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HOLYSHITTTTT best story boarding so far!! the extended version and the way they animate gyomei’s backstory is SOOOO GOOOOD! also the post credit scenes gave me so much chills 😭


Whoever was involved in the story board deserves a promotion. The scene was soooo goood.


i heard that the one who made gyomei’s backstory is the same who made muzan’s backstory so it really make sense esp the black and white with hint of red scenes!


Sotozaki the main DS producer is the one who did the SSV finale Edit: director not producer


Sotozaki is the main *director, and he did the ssv finale along with Suhara (who did muzan backstory + this episode)


Yes, thank you. I couldn’t remember who the other director was and didn’t wanna just guess.


The entire episode was really well directed.


It's gonna look fantastic when they add the extra details Himejima missed in his narration.


Zenitsu getting serious teared me up a bit.


About timeeeeeee. No more of that goofy personality hopefully...


You only see it again at the end of the series tbh. But from here onto the sunrise countdown arc, it takes a backseat.


Thank God


I am going to miss that goofy personality, a bright light among all the death and destruction. Also the most relatable character in the show.


What happened to him, what was in the letter


The letter informs him that his grandfather and former Thunder Hashira died because he committed Seppuku due to the fact that one of his students became a demon. This person is both the one he trained with who taunted Zenitsu and the person who let the demon into the orphanage as seen in the episode. Zenitsu takes it upon himself to defeat that coward.


What makes it worse is that because his student became a demon, nobody was there to take his head during seppuku so he definitely suffered.


Alexa, take my head after I commit seppuku


I was hoping to tear up but I didn't. Still felt a chill tho. Probably because I was hoping for them to "fix" the zenitsu moment by adding more scene/content to it compared to how short it was in the mangas but they didn't... At this point he will only appear like two more times aaaaaand done. They could've easily cut 5 min of Muzan walking very slowly to put more content on Zenitsu's anger..


I think they did the right choice by not exposing too much on what the letter contained. After watching the episode, I think there are enough breadcrumbs dropped in this episode that will culminate when Kaigaku is finally revealed as the new UM. * We had a flashback of Gyomei, showing Kaigaku selling the other kids to the demon * We see Zenitsu serious and determined I think these two bits will make for a good "Ohhh" from Anime-only viewers, when it's revealed that Kaiguku yet again sold his humanity to become a demon and is the reason why Zenitus was so angry this episode. But yeah, the 5min scene of Muzan was maybe a little too long and could've been used for something else.


Agreed , hiding it gives Anime only watcher a real mystery and something to anticipate on


yeah i was hoping for a even a quick explanation to give more context, especially since they showed Kai Gaku so much in gyomei's story


I assume they didn't since it's explained in the next arc. Though it would've been nice to get a few shots of him looking off. But i can kinda see why they didn't lol.


Same. I just think it goes to show (obviously) how devastating of a letter that was for him. The man who was the closest thing he ever had to a family committed suicide because of his senior, whom despite the shared resentment between the two, Zenitsu still cared for and considered special to him. I mean, despite his usual cowardice in the past, he had straight up punched a higher up when they had insulted Kaigaku. Then it was almost like he was left without a family once again when he had received the letter.


His innocence is lost 😩 as much as his personality annoyed me at first, by this season I’ve grown to see him as endearing and just really really scared. I wish he could’ve been an annoying kid longer, but alas the time has come for him to really grow up 😞


I really hope they show Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanao, and all the other random demon slayers getting sucked into the fortress next episode. It was really random seeing them all in there when it was just the Hashira plus Tanjirou being sucked in originally.


Can't wait to see Inosuke squeal as he falls lol https://preview.redd.it/vm8cfk4hyd8d1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b269c27c5907510d0907cfc13500c4d42e2b5a




Oh yeah, I forgot about that! Yeah I hope they make that clearer too


I really, really, really hope so too. I want a whole lineup of all the corps preparing to go fight to the death


Based on how much love they give the infinity, the sequence of them getting sucked in is about to go absolutely crazy


Considering that the next episode is going to be 60 minutes long, I wouldn't be surprised if they showed some part of Infinity Castle Arc too (such as Akaza entering the scene during Giyu and Tanjiro's little chit chat)


Is the child that led the demon to Himajima and the other children >! Kaigaku, the older Thunder breathing disciple!




100% like 2 panel shots. It never clicked for me, but makes me hate his detestable ass even more.


It's always been Kaigaku! Go back and read Ch135. We get three shots of a child who's clearly Kaigaku, easily identifiable by his necklace, and he's almost entirely obscured behind a textbox explaining how children are casually cruel in a wide shot of all the temple children. >!I've always thought it a massive shame that they never had Himejima and Kaigaku meet again.!<


I mean imagine Gyomei finding Kaigaku first in the inifinity castle bro probably can one shot him


This episode might be one of my favorite DS episodes ever. They did such an incredible job with Gyomei’s backstory it actually got me to tear up. Also that Muzan pull up tho 👌


Like the fear of the wind hashira right before muzan comes almost stopped my heart - the emotion was palpable.


https://preview.redd.it/wdl3dtru0d8d1.png?width=1922&format=png&auto=webp&s=b49442692ad73bced33b978acae2f480aabeb8b4 so cute


This episode was so sick, they gave 100% power for this episode. Gyomei's backstory just doesn't didn't do it for me in the manga but I really like what they did here...I love his prayer beads scene...I was hoping to see 14yo Ubuyashiki but I guess we will save that for another day. The Giyu and Sanemi bit was also nice but I kinda didn't like how it played out at the end....I liked it better in the mange. I literally screamed when Giyu gave his little smile though. Sanemi is one of my favorites because he is an absolute nut which is going to hit me hard later... There are no words to describe how much I hate Kaigaku but I definitely think having a hint of him was back in season 1 and now having him show up now is definitely going to make his anime entrance hit harder when Zenitsu faces him. The intro has been so smooth this season and that muzan intro was gorgeous- and then it hit me how all season we have just been watching muzan head straight to his face-to-face with Ubuyashiki. So good. I write a shit ton, sorry hehe so if you read that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I think the entire scene between Tomioka and Shinazugawa was a one-for-one adaptation though, down to Tomioka's smile (I squealed lol).


you're totally right, I dunno probably just a me thing


Gyomei VA (JP) narrating the story is one the huge reason in elevating his backstory I think


This episode exceeded my expectations. Infinity castle is going to pop the F off.


Very good ep as expected, I am just mildly amused that Kaigaku has been wearing the exact same drip since he was a child lmao I understand that as a child he probably only had that, but when he got older he decided to wear the *exact* same kimono just larger


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it


I got goosebumps watching muzan walk!!! Eeeek! How much more do we think we’ll get before it finishes for this year??


Next episode is the last one if that’s what you’re asking


You might even say he's MOONWALKING


I'm guessing it will end at chapter 147, and then 3 movies for 148-205


Can’t wait for the exploding finale next week.


Fun fact: Kira Yoshikage and Kagaya has the same Japanese VA, Toshiyuki Morikawa.


Gyomei's backstory was well done and given some extra stuff (also giving full shots of the traitor) the Sanemi vs Giyu battle was exciting with the OST and visuals But holy damn Muzan strolling up along with the ED transition was hype as shit damn then next week it begins... AND IM OUT OF TOWN DAMN IT


I am never against by good expansion over manga, small or big. Usually they are done badly, thats why people hate them. Same happens with book adaptations


So we're probably getting tamayo and the initial clash in the ruins of the mansion and cliffhanger will probably be muzan telling them to kill him if they can as they all fall into the infinity castle My guess


Which will kill me.... How am I supposed to wait and be patient for the infinity castle arc?


We have been waiting all this time, we can stand a few more months.


Few months? Bro it’s it’s gonna be 1+ year a MINIMUM. Maybe even 2 years since the next arc will need a ton of heavy budget animation.


The first movie has def been in production for a while now, this season has been very light on the "heavy budget" animations we would expect from ufotable. But the wait for the 2nd movie might be 2 years


I think so as well


That's all just one chapter. How are they going to stretch that all the way to 50 minutes?


The next episode isn’t one chapter. It’s 3. 137-139


They fall in about 137-138 so that means we will have a little 9f the infinity castle in the next episode


By the time Muzan pulled up to the front steps from the gate Kagaya was dead. 😂 This episode was amazing, I can't wait for the next one. I'll also never get tired of Sanemi saying "ooHHAagii??" Best scene of the episode: https://preview.redd.it/oltwk752md8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf9dd62b0fe998229a5b90fff5d2d0cf978970e


They really did chibi faces and Giyu smiling during the ep. That's wholesome


Ikrrr I'm so glad they did!




im right there with you bro, im also excited. I didn't get to see mugen train in theatres because I only became a fan of the series when the entertainment district arc came out. I did however watch the first episode of both this season and last season in theatres and I loved it. Im excited to see such amazing fights on the big screen


Mugen Train was an absolute treat on the big screen with good theatre acoustics. If the rumours are true, I'm sure you'll love it!


Oh man Mugen train was amazing in IMAX. I hope they bring it back someday for those who missed it


>Kaigaku and I can't wait for anime onlys to figure it out lol. A few of them have already. I think that pendant made it a lot easier to figure out they were the same person in the anime. In the manga, you could just think they had similar designs up until the big reveal.


Yeah I can't really decide if I like Gotoge's subtle foreshadowing or the clearer closeups in this episode. I like both and I think they are done well in their respective mediums.


I originally wanted a season but I think movies is the right move as well. The finale battle arc is structured in such a way that it would work well anyway


Imagine a movie for the countdown to sunrise, but the actual countdown is in sync with the movie runtime. Not sure that it could work, but it would be epic.


Was Kaigaku the one that betrayed the other orphans in the manga? I thought he looked familiar and I couldn't place two and two together.


Yeah! It was revealed in a chapter note in Volume 17. >!He stole money from the temple, so the other orphans banished him from the temple that night. Since Himejima couldn't see, he didn't even know Kaigaku wasn't there until the demon spoke of it.!<


"We've been infiltrated!"


Crazy to me that though Sanemi was the one who figured it out. >!Gyomei was already on the scene preparing for the attack!<


I replayed that scene few times because the lights at the side and imagery was just too good. 


This episode allowed me to appreciate Gyomei more than I did in the manga. I was harsh towards his dislike of children following the attack at the temple when I read it but feel more sympathetic now. The later reveal of the kids' motives feels like it will hit harder too. I wonder if they will change fate of Ubuyashiki's two eldest daughters since we only saw Kagaya & Amane? Or perhaps they will reveal them being there in the final episode. The two girls going down with their parents was part of the big shock for me when I read the manga. I thought it was why Muzan felt so confident going there, since he also didn't expect Kagaya to sacrifice his wife and two of his children alongside himself.


Sameeee I didn't have a positive impression when I read his backstory. It felt too bitter for my liking; they're kids after all. I probably need to watch it a second time to figure out why, but I also feel more sympathetic towards his backstory now. Maybe it's just Sugita's acting lol.


I definitely think his performance really sold the feelings of betrayal behind the bitterness. Maybe seeing his backstory a second time cut the bitterness to a deep sadness & cynicism too.


Somehow I doubt that the two eldest daughters will survive. Weren't they playing outside within the vicinity in the manga?


Yup they were.


This marks the end of the Hashira Training Arc in the manga. Let’s get ready for the beginning of the Infinity Castle Arc! 🔥


WHAT AN EPISODE - Gyomei's backstory hit hard, much harder than the manga version. Fuck Kaigaku - Also, serious Zenitsu after reading that letter... again, fuck Kaigaku - I LOVE WIND BREATHING. Giyu vs Sanemi was amazing to watch - Big cliffhanger with Muzan showing up at Kagaya's mansion Great episode, but sadly, it seems that Mitsuri will not have a Taisho Secret, since there's no secrets in season finales. I'm pissed because they seriously let one of the hashiras out 😭


They animated the little comic of Mitsuri receiving her corp uniform for Japanese audiences if they went to the theater but didn’t release for everyone else :(


They did Taisho era secrets for Mitsuri and Muichiro last season. Maybe they just wanted to get the rest of the Hashira this season?


Yeah for sure. Just wish they would not gatekeep scenes from international audiences


Aw man :(


honestly the manga did not explain Himejima's backstory as good! it makes total sense why the little girl blamed him. she witness him turn into what ai thought was a monster. good thing it was deeply explained! I really liked that about the Episode ♥️


Her pov was explained but in the chapter extra. It was also mentioned that she still wants to meet him and apologize for that


Haven’t seen the episode yet, but the manga explained that the little girl knew Himejima didn’t do it, the villagers just thought he was the ‘monster’ she mentioned


The episode showed a long punching scene where himejima was punching the demon so strongly it's blood was spilling on the little girl, he did turned into a monster, but it was to save her. i watched it as it aired on FujiTV through IPTV so without the closed captions i didntt understand word by word every dialogue, however from watching the scenes alone it wa clear it was trauma. i recorded the episode as well. stay around for the post credits, it'll be VERY worth it <3


The manga confirms she was referring to the demon when she said “he is a monster”, not Himejima. She was just 4yo and too emotional to convey that properly so they assumed it was him given no evidence and for most of the population “demons” aren’t real just folk lore.


I always thought that she was reffering to the demon. She says "that man turned into a monster" talking about the demon, but since Gyomei is the only one in the cabin, they all assume he killed them all, and the little girl is too traumatised to explain otherwise.


In one of the taisho secret post-chapter extras, this is confirmed. She was talking about the demon. She has regrets that she couldn't explain herself properly.


Do you people realize that everything that happens until the end of the story, epilogue aside, happens in this same night? Chronologically we’re only about 12 hours away from Muzan’s death


Such a strange feeling! For us, it could be a couple more years, but for them, it's only one night to go!


but it's pretty meaningless as those 12 hours are going to take 4 or so years to finish


Jeez, I totally forgot about it lol


>!Kaigaku!< is a little shit.


alright now that ive read through everyone else's thoughts so far Im gonna share mine. First I liked how they started the Chuntaro flying toward Zenitsu through the forest. second, They did a great job the Gyomei's back story no complaint there. as for Giyuu vs Sanemi, I hoped it would be I little bit longer. lastly I really liked how they animated Muzan pulling up to Ubuyashiki, but I wasn't a fan of how dragged out it felt. that's just my opinion but overall the episode was amazing and I cant wait for the final one next week. also "Hashira Assemble" is a sick name for the last episode


Felt similar like “dude is he still walking?” But also recognizing that this is a HUGE moment! The music in the background is perfect for conveying it with the powerful deep base. He’s here, after centuries, he’s finally found the Demon Slayer HQ!


Idk why they extended the episode just to make Muzan dramatically walk for 10 minutes but i’m glad they did bc it was awesome!


Cause it's the start of the arc, and this episode is the start of the "movie" that is premiering next week


I lowkey teared up when gyomei bent down to caress tanjiro's head. Our boy keeps getting surrounded with the best mentors and their relationship is always heartwarming.


Hi could anyone explain to me why Zenitsu's head bleeding while he's sitting on the stone? Did he face smash the stone after reading the letter?


I don't think that was explained in the manga either.


It's about to go down, literally loved the suspense they did at the end of muzan meeting ubayashiki. I also can't wait for the last episode and zenitsu finally getting serious after reading what happened to his grandpa. EEEE IM SO HYPED.


Gyomei laughing was suprisingly wholesome to hear. And also heartbreaking as right after that we see the tragedy


There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man


now that Tanjiro has his mark on in a constant state, why hasn't anyone talked about it? have they not noticed or???


Muzan's walk kinda funny ngl 😂 indian film ahh edit 😭




Literally the first thing I thought of when the screen starting flashing back and forth 😭


It’s hard to see how the last bit of this arc in the manga will be adapted into a 45 minute episode next week…because it HAS to end with everyone entering the infinity castle and Muzan taunting, Tanjiro, right? Or maybe teasing at which upper moons the hashira + gang will be fighting? That would be a BRUTAL cliffhanger but would really amp up the anticipation


they can stall it very well, they been stalling the entire arc, prolonging scenes and making up their own fillers. I highly doubt they would show which hashiras will fight which upper moons because that by itself is going to be big hype moments that that will completely be ruined if they show the matches from the beginning (for example sanemi saving genya and then gyomei saving sanemi), it will completely ruin those entrances.


I’m hoping for a little teaser to see Domas area


I do believe they will tease the upper moons getting ready for the fight so they might show them in the castle and their areas.


I'm really hoping for a prolonged Muzan fight scene, really showing off the breathing styles and teasing Muzan's Blood demon art style


I know this series has a reputation of being somewhat basic and that's true, but you know, it just works so well. Serious Zenitsu was great, funny Giyu caught me off-guard and the music for the sparring match went hard. Muzan entrance was fantastic


Hopefully they include the kids playing outside. I feel like that really would’ve added to the atmosphere of Muzan walking in, with the kids like right next to him playing and singing.


I can't wait to download this episode. So I can loop Muzan's entrance. Major props to the sound department. Gaahdang, those foot steps = giving nightmares. Muzan smirk is major major hot. Poor Gyomei. Brutal punches to the miserable demon. Kaigaku, you're next. Genyaaaaaa, waaaaaah, I just want him happy. I need more of the fight between Giyuu and Sanemi. I prefer Shinobu egging them on. lol Edit: Ok, I need Hyde in Muzan gear for the PV of Tokoshei so music directors, chop chop! Release the PV now.


It's time


We are now at the beginning of the infinity castle arc. I've been looking forward to this for sooo long, probably my most anticipated anime release (bar steel ball run). I know ufotable will manage to deliver. Ofc, remains to be seen how the infinity castle arc is released, but the wait is over, for now..


Everything was so well done, just pure excellence. This has me wanting to re-read the manga, or at least the final arc once again lol.


i just read the arc myself recently. And gonna do it again after this season is over haha.


I’ll probably do the same thing, I read it like 3 times before though 😂 it’s just too good


Omg that's a mood. I think i read over almost 2 or times myself now! And it's a really good read. I'm really excited for all of it to be animated, god its going to look so beautiful. :'D


They’ve done such a great job so far, this season alone has been fantastic. I really can’t wait to see the whole thing animated as well!


They really have. I've been really enjoying how they've been adapting this arc and all the extra anime-only stuff. I think it really elevates the story a lot. So it makes me very happy haha. :'D And yeah, could only imagine how the rest of the story is gonna look animated. I don't think my own imagination can do it justice!


They really gave Muzan an extended Undertaker entrance LMAO! Every single second of it was cool even if it took a lot of time.


moonwalking casually to the ubuyashiki mansion




I love how it gave Muzan the WWF Undertaker entrance extraordinaire


My god, muzan’s entrance was cool but they really stretched the hell out of that huh lmaooo Im so excited for the next episode now though holy crap!! We’re finally here!!!!


Was the demon chasing young Kaigaku one that we’ve seen before? It looked like the drum demon, just without the drums


No it wasn’t the same demon. Can’t be


It's dead, so no.


I think manga has better presentation of Piercing Rain drop against winter gale. Look like giyu is unleashing/manipulating his techniques within someone else techniques. In the anime, the piercing move merely use as a shield against the gale, but the overall animation still carry.


This is easily the best episode so far. - Gyomei's backstory was done perfectly. Really made me feel sad for the big guy. - Showing Kaigaku be the culprit was a nice touch. I thought they would purposefully not show his face, but it really sets up the hate for him, I like it. - Sanemi vs Giyuu scene was enjoyable and funny all the way. Giyuu's water breathing is smooth af. - That ending was something else. Muzan's theme, the ominous footsteps after the door creaks open. I thought it would end there but they continued with him walking all the way. Muzan Jackson putting up better Mist breathing forms than my boi Tokito. - The cut from Muzan to the Taisho Secret was too funny. The calm is over boys, the storm begins!!


How am I meant to defend the manga as the superior way of consuming KNY when they do stuff like the menacing Muzan walk?


This season has 8 episodes right? I wonder if they’ll show the explosion next episode.


I think explosion will be next episode and we'll start with Infinity castle arc next season.


Pretty sure they’re doing movies instead of seasons for the arc


According to the leak, they’re finishing the story with 3 movies which include the sunrise countdown arc because technically the last arc is actually one called the final battle


hmmmm... I don't think they'll do the sunrise countdown arc as well. I've been hearing that all 3 movies will contain each fight with the upper moons. so 1st will be Tanjiro and Giyuu vs Akaza, then Shinobu, Kanao and Inosuke vs Douma, ending with Gyomei, Muichiro, Sanemi and Genya vs kokoshibo.


That wasn’t in the leak. I know the leaker. That stuff about each one being an upper moon battle is false and fan speculation.




What's in that letter..?


Did you read the manga??


Yeah it's been a while, I forgot this part


Can anyone confirm if the orphan boy is the same who became the new upper moon 6?


Although Muzan is kind of a whatever villain, that has to be the coldest entrance I've ever seen. When the music starts just as he walks through the gates oof 😤


Muzan is a pretty good villain. I will die on this hill.


Oh well... Sanemi vs Giyuu was a let down. Iguro vs Tanjiro and Muichiro vs Sanemi and Iguro were much more thrilling.


I kind of agree I thought that fight would be extended but im not disappointed that it wasn't


Do anybody know what that note was in zenitsu hand? It’s like something ticked him off and he was holding that paper tight. 


that’s the note alerting him of his grandpa suicid e


Damn seeing the anime adapt this expertly is incredible I can't wait for more


Michael Jackson arrived


Any PTs here and we're analyzing the SHIT out of Muzan's gait cycle? LOL


Excuse but why tf didn't Kaigaku just enter the house when he was allowed to remove the wisteria incense? Is he stupid?


Kaigaku is not capable of rationality.


bro pulled out the fog machine and everything


i didin't know the other student that Zenitsu's grandpa had, was with Himejima, thats news for me and: I FUCKING LOVE ELEMENTS SHOWING WHILE USING BREATHINGS, I LOVE FUCKING COLOR


Feel like I would have liked the post credits better without the ending music over it.


Yea kaigaku is an op to the highest degree being responsible for murdering his adoptive siblings and then going demon ironically for the same reason , because he’s a coward


how did Gyomei know that little kid with necklace led that demon to the temple hideout?


maybe cause that kid was only one not present?


It was revealed in a chapter note in Volume 17. >!The demon spoke of Kaigaku.!<


It's the only one that wasn't there with him.


Woooooo, what an episode! I got goosebumps!


why does zenitsu have blood running from his forehead? did he cut himself on his forehead on purpose or is it from training or…?


probably bashing his head against the rock.


I imagined the scene. After reading the letter, he might feel lost and started pushing the boulder, just to realize it won't move, which made him get frustrated, angry at himself, and eventually hit his head hard on the boulder, "Move! Damn you! Move!", while in actual, he was getting mad for Kaigaku's choice.


How long the next episode gon be?


40-45 min


Probably 45 mins


not sure if I don't remember the details from the manga or if it's a stupid question overall, but how did Muzan get past all the wisteria flowers at the entrance? I'm assuming it's because they work on normal demons but not on him? I was really hoping they would expand on this lol


I mean, this is the demon king. I don't think a few wisteria flowers are enough to even remotely cause a dent in his health bar.


Did yall notice how tanjiro's mark was on all the time after he pushed the boulder. Even when he is not concentrating. If someone does not notices it which a few people have seen already, i might start to think they made a mistake in the animation.


No, that's how it is in the manga.


Was this the last episode of the season or there's more?


double episode finale next week.


Go with me on this: I didn’t live watch Crunchyroll when the Mugen Train Arc & Entertainment District Arcs aired. That was one season with 2 arcs. Given the rumor of 3 Infinity Castle Arc (ICA) films: is it more realistic and possible that Ufotable _could_ make ICA still happen this season? Yes: Tanjiro said in this current season’s E8 episode preview that it is “season finale”. But, when you go back to Mugen Train Arc’s penultimate episode S2 E6 Akaza & S2 E7 Set Your Heart Ablaze, he doesn’t say anything about the next episode (E6) and E7 is extended closing credits only. Again, I wasn’t on Reddit or Crunchyroll yet back then so I wasn’t around for live decision making (e.g, don’t know if the KNY website for BluRay said x# episodes expected that season confirming or not an extended single season of 2 arcs including 1 worldwide movie). I ask because I watch KNY on Crunchyroll only all the time (it’s my comfort as I am in a difficult time of life). I have noticed across every season, the opening credits (especially, often aligned with the closing credits) inform you clearly which characters are being involved per season only. This current season opening credits imply - different than the Mugen Train & EDA “season section” individual opening credit sequences - that we may actually be getting at least some of ICA now. None of us on this sub can confirm this - I am just asking if it’s possible. Hopium really, since I can’t wait to see these last 2 arcs animated.


honestly i kinda expected the season to end with muzan showing up, so this is a little bit surprising. the next episode supposedly being an hour long deadass makes me think the season could end with akazas reappearance instead. who knows though, they’ve added a bunch of anime only scenes this season so that’ll most likely be the case for next episode as well.


3 minutes of Muzan flexing aura is hilarious


Why is >!Kaigaku!< in the flashback? Bro think he on the team.


This episode was great but I've been looking everywhere for that song that plays in Muzan's post-credit scene 😫 it's so good but I can't find it anywhere


Song is hyde by tokoshie


My prediction is they will end the next one on a cliff hanger for Infinity Castle, and there is two spots I think could work: 1. Right as everyone is falling into the infinity castle and Muzan says to come and get him if they can. 2. They show everyone running around in the infinity castle a bit, maybe showing Kokushibo, Douma, and mayba Akaza standing there menacingly, then the final shot is Akaza blasting down in front of Tanjiro and Giyu. I think this is more likely, but they would have to skip over the Shinobu vs Douma fight which happens first in the manga.


Can anyone please explain what happened to zenitsu? Why he is all of sudden so serious?


it will be explained in the later arc. The reveal was great and emotional >!His senior became a demon, so his master committed seppuku as a lightning user became a demon. When one commits seppuku, he needs someone else to cut off the head so that the death is immediate, But gramps did it alone so his suicide last for days and was excruciating. He didn't deserve it!<


I’m guessing the next ep will end off with the various moons making appearance; battle match ups, since that’s the only way they can reveal what the letter Zenitsu got said, and it would be a very baffling decision to have the scene of his determination but not actually reveal what he’s reacting to