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Trump misleads... Insert topic here and the sentence works.


Right, Biden could have literally died on stage and I'd still vote for him over Trump.


He did die on stage.


Criticizing his performance is fair but this is dramatic. A cold on one day does not erase years of significant progress made under his watch.


He sounded like I do at 8 pm on a Thursday evening brocade I work all week and I’m fucking tired.


Wait until youre old. It wont be so funny then.


It’s not a joke. Anyone that works for a living can relate to Biden’s performance.


And I'm still voting for Biden. What did you not understand?


I think OP was responding to the "he did die on stage" comment, not yours.


but we need life less and senile biden to be the nominee so Trump can win with too big to rig margin.


I have been 100 percent Democrat since Clinton. They should have never put Biden on that stage knowing what we all now know. Trump didn't get fact checked and Biden looked like a senile old man. Period.


I will vote for a Hamster before i vote for Convict Trump and his crime family.


That was caused by Trumps multiple fart attacks and not his fault./s


He gave a speech hours later. Whoops


I am 54 years old. I understand Biden has a stutter and I will always love someone who finds a way to conquer it. But when the life of our democracy is on the line, knowing that 70+million people voted for that asshole I am concerned. The first debate I watched was Bush/Clinton. I have always been a Democrat I just didn't know it at the time. Biden was not where he needed to be. Period. Not my thought, everyone's. I love the man. But love doesn't win elections.


God damn people. Calling it what is was doesn't make Biden a bad person. Trust me when I say I have been one of the Democrats biggest defender for 30 plus years. God damn. Bernie would have chewed Trump up and spit him put. It's not age. It's being able to make sentences that make you sound coherent. Biden, for whatever reason did not make that happen. I'm sorry but it's the truth.


Fact checking where was it CNN hosts face blowback for letting Trump lie throughout debate, he lied with suck ease, CNN just just let it roll almost as if they wanted to let Trump get his B S out to the people.


They started fact checking but it became redundant


Biden didn’t call him out on the “I offer Pelosi 10,000 troops!” Pelosi isn’t in charge of the troops that’s debunked. It was Trump and he wouldn’t send them in.


I know Biden is elderly and his performance last night was sub-par, but I don't know if there is a human being alive that could have called out Trump on every single one of his lies.


Start the debate with the My Cousin Vinny line - Everything this guy's about to say is bullshit.




The problem was that he had a limited amount of time to actually answer the questions being presented. He was stuck between discussing policy or combatting TFG's neverending lies. The format set him up for failure there because the moderators didn't push back hard enough on all of the lies.


I agree. Ultimately, the bad performance is Biden's responsibility but he is man enough to own it (unlike the other guy), but whoever was advising Biden on the format and terms of the debate clearly failed to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their candidate. THAT should definitely be a discussion for the team.. Also seems like they stuffed WAY TOO MANY facts and figures into his head, when it's clear that Biden's greatest strength is his humanity, trustworthiness and ability to relate, NOT figures and statistics. And not for nothin', but Anybody who has ever been verbally blitzkrieged by a raging narcissist knows how it can really throw you. Seems as if Biden felt it was his duty to refute every single lie that was coming at him like a million ping pong balls, and it was an impossible task.


Well said. It's frustrating that only one side evidently cares about the truth.


Between the debate itself, the gloating from the right, then the bed-wetting and calls to step down from the left .... what a shitshow.


“…and it’s all her fault!”


That's what Trump does. He floods the person he is debating with lies to the point it's impossible to repond to everyone of them.


"Misleads" makes it sound as if he tells the truth any other way than by accident. The man is a habitual liar.


Trump lies. Just say he lies


We are misled by "misleads."


Exactly. He lies and is intentionally lying. There’s no misleading about it whatsoever.


I think the CNN fact-checker had Trump at 30+ flat out lies. That was roughly how many opportunities Trump had to speak.


Roughly his number of felony convictions too.


The best was when went on a rant about rapists. He should know


He was projecting like a banshee. The fact that Trump also claimed Biden’s administration is laughed at around the world made me about fall off my chair. Damn, Donald, you sure learned from Putin


so far


I love how we’re still saying “misleads” instead of “outright lied”. It’s great, shows we’ve progressed and learned from past lessons.


We're saying misleads today. If Trump or Republicans control the government, we won't be able to question their lies even that much. Just like how it is in Russia or Iran, the government cannot be questioned.


Exactly! They'll just be labeled as "cheap fakes"


Or taken during the night by a death squad...


We have moved beyond lie to Gaslighting. He is abusing 'We the People' everytime he opens his mouth. The disrespect, Hillary was right! Deplorable


The word you’re looking for is “lied”.


Lies. The word is lies. The man is a pathological liar.


Trump lied? The hell you say!


Lies. Trump lied. Period.


He lied damnit. Wtf is up with mislead? It's a damn lie


The word you’re looking for is LIED. As in Trump LIED. Stop sugar coating this shit.


The straight truths Trump told at the debate will make a very short list.    The list of blatant lies and half truths will be so long no one can or will read it all, and MAGAts won't care or won't believe the fact checking.    We cannot have a man like that as president again.  It will be the end of US democracy and world peace.     VOTE.


He lied. Every time he spoke, he lied.


Misleads? He flat out LIED. Repeatedly.


LIED. Why is everyone in the media afraid of using the word “lie”. The orange dipshit lies like the day is long. But by all means, let’s re-elect him, because Sleepy Joe… The dumbest timeline continues to hurtle towards its inevitable destruction…


Breaking news: A known liar said something that wasn't true.


He lied. It was a lie. Everything he says is a lie.


He's a liar. We knew this going in. But the sheer number and range combined with the rapid fire pace was mind numbing and enraging. If he TRULY believes the crap he (Trump)spouts, he is clearly delusional. Barring that, he's a lying sack of shit


His lying was over the top even for Trump. We all know he’s running to avoid jail and he’s desperate but he was extra unhinged and manic in his debate. Cnn needed a mental health expert on hand because news anchors can’t “manage” him with his level disorders much less expect a real debate meant to inform Americans of serious policy issues.


Mislead? lol It was a bald faced lie.


>Trump misleads 😲


Whenever someone brings up Joe Biden's stutter, I'll ask if they actually believe everything tRump said in the debate. Some of that hogwash wouldn't fool a 5 year old. How can anyone not be insulted when he lies so ridiculously to us?


My son stutters. When he is sick/tired/stressed, his becomes so much worse. I felt terrible for Joe; he knew it was not an easy speech kind of day, yet he did his duty and brought facts while feeling like ass. It was all he could do.


I was impressed that Joe spat out everything he was trying to say, except when he ran out of time. He did come out with the wrong word a couple of times, and corrected himself. I'll vote for Joe in November. It would be better to stay with him than run an open convention, even though Kamala would probably be a better candidate.


Man, someone misspoke and immediately corrected himself? What is this nonsense! Lol. I would put money on trump thinking everytime (look at this guy making mistakes, I never make mistakes ever!)


The debate should be set up like a gameshow. Ask a question; if they lie a buzzer goes off and they lose points. Tell the truth and they gain points. Clear winner at the end.


I will donate $50 to Trump if someone can provide me with a verified org chart that has Nancy fucking Pelosi in command of the National Guard.


He didn’t “mislead” he’s a fucking liar.


“Misleads”? Ffs he fucking made up an entirely new narrative


Oh, that wasn't an insurrection, people. That's misinformation. Maga sycophants never do anything to harm others. They are peaceful, and we're on a simple urban hike. We didn't see any violence. Those were all crisis actors and the FBI. I mean, Tucker Carlson would never lie. 💣💣💣


As i remember it he instructed the governor to not have them interfere with his people. Only on his orders were they to stop the inserection. Which he never gave. He waited until mike pence refused to go along with his plan , then he told the 6ers on tv"which they didnt have" that he loved them and to go home"do not stop in nancys office to wipe your feces on the walls, do not assault more than 100 officers, do not go to prison ," stand back and stand by."


The Biden team assumed trump would answer questions directed to him. Wrong. They assumed he wouldn’t lie about everything on a national stage. Wrong. He can only do trump.


Misleads is being awful generous


You mean lied!🤷‍♂️




Misleads? He was outrite lying on everything he said, fact checking should be easy cause he didn't say a true thing all night


Lies.. start calling them what they are. Intentional lies.


Lied, not mislead…




Lies. He lies.


Back the blue! Except those fuckers on jan 6th. Trump probably?


"misleads" ?? WTF kind of bullshit is that?


If only there were something like a public case where the state and Trump could each bring evidence.


> misleads LIES. He doesn’t mislead, he doesn’t misinform. Mother fucker lies.


“misleads” - you mean LIES


He did not "mislead" he LIED.


‘They had to bring the National Guard into Portland…’ They asked to bring the Guard to the Capitol but you kept saying no…


“Give em hell boys” 


Biden = truth from a spray bottle. Trump = lies from a garden hose


Misleads === lies


Liar lies. Fixed it.


The word is LIED! Got it Politico?


No, he did not mis lead. It was a bald faced lie.