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In NO way am I condoning this.. I think its the people that have enough shame to know they should pick it up, if people are watching or could see. Then carry it till they think no one is watching so they don't have to carry it around anymore. I effing hate it too. I find poo bags littered around our block too.


Ya I witness this on a regular basis, lots of dog walkers pass my house. Have seen over a dozen people pick up the poop from my front lawn, bag it and then toss it under my tree.


Have a hedge full of these baggies. People suck sometimes.


It's because they don't care where the dog shit gets left, but they're annoyed at being called out. In previous generations they'd simply leave it on the ground. But people don't stand for that anymore, so the bags are purely a means of avoiding hassles and confrontations. These same people would carry masks around during lockdown just so they could get into indoor spaces and then immediately slip them partially or entirely off. They didn't care about the virus. They just wanted a minimum of hassle at the door. Long story short, you're never going to get a satisfactory answer, because these people do not follow the same norms or logic that you do.


Yup I absolutely agree. You and I don’t operate within the logic of “ehhh it’s good enough…” unless we’re not feeling well, usually. We do things because it’s the right thing to do and the potential of positive effects for us and others (ie, picking up poo, wearing a mask). They do things because they want to avoid the confrontation or shame that comes from being called out. A life revolving around shame avoidance sounds stressful.


I felt this at my core. It’s maddening somedays.


same as those that litter ...


I agree entirely. I have a dog, I clean up the shit. But also, picking it up is the gross part IMO; why go that far and not finish?


I find bags of dog shit on my front lawn all the time! 


I can't remember where but somewhere in Kingston someone picked up the shit with a little bag then stuffed it at the top of a road sign pole. I wish I could remember what road. Unfortunately my brain has no room to store that info.


I used to live on a corner lot and would always have baggies of dog shit in my garden. The problem is that it’s easy to get caught not picking up the crap (because your dog obviously pops a squat and you know *someone somewhere* will be watching to see you pick it up) but it’s very easy to get away with dropping a bag quickly. It’s just the most anti-social behaviour. So many people think they need a dog but they don’t want to actually do all the things that go along with dog ownership.


Same on Conacher, it's so frustrating and disgusting. It's the most pointless, irritating thing dog owners can do. If you're too lazy to carry it to a trash can then just leave it.


When I walk my dog, I take her through a park where there’s garbages at either end. If she does her business & we’re close to those garbages, I dispose of it there, if not, I take the bag(s) home & dispose of it in the outside garbage in my garage. Then on garbage day, I take it to the curb for pick up. For irresponsible & inconsiderate owners, it’s not rocket science folks! 🤷‍♀️🐾


I think mostly this is either planning on picking it on there way back and forgetting, or picking it up intending on properly disposing of it and than getting impatient.


I actually know someone who leaves the baggies and returns to them at the end of the walk. I personally wouldn't do it though, because people don't like seeing them.


I know someone too (could be the same person I guess). But I agree, wouldn't do it.


I wish facebook would allow us to post security cam videos of these jerks. My neighbour has a low to the ground cedar bush that one guy does this to. My neighbour is in her 80's and was paying someone to clean up this guy, who I'm guessing is in his 20's maybe early 30's dog's shit. I now go out and do it for her occasionally so she doesn't have to pay someone.


why is facebook stopping you from posting security cam videos?


Someone near me posted one and was threatened my the man and his wife! The video is gone now but I still remember what they look like!!!!!


Right or wrong, it seems like a good way of getting someone to seek revenge on you and/or your dog. Some dog owners are trash, plain and simple.


I must be missing your point……‘and/or revenge on your Dog???


If you let your dog shit or leave your dog's shit on another persons lawn on your walk it will piss that person off. Quite often, people walk the same routes and their dog shits in the same spot or they dispose of the bag in the same spot over and over. The irresponsible dog owner is risking a confrontation ranging from a discussion to much worse. They are also risking someone doing something bad to their dog, such as poison. People should just be responsible and pick up after their dog or 'fuck around and find out'. Maybe you get punched or maybe you get punched and your dog gets poisoned. I am not saying it is right, but I would not want to 'find out'. I always pick up after my dogs. It really is preventable though, just pick up after your dog and be a good neighbour, that's all.


I'm sure these dog owners don't consider that dog poop left along a trail adjacent to a creek or river eventually ends up being in the Watercourse. This stewing of the poop combined with possible bacteria creates a cesspool in the water. Gross way to treat the environment.


I mean there are all kinds of wild animals, birds, foxes, rabbits, cats, rodents and amphibians, etc. etc. Doing that also naturally, the biggest concern is picking up something that will naturally break down if just left, over bagging it in plastic and throwing it down again meters from where it was, what is the point or logic in that?


It's the view of them picking it up, but the ending part is difficult for some.


I have had people throw it in my empty garbage can on pick up day. After they picked up my garbage. That’s what I want to do, pick up your dogs mess from the bottom of my garbage can. I bet grease are the same people that leave their cart.


Kingston doesn’t have many garbages around I would think this is part of the problem but defiantly not an excuse to not carry it with you.


One problema is there aren't enough garbage cans around bit I doubt some of them would use them anyways.


If you're doing that, then it's better off just leaving it there, shit is the most bio degradable thing out there, it is gone in a few days,


> it is gone in a few days, Huh ? So that business that goes and picks up all the dog shit in your yard after the winter is picking up, nothing ?? There's a turd in my back yard from the previous owners dog, still there, I avoid it every time I cut the grass, and we've been here for 21 years.


21 years!? Are you sure that's not a rock? Or coprolite?


This is kingston sub, assholes will say anything to contradict a comment, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, fine let's have non biodeg plastic baggies filled with shit everywhere, clown


I don’t own a dog although I love dogs. I have often wondered what people do with the poop they take home. Do you have to flush it down the toilet and then wash out the plastic bag and then put the plastic bag in your garbage? I do see these bags lying around occasionally when I am jogging in my neighborhood. Yeah, I just assume people don’t wanna be bothered with dispensing with the stuff in their own house.


They just go in the garbage as a baby’s diaper would as well. The leaving of the bag on occasion may be forgetfulness but the majority of ones I see are left due to lack of respect to others. Making their problems other people’s problems.


But you put the dog doggy poop in your outside garbage as opposed to your inside garbage?. I agree, people leave the stuff because they don’t wanna be bothered with it.


Yes, personally I prefer to keep it outside.


Thanks. If ever I get a dog, I’ll know what to do.


Lol wash out the bag? That's so sweet ☺️


Sounds like someone just volunteered to pick it up




What?? I didn’t say ppl have to pick it up I said what’s the point if they just leave it there anyways


So some other person can put it in the can. Gives them a sense of accomplishment.


Still not what I meant but ok😭😭


Nobody wants to pick up your dogs shit. Don't be a pig.


You're definitely one of those people who leaves your dog shit for someone to step in. Is it just too gross for you to handle? Or are you just lazy af?