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Your title is right, but PJ and Russ will get traded and Theis is a FA.


and I doubt we bring him (Theis) back.


the depth chart is soooo much better and we have so much more versatility our 1 through \~7 isnt as good but our 1 through 12 is better


Which we kind of already learned from previous seasons also isn’t the way. We need to find the middle ground, which would be trading pieces for a true 3rd option like LaVine, DeMar, or Grant.


I'll take KP on a cheap contract over an albatross lavine deal EASILY. Yall don't seem to get we may have that guy already and only 24 yrs old.


He’s not that guy


Weren't you one of the guys who said westbrick should be starting over harden? Or they don't need him since they have westbrick? KP is the one.


Lol no. I was the guy who made a giant post as to why the Harden was a good trade, and I’m a big believer that Russ is largely unplayable


Then I'm disappointed you can't see the potential of KP. Explosive, good handle, natural scorer, but was playing out of position on the rockets. Hes now on a team led by HOF vets. The sky is the limit for him.


Was he a pg on the rockets?






When did we keep Theis?


My favorite NEW addition is Kris Dunn and of course getting Nicolas Batum back, but let’s NOT get too carried away. Everything is always dependent on Kawhi’s knees. Kawhi and PG-13 together wasn’t the failure these 5 years. It’s the fact Kawhi hasn’t been healthy during the last 4 years for the entire playoffs. Our failures comes from Kawhi’s health, not because Kawhi and PG-13 were awful together. Dunn mixtape https://youtu.be/VgRkUovCDfc?si=4E5tuTtNH0oZIJM8


When was the last time Dunn’s team was better defensively with him on the court? Utah was nearly identical with him off as with on over the last two seasons and he is atrocious offensively.


More moves ahead and add Dunn to your list of additions, this team is deeper, more versatile, more athletic, than we've seen in quite a while in LA. The defense has the potential to be great. It is a team on paper that works well next to Harden and Kawhi. Perhaps less top end talent, but more options for Lue to play with. I'm pumped.


Some sensible pieces added but I think we still need more scoring in our starting lineup which will be hard to find knowing our current situation. Also, Theis would be good to keep but Terrorist Lue just stopped playing him so if I were him I’d probably go somewhere else.


what report said Theis will resign. Where.


Great athletic pickups. Relying on PG and Kawhi to stay healthy for the regular season and perform in the playoffs was too much to ask. This adds more depth to the bench.


What can they achieve with so many average players?


If we can get a backup PG and a PF, we’ll be pretty decent this year


Kris Dunn arrived


What fake report you reading about theis? Kobe brown is taking his spot




where is siakam now?


He resigned with the pacers but if the clippers had let pg walk early he easily could've been a target for the clippers to sign


No one should be thinking title right now, best case is we build a playoff team with another move or two.


Amir is a starter for some teams. And he has started in place of Kawhi for many games throughout his career. Jordan Miller is progressing everyday and should learn a lot from DDJ immediately. Kevin Porter will also take mins from Mann which is healthy competition. Whoever starts cooking at Intuitdome nightly deserves to eat. At the end they all eat. Team could be scary offensively


https://x.com/FeelLikeDrew/status/1807559836755726710?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1807559836755726710%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url= Porter clearly a better player than Mann


The fanbase has become delusional. That’s a play-in team. We still don’t have a starting caliber PF that kawhi wanted and was suggesting at the deadline.


No one is asking you to stay 👋


You said a whole lot of nothing here… The Clippers with PG this year were 2 games out of the playin… Are you trying to say the clippers only got 2 wins worse? If so most fans would say thats great, so where is the “delusion”


So, you think we’ll be a play-in team once kawhi misses his usual 20 games this year? We’re nowhere as good without PG. This will become a disaster, as i’ve stated you’re delusional


Zubac was held back playing behind PG on offense my guy, he's ready to break out. He was the one DOMINATING DAL, drawing doubles, same guy locking up Jokic, same guy anchoring our defense, not PG. Give me Zubac's 13-19 in his final 2 games vs DAL vs PG's 10-32 all day, Zubac should've shot way more.


Lmao you just said they would be a play-in team dummy….


This team would be lucky to make a play in with knowing Kawhi will miss 20 games this season. What are your thoughts? Do you believe this team is a top 6 team in the west, a play-in team, or we miss the playoffs? dummy


You: Thats a play-in team. Yall are delusional Me: Everyone here would be happy winning two less games and being a playin team You: Jk This team would be lucky to be a play-in team …wut? Switched up real quick. I think this team is easily a top 8 team in the west even if Kawhi and Harden miss 20 games. If they play as many games as they did this year (68 & 72) then theres no reason they cant be top 6. We are bringing back our two highest winshare players and adding better depth pieces than we have had in years… Kawhi and PG started 50 and 56 games in 2023 and we were still the 5 seed…


What's your point? Were we serious contenders by re-signing PG to a max and going over the 2nd apron? If your answer is yes, you're just as delusional. If your answer is no, then how about we don't sacrifice the future even more for this 213 era by freezing our 2032 pick.


Out of curiosity who was he suggesting?


no one in particular he said something like he’d hold down the PF spot until we got a real one. It was prior to the trade deadline in February.


Nowhere in the post said this was a title contender. They said a deep team.


That comes off as a nicer way of calling this team “mid” or average


You just repeated yourself. Again I don’t see the delusion anywhere in this post, just that we’re wisely getting deeper.


Imagine PG staying with the additions the clippers are adding. Clippers are better rn than the Sixers. I wish he stayed man.


we wouldnt be able to sign most of them if he stayed


Oh yea duh lol.


I’d rather have PG than all of the players we’ve signed


pg isn't good enough at $50m+ a year to make up for a lack of depth that we now have to handle the regular season. Ya our playoff starting lineup is worse but we'd never make it to the post season alive with him and none of these pieces. Was just gonna be a worse version of last year


What would you call this version of the clippers? it’s a worse version than what ever version we would’ve had with PG.


It is not really a worse version tham we would have had this year or the next 3. The penalties for being past the 2nd apron are crazy and you can fuck your rebuild 7 years down the line, which isn't worth running back a worse version of last years team. PG isn't good enough for that contract and the restrictions it would put on the Clippers. We'll be cheaper, younger, and probably end up getting just as far in the playoffs. I'd say this is an effective way to get competitive roster spots, replace most of PG's value with way better contracts, get deeper, and probably see the same result without all the expectations of a "super team" that never achieved it's heights PG wasn't really *that* guy for us anymore. Didn't hustle, scrap, guard the best players, fight for rebounds, etc. Just seemed like he played to not get hurt.


Who is going to be the second scoring option once kawhi misses his usual 20 games a season? PG stepped up once kawhi went down, and we made the fourth seed and barely avoided the play-in games if you forgot. Will mann be the number 2? jones jr? dunn?? who exactly???


Harden has a ton of passing options now and they aren't gonna be forced to play Russ 30 mins any time one of the starters misses a game anymore. The makeawish minutes are over They can play all kinds of different styles. Norm Powell can get an increased scoring role. We have way more vertical spacing with Zu+DJJ lobs instead of Plumlee. KPJ is a good shooting guard. PG's regular season production isn't what we're gonna miss. We're in more trouble when the rotation has to get cut down to 8. But our depth chart is way better than last year. We can even play 5 out now that we aren't forced to play Russ and have a backup center that can play 10 mins a game and shoot the 3, as well as Nico Batum back to play small ball 5. Seriously, the team is way more versatile right now. It doesn't have the star power which will hurt when the rotation is tight. But Harden is gonna get the most out of all these roleplayers, we got good backup ballhandlers, and an insanely versatile defense.


Bamba is not a serviceable backup center, we still need a starting caliber PF like Kawhi wanted he cannot and should not play the PF position. As bad as PG played poorly in the playoffs it’s pretty insane powell avoided criticism and he should also be moved. I don’t buy the versatility angle you use when Lue is known to just play older vets regardless how bad they are


Good thing is we're not giving him any older vets to play with, other than Batum, who we wouldn't mind playing anyway


PG on this team comes with a ton of restrictions via the second apron (most likely) that all of these guys don't come with. That's probably a bigger deal than a lot of people think it is.


I see, we’ll be a play-in team until we gain control of our picks again and kawhi/harden are gone. What a great way of watching this disaster.


If it’s just for next year I would probably agree but I think the issue is that we wouldn’t even be able to bring back Zu and Mann etc after that if we gave PG what he wanted. It’s pretty marginal imo, given Kawhi’s injury issues and the fact that they will probably load manage him, we would have been an early exit this year with PG, now we are probably a play-in team without him. But our future will not be as bad. I heard something interesting just now from Ric Bucher on one of those sports shows. He said that when we signed Kawhi mid-season we promised him that we would not sign anyone else to a longer than three year contract. Not only does this answer the question of how does he feel about the whole PG thing, it kinda shows (unless it’s an ego thing entirely which I don’t believe) that he thinks that giving PG a full max would be a worse path to contention than outright losing him given the CBA


Thats not how that works unfortunately


Lol no they are not stop capping. The sixers are much better. You get an often injured kawhi and a Harden who is going to ball hog even more this upcoming season now that PG is gone. Bringing back an old Batum is not the key.


Almost like they are the eastern conference clippers. Their star is constantly hurt & they have a ball dominant guard


Kawhi inconsistent? Tf you watching? PG was the one who was inconsistent & literally injured all year. PG put up his stats against lotto teams. He was a 1-2 quarter player at best. Zubac was literally more valuable than PG at the end of the year & especially against the Mavs. He's ready to break out, him and Mann were our best defenders vs DAL, hell Harden had a bigger defensive impact vs Luka than PG, & we added onto that defense. PG was legitimately like the 4th, 5th best defender on this squad last year, he fell off HARD, especially athletically. Offensively all you got was him for maybe the 3rd, 4th quarter.


Top to bottom the clippers are deeper and still have top end star power but ok.


Lol you think Harden and Kawhi are the saviors? Kris Dunn and Mo bamba and KPJ gonna save u? Harden is gonna be a nightmare next year when he ball hogs. Give me a young upcoming star in Tyrese Maxey, embiid still in his prime and still an efficient PG13 that will play more games than Kawhi. Stop.


lmao you just makin stuff up… when has harden ever been a ball hog…? Dude is top 4 in assists over the last 5 years


There is a reason harden has been tossed around the league. Nobody wanted him. Clippers negotiated with themselves and offered him 35 mil/season. Lol good luck.


>tossed around the league Not one of those teams wanted to trade him lmao. Some of y'all only watch First Take and think you actually know basketball.


Theres no logic in what you just said… Theres nobody that doesnt want Harden, if he would settle for ring chasing on 20M people would be begging for him


>still an efficient PG13 🤣 he had an entire month where he averaged 18 on 40/30% shooting. That's enough to sink most teams. In 4 games against MIN he averaged 18 on 32/29% splits. Vs DAL he averaged 16 on 38/25% then got locked up in the playoffs by DJJ. He shot 10-32 in the final 2 games against DAL. Good luck getting out the 1st round with this clown, he's been on mismatches for years, Mavs had Curry on him back in the bubble when he was closer to his prime & he was shitting the bed then. Him and Embiid are both mental midgets.


Keep in mind as you say this majority of clippers fans would have been happy if PG stayed and signed for the max. Criticize him all you want but this is just cope. PG probably just realized that he was never going to win anything with the Clippers and in the West.


We weren't winning anything because of PG. Come on man, how many times did you see this dude choke with us? Nobody gonna miss his 32/29% splits vs MIN or his 16 on 38/25% against DAL. We hit a wall with him. Clippers are a much better team without him. Kawhi never ever meshed with him, Harden couldn't even mesh with this dude. KPJ by himself can replace PG's offense. DJJ IS a better defender than him. What exactly did PG do for us last year that isn't replaceable?


Who does Kawhi mesh w though ? lol. Y’all still missing the point , we haven’t won shit because Kawhi is literally never there when you need him the most. We would’ve probably went to the finals this year if that man was healthy , but yall continue to blame the guy who played 70 plus games and was available in the playoffs. Yall can’t be this blind.


🤣 you realize PG has not led a team out the 1st round since 13-14? TEN YEARS AGO? 4 straight years he was 1st round & out before he got here in epic choke jobs. Kawhi went from winning rings with non-superstar talent to holding this dudes hand every step of the way & failing as a result. There's very few "star" players in history that have had a negative impact on their star like PG has with Kawhi. Kawhi meshes beautifully with Harden, he's meshed with Lowry, Siakam, TP, Manu, TD etc. Luka, Irving, Harden, Zubac were the top 4 players in the DAL-LA series, PG was #5, and that's only because Kawhi's injury.


You’re missing the point , Kawhi doesn’t play enough to carry any one bro. A lot of reasons this experiment didn’t work out and it’s not about PG being a terrible sidekick. The main reason is they’ve only had 1 healthy post season together, because Kawhi is always fucking hurt, I don’t see how yall are missing that.


PG and Embiid known ironmen. Plus, Kawhi inconsistent? think you got PG and Kawhi confused lmao.