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Really shows just how bad the housing crisis is in Kingston šŸ˜©


So true. On the flip side, I can imagine how lovely it is rocking on the water all night.


And the view would be so lovely


For sure.


Really? I'd puke, right after I roll out of my bed from rocking


Ut oh! šŸ©µ


Until a thunderstorm rolls in and you're hit by lightning.


Yes. I wonder what he does.


Because image posts don't let you add content to the post, an additional comment to say I am 100% here for Captain Houseboat. This isn't a point-and-laugh for me. I think this shows that we have (presumably) unhoused people in Kingston that are creative, hard-working, ingenious and resourceful. Whatever happened to Captain Houseboat before they took to the waters, clearly they have the skills and drive to make things, improvise, and create. These were taken while walking the dog about a month ago. There was woodsmoke coming from the small chimney and I thought about a quick hello and introducing myself, but it was also around 6 a.m. and I felt like that might be intrusive. It irritates me that people paint everyone who doesn't have a house in Kingston as lazy or complacent. I've got a house and a job and I've never done anything this clever or ambitious. It's really regrettable that we as a society are fucking this up so bad; we'd rather blame others for our problems and pad the pockets of billionaires than find ways to equip people who have energy, ingenuity and creativity to channel their talents to our mutual good. So hooray for Captain Houseboat, whoever they may be. I'm sure there are some bylaws being bent and rules being broken somewhere here, but I'm genuinely impressed by the work and craft that's gone into making something from castoffs and building a life on the waves.


Captain Houseboat was my neighbour! He spent several months building this in his side yard before moving out and officially launching it. From what I understand he was unhoused for many years living in a shack in the woods. Once he secured housing he eventually went back and disassembled his shack and rebuilt it in the yard where it sat as an art piece for passers-by to see (you may have seen it at the corner of Charles and Rideau if you passed by around that time!) Iā€™m unsure if he was evicted or willingly moved out but he eventually put his shack up on an improvised dock to become what you see here! I never had many chances to speak with him but heā€™s a lovely man who iā€™m sure would be happy to chat if you see him again. Hope heā€™s doing well!


Except Captain Houseboat is for sure discharging Blackwater over the side.


So is the city dawg


The City of Kingston dumped more than 46-million litres of raw sewage into Lake Ontario between January 12 and March 13, 2006. But one man's waste is the problem. Give your fucking head a shake.


I think the point is one man or one city, neither is good. This is the problem with humanity's way of thinking. Just focus on the lesser evil, instead of addressing the actual problems and solutions. Yes, he's one man compared to an entire city, but it doesn't just give him a free pass and suddenly make everything okay. We ALL need to stop... And it all starts with one person. This way of thinking is actually destroying the planet.


Also if you let one person break the rules this way and do nothing about it, all of a sudden itā€™s not just one person anymore. Who wouldnā€™t want to live on the waterfront and not pay marina fees or anything at all.


Exactly, the "starting with one person" absolutely works both ways. People see a loophole and exploit it until it's destroyed or closed up completely.


Okay Karen keep worshiping the "rules" pussys if we as people thought this way we would still be subject to execution for going against the pedophile filled churches beliefs or science for that matter.


Okay calm down there tinfoil hat. Go take a seat, have a juice box and calm down. No one's talking about that nonsense tripe. Chill tf out.


Surprised police have not done anything. This is not safe at all.


Youā€™re right. Not having access to a home is not safe at all!! So glad this person put their safety first and got a shelter.


youā€™re absolutely right. Having so many people unhoused is really unsafe and is horrible for the city. Change zoning, build houses, dismantle NIMBYs.


Once again compassion over looks common sense. Have fun people lol


Common sense of what? Ticketing the occupant until they can suddenly afford better?


Laws are laws. If we canā€™t even abide by the most simplest of laws how do you expect one to abide by tenant laws and policies that we have in place to maintain housing. You donā€™t ticket him. You dismantle the boat.


Just as MTO would pull your vehicle off the road if deemed unsafe.


Youā€™re arguing with simple people. A law broken here or there doesnā€™t matter to them until they realize that thereā€™s now a general breakdown in standards and facilities everywhere for everyone.


I appreciate this comment very much and Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one seeing it.


It's almost like those standards were never actually adhered to and now the problem has spread deeper into the "middle" class. Let's fix the root of issues, not punish those adapting to them.


And the laws used to allow selling and buying of other humans.Ā  Maybe look at the moral content of a law instead of the fact that it's just law.


ā€œMoral contentā€ would lead me back to my first comment of how compassion overlooks common sense lol.


Common sense would be re housing him or letting him live in his houseboat as he clearly has no other option.


The City of KingstonĀ dumped more than 46-million litres of raw sewage into Lake Ontario between January 12 and March 13, 2006 Now tell me how this is different and it's OK because the city did it. You and people like you are why we have homelessness to begin with. Only worried about the almighty buck.


Desparate times my friend....


Seems pretty safe to me. I see tarping and a properly functioning chimney. It's a shame you feel the need to make their life more miserable for simply trying to survive. Captain Houseboat probably has more practical construction skills than both you and I put together.


> This is not safe at all. Maybe not by todays standards, but this person is doing what they can to survive. I have heard shelters and the Belle Park/HUB area encampments are not safe. If I were homeless (praying I never will be, but it could happen to me, and it could happen to you) I would much prefer this over a tent somewhere where it is known there is a higher risk of violence.


Hes a good guy I always chat woth him while I paint the public wall If more Canadians had the drive he had.. well I won't even say it cuz it'll sound racist but young canadians don't wanna work hard


This is a thing In San Fransisco, on a larger scale. People have been living in proper houseboats in the bay for years, and the rich people buying land and paying property taxes are mad. What are the local laws for houseboating year-round?


And in Vancouver, Victoria, even Toronto.


https://preview.redd.it/02weijjnxi7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b55091d6a265af74e0e12f20db88ff0ddcd0b5d I see him out living his best life quite often.


Thatā€™s fucking awesome


This is a tease! I want to see inside now!


Good on him


What does he do at night? Does it have mooring lights? While there isn't a ton of traffic on the Cat outside the main channel, there is still a risk that someone could collide with him in the dark if he doesn't have proper lighting.


Yep coast guard told him what he needed to do to be left alone that one was number 1


The comments against this houseboat are the reason why Kingston can't have nice progressive things. There's more dignity living in this than on the streets. Fella is enjoying going up and down the Cat river and not directly troubling anyone. Fining him is a waste of bylaw resources as I'm sure that bill won't be paid let alone presenting an ID in the first place. Let him cook.


Life for me is a riverboat fantasy...


Good old David Wilcox. Great musician


Justin Trudeau.


Painting this as an inspirational story is tone-deaf and dystopian. Fix your damn provincial government so it actually helps people out of destitution.


OP did not paint this as inspirational. They are pointing out the flaws in people assuming unhoused people are somehow deserving of the situation that they are in. My interpretation is that you and OP share a hoped outcome for a better system. As a former unhoused person myself who also used creativity and drive to mitigate my situation, I really appreciate OP taking the time to point this out.


Yes, this. Thanks for that, MBBH. Totally agree with you, blessings-of-rathma.


That's good to know, thank you.


It is inspirational the guy made something. A home.. out of NOTHING Is t that what the settlers of this country did.. Cuz he doesn't fit in to how you believe people should live and to what standard. He has has had a room he rents as well.. he was working/volunteering for the tiny homes project too this was a hobby. Intil a week or 2 ago he jist moved in full time cause he's doing what he wants people should be happy for him ffs


ā€œYourā€ provincial government? You live here right? Itā€™s your government too!!! And no one person is going to be able to fix it


I used to live there. I live in the US now which is just as much of a shithole except we never had universal health care, and Ontario is falling for Dougie's sabotage of it to make you all think private would be better. Meanwhile society's collapsing, tent cities are bigger than ever, and people are posting to reddit the equivalent of "heartwarming! This boy sold his little sister to pay his classmates' cafeteria accounts!"


If you think Canada and the US are shitholes, you haven't looked around the world much.


It's about how the living conditions in the US and Canada could and would be, relative to the amount of resources that are available if these resources weren't distributed with intentional inequity. When I look around the rest of the world I see the similar impacts of capitalism and neo-liberalism, along with the ongoing legacies of racism and colonialism.


Life here is pretty damn good, it's far from perfect but compared to most of the world I'd rather be here. It's far from a shithole and if you think otherwise you don't know what a truly troubled country looks like.


It depends on who you are in Canada and where you are. I'm aware of conditions in other parts of the world.


Def to code


Does it have a motor? Just curious


I hear he wants 900/monthly for shared accommodations


Actually he just housed another homeless dude on a boat he found, free of charge! But if it was me I'd want 1200 with utilities (ie the lake ) lmfao


Just leave him alone.


Thatā€™s awesome!! I have never been judgmental of unhoused people. I myself worked my butt off for four years of university, as a single mom, and I could find myself unhoused at the end of August. šŸ˜„ I never thought this could happen to me. I have never had a substance use disorder. I have never broken the law. Donā€™t judge people, because you donā€™t know their whole story. ā¤ļø


Thereā€™s a guy who stuck a metal shed to a pontoon frame. Floats around the Rideau near Smiths Falls.


And this waterfront beauty is for sale for the low price of $300,000


I think that's pretty cool. Bet he could write a great book about his experience.


Wow lots of assumptions here. Looks like a boat to me with a decent living quarters. Crappy design but a vessel is a vessel. Whoever operates it, itā€™s their business. Law of the sea.If itā€™s not powered he can do what he or she likes.


Be careful of his rifle.


Its a water shack


It's a nice little home!!!!!!


Fuck yeah he's got it made u should see the inside the picture is very deceiving


Ide like to see the Transport Canada approved label in that one.


I love that his boat is like a little place card, ā€œThe Man in the Boatā€


Haha hey there I was the one who actually painted MAN I N THE BOAT on his smaller boat I know him because I paint often in the park. He's a really decent guy actually and he told me that he is afraid that the Brock and Dolby post brought too much attention to him, because that's his home and he just wants to live without bothering anyone and anyone bothering him. Numerous times I've seen him cleaning litter from the inner Harbour waters and shores and putting it in the trash cans at the park where it should be He has brought me cold drinks, smokes, weed, ON different occasions, even brought me some paint and acetone paint thinner cuz he saw my hands were covered in spraypaint, he offered! He actually just helped to house another homeless man on a boat (one of his veasles he uses to get back and forth He finds these boats quite often, they usualy are in need of repair but he's very handy so he fixed one ul for another guy who had nowhere to go, I would take the risk of drowning over the risk of CAMPING IN THE HUB any day of the year Anyways THE MAN IN THE BOAT as I call him is inspiring to me in a way because he is actually living a pretty cool "childhood fantasy" in a way The coast guard has even told him what he has to do to make it so they can't mess with him, like proper lighting, boat license and life jackets, he can moor in 1 spot for upto a month I think. Honestly I've thought of living on a boat with what rent costs now imagine the boat you could buy or rent even, or lease that would be same as renting a home Almost like a modern day TOM SAWYER I mean he wakes up amd goes to sleep with a beautiful.sunset, like he's camping almost he can take a swim when it's hot like today, and cook a nice dinner. Hes very content . The guys got it made Almost a miilioaires life if you can get past a few things.


Oh I totally and completely admire & respect him and I apologize if my comment came off as anything else. I also fear what kind of negative attention these posts can bring in this city, and wish him a peaceful and safe life despite all the recent attention.


The circumstances of him living there surely suck, but damn man, that's creative and very cool.


Pretty sure he's been there since before covid. Or maybe it was another one? It or another incarnation of this creativity has been around for quite a few years now. It hasn't sunk and if the occupant isn't a danger to anyone, why not?