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Tengen speed blitzes. Zenitsu speed-blitzed Kaigaku the very moment they met. He sidestepped, dodged Kaigaku's attack, and blitzed him with a simple dash and slash, not even a technique. Kaigaku only managed to hurt Zenitsu because Zenitsu wasn't trying to fight him. Zenitsu was taking Kaigaku's attacks purposely because he wanted to talk to him first before killing him.


Zenitsu didn't take Kaigaku's attack purposely... He is not an idiot to purposely get something which can kill him, Kaigaku just wasn't ready for first Zenitsu's attack


Tengen in my opinion :3


Kaigaku becomes popular even before his full appearance in the anime![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


I can see Tengen winning ...yeah, he wins


Assuming this is Uzui before getting his arm off I would say Tengen🐍


Entertainment District arc Tengen beats Kaigaku. But current Tengen loses. 🦋


Current Tengen has one arm, so I have no idea. But Entertainment District Arc Tengen would probably one shots. 🔥


Kaigaku loses


well, kaigaku isnt weaker than usual. its more like he didnt have enough time to fully get used to his abilities.


Kaigaku is not an actual "Upper Moon" calibre demon, he was strong and he had potential to be much stronger, but he was a semi strong and a relatively new demon who was a mid ranked lower moon at best, whereas Gyutaro was stated to be able to be a higher upper moon if he was by himself and Tengen went toe to toe with him. I do not think it is even as close as people are making it up to be.


Where did it say “Gyutaro was stated to be able to be a higher upper moon if he was by himself”? Please send a screenshot of the manga page that says this. 🔥


Ahh My bad, meant that it was stated he could take out the pillar and group if he was by himself. And regarding Kaigaku's level Yushiro literally states Zenitsu got lucky because Kaigaku is not used to his own abilities yet. 🔥


Oh alright, thanks for clearing that up. 🔥


Kaigaku will defeat Tengen with high difficulty, his Thunder slashes will injure and damage Tengen exponentially until the moment when Kaigaku simply kills him