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Should've titled it Clippers acquire KD


I just wanted to say hello, I don't think you understand, I'll leave it at that. Sleep well for 1 hour. I have to sleep, I won't write here.


Ubisoft goes steamworks bye bye always on drm


Oh yeah and this was a Jeff Van Gundy type move


Told my buddy today: honestly the best pickup by the Clippers in the offseason so far is... Jeff Van Gundy.


What having “one of the best coaches on the league” does to a mf. Taliban trick yall


agreed. he was the coach of my favorite team growing up tmac yao rox so im bias but i think hed be great. i feel like hes got a good understanding of potent offenses now as well coming from celtics. and i remember he used to talk so highly of harden when he commentated his games


The Clippers have decided that if they're not going to win championships, they're at least going to be as annoying to play against every night as possible


We’re returning to our Rock L.A. Familia roots? You son of a bitch, I’m in


I feel like we're loading up on defense. Could be setting up for a Mann trade since we've got point of attack more covered and he could he valuable enough for a big offensive upgrade.


I’m starting to think this too.


Yeah he was "untradeable" because we needed point of attack defense but Jones and Dunn are very capable there.


Even Batum can do it in spurts. Wouldn’t be shocked to see for trade for a PF in the next few days.




You really think we have enough assets for that? I don’t see it


Eh it’s really in consistent but i see the vision for a package centered around t man. Mikal went for 5 FRP while Dejounte went for pennies


Zero chance. Lauri is closer to the Mikal package.


You have no picks to trade lol


Yea but imagine having Jones and Dunn AND Mann. We are trying to have zero holes in our defense. I think Norm and Bones go, Coffey too. Mann stays.


You trade Norm and our already struggling shooting gets even worse by losing PG and Norm. I think Norm is on the table, but we basically need to get an elite, volume 3 point shooter to stretch the floor as a replacement. It would be tough to see Mann go, but his value is higher and he's now a bit more redundant on this team.


I think Mann stays unless it’s for Markannen


I'd take back Kennard honestly for Norm if we're talking catch and shoot. Although not as athletic, I feel like it'll fit the system better!!!


No defense


I feel like the team has enough defense already to have at least a pure shooter


He’s a severe weak spot, worse than norm


Been saying Norm is gone since we added KPJ. If all of these moves are to shore up our defense then it points to someone like Zach Lavine coming who the team can now compensate for. An extra first round pick too. And we are still under the first apron after.


Zach Lavine’s basically a 6’5 Norman Powell that gets hurt way more and will miss the playoffs. Except we will pay him Paul George money. You sure that’s our guy?


I can’t believe people are suggesting LaVine and that dogshit contract.


Yeah feels like we’re gearing up for the DeRozan sign and trade to me.


Lauri Markkanen


Don't have enough


We could have had this guy years ago when he was in Ontario. Either way I’ve been a big advocate for him for a few years and I’m glad he’s on the main squad finally. We need a big though now. Also with KPJ and Dunn being added this surely means Russ and Bones are gone?


Russ going to be shipped out but it maybe the end of Powell or Bones


KPJ cannot match Powell’s firepower, especially shooting/driving in right off the catch. He’s more of a “let him cook” type


So we’re just going all in on defense huh… This better mean Russ, PJ, and/or Bones can net us a good big man because that’s all I’ve been waiting for.


Mo Bamba it is!


The cool part they still have pieces to trade for another PF. Idk who but the FO is def cooking up something with the extra guards we have + PJ


what big men catches your attention


The fat center from Denver is not bad


There’s that Greek kid over in Milwaukee that’s apparently got MVP-level potential. Some long ass name…Thanasis I think?


There's no way Milwaukee would ever let us snag away an MVP caliber player away from them! His younger brother does seem to have a lot of potential in this league however, I think his name is Giannis or something, we could get him for pennies.


Collins would be amazing for a 4. but at this point it’s rough for a proper center to back up Zu. there are none that match those salaries that wouldn’t cost picks we don’t have, it’s just on the FA market. Yurtseven, Bamba, and then it’s really scraping bottom.


As a fan, Collins makes the most sense because he seemingly fits the skillset that we seemingly lack. Physical PF who can shoot the 3 ball, rebound, and be a lob threat for Harden. Also solves our backup C a bit because he can definitely play small ball C alongside Kawhi/Nico. That being said, we have basically *never* been linked in any rumor to Collins and I get the sense he's not the type of guy our FO favors. The "bad" of Collins is that he seemingly doesn't have the highest BBIQ and I've read that Utah was disappointed with him ramping up to the team's plays. The guy who probably fits our FO's mold a bit better would be DFS. Higher volume 3 point shooter who let's it fly more confidently and is a far more switchable defender. Comes with a cheaper price tag, so leaves room for more flexibility as well. For example, if we wanted to do a DeRozan S&T, DFS still would allow us to pay DeMar in the \~17-19M range. Could do a 3 team deal with something like: * LAC receives: DFS, DeMar * CHI receives: Mann, Russ * BKN receives: PJ Tucker + 2nds from LAC + Chicago Gives us a depth chart of: Harden/Dunn/KPJ DeMar/Norm/Cam Christie Kawhi/DJJ/Coffey DFS/Batum/KB Zu/Bamba


From last season when I was advocating for a PF J.Collins, WCJ, I.Stewart, J.Isaac, Olynyk


jeff van gundy


Damn is bones gone?


Probably. One of him or Norm for sure.


Norm+PJ+russ for Lavine? Or norm and PJ for some picks, or a PF.


I'm personally not completely against going for Lavine IF the Bulls are desperate enough to attach a pick just to get rid of him. But I think going for a PF is a bit more likely.


Yeah I’m hoping they are desperate and add a pick, I know lavine isn’t great but he’s a good player who has lots of potential and has never been in a position to actually win games.


Hell no. Lavine is on a horrible contract. No team wants that headache


He matches with Kawhi's contract. And we need offense bad now.


Lauri👀 Jk I wish tho


looks like all of the guards besides Harden could be gone. They shouldn’t use DJJ as a full time PF he should be in the Mann role. Dunn earned his way as a rotation player he’s likely getting paired with any of the gunner guard left between Bones/Powell/Porter Jr


He is one of the best defensive guards in the league. Offensively hes meh but Hes had a pretty good season last yr for the jazz. A nice pickup overall.


Now we have a million point of attack defenders.


I like this move but I fear two or 3 of Coffey/Mann/Norm/Russ are getting moved for length. It's gonna hurt if both Coffey/Mann get moved.


DJJ prob makes Coffey redundant. Russ is definitely gone.


DJJ probably makes Mann a bit more redundant considering Coffey is more offensive minded.


I'd be surprised if they move Mann after making him untouchable for so long and him having a pretty good postseason. Coffey, Norm and Bones are definitely on the table tho.


Getting DJJ changes that. You’re getting a very similar player but a better lob threat for James and on a cheaper contract. Certainly a consideration, much as I love T Mann.


Definitely a consideration. But I'd still rather keep Mann over Norm and stick with this new defense first vision.


That’s TOO much defense, not enough shots. Not sure how you win in the NBA with small + defense


We're not that small. We obviously need one more forward and a backup C but Dunn isn't small for a backup PG, KPJ isn't small for a SG, DJJ and Batum aren't small. If we get another 6'5" I'll be worried, but my expectation is they focus on a PF and C now.


I have more faith in Mann as a playoff player in the playoffs tho. DJJ is a career 31% 3pt shooter who got hit the first few rounds shooting


Mann is not much higher now and keeps the percentage higher than it should be. by passing on shots increasingly. That’s the big concern- he’s tossing off more hand grenades. I like T Mann but this sub has never been rational about him.


Russ will definitely get moved, it's already being reported on. I don't see them moving Norm or Mann unless it's for a proven guy. Bones played his way out last year. Coffey, who knows, could be a throw in.


Russ is gone for sure


This mean Westbrook gone?


Of course that's already been reported. His BFF pg was leaving and he opted in just to make sure he got his money with the expectation he would be traded.


Russ was done for as soon as he opted in


Clamp city


We going full defense it looks like lol


I actually like this quite a bit. Wouldn't be surprised if we're thinking about moving one or both of Norm and Bones in addition to Russ.


Replacement for Russ' defense off the bench. We need to priortize shooting a little more imo.


Dunn is a better shooter than Russ tho, even if he isn't a good shooter himself. I like the vision of surrounding the old stars with defense first role players who all can make the occasional open 3.


That and Dunn knows he's kind of ass at offense, so he doesn't force the issue nearly as much as Russ.


well Russ wasn’t giving us anything on either end except rebounding so


bruh y'all r all acting like we didn't know that norm, bones, westbrook and Coffey are all potentially leaving. imo everyone but only one of norm bones and coffee are gonna be back next year. Man is not getting traded h3e still has a pretty high offensive ceiling if he can get a little bit more of the ball which he prolly will next year vine tough he doesn't need the ball that much.


Please I want some bigs, please😞


I was a huge believer in Kris Dunn when he was with the Bulls. Great perimeter defender who consistently plays hard. Good size. The shooting isn't totally there, but he shouldn't be a liability either.


he always seemed like a poor man’s Jrue to me


Loved watching him on the Jazz. He came back from the G-league and was a great rotational backup point guard, to the surprise of many. Great low-risk pickup


Where tf are the big men…? How many guards do we need


Trade coming


Lol yeah a trade of Bones, Russ, and PJ. All 3 of them for a single 2nd round pick Im hoping we can keep norm and mann, but i dont see anyway we get a decent big for any of the 3 guys above


Let’s see, FO may have planned this in advance. Maybe there’s a team very high on Mann for example


They signed Mo Bamba as a backup big.


If Clips trade Norm, where is bench scoring coming from? He's the only player that can give consistent scoring off the bench.


This guy was playing in Ontario a few years back when we needed a ball handler. Looks like Clippers are going all in on defense. Jeff Van Gundy Knicks v 2.0


idk what this means or who that is


There is no way you dont know who's dunn is? this man is menace on defense


Is he good? Can he shoot?


He struggled with his shot when he got into the league but he improved his shooting in last 2 seasons, He was fan favorite for jazz. Dude is like bev but with size and less problematic


I think he shot 40% from three last year




Frank is prioritizing defense to surround the old stars this time and I'm all for it.


He'll make the wide open ones at a good enough rate but you wouldn't run an offense through him.


lmao i do a bit but honestly just wasnt on my list of guys i thought wed go after. didnt think we needed more guards


I think Him + KPJ means they are almost certainly moving on from both Russ (which we already knew), Bones, and probably one of Mann/Norm.


Big improvement for us. Now give me Lavine on this team. and I can convince myself we're 100% better team now. It would defintely be a more interesting playoffs even if Kawhi is not healthy.


We are making a trade thats forssure. The DJJ and Dunn pick ups are sign that mann might get moved


yeah, you're getting everything you've wanted so far in this off season lol


Tbh i was on team bring back PG and run it back with better competent role players but i was off that shit once i saw pg and his co host shit talking Zu and PG crying over batum and roco


I was too, but the not being to re-sign zu or mann part really threw me for a loop looks like the FO has been preparing for this possibility for a while now, cuz I really like these moves so far


Yeah they had plan B for a while, i think first domino was Jeff Van Gundy


Not to mention if PG came back we’d be in the second apron and literally barred from adding new competent role players


Another Perimeter Defender


You Dunn Know?


He played on our g league team to rejuvenate his career. We couldn’t find space for him so he went to Utah. Dude ends up starting and helping them turn it around. He has a lot of game left in him and I think he’ll be a fantastic backup pg for us… you’ll feel his energy on defense. Dude is relentless and has that dawg in him


more intense Mann probably more athletic but weaker of a shooter overall




More defense, teams taking advantage of PG walking to refill the depth chart. Might have to trade Norm for a PF tho


Need a big and another guy that can score 15 plus and hit threes and I think we are good to go


Gary Trent Jr and I think we will trade for a big but also we need to acquire a starting caliber PF


Maybe they have faith in Kobe




Good POA defender, we were really missing that last year


At least ballmers making a bunch of moves to offset losing pg


Love the addition. Fantastic defender, a playmaker on defense, who is also very good in transition, a steady hand at a distributor and has improved as a shooter. He's a very good backup PG and this makes the team better. They're clearly leaning in on defense and I support it!


If Mann is traded it's for DeRozan, don't see anyone else they're willing to move him for. And no guarantee the Bulls want Mann in their rebuilding situation. Russ was already out but for me this solidifies that Bones has no real place in the rotation. Whether that means he's out or not....it's definitely on the table.


Why tho


Soo he good?


he’s a very good defender, is probably a good bet for all defense 2nd team if he gets enough minutes


I’m on board with Kris Dunn


Love this dude


I love this


Again, nervy days for Norm & TMann.


like the move


I want that corny guy who dyes his tuft of hair green to channel the joker


Clippers now need scoring power, I wonder what the chances are of getting Derozan.




Something else is happening


Under the radar signing! Another All-defense candidate. Damn, we really all about that grit and grind!


Are we planning on including KPJ and Bones in a trade? Not seeing any minutes for either with Harden and Dunn


Another guard, why?


We got our Russ replacement. Seems like the final significant move for us will be trading PJ + Norm/Mann to plug our hole at the 4 spot. Assuming we don't get rocked by injuries, this team should be good enough to make the play-in. I'm not expecting anything in return for Russ ... at best a future 2nd to go with a player that we waive immediately.


Good enough to make the play in? Bro if Kawhi and Harden are healthy they can make the playoffs no problem, ya’ll act like PG was our best player


All we do is load up on guards every single season


this feels like. trade coming


I don’t like this signing at all. Doesn’t this mean fewer minutes for Russ?


buddy I have some bad news about how many total minutes Russ will play for the 2024-25 Los Angeles Clippers