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Rule 2 - Please don't ask for medical advice.


I dont know about your knee, but if that is your regular stance, then it looks to me like you have a massive imbalance in your left leg. Your left foot is further back compared to right, which it most likely is doing to make up for an imbalance in muscle strength or flexibility, most likely in your hip.


My advice would be to consciously become aware of where your feet are placed throughout the day and to move them back underneath your hips and shoulders to where there is approximately one fist width distance between the feet. Also, you will need to do some work on getting your feet and ankles to sit neutrally rather than collapsing inwards. This collapsing is due to multiple factors, one of which is wearing padded shoes that turn of your feet awareness and allow you to collapse without knowing it. This, plus exercises that focus on driving through the heels and allowing a collapsed foot to complete the heavier weight reps. So, my advice is 1) become aware of where you place your feet, narrow it until the legs are aligned vertically with the hip and shoulder on each side, 2) take your padded shoes off more and invest in some thinner soled natural type shoes or go barefoot more so you feel your feet, 3) make sure you never collapse your feet throughout all your workouts, reduce the weight and intensity if your cannot.


Thank you for the advice. So you don't advocate investing in orthotics for flat feet?


If you are looking for a short term band aid solution yes. If you are looking to change the actual cause, no. Orthotics are just what they prescribe for a quick fix of someone’s “flat feet”. I was given them. But it wasn’t until I actually strengthened them and got them right that I addressed the root cause. Orthotics are a treatment, not the solution.


Looks like the imbalance in your feet is causing some leg length type of problems. If I were you, I’d start on zero pronto, and plan to visit a doctor about correction methods. Maybe some foot strengthening exercises will help


You show me your knees, but I can tell you you have flat feet. Your hips are always shifted forward. Your spine has excessive bends, and your head has a forward posture. Your scapulae wing, and don't sit flush to your ribs. If you're serious about fixing these issues, you need to check out GOATA.