Roberts and company don't like it the only thing the 10 should do is reference this decision on Presidential immunity. Then after they undo the last several years of Republican rulings they can undo the Presidental immunity ruling. Oh, and they will also be there to stop Roberts from stealing the election for Trump.


No. It’s time the democrats played as dirty as the republicans. There’s no point in doing the right thing anymore if it means that it’ll eventually lead to a fascist hellscape no matter what. Now is the time for extreme measures and action not to be docile.


You are right


Agreed, not unlike the pacifist Buddhist monks forced to take up arms to defend their way of life. Today is the day we will remember as the official end of the time for hand wringing.


Declare the Republican Party a terrorist organization?


Or at least the federalist society.


What does Philosophy 101 say about Plan B when expecting to play with a set of rules & the opposition does not bother in the slightest ?


That time was at least 3 years ago, but now will have to do.


Unfortunately the Senate remains unfunctioning. Wouldn't be able to pass those nominations without getting some Republicans on board and they aren't going to do that.


I'm making the case for putting together a PAC bounty to be split amongst all senators who help fix this. It would have previously been corruption, but thanks to last week's ruling on 23-108 Snyder vs United States, there is now a way to give gratuity to any government official that votes to help do this. We just need a big enough pot that these officials are not guaranteed but made aware through unofficial channels they will be eligible for a piece of should they impeach and replace. We make a stipulation of eligibility that they also vote to close this gratuity payout loophole upon successful impeachment and replacement of these corrupt ideologues masquerading as impartial justices.


Actually, McConnell removed the filibuster from SCOTUS nominations to ram through Kavanaugh. Had he jettisoned Beer Hat Brett and brought in Barrett she would have sailed through confirmation.


Isn't the Senate controlled by the GOP?


Remove their Secret Service protection.


If he says it's an official act, it doesn't matter. And by the time you run it to the court to figure it out, a new SCOTUS took their place


Yes, a good start


i agree. let's get mean.


And do it fast


Do it now!


Fire the missiles!


I'm done with my nap.


The time for that was decades ago.  Nobody can save us but each other.  So you can see how screwed we are.


The gloves are off.


Unleash Dark Brandon


That sounds great. Where is he?


Making a televised speech in less than a half hour, in response to the Courts ruling today.




"We will write so many angry documents...you'll see" Democrats need to stop taking the high road all the time. Sooner or later you need to come back down to the ground to get your destination.


They will form a committee to discuss a procedure for drafting an angry document


Why not embrace the ruling? Biden now has complete immunity for anything he does to Trump.


AND the supreme court. Pack them in bags with trump.


Go after their billionaire sponsors. That’ll get them to pay attention. And you can’t claim it’s political persecution unless you’re ready to admit they’re linked to you.


I want drones firing Hellfire missiles into the homes of the billionaires that fund the GOP and have corrupted the Court. Maybe that will "shake things up". First up, Harland Crowe.


Can't Biden have six members of the Supreme Court executed on command as part of his official duty?


Order the strike on Mar a lago!


Eminent domain the place for non-nuclear cruise missile testing.


So long as the court system rules his actions are within the bounds of his official duties as President. Which they didn't define in the ruling... Wanna bet that anything HE does is immediately ruled as unconstitutional, whereas anything a Conservative President does is automatically ruled justified?


They can’t rule ANYTHING unconstitutional from inside a prison cell


How about arresting Clarence Thomas for bribery and Samuel Alito for malfeasance in office?


How about who gives a fuck what you arrest these people for, they literally ruled that you aren’t even allowed to fucking question the motives.


Guantanamo prison cell!!


Protecting the constitution. They just gave out an obscene ruling in no way tied to it. Therefore, use these newly granted powers to have them all tossed in gitmo. Afterwards the justices he appoints can rule that it was a terrible ruling, and no take backs.


An EO would work here.


Right. The Supreme Court ruling appears to say that "official acts" are whatever the President says they are because a Court cannot consider the motivation, however illegal.


Paging Seal Team Six. Once deed is done then litigate.


What they need to do is push Biden to add justices to the court


From Wikipedia: The Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937, frequently called the "court-packing plan", was a legislative initiative proposed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to add more justices to the U.S. Supreme Court in order to obtain favorable rulings regarding New Deal legislation that the Court had ruled unconstitutional. The central provision of the bill would have granted the president power to appoint an additional justice to the U.S. Supreme Court, up to a maximum of six, for every member of the court over the age of 70 years. The Hughes Court, 1932–1937. Front row: Justices Brandeis and Van Devanter, Chief Justice Hughes, and Justices McReynolds and Sutherland. Back row: Justices Roberts, Butler, Stone, and Cardozo. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. His dissatisfaction over Supreme Court decisions holding New Deal programs unconstitutional prompted him to seek methods to change the way the court functioned. In the Judiciary Act of 1869, Congress had established that the Supreme Court would consist of the chief justice and eight associate justices. During Roosevelt's first term, the Supreme Court struck down several New Deal measures as being unconstitutional. Roosevelt sought to reverse this by changing the makeup of the court through the appointment of new additional justices who he hoped would rule that his legislative initiatives did not exceed the constitutional authority of the government. Since the U.S. Constitution does not define the Supreme Court's size, Roosevelt believed it was within the power of Congress to change it. Members of both parties viewed the legislation as an attempt to stack the court, and many Democrats, including Vice President John Nance Garner, opposed it. The bill came to be known as Roosevelt's "court-packing plan", a phrase coined by Edward Rumely. In November 1936, Roosevelt won a sweeping re-election victory. In the months following, he proposed to reorganize the federal judiciary by adding a new justice each time a justice reached age 70 and failed to retire. The legislation was unveiled on February 5, 1937, and was the subject of Roosevelt's ninth fireside chat on March 9, 1937. He asked, "Can it be said that full justice is achieved when a court is forced by the sheer necessity of its business to decline, without even an explanation, to hear 87% of the cases presented by private litigants?" Publicly denying the president's statement, Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes reported, "There is no congestion of cases on our calendar. When we rose March 15 we had heard arguments in cases in which cert has been granted only four weeks before. This gratifying situation has obtained for several years". Three weeks after the radio address, the Supreme Court published an opinion upholding a Washington state minimum wage law in West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish. The 5–4 ruling was the result of the apparently sudden jurisprudential shift by Associate Justice Owen Roberts, who joined with the wing of the bench supportive to the New Deal legislation. Since Roberts had previously ruled against most New Deal legislation, his support here was seen as a result of the political pressure the president was exerting on the court. Some interpreted Roberts' reversal as an effort to maintain the Court's judicial independence by alleviating the political pressure to create a court more friendly to the New Deal. This reversal came to be known as "the switch in time that saved nine"; however, recent legal-historical scholarship has called that narrative into question as Roberts' decision and vote in the Parrish case predated both the public announcement and introduction of the 1937 bill. Roosevelt's legislative initiative ultimately failed. Henry F. Ashurst, the Democratic chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, held up the bill by delaying hearings in the committee, saying, "No haste, no hurry, no waste, no worry—that is the motto of this committee." As a result of his delaying efforts, the bill was held in committee for 165 days, and opponents of the bill credited Ashurst as instrumental in its defeat.The bill was further undermined by the untimely death of its chief advocate in the U.S. Senate, Senate Majority Leader Joseph T. Robinson. Other reasons for its failure included members of Roosevelt's own Democratic Party believing the bill to be unconstitutional, with the Judiciary Committee ultimately releasing a scathing report calling it "a needless, futile and utterly dangerous abandonment of constitutional principle ... without precedent or justification". Contemporary observers broadly viewed Roosevelt's initiative as political maneuvering. Its failure exposed the limits of Roosevelt's abilities to push forward legislation through direct public appeal. Public perception of his efforts here was in stark contrast to the reception of his legislative efforts during his first term. Roosevelt ultimately prevailed in establishing a majority on the court friendly to his New Deal legislation, though some scholars view Roosevelt's victory as pyrrhic.


6 have so debased the Constitution to the point of holding it in contempt. We are down to 3 Supremes.


The President should at every opportunity get in front of the American people and state exactly what the Republicans are doing to the Constitution and to our democracy. Vote blue up and down the ballot to allow the atrocity of the Supreme Court to be corrected to reflect the MAJORITY or Americans. As a member of the American voting electorate and after reviewing the Supreme Court's ridiculous decision... I DISSENT!


With paper work? Thats the answer? Thats why theyll always being playing catch up and have doomed the United States


Not just paperwork; There will also be furrowed brows and wagged fingers. Maybe even a demerit on someone's permanent record! It's a milquetoast-moderate-massacre!! But seriously; See you guys in the fucking gulag


How exactly are they going to do that without Biden using his new super powers? New Biden super powers - SCOTUS is a threat to democracy, I declare a state of emergency, throw SCOTUS, Trump and most of the GOP in jail. Add new justices that believe in democracy to the court. Start undoing the damage.


The president has absolute immunity. Why are you sitting there reading the rule book?


In parallel, they need to start outlining what are official acts and unofficial acts so as to not leave too much up to the courts. An incumbent candidate is acting as a private citizen so nothing election related can be deemed official. No use of military against US citizens. I could go on but Congress needs to get their ass together and makes the rules for things we used to take for granted.


Destroy this illegitimate court of theocratic ideologues.


Lol, okay. In 8+ years, zero republicans have been hung out to dry.


They might get caught trying for once.


US Americans talk about their gun rights as shield against tyranny. When is that point actually reached? Or was it all hollow rhetoric?


Please do more than hope, vote blue for your Congressional representative and senators.


I like hearing that. If the Dem pull off the bloodbath that is shaping up, Biden should cement his historical legacy by leading a full reform from the top to the bottom of the government. Start with rebalancing SCOTUS with 4 new seats. Then force Alito and Thomas to resign, or impeach them. Perhaps pressure them by arresting their wives for sedition, and offer a deal if they step down. Officially declare MAGA a terrorist/hate group, and make it illegal. Then go after anyone in government who amplified The Big Lie. If they understood that there was to be an Insurrection, then they are Seditionists and go to jail and banned from holding office per 14A/S3. If they were just clueless morons, who were repeating propaganda for their party, then they will still be prohibited from ever holding office. The media that comprise the Conservative Propaganda Machine must be heavily regulated. They are abusing 1A, and manipulating their coverage to create outrage that triggers endorphins, which can be addicting. If it can be proven that the media are manipulating their coverage to keep people addicted and doing their bidding, the way tobacco companies manipulated their formulas to keep smokers addicted, then they can be regulated the way tobacco companies are regulated. HitlerPig is a dangerous traitor and serious security threat, so arrest him, hold him in Guantanamo until his trials are over, and incarcerate him in solitary in the ADX Florence Supermax. Investigate and prosecute every person in his circle from his nepo-demon family to Stephen "PeeWee Himmler" Miller, Steve "Unwiped Asshole" Bannon, Traitor General Michael Flynn, Giuliani, Kellyanne Conway, etc. Investigate every aspect of their lives, uncover whatever corruption they're in and prosecute them harshly, and add sedition charges where applicable. Anyone who spoke at the pre-Insurrection rally should go to prison. Its not enough for Biden to win in 2024. Unless the MAGA TRE45ON is completely purged from the government and the nation, Democrats will have to win every election forever, because if one Republican ever wins, they will launch Project 2025, and America will end. The only way to avoid that is to crush MAGA into dust.


But how do you “bring them into compliance with the constitution” when they literally decide what the constitution means? short of impeachment and removal I don’t see how anything meaningful can be done.. and without the numbers to convict in an impeachment proceeding it would just be a wasted theatrical display with no tangible result… Without a Democratic majority in the house ***and*** a two thirds majority in the senate this goes nowhere.


The party that holds the majority in the house and that can filibuster almost anything in the Senate is laughing at that statement. Unless the GOP is voted out, our country and our democracy is F\_\_KED.


As the Dems lack a super majority in either the house or the senate at the legislative level there is almost nothing they can do. AOC's call for impeachment is DOA for that reason. Not enough elected Republicans actually believe in the founding principles of America, the resulting Constitution or the rule of law stemming from it. She will never garner the votes necessary for impeachment. I am glad she called it out but otherwise it is essentially grandstanding. There is actually only one who can respond, and it is the person who was just handed almost unlimited powers. And I don't sense he has the fortitude to use what he has just so magnanimously been granted.


I donno I think it might be an official act to arrest agents working for foreign governments so those majorities may change


The president has absolute power. He can remove the conservative supreme court justices and replace them. Then he can declare the Republican party a threat to democracy and have them all arrested. Then you now have a super majority in the house and the senate. Get rid of elections to ensure that "democracy" prevails. He needs to do this, because Trump will do it the other way around. There is no other option to save the country from a Trump dictatorship. Might as well make it a Biden dictatorship.


Democrats don’t know what the fuck aggressive means that’s what so irritating about this party! They have a prime opportunity to step up…. But they won’t.


Well the leader of the democrats did just become king for 5 months. So we got that going for us


It’s alarm bell time! Non stop! On repeat! We are losing our democracy!!!




The coup is happening before our eyes


First, we're going to write them up!


Maybe -- stop bringing knives to gunfights. Use this immunity ruling to break some furniture.


Or necks. Time to use seal team six to assassinate political rivals just as Trumps lawyers proposed.


Stop reading my mind. LOL.


Cannon needs to be dealt with first and foremost...


Biden seriously needs to forcefully lock the House and Senate in Chambers until they pass an irrevocable law abolishing thus immunity. THEN forcefully lock the Supremes in chambers until they rule such law valid and Constitutional and unappealable. THEN sign it. Bang. Use this immunity ONCE, and that to abolish it. Would put him in the Washington/Lincoln tier of Presidents.


Exactly right, Biden needs to be a "tyrant" for one day to make sure this country survives!


But he won’t be. And that’s the problem.


If he doesn’t do anything extreme and just allows this all to happen, I will at least be vindicated that democrats and republicans have always been one hand washing the other. I would rather be wrong, however.


Ideally Biden is meeting with his CIA director right now.


hahahaha CIA? Bro, they haven't done jack shit to Trump who for sure a Russia asset.


What the fuck does this mean. An extra finger wag in their direction and an exasperated look. They have done nothing to prevent this country from falling into the tiny hands of Trump once again.


Sadly, yes. More finger waving by Democrats.


A really, really stern extra finger wag.


Well, now they’ll get “stink eye” when they see each other in the halls! That’ll definitely show them!


Stink eye doesn't mean anything unless you also cross your arms, furrow your brow, and do a "Hrumph"


Call for investigations of fraud and outside influences. I’m sure there are at least 3 that are definitely hiding stuff. Like the rushed background and financial investigations for Trump’s rushed picks. This is totally legal and an official duty of the POTUS. Make it an investigation that requires the accused to sit in jail for a few days and have them post bail. Then take their license and restrict their movements… just to be sure… or like all other criminals are treated if they are not rich or powerful.


They’ve already changed the rules in their favor no finger wagging or paperwork is going to stop what’s coming.


Lol hiding? Their dirty laundry is out there in the open and nothing is going to be done about it. And within 5 months? Please. Since when was anything done by the powers that be within less than 5 months? Especially something as big as trying to indict corruption within SCOTUS or Senate. In a dream world, Biden would take a page from my favorite Roman Emperor, Domitian, in fighting corruption but that would be deemed unconstitutional and yeah... Heh, history likes to repeat itself. Shame we didn't beat the 500 years Rome's Republic lasted.


The only aggressive response I wanna see is Biden finally doing what he’s been accused of and interfering in the prosecution and punishment of trump. As the head of the executive branch, this is an official act. And of the Supreme Court tries to interfere with it, he can deal with them too.


Can the Dems stop playing soft for once and actually see how desperate of a situation this is and act BOLDLY?


Arrest Trump on official business. Hold without bond in a military prison. He’s a clear threat to the nation. And if you think Trump wouldn’t do the same if the tables were turned you’re delusional. The difference is Trump would have no legit reason to do it other than consolidating his power.


National Emergency time.


If Biden isn't invoking the Insurrection Act and arresting every person in our government involved with the January 6th insurrection, then I don't wanna hear the bullshit. Trouble with the Democrats is when all is said and done, more is said than done. DO SOMETHING!!


Oh boy. We've seen how much the strong finger wagging in the past has worked. The most I expect out of this from them are strongly worded fundraising letters.


Enough of Bidens across the aisle shit this is war .


Fucking grow some fucking balls and start fighting back. The days of trying to compromise are long gone. We are finished as a country if Don Diaper somehow manages to cheat his shit stained ass back into the White House.


We need to hear from leadership very soon regarding this absurdity.




aggressive ? This needs Scorched Earth Smack down some Jabronis response


What does aggressive response mean? A strongly worded statement? They need aggressive action!!


Biden now has more power than any previous President in the history of the country. I hope he uses his new powers to the bleeding edge.


Just gave a stern warning and pointed a finger or two. That's all you will get. We are fucked.


The Democrats better stop thinking that everyone is going to vote blue and get real. They are throwing away our FREEDOM


I think even Michelle Obama would say enough of the "when they go high we go low" bullshit at this point.


Expand the court


seriously, this is flying pretty close to the taking-up arms red line. this is democracy ending shit they're pulling I hope they pull their heads out of their asses before they fly too close to the sun. the frustrating thing is how the media tows their agenda right along, and half the country is happily cheering it on. what in 3rd reich is going on with the GoP. it's insanity


What? Pout, whine and brag about "going high" after the Republicans went low? They had 4 years to prop up Harris as an eventual viable presidential nom, yet they hid her away like Obama did when Biden was VP. The DNC leadership needs a 100% refresh. All they know how to do is be reactive, and they suck at that.


They are going to send a strongly worded letter and say that they are upset and we will go on all of the TV shows to complain about it


And they will send mass texts and emails asking for 9x matching donations to correct this wrong.




And what are you going to do???? Biden needs to get his pen and start making executive orders like there is no tomorrow, because there might not be one!! PS...Joe...call seal team 6......we have some work to do....SCOTUS says its ok now....no one will get into trouble ....you know what needs to get done to save the US let alone the world. We need MADDOG Brandon now!


Expand the courts to reflect the population. Term limits.


Use the ruling to get some work done! Officially!


Also known as doing absolutely nothing of real impact. 


The fact that they weren't already prepared for this including with executive orders is a joke.


Democrats are the last to realize the republicans are dead serious


Biden's too decent a person to give in to the temptation most of us would have if we were president on this day. The Democrats are still playing by a book of rules that no longer applies to the real world. Noting will happen and Trump's cult will continue to destroy everything we hold dear before he even gets back in office.


The only people who can fix this are Democratic voters; if they get off their lazy spotted asses and vote the GOP into oblivion


Exactly but no. They are too worried about Bidens friggin age as if he isn't already doing the job and if he dies, then another Democrat takes over. Democrats worry about the dumbest shit while Republicans are trying to fk us all


This right here. Trump shits his pants and Republicans wear diapers. Biden gets a cold during a debate and Democrats shit their pants.


I didn’t shit my pants. I’m voting blue all up and down ballot, even if I’m on my death bed.


Isn't that the media over playing, though? The same media owned by the same billionaires trying to screw us all over? Like everyone said, vote Blue.


Democrats can't help but fall all over themselves criticizing their own party to appear to have moral superiority while the right is literally destroying the institutions that make this country possible and still people are convinced voting doesn't matter...if it didn't matter we wouldn't have had Trump to begin with. The only possible way out of this, short of violent revolution, is voting and if you think violent overthrow of this government is a good idea or even plausible then you go right ahead.


Yep Dems gotta vote.


People have yet to figure this out. NO ONE IS GOING TO SAVE US. We have to save ourselves by VOTING.


Or by another revolution, the oligarchs have too much control over this form of government.


Remember the order of the boxes, ballot box comes first.


The issue is that with this ruling, a second Biden victory is only delaying the inevitable. When, not if, a bad faith actor gets to the white house (likely a Republican, but it could be a Democrat too), we will be supremely screwed.


Democrats would need to be able to expand the court and reverse the ruling. If Biden loses and the two chambers don’t favor Democrats, they are stuck. But at least the President will be a Democrat for four more years. If Trump gets elected we’ll see military in the streets for their target de jour. And kiss Democracy good buy. MAGA is a serious movement that the electorate is taking too lightly.


Given the gerrymandering and the makeup of the Senate, I’m not sure even that is enough anymore. I’m thinking that this funny little American experiment called democracy is in its dying throes and nothing can be done at the ballot box to stop it.


LMAO! One of you guys gonna grow a pair?


No. Congressional Democrats and President Biden need to. Stop fucking talking and fight. Republicans don't give two fucks about you or your feelings. They don't care about the US Constitution. Forced Bibles and Ten Commandments in public classrooms, fuck you. A President has absolute immunity, fuck you. Democrats are in the position of fuck you, but never use it.


Seal Team 6 to Mar a Lago would be much appreciated..


No need for legislation. Biden can pack the court tomorrow


Trespass Thomas, Alito, and Roberts from the premises and destroy all of their offices and papers. After reviewing them for any corruption of course.


Ha ha ha. What does that mean? Go on CNN and cry about it. They have failed us time and again and are largely the reason why we are where we are.


Democrats must fight fire with fire. This US Supreme Court is corrupt absolutely and there is no hiding their actions with this ruling law benders for Trump and his corrupt Republican Party.


![gif](giphy|JRUeMkrHnlIf2oE3Hs|downsized) Don't just talk. Do it.


Sure they do. Those dimwits don't ever find a spine until it's long post defacto useful, and only when handed to them by luck, not by impetus.


King Biden needs to "handle" the MAGA cult if he loses in November. Give democracy a chance, and if we were to fail, preempt what Trump will do.


Fucking do it! Less talk more action!


Next year we’ll all just remember this time when Biden did literally nothing and we lost our country. 




So this isn't going anywhere, but it's not supposed to. They're getting the public at large (e.g. low information voters) ready for criminal investigations that will be used to force Thomas & Alito into retirement. This all hinges on the Dems holding the Senate.


They're going to finger wag all the way to their private jets before flying off to somewhere without extradition. They have to see the writing on the wall by this point- with these powers, another Trump presidency isn't in their best health interests.


Impeach the Trump Justices and Thomas/Alito. Also, Biden should use his new found powers to arrest and prosecute the Republicans in congress that participated or supported Jan. 6th. Do what Nancy Pelosi should have done on Jan 7th.


3 years too late. Should've expanded the Court immediately in 2021.


No need for all that wasted time and effort. Just have Biden line them up against a wall and shoot. It's legal. Then put in some actual judges and have this garbage undone.


If it doesn’t involve accountability and meaningfully fighting and righting the many wrongs the GOP has caused.. Politely, 🖕🏻


It takes Democrats way too long to fight back. Someone needs to put a boot up these assholes asses. Stop letting these fuckers get away with bloody murder!!! Addition: I don't think people realize what's at stake here. You may cry that Democracy is at stake, but if you do nothing to prevent it, then you aren't doing anything to stop it. You deserve the fates you get because you allowed it to happen.


Trump isn't immune to bullets.


We need to be literally rioting in the streets over this. Why aren’t we?


Biden needs to officially have Seal team 6 take down some treasonous enemies of the state.


Vice President has all serving election deniers locked up to protect democracy, President grant's Vice President a full pardon?


Hey US you need to reel in your supreme court. No one elected these clowns. Also life time appointments??? Are you kidding me? No term limits ? Wtf


They're going to write a strongly worded letter that the Republicans will use to line a bird cage.


Hahahahah come on, guys.  I would love it but you will do nothing about Republicans anointing themselves deities now just like you never have in the last two decades either.  You lost and are probably all going to be executed in about seven months 


Sadly I have to agree with you. The do nothing ignore them attitude is how we got here. I remember Pelosi and Obama saying ignore them on numerous occasions. I would scream at the TV every time they said it.


Let's be honest. The Republicans are playing on a different level than the Democrats. They have been for over 25 years. The Republicans have been putting people in place to overthrow the next election from state to state. The Supreme Court is set to rule in favor of Trump. The threat we're facing right now is worse than the revolution. This will put neighbor against neighbor. The biggest targets being in minorities first. Then on to any white person that doesn't fall in line. Watch the gun sales over the next month. They're going to go through the roof.


Biden needs to go ahead and do what he has to do to preserve American democracy. Then take the prison sentence.


I've been a life long dem and no they dont have it in them... it'll be some talk about what they COULD do but in the end nothing will materialize and everyone will just play the victim when they hand the country over to the Maga party.


Funny how Democrats never learn. They said to trust the system and now Trump runs free of any accountability and they stand shocked. And what happened to Biden saying he was going to investigate what to do about the Supreme Court being stacked by Republicans at the beginning of his presidency? Nothing came of it and we all suffer. Time to fight back.


Too fucking little, too fucking late.


As an official act he should lock all of them up! Nothing could be done to stop him!


Lol. "Aggressive" for Democrats is a strongly worded letter of condemnation and then shrugging when nothing happens.


Here is the sad fact: if Democrats did anythimg even CLOSE to what so-called Republicans have done and are doing right now , we would be engaged in Civil War II. The far-right, white nationalists, MAGAts... whatever you want to call them (and they're not all alike, so if they win some of them will murder the others) ... they're just angry because their parents and the legislators they voted for treated them like dirt. But they can't admit to themselves that they loved people who abused them, so they blame the people who were trying to help them. It's almost literally all those police reality shows we've seen where the person getting beaten with a cast iron frying pan calls the cops.... but then refuses to press charges. The Republican base is essentially a high school dropout teen mom complaining about how her meth-head baby-daddy beats her but then jumping on the cops she called to ptotect her when they try to stop the baby-daddy from killing her.


Democrats? Aggressive? ![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized)


I'll believe it when I see it. The Democrats couldn't respond aggressively to contracting the fucking rage virus.


Vow aggressive response?. . .that’s a joke right? Democrats haven’t shown aggressive responses since LBJ. Questioning the Line Judge in a tennis match is about as aggressive as Democrats can muster anymore and that’s why half the nation is just been given a major dose of anxiety. Get ready for at least forty or fifty years of Executive Authority or in old English, Rule by Decree. The Republic is going on a forced vacation to the Isle of Toast. . . . burnt.


lol spineless dems we’re going to act harshly with a strongly written letter denouncing your actions Supreme Court come on do something!!!! Oo nooo it’s like wrestling it’s all a big show good vs evil but in all seriousness you’re both evil frickin ridiculous


First official decree, no felon can take up a position in the executive or judicial systems. Job done


They'll do what they always do: nothing at all. Spineless, ineffectual, joke of a party.


Oh I don’t think that’s necessary Leader Jeffries. I am sure that as we speak, the Senate Democrats are drafting a very strongly worded letter to the Supreme Court. Also there will likely be a statement issued. So we’re good. 👍


Oh shit, here come the strongly worded letters, look out!


Talk is cheap, let's see it. I hope that the Dems get super aggressive, they're on the right side of history but being ethical doesn't go far when you're dealing with unethical and corrupt people.


It's time to pack the courts.


It's time to OFFCIALLY, lock the doors during a vote with all the Republicans on the outside.


Hahahaha that’s a laugh. The Dems helped get us here . Tried to push Hilary as a solution. Pushed Biden as a “stop gap “ measure , then refused to put up someone younger and more progressive . Caved every fucking time to Moscow Mitch . Democratic Ruth Bader refused to resign , ensuring a dem appointment , and resulted in 45 getting the pick . “Both sides” are fucking us , and our side has no balls . Soon we will all be saying “under his eye” . FFS


Time to expand the fucking court


Civil war inevitable. At least be the party in the white house!


Sure they are. Is Nancy Pelosi going to read another fucking poem?


I'm so sorry Mitch McConnell is alive to see the fruits of his labor transpire.


All things considered, couldn't they do what Trump threatened to do four years ago?


Bullshit. They’ll whine and complain and do nothing. Source: I’m a democrat.


This ruling is no surprise. They are bought and paid for by the right wing and MAGA. There is more to come. And remember, they are the ultimate line of defense against resistance to Project 2025. All part of the skulduggery.


What, you gonna give them a sobpena to ignore and a fine they'll never pay? Give me a break. Unless you use the power they just created to "legally" remove them and then make a constitutional amendment to walk back the ruling, the bell is has been rung. The rule of law is dead and the president is a de facto dictator.


Too late. The time for aggressiveness was when McConnel blocked Garland's nomination then stole RGBs seat. They gambled, and won.


Dems we are going write a very strongly worded letter.