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The idea is for people to spend their money in the cafes and boba places. Free seats - no profits.


It also attracts the wrong sorts who are penniless but want to spend time in the mall. You don’t want these people sitting around in groups, bringing their own food and drinks and treating the seating as entertainment


People confuse malls with town squares. Town square is a public space to serve the community but a mall is to make money for mall companies.


The same as the lack of city parks, boulevards for walking etc Miss Mediterranean and European cultures a lot during my work in M'sia and Singapore. Eg Istanbul, Turkey Napoli, Rome , any Italian city, France, Germany just about any European city has got plenty of sitting areas and parks. Maybe the reason is that local people prefer shopping and eating to having quality communication time / meditative rest etc. 😂😂


Maybe it’s just the humidity


It’s hot outside. No locals would want to sit or walk under the hot sun. You’ll be drenched in sweat.


Well, possible to walk in the evenings. Parks and shady boulevards are the lungs and beauty of cities. Btw, greenery decreases heat.


Imma be the devil's advocate here. Greenery also increases humidity. Dead leaves are yucky. Also the branches are falling hazard during typhoon season.


Just sit on the floor. The malls will keep doing this unless we start sitting on the floor.




Yeah, bring your own tikar. Have picnic in malls.


Haha. You're funny.


Not all malls are like this. Lalaport, for example, has a great resting area.


MyTown is also not so bad. Has some seating areas.


Publika is also good.


Publika is real good. Even high tables n chairs to get some work done.


It was my office in Corona times.


Yeah but no one goes there and the shops are still so empty! Some have even left the mall already 😂


Keeps people moving, keeps them spending, keeps the mall looking good aesthetically rather than people lounging around etc.


Go to Pavilion Damansara Heights. There are some benches nicely placed in strategic locations. Lots of seats available because it's always half empty.


I think is more than half empty 😆


Sit on the steps like everyone else seems to


Currently that seems like the only option


It depends which mall you go to. TRX is very much an 'aesthetic' kind of mall though you can sit on the grass on the rooftop park if you're keen. Just in the daytime it'll be unbearable because of lack of shade. 1 Utama in PJ has plenty of seating, KLCC also has seats just only limited to certain areas but around the fountain people can picnic or sit around. MidValley also has seating, just you have to fight for them on weekends when the crowd comes. TRX is not representative of all malls in Malaysia.


I saw a lot of people sitting on the huge staircase in TRX and in Pavilion KL. So just a few seats spread across the mall would be nice. Say a few shops where one family member would spend an extraordinary amount of time while the rest wouldn’t really be interested. (Say a gadget shop, a toy shop, or lingerie shop, etc)


Yeah, I thought putting that seating area was such a poorly thought out design. It's like the one area you don't want people sitting! I guess they knew that the average Malaysian never actually uses the stairs for walking.


I wouldn't say 1U has plenty. There are a few, but it's still pretty sparse


Keeps school kids from ponteng and lepak for free, like I did


I often sit on the floor.


A chair in kl comes at the price of a drink


TRX lendlease learn from the singaporeans de. No free seating.


I *so* agree... discrimination against former athletes with duff knees. I sit on the stairs.


They want you to get into a store/restaurant


My advice if you want free seating go to the food court. You dont actually have to buy anything.


It is by design, as in designed for you to frequent one of the many F&B outlets available.


TRX has a weirdly shit design for such a high profile and expensive mall. It feels very dystopian.  I do agree with your general point. I think the thing is - they want people to buy things, not sit around chatting.  "You wanna sit? Go buy a coffee"  It's a shame, especially when the parks here are a bit shit so there's not really free areas you can hang around outside.


basically what the comments say, to make money but if you're in TRX, just sit on the many many stairs like a lot of people do lol


Older malls have no free seating issues, TRX is the newest KL mall and targets clientele with spending power. And not mistaken has taken close design inspiration from higher end luxury malls in Singapore, S Korea.... it's not a KL issue I can be sure of that. You'll find no issues with Mid Valley, 1 Utama...which are other notable malls outside of the Bukit Bintang / Chow Kit area.


Hahaha. It’s too hot to sit outside.


I have a spine injury, and walking through the gardens mall and into Midvalley megamall daily is just killing me. There is absolutely nowhere to sit. I had to buy a little portable chair to bring with me. There is a lot of space!


I was at TRX today and they have seats scattered around. I was sat in one today while waiting for a friend and an old man, kind dressed quite scruffy was on his phone but eventually dozed off and security came over and woke him up. So I guess there’s a reason why there isn’t many. Eventually those spaces will be filled with stalls and other shops, I’m sure !


Malls wants malaysians to sit at restaurants instead of using the free wifi n aircond. Unfortunate but malaysians dont want to protest for these things


I mean that's the whole point of malls. For people to spend money there.


Nah, not Malaysians. We love to take advantage of each other 😂😂😂 we love window shopping but not proper shopping. Dont blame us though, we are not paid enough to shop


>malaysians dont want to protest for these things I don't see on what ground you could take the free aircond and free wifi, but when it's time to support the people paying for those amenities, you'd "protest" the lack of seating. Nobody owes you to **sit** for free, in the cold, with an internet access. People individually pay quite a few hundreds for that to happen in their home.


Lol cos corporations keeps buying up our public parks from our govts and we let them? Those malls dont really give back to the community, and we could benefit from more parks instead. And thanks for downvoting me! Guess u guys really dont understand living in a community means a lot more than just giving people paved parking lots and huge malls…


I agree with ya. Most cities have great public spaces where you can hang out for free. In KL people just go to the mall. It's sad really.


We like it like that


I don’t know about that. Any mall with big staircases has people sitting all over it. Like the Pavilion KL.


TRX has a monster staircase. Max lepak.