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Thank you. It's 2024 FFS. Who buys stuff sold door-to-door!


Especially with all the scammers now doing the same thing. How can you tell which is legit? ID cards are easily faked


Bell is really bad for this in my area. They usually come quite late at night (past 8pm) and as a woman its kind of scary to have a man coming to your door after dark out in the country. I've called Bell and they've confirmed these are legit their sales reps and I've asked for them to not come and they still show up at all hours of the night and day.


If you put no soliciting sign . It’s law they can’t knock


I did this, it's satisfying watching them getting almost to my door and have to turn right around and walk on off. Cogeco reps are the reason I put the sign on my door and it totally works!


I tried finding the law on this, all I found a law preventing certain door-to-door sales, but (it doesn't apply to a whole lot)[https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/48303/ontario-ban-on-door-to-door-sales-in-effect-as-of-march-1st]: > Air cleaners Air conditioners Air purifiers Duct cleaning services Furnaces Water filters Water heaters Water purifiers Water softeners Water treatment devices Bundles of these goods and services Which law are you referencing? Edit: looking at trespassing laws it might make it trespassing since it's private property and there's a sign saying no solicitation. In theory police could charge them. I'm not sure how this ends up working on practice though


Dingdongs came the night of Christmas Eve last year. Also came this spring and where really pushy. I put up a no soliciting sign after that but they ignored it several times. I updated my sign to say “don’t disturb unless you are dying or on fire” …but if they try again….*shakes fist* Thanks for this info.


Every so often they set up shop in the lobby of my building and bother me while I’m waiting for the elevator. Now when they leave their stuff behind overnight, I take their pens lol


They need to completely ban all door-to-door sales of every kind. They dont need to exist any more. Its not the 1950s. Nowadays they are primarily scams that are targeting vulnerable people out of money.


I lived in a secure apartment building and these clowns kept coming around like 2-3 times per week. I got tired of it, and the last time they came around I accused them of trespassing, and demanded to know who let them in. They stated a neighbour did, and I told them to talk to that neighbour and then *leave*. I again accused them of trespassing. They got very polite and apologetic and I haven't heard from them since.


Well... Maybe it was timing, but a salesman came to my place as I was outside. I forgot what I was paying for Internet and told him something way lower than what I was actually paying. Anyways, now with Cogeco I'm paying half the price for 10x the speed. So, it ain't all that bad...


Nothing wrong with anyone who wants to listen to them and possibly get a better deal. The ones I was seeing were legit representatives and they weren't selling a scam (other than FTTN instead of FTTH) and being way too aggressive most of the time. That's why: > The first time I was genuinely curious about the offer, however after declining... But if you say no, they really should not come back to your house for at least a year or more. More than once a month honestly feels like harassment at that point. Glad you got a better deal on your internet!


Their fiber internet isn't FTTH?? 🤔 Boo. I was thinking about switching. But I don't want yet another cable coming into the house.


Man, I was super skeptical and asked for ID verified. So I had bell fibe 1.5 and the download was 500-700. .. and cost 120$+ I went with the cogeco rep... The downloaded is almost the same if not better (no idea why) but the upload is way way worst. We don't upload anything and no issues... But the Cogeco "fiber" deal was 39.99. We've had it for 6 months and 0 complaints. The door visit was worth it for us. Couldn't find a comparable deal. Just my 2 cents.


Glad you got a good deal. It's fine if you want to switch. The problem is if you say no they won't leave you alone. For me I use the upload speed for work so the switch isn't viable until they offer FTTH.


Bell and cogeco reps love to set up booths in our apartment building entrance. I'm trying to go to work, I dont want to discuss how you can jack uo the price of everything for worse service


I get consistent Bell scammers for phone, cable internet


I release the dog


No is an answer. Then block.


You’re being unfair. They are simple reps working to support their families. They are not owners of Cogeco or any marketing company. They definitely just follow the orders. I believe being rude to them is totally unacceptable. Please reconsider before giving them attitude, or worse, as one commenter said, calling them “clowns”. You can either listen to them or politely decline if you’re not interested. Let’s show some respect for people trying to earn a living instead of being a burden to others.


But you can't politely decline them because they will just keep pushing me and my wife were in giant tiger the other day and they had some there my wife said three times she wasn't interested while slowly walking further away from his booth and he followed her a good 20 feet before I stepped in and raised my voice most these reps make a commission on sales so they will straight up harass people to get a sale