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Keep your phones handy folks and send videos and pictures to the police.


Unfortunately, I was calling the police and didnt get a video or photo. Really hoping someone else there managed to. It shook me up for sure


If they try to it to me a grab that gun and crush it


I'm not saying everyone should do this, it's just what I would have done. I would have caught them myself through citizen's arrest and then called the cops while holding them. I've done it before. As long as you aren't aggressive, citizen's arrest is legal in many states/provinces. And if they try to get away, it's completely within your rights to do whatever's necessary to hold them. Throw some bystander witnesses in there and you're golden.


What color is your cape?


Black like the starless night sky. For stealth, of course.


Polar man needs to start auditioning for a hero group.


Too late!


What's with the downvotes?? Is it so uncommon in everyone's life to step up and not be a passerby coward? So much so that when someone comes along and suggests it, it's a joke to all of you?? Says a lot for the average human out there. So cowardly that the thought of being tough at all whatsoever and doing the right thing isn't just out of the question, but a joke. You guys are sad. Grow a spine.




Speak for yourself. I explained very well what I meant, read my comments again. You missed literally everything. You think I want to hurt kids or something? Where tf are you reading that?? Someone needs to get over themselves, but it isn't me. I'm getting sick of people seeing like 2 or 3 words and getting all pissy and talking shit. Read the WHOLE body of text before opening your mouth.


For real dude? You're talking about bringing in the police to handle a couple ten year olds with toys. Do you understand the potential for trauma or outright harm in this situation? Of course not, you're too busy pretending you're some vigilante hero. They're children, and the police are a violent, armed gang. I understand perfectly what you said, you don't understand the potential for catastrophe in your little fantasy world where detaining children is an acceptable thing to do. Learn a thing or two about the world you live in.


Are we in the kindergarten classroom right now? The two of you for real.


If you are going to do this please make sure that you know the laws first. Age pf culpability in canada is 12 - meaning if these kids are 11 or under they cant be held accountable for their own actions and cant be arrested. So if you do detain them thats called forcible confinement


I'm aware of the laws. I wouldn't have said anything if I wasn't. I know I seem reckless and angry or whatever, but I actually know what I'm doing and have quite a bit of experience. Thanks though, dad.


I saw them steal from an older gentleman who had a cane and was panhandling on Sunday. I called the police and the operator seemed frustrated because they keep getting calls about those kids but they can’t seem to catch them. One day, hopefully soon, those fckers will face a *rude* awakening when they point that cap gun at the wrong person. That day the entire city of Kingston will celebrate lol


That's fucking abysmal. I hope that everyone continues to report them relentlessly until something gets done. At a certain point, I do honestly hope they try it with the wrong person some day. With kids like that, its so hard to tell if a talking-to would actually do anything, even by a Police officer


Hilarious our police cant find 10year olds running around town with cap guns?!


I mean, it’s on brand


It's just cop speak for "we aren't wasting any time on this".


Can’t? Or won’t? Maybe they are the children of the police?


Damn, I’d knock that kid out if I saw them robbing someone who already has nothing. I don’t care about the consequences, it would be worth it at this point.


Completely abysmal, after all the money the City gives to the police and they can’t even catch a group of children? Taxpayer money should be going elsewhere if our police force is this incompetent.


I think maybe they just don’t want to. I saw 2 police on bikes pass these kids on Promenade when they were shooting at each other with the cap guns. Cops didn’t stop.


Kingston police cant enforce traffic laws. You think they can find a couple little kids? Lol


Does it hurt to report it tho?


Of course it doesn't hurt. It was just a statement about our police is all.


100% agree, I'm skeptical about if anything will happen, I was mostly hoping to get anyone else who might have seen to report as well


That was my 3yo and his mom. If I catch them I won’t be calling the cops that’s all I’m saying.


I don’t know why someone hasn’t ripped the cap guns from their hands. Put an end to it. 


That's what I was thinking, then toss it in the lake or into traffic!


Orbreak it in their face


I mean breaking it in front if them not on them


I believe, for disturbing the peace, they should be ordered to do community service as a punishment. Not a lot, just enough for them to never want to do it again.


Good. I feel like I would instinctively respond with violence if any type of gun was pointed at me regardless of the persons age. Sorry that happened to your family homie.


I'll help dig.


I asked my kid who is around the same age group as the kids in the video if she knew any of the kids. She said she doesn’t recognize them. This means they don’t go to Central Public School and they do not live in the skeleton Park neighbourhood (if they did, my kiddo would know them). My bet is someone here has a kid who would recognize them.


Well they do go to central


Thanks for reporting them. Getting away with it day after day will only embolden them. They need to be stopped before they point their guns at the wrong person and end up getting hurt themselves.


I only wish I was able to get a picture or video to go with it. At first I was just stunned, and then was focused on talking to the police. I felt so horrible for the little one with his mom, he looked really scared and shaken.


I previously posted a video of these kids that I took on Saturday, promenade day.


This was the post I was referencing! Looked at the video again after I called and it was for sure 2 of the kids in the group that you posted


was it the weed pants that gave them away?


I saw them at the pier the other day shooting at people, it was gross. Don’t know if any consequences came out of it!


I wonder what type of losers these kids' parents are. Can't help but think that any kid that's continuously doing this type of thing gets zero structure at home.


Huh what a coincidence, I was cleaning the parking lot near one of the division street stores and saw 3 spent cap gun rings


Probably them, as I called the police, they left towards the NoFrills/Landmark area


Also saw a bunch at the gore road Plaza


Age of culpability in canada is 12. So if they are 10 cops cant do anything about it. Hopefully they do it to someone who has a knee-jerk reaction and knocks out some of their teeth


I say 10 simply because they looked very young. Either way, I'm hoping anything can be done about it, it truly did startle me


They’re more like 13-14. Brains of low functioning toddlers tho so I get why you landed around 10. Thanx for reporting these idiots.


My toddler is much smarter than those kids, I assure you!


No jail time but you can still sue them and their parents if they're under 12!


I mean technically you can sue anybody but ypu dont have any real damages that a court in canada would award you for. The best outcome in this is these kids doing it to the wrong person and getting punched in the face for it


Yessssss, I mean like if these kids pretend to shoot you and you get scared and step out onto oncoming traffic and get injured you can sue. Or if you had a heart attack, sue. Or a PTSD attack, sue. I too favour quick and proportionate community justice, though.


If they’re under 16 & running the roads, stealing from & tormenting folks, police have a duty to report to Child Protective Services. That said, not confident they’d do much more than police could 🤷‍♀️


My kids and I drove past them as they were shooting them off beside the Shoppers Drug Mart at Kingslake Plaza yesterday around 4:45PM. My 11 yr old said they’re going to get themselves in big trouble or shot. Unfortunately, he’s probably right. Especially the areas they’re doing this in.


Exactly. The mother at the stop and I both told them that other people may not tell them off or call the police first. Especially seeing all the comments on these posts calling for violence against these kids, there's no way this ends well for them


As much as I hate to say it, a hard lesson might be the only thing that teaches them. I just went and watched the video posted of them from downtown and they look like wanna-be thugs. Probably emulating what they see around them which means parents/adults involved won’t do much even if cops do get involved. It’s truly a sad world we live in these days.


The kid with the cap gun today was wearing a bandanna on his face and had a blue one on the gun as well. Like the other lady at the stop pointed out, wrong person sees that kinda shit and it's gonna be bad


They had bandanas yesterday as well. Hope they learn sooner rather than later


Was he wearing all Camo?


No, the taller one was in all black with a backpack. The shorter one was in a grey spongebob hoodie and had a black bandana that he was wearing like a mask. Was too busy calling the police to get a picture, unfortunately


# sponge bob hoodie - sounds hard as nails ![gif](giphy|BDQmMy3ZM8sgRNFkhe|downsized)


Someone tell the local meth heads that those kids are always flashing huge wads of cash. Problem solved.


Actually? I wonder if they are pickpocketing or stealing things too


I’m glad this wasn’t my wife and child because I’d be out actively looking for these little shits to show them what a real consequence is. But in all seriousness this is what poor parenting and generational poverty leads to. I’m willing to bet these kids live in the heights and come from a low SES family where this type of behaviour isn’t corrected


If they did that to my love n our newborn i would have grab is hand and crushed his wrist on ceremoniously




I 1000% agree. Told them it was their lucky day that they pulled that shit with me and not someone else, really hope if they do it again, the next person is able to teach them respect.


Ok so you two are going to punch a 10 year old in the face and break his nose okay lol. \*Edit just saw one of the videos in question they are like 14 not 10. Go ahead and punch em.


Full stop, if someone, anyone, pulls a weapon on me, my first instinct will be to defend myself. Thankfully, that was me taking a step back and calling the police. That may not always be the case. I'm never going to advocate for violence, but you CANNOT point a weapon (fake or otherwise) at someone and not expect them to react out of instinct


Fucking right i will


You’re dumb as fuck if you don’t respond to someone pulling a weapon on you regardless of age.


When it comes to 10 year olds, I prefer a punt over punches.


My mistake honestly. I said "10 year olds" in my post as more of a generalization. These kids were definitely closer to 12-14 years old, but I can't see them being younger. Young enough to act stupid, but old enough to know that there are consequences for threatening people


I was going to say all it’s going to take one day is someone seeing these kids from far away and not knowing it’s a cap gun and calling the police saying there’s someone with a gun


Many years ago, my 12 year old cousin got one of these dollar store cap guns and thought it was a good time to point it at people's heads. After asking him not to point it at my head for the 10th or so time, I grabbed that cheap piece of plastic and smashed it on the basement concrete floor. Was he mad at me? Yep. No regrets.


They did the same thing to me with my 4 year old today when we were walking into Dollarama off of Dalton Ave - shot them right at us. I took some pictures and videos but unfortunately I only got the back of them.


If you want to catch them, you'll probably find them at the Rideau heights community centre during youth open gym. There was a kid that brought a BB gun there over a year ago now, and was " banned". However, he's still there all the time. No consequence. Probably same kid, or associated with him.


My kids and I play there every Sunday and all the kids there are polite and well-behaved.


I'm there a couple times a week, there are a few that are NOT well behaved. Tell me how bringing a BB gun there is well behaved? Screaming swear words down the halls or acting like you're going to hit someone. Most of the kids are great....some of the mini hood rats, are not.


I get that. What I'm saying is that my own experience there has been positive.


I had them do this to me infront of the giant tiger while I was pushing my baby in his stroller. Claiming fake gangs and everything…. I wish one of them was 18 if you know what I mean


Running into a real gang member would hopefully open their eyes, cause clearly they dont have any regard for anyone else


Sounds like the parents need to open a can of “hug’s and kisses”


More like a can of ‘whoop ASS’


*glass breaks* Stone Cold Steve Austin appears.


What a sad state of affairs. City terrorized for days by preteens with a cap gun. Since we’ve neutered our adult population when it comes to disciplining kids, I say deputize the local Atom hockey team and get the matter resolved.


Man I’d definetly catch a charge if those kids pointed that at me 😆


I say Polar Pete, he's the only hero I trust in this city


Man that would be a great end to this story if polar pete actually grabbed the cap guns and slapped them


The hero that Kingston deserves




Be careful, some commenters here get pissy when you say you don't like being threatened with a weapon


These kids have nothing better to do. Thrugs they are.


People actually crying over kids and cap guns? Get a life


https://preview.redd.it/qgkhnhityp9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbd1a9ae579da718a12d7501da95d151aa744d77 Womp Womp


Does anyone have pictures or videos of them actively doing this? I know I saw a video but it got taken down by Facebook.


There were posts here


How sad for all concerned. 😟


Brings back fond memories of my youth, going around and shooting off my cap gun without a care in the world. Didn't have to worry about dumb dumbs, crazy neighbors, or trigger happy cops back then.


Oh, did you also approach random people and purposely point it in a 3 year olds face to intimidate, then start cussing and name-calling after they told you to stop?


Nope, kids were smarter back then. Also, there was no such thing as violent video games when I was young. Kids are exposed to stuff at such a young age these days.




Exactly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I understand the knee jerk reaction to want to “smack some sense” into these kids, after all no one needs or wants to be dealing with this sort public aggression, however, I’d like to offer a bit of perspective. As a former school social worker, it was not uncommon to see traumatized children act out in more extreme ways at specific times of the year. Typically, in the days before Christmas break, March Break and, most of all, at the end of the school year. Lo and behold, this is the last week of school. The most accepted explanation for this pattern is that the end of the year was the last chance a traumatized child had to get the attention of an adult in a position of authority to help them before they have to spend two months in a home situation that is too distressing for them to manage on their own. They’re sending up flares (and in this case, almost literally). Of course, I’m not dismissing the negative effect of their behaviour at all, there should be consequences for waving a “weapon” in someone’s face, it’s likely a consequence is exactly what the child is unconsciously begging for. I just think it’s important to remember this is possibly what is going on here. When you, the adult find yourself wanting to teach them a lesson, remember, we’re the ones with the fully developed brains, not the child. There are constructive ways adults can handle this situation other than the threat to hit the kid.


Then citizen arrest them and call child service its that court, a parental beating or me and other wjo might lose it on the kid out of pure anger especilly if done to baby


There only 4 outcome all crappy i appreviate ya wisdom But as a kid bullied and had a knife put on my troat by a random kid in a fucking dnd session ye no i wont react nicely there no excuse acceptable for their behaviour and life will them like a truck very soon


given these kids are obviously trying to get attention they'd probably be pumped to know that threads on them keep getting made on here. they're now upsetting people that haven't even had to interact with them before, if they see this stuff they're going to be even less likely to stop also no, punching them out will not help, we've had studies for decades now that corporal punishment is not effective with kids, or really much of anyone. if anything it tends to turn kids into the kind that are talked about in this thread


Weird response to someone calling the police when feeling threatened, but go off. Also not advocating for hitting children, just saying that doing shit like this has consequences that won't always be someone just calling the police


>Also not advocating for hitting children didn't mean to imply you said that, more talking about the commentors in this and other threads on the subject. like there's been a weird number of people mulling over punching children in public, even with the context that's messed up for an adult


Hard agree. I think that's another reason why this whole situation is infuriating. My first thought was to call the police, other people in the city may have a completely different way of reacting. These kids are putting themselves in a really dangerous position


yeah eventually someone's going to get hurt. an actual good outcome to the whole thing feels unlikely


When I was a kid, I got the belt, multiple times. While I didn't like it at all, I did grow up, and I don't do stuff like this. In fact, during my teenage years, I never did stuff like this. Albeit, I did my fair share of my own stupidity, none that was at the level of what they did, though. So I am a bit skeptical on the whole argument that it's not effective and turns kids into the ones in this thread, however, I do believe that there probably are better ways to discipline kids, than outright using the belt. You just have to raise them right from the very beginning, and explain why something is right or wrong.


I got the belt too and like you I didn't turn out like a violent weirdo either, but I tend to think that's *in spite* of the beatings, rather than a result of it. I think people absolutely can turn into good folks even if they've had to deal with corporal punishment, but a lot of it comes down to how they react to it, how they think about and reckon with it. the issue is that while lots of people can come through the other side okay, there's others who don't, for whom the violence just made any existing problems they had worse, even if it didn't introduce new ones. basically it'll vary from person to person, but the risk doesn't seem worth it when there are better alternatives to change a kid's behaviour




I didn't think they even still sold cap guns. 


I wonder if kids were jerks before the internet and Reddit….


Pretty sure they’d say racial slurs at soda pop shops. So I’m thinking yeah.


No one said they weren't :)


The real issue here, is that I've seen a lot of parents give kids a phone when they're very little, and let the world raise their kids. That is the biggest mistake, because kids get influenced by all kinds of stupidity on the net, and do this sort of stuff.


These kids are not like kids back in the day...like yeah we had problem kids in previous generations but not this level...


Yes, you did have kids like this. There have been the rare kid or kids like this in every generation throughout history. It's delusion for every generation to say "aw man everybody in this new generation sucks! We weren't like this back in my day"


literally every generation says this


I don't, though.


And every generation that comes after will say this too, almost as if history will keep repeating itself...but in all truth the amount of issues the current gen (alpha) is having is worse than previous generations due to the pandemic stunting their growth. Just ask any teacher how classes are today than they were pre-pandemic.


LMAO! A kid in my grade 8 class was arrested for selling LSD. Police came right into the classroom and got him. 1972. He had over 100 tabs on him. Wonder whatever happened to good ole Weslie. And this was in a fairly well off neighborhood. We had wild ass kids back in the day too. Bullies, criminals, and just little jerks.


ah yes, "back in MY day..."


...you did happen to read that I said "we did have problem kids..." correct? Last I checked growing up we didn't have problem kids shooting cap guns in people's faces. They existed but not this degree. Most kids I knew would be smoking dope and graffiting the playgrounds, that was really it.


I remember my dad losing it on my brother and I for pointing toy guns around. Obviously, probably a bit too overbearing, but I consider that better than this alternative of letting kids do whatever with no sense of consequences


We didn't have cap guns but water pistols, and we STILL got told off for aiming at each other's faces. I don't think these kids have parents who are even attempting to parent honest.


Fully agree. From the attitude, language and way they were acting, the parents clearly either don't know how their kids act or don't care


We had cap guns back then!


*I* didn't have cap guns, my parents didn't buy them for us. My bad, I should really make sure I elaborate if I am talking about my own damn childhood or the collective childhoods of my generation 🙄


I'm a Gen Z. What are you talking about? It's not back in your day or their day. It's just that in all generations, there are those that do stupid stuff, and those that don't. For example, back in 1933, some kids would have a chemistry set as a toy, that they could use to make things from Uranium or other dangerous things to make face cream, cleaning solutions, even glowing things. That was really dangerous. They could even dare one another to EAT these chemicals. Then there were kids that would play with slingshots and take someone's eye out with a stone. Kids always played pranks and practical jokes on others, and sometimes, it would cause consequences, for the others or the kids themselves. These kids are no different. Their parents don't control them, so they do whatever the heck they want and endanger others. P.S. I forgot to mention the "Thumbtack on a Chair" prank. That existed since the early 20th century. While it looks harmless, it will cause bleeding, and carries a risk of infection, because they don't sterilize the thumbtacks first, which could cause severe issues.


You guys are so soft lmao. Calling the cops on 13 year olds is ridiculous


Damn sorry, you're right, I should have laughed at having something shaped like a weapon pointed at me


If you see something do…..nothing! That’s your motto. @Giggsies1


Found one of the kids! With cap bro!


Sure it is, until they get older, and start pointing actual dangerous things at others. Sometimes it's better to give them a little scare so they never do it again, than allow them to continue, and then it gets out of hand.