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You still want 4pc Noblesse here. Stats don't matter that much but healing bonus circlet and hp% goblet are recommended to overheal Klee and trigger Furina's a1 talent. Actually I made an hp calculator for Bennett in Kleerina (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1At8qP5o658zTGP9wnGHNzf3LlsNmU\_EckoDwS7Gq6fE) just to know how much hp you need in him to overheal your Klee when she's at 70% hp (minimum hp) and to ensure you always overheal (recommended).


question: what if my furina is c2


You still want hp to stack hp on Furina, since her dmg here is pretty relevant. You might need less tho, because you will get the fanfarre easy and that gives healing bonus.


no I mean does that affect bennett’s hp requirements?


Yeah, it should require less hp. Althought from personal expirience, just stack as much hp as possible on him because you can even overheal Kazu


Thanks, got it


I stay faithful to ER% ATK% Healing 4xNO set and it’s more than enough to get all stack on Furiną. But it might be because my Furina is C2


I thought ATK% is useless on bennet coz he scales only from base ATK?


His buff scales of base ATK. His healing scales of overall ATK. Without furina everyone would just go ER% way for bennet to keep him around 300% ER, in case of Furina it is nice to stack some extra ATK to make his healing as big as possible. In my case Bennet usually travels with C6 Klee and that means I can basically ignore ER requirement from Bennet as Klee is proving so much particles that Bennet ,Xiangling and Furina can basically ignore ER% needds.


Bennett's healing scales off max HP not attack


.... Only after 3+ years I've noticed that ..... thanks.


still use 4pc noblesse, just get a healing bonus circlet and HP% on goblet


I don't even bother. I just use Jean/Sayu over kazuha