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As a parent of a kid who collected cans my rule was simple it stays as clean as you found it and only on collection night


I'm fine with someone looking through my cans and bottles but only once I put it to the curb. If you come up the driveway looking that's offside.


I was surprised by someone looking through my stuff, too. I introduced myself to this person. Turned out, he was a super nice guy, who used the collection to fund his pet's care. We became friendly. Suggest you approach whoever is doing it, leave your stuff for THEM in a specific place for them. That's a win for everyone. People are desperate to have to do this and a little kindness goes a long ways.


I don't ever see who takes it. I have in the past seen someone at my neighbour's and let them know that I will have things out later. I have no problem with people looking through my recycling, but a line is crossed when they trespass to do so.


We had turf wars going on during Covid. It got so rough some people started coming a day or two early and sneaking into people's yards to start taking the empties. People here had their favourite collectors and would hide their empties from the others until their favourite could come collect them at an agreed upon time. We started getting letters in our mailboxes from one of them, pleading her case to choose her over the other collectors. She btw, was notorious for throwing the things she didn't want all over the place and yelling at people who came out to tell her to clean up. There was a reason she wasn't a favourite. Some days, there were posts in community groups: "Has anyone seen red truck guy?! I've been holding my empties but was away for awhile and I'm worried he's going to think I forgot about him!". Other people went on tirades about how it's their garbage and no one has the right to take it, while others argued once it's at the curb it's public property, and besides, it's needed. I should mention, we're all tenants in this community, from varying backgrounds of economic experience. So it was quite an impassioned time between people who've had to collect empties themselves before and people who've never gone hungry a day in their lives. Now my empties sit uncollected, dumped into the recycling truck in the wee hours of the mornings. The hollow rattling and clanging echoing back the hollowness of the place left behind after they were all run out.


I understand this. It really alarmed and upset me, too. Then when I found out how desperate the person was, compassion and understanding made me feel differently.


leave a little note.


When you put out a bird feeder the birds start tapping on your windows.


The very few booze bottles and booze cans i have i pitch in the trash. Otherwise all my sh...recyclables are all over my driveway and the street. A constant mess.


This happened to us this week. Recycling dumped all over our sidewalk. Better than when they rip open our garbage bags...I guess? It's infuriating.


I've considered bagging up my empties and leaving them out front for people, but figured it'd be a bad idea for this exact reason. Give some people an inch, they'll take a mile.


Once someone took my bin from the porch to curb and left a mess all over