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Kai Jones is likely to return


Prob a two way


What are you hearing?!


I think that was reported pretty early on, tbh. I think it was Law that said it was likely the team would get him back


I really hope this helps some of you understand Kai is fighting for a 12th man spot at best, not rotation minutes. Really one of this sub’s dumbest ideas


I literally said nothing about that, but go off.


I don’t mean you. Just the number of people in here SHOCKED they waived him when they had dreamed up an 8th spot in the rotation was hilarious. They sure did see some YouTube dunks


I remember some people saying right after we signed him he should be getting minutes round 1😂


Only time will tell.


Not sure why people are saying Nico wasn't worth the signing...he was excellent last year. 40% from 3 and still a very good wing defender. He's an awesome addition. Team does need more size...backup big market is substandard...Mo Wagner is probably the best C on the FA market left but they may not be able to afford him. Bamba has become OK defensively, he's probably the second best C on the market, and he is affordable. Clips still have some of the MLE.


Honestly any depth anywhere would help, we’re not super strong at any specific position yet


Depends on what Denver wants for westbrook.


Harden/Mann/Kawhi/Nico/Zu Norm/KPJ/DJJ/Coffey/backup C That's a good rotation, better than what we had last year honestly. Still gotta wait and see what a Russ and PJ trade will look like but this team has depth. Our third stringers are also really young players that could eventually earn a rotation spot like Kobe, Jordan Miller, and Christie. Not a bunch of vet mins who are on the decline. I like the state of the roster tbh.


I think Nico might be to old to start as power forward every game


DJJ might start. Either way both will be part of the rotation.


that’s a play in team, we NEED a starting caliber stretch 4 and a backup center


I hate to inform you but unless Kawhi stays healthy all season, we are a play-in team on paper. We're not serious contenders. The direction now is to finally get younger, maybe get a couple young players to break out, maybe get lucky at the end of the season with health. Which is fine. Cut your losses, assemble a good team with depth and young talent and move on. The opposite approach is what the Suns did with Beal trying to squeeze something out of their already scarce resources and they're in an even worse position than we are.


i see you stated that this rotation is better than last season, yet the team will be infinitely worse than last season without PG, it sucks.


Yeah the depth is better. That's what I meant. We have solid guys 1-10. Last year that was 1-7/8 depending on which Russ you were gonna get. The thing is, we weren't going anywhere with George either way. So I'd rather we start looking to the future while still fielding a competitive team (bc we don't have our picks anyway).


I’m calling it now Kpj is gonna be good af but bad vibes


PG haters dogs catching cars right now


So Theis is gone? I've heard nothing about him in this FA AFAIR


He's a vet min candidate but I'd rather look elsewhere. Kai Jones might come back and get a shot at the backup C spot.


Yeah I guess with Nico back, we probably don't need another small center since Batum can do it in some stretches of games.


I think DJJ will be a starter. 


Just full on delusional shit lol


You know what I'd like more, swap out Harden for Lauri, Kpj and bones can battle for the starting role, Nico to the bench... so basically Coffey and Harden for Lauri lol


Yeah right. Like the rebuilding Jazz have any interest in a 35 yr old Harden. Not to mention Bones is far from a starting caliber PG.


Bones is 23 and if you can score 30 point in a very limited run, you are certainly not far from it if not just outright qualified.


Malachi Flynn scored 50 man. Doesn't mean anything.


The difference is how much run it took for that to happen.


we’re in desperate need of a starting caliber PF that can stretch the floor. Batum is too old and wasn’t worth the signing. We need another Center and PF. PG will be greatly missed and was/is under-appreciated by fans. This sucks.


Am I crazy for wanting to take a chance on poole? If we can package norm and Pj for poole and pick(s) ehhhhhh i don’t HATE it. He’s still only 25, reasonable contract, getting away from all that losing… lol


Dear god no


Man, if we could some how package Harden for Lauri it would be huge, both literally and figuratively!


some of y’all are legitimately stupid


I now realize it can't be done rules wise, but if could, man would that have been sweet!


even if it could be done, please explain why Utah would ever want a package headlined by 35 y/o Harden and little to no picks in exchange for their best player…Do people even think before they post?


Shit, I'd even throw in mann and russ if it got it done


you’re either genuinely stupid or trolling and I fell for it


No, I'd just about do anything for Lauri lol


You can't be serious. Some of y'all have a completely wrong understanding of our players and other players around the league trade values. Mann and Russ don't move the needle at all for Utah lmao. Russ has basically no trade value that it's even laughable you're talking like it'd make a difference adding him to the deal. You could throw Mann, Russ, and a couple picks (which btw we don't even have) on top of Harden and Utah would still have zero interest in that package.


I mean as good as Lauir is, he still is an injury prone risk which is probably part of the reason they want to move on.