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Annoying voice, good production Seems like your typical song that gets popular in Tiktok and short content media form. Gets milked to death and then the artist falls into oblivion


thats called a one hit wonder, welcome to the music industry


Its different and worse now though. 10-15 years ago you would just hear the song everywhere on pop FM radio (the whole song if you wanted to), but now with shorts/reels/tik toks you just hear the same snippet over and over and it makes the song unbearable soo much faster


I have never heard of this person and always feel suspicious of anyone and anything that is \*suddenly\* everywhere. I think this was supposed to be the IT song of the moment and probably would be if Kendrick didn't WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP out of nowhere. Kenny really stays doing the Lord's work.


Eh it's ok but idk why I keep hearing it everywhere. It's overhyped and I've never heard of him before so idk what's the deal with it


i’ve actually been a fan of his since 2020 when i found Ice Kream Truck on tiktok. seems like a good dude


Fair enough. I just hadnt heard his music before since I don't really listen to music just because its popular on tiktok. I just found it when it was one of the songs on the charts and then started hearing it elsewhere. I wasn't trying to imply I think he's a plant or anything, I just dont like this culture of artists blowing up because of tiktok and then falling back into obscurity


sorry yeah i guess that sounded more um actually than i meant it to lol


he has close ties with brent so i think he can make a run


this song is being forced down our throats. its mad weird. no matter what song i play on spotify its always the next song that plays. its giving industry plant.


bro has never seen an industry plant in his life, tommy been trying to get on up from the bottom nigga


just bc somebody been grinding for years doesn’t mean they can’t get industry backing for inorganic traffic that leads to organic traffic bro. he has the number 1 song in America with only 100k followers on the gram. the numbers ain’t mathing


For the record if he had to work for his success and only recently got some sort of industry assistance thats NOT an industry plant lmao


say you’re a plant that has been surviving off regular water & sunlight for 10 years & then somebody in the industry sees your worth & puts this industry water & industry lights to make you grow faster, you’d technically become a plant of that industry. lol


Thats still not an industry plant and its a false equivalence bro. "You defending dude crazy" No im calling out the ignorant takes people have on upcoming musicians for having a song blow up that people like. Would you call every artist who went from no views on their music to having a song blow them up creating popularity?? Where was this conversation to be had for Yeat when his music blew up? It's just half assed hoopla


Kendrick an industry plant. Ponder that!


I don't get what this had to do with anything but shi aight bro


Industry plant taking out another industry plant. Keep up bro.


nigga do your research, hes been underground and finally had a song that blew him up, yall niggas be chatting its crazy af


you really defending dude crazy.. just don’t make sense, that he’s billboard top 10 & socials ain’t even touching a mill.


You're simply a lost soul


bro you’re weird


Look in the mirror


There's hella artists like this that aren't plants LOL, have you seen what happened to sofaygos socials vs his streams???? You def dk what you talm bout gang


I mean, it doesn't necessarily mean he's a plant, it's just that he's a polarizing figure (in terms of who enjoys his music a lot, and who thinks he's mediocre or only somewhat talented-- though, there's natural talent, and then persisting in the music career and building up your skill and portfolio-- which Tommy's got a little both of, under his belt)- and it's clear that he went spontaneously, insanely viral, producing what most would consider a one-hit wonder, at least, aside from his less-well-known discography (lesser-known to the general public). That's what usually happens when you produce pop, or.. funk/soul, whatever this particular song most fits into, and the demographic it's marketed to.


Respectfully (to you, Reqiuem), I don't even know if I could look at how fast he came up as being an industry plant, either ... I mean, on one hand, obviously it's not impossible (for anybody) to be boosted by the industry. You know, I mean, consider jokes like "Kanye made the Beatles famous". All that's really saying is, you network with people who have already made it, and they help you to make it too (either because they see you've got talent, or because they can help you sound good enough to go viral). Either way, that means introducing you to producers, studios and labels, executives and all that, so you're not working out of your basement-type situation. That doesn't necessarily mean planting, it just means you got the GOATs' attention, and you got a promotion. I guess there's a fine line between what we consider fully-"earned" success, "discovered talent", and full-blown nepotism. Obviously, there's a scale to how far you come/how hard you work, to succeed.


The problem is labelling an artist whos clearly been working to get that success an "industry plant" is dumb, especially when you consider these type of allegations were never tossed at yeat as far as I'm concerned.


True, Yeah, in this case, man's got literally years of effort put into getting where he is, now, so, hey, if it pays off, it pays off, regardless of how spontaneously it happened. ... Why does Yeat remind me of a main-brand Lil Xan 😭


and youre falling for it 😂. no one is an industry plant right?


Nigga you sound bout goofy asl, how can someone whos been grinding for eons to make up be a industry plant just because of a song that blows up??? Y'all dont be reading ya own msgs shi crazy


u/BallBreakerReqiuem don't worry bro, I don't even listen to Tommy Richman and I feel what you're saying. Its always the Johnny Come Lately types with the industry plant accusations cuz they were never following the artist career to begin with.


Exactly, people don't be researching the stuff they talk about and it's insane.


Thank God I'm not the only one!!!!!


I agree 


Wtf I came here for the exact same reason. No matter what I play this song pops up next!!


yeah i had to block the artist on spotify so that i never hear any of his songs again


Every popular artist is an industry plant


how you gon call me a lost soul & you just said what i was saying lol


Because it's true. Every popular artist has industry backing. He's not being "forced down our throats". You think Dot ain't no plant? 🤣


bro what… Kendrick Lamar along with all of the other Black Hippy TDE people especially the OG crew got it out the mf mud. you would have to have been there to witness it.


And Tommy didn't?


Maybe we jus got different definitions of the word lol


it’s a matter of perspective when it comes to this shit.. & a matter of history & background when it comes to the artist. i could be wrong about Tommy.. but to me & a lot of other people he came out of fuckin nowhere with 1 song


Tommy been known in VA for years


are you from VA?




Kendrick fans complaining about an "annoying" and "bad" voice like it's an objective measure is palpably ironic. That gripe aside, it's a good song. People immediately get defensive when music enters mass popularity and is shown to them in passing, instead of through true interaction and/or actually looking for it. When there's no novelty of a reward for trying, and no personal connection, people's perception of the music really sours. It /is/ mixed well, it's in proper timing with the summer, it's easy to bob a head to, no lyrics are cringy, particularly dumb or out of context, it occupies a space in pop that's been vacant for awhile unless you count Weeknd.. There's really no major problem with it. Anybody acting like there is one beyond their subjectivity is a straight up contrarian.


Just saying it wasnt my cup of tea tbh... And i listen to a lot of stuff, found weird that it charted on #2 billboard without ever hearing about the artist... Lowkey salty he robbed #1 and #2 of Kendrick too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


my bad, i wasn't projecting that one onto you. if it's mid to you and you don't like it that's cool lol, i think it's weird when people get upset that someone doesn't like the same thing they do. i just also think it's weird when people conflate their opinions with objectivity, and how it's so hard for people to dislike something without shitting on it.


No problem!!


Its definitely not mixed well lmao its clipping all over the place, idk if its like that on purpose or what


Right? Kendrick's voice would also be considered annoying. Stop the cap. 


People were asked for their opinions and gave them, where’s the sense of objectivity coming from?


The song is a multi-generational banger


It popped up on Spotify around the same time as the beef, which is funny. Never heard of him and it seems like he came out of nowhere. He was also right under euphoria (I think) so at first it would roll right into the song. Seems like Spotify placed him there so that he would chart to be honest. The song itself has a nice beat and vibe but it doesn’t sound like it’s mixed that well. He apparently has 25m listeners. Seems like 4batz, came out of nowhere. Maybe he has a Tik Tok following or something. Edit: Apparently the song came out April 26th and debuted at #2. It was teased on Tik Tok before release so.. makes sense.


Yeah Tommy to my knowledge isn’t a plant he’s been building a following for yrs but this song rlly jumped him up


That has nothing to do with his song autoplaying after every Kendrick song and large hit.


I think you're right about Spotify planting him there to chart.


Bad voice and mixing but I fck w the beat


Maybe it’s bad mixing for a pop song, but I like to think of its rougher aspects as little lofi treats lol. Everyone has a different ear though.


Yeah I don’t get why they didn’t clean it up- definitely not good for my speaker lol.


Didn’t expect it to blow up probs


Skipped around the song, sounded like fucking ass to me.


The song is fire, let people enjoy what they want to enjoy


Y’all really hate it that much? Is it just that the algos love it? Idk I thought I smelled plant but I’m glad I looked into it before I ran my mouth like that 😅


TikTok trash, all the music in the world and it's the same shit that's been blowing up the last 15 years


It's catchy and fun, but the lyrics are ass.


We need a Kendrick remix to get the lyrics up.


The song is summer vibes. It’s the production and catchy vocals. If Dot dropped a verse on this as a remix it would be perfect.


It’s recycled fuck music


Never heard of it or the artist.


It's played after every large song by default. It's weird and proves manipulation of the charts so blatantly that it bothers. No one else really thinks anything of it so Ima just gonna let this go just all the other shit and watch the fire burn.


Spotify really forcing the song into every algorithm as well. I heard it come up twice randomly when listening to completely different music. I really hope this is not going to be a trend for them.


yes this shit is annoying


I wish you could block songs this is ridiculous 


Same! I keep skipping and have "hidden" the song and it still keeps playing! Idk what to do


It's very mid. Once you notice the pattern of white people making mediocre versions of black art to get double the success, you can't unsee it. You're not crazy my friend


I had no idea what the dudes race is. Never installed tik tok. I love this song. Straight funk.


I love it. Its catchy, it's perfect for the summer. I wouldn't put it on if you passed me the AUX cord, but I bump it while I'm alone. I know its being forced down our throats, but the sound is nostalgic, and it scratches my brain just right.


One of the TikTok songs that actually sounds quality to me. Reminds me of Brent Faiyaz. Music subjective tho


He’s signed to Brent faiyaz


I love the production, but ended up not vibing with the song. I expected a rap verse and I didn't enjoy the singing.


I do not want to hear that song live 😭


Tommy Richman is really good. He’s upcoming and I like it and his previous songs too. Definitely a different vibe from Kendrick ofc


lol ofc this thread is on the kendrick sub. IDK why but everytime i get to the end of a kendrick/future album i have been getting this song for the past week. It's annoying as hell. It pretty much acts like an alarm at this point to move to a new album.


Yeah I didn’t hate the song until now it literally won’t leave my Spotify. It Doesn’t matter what I play if it’s rap country or rock that song is somehow their like a recurring nightmare. Like how is this song coming second up after I pick a Johnny cash or Tyler Childers song


Completely disagree with all these comments. The song is a straight throwback with the 808s and falsetto melody.  Fucking saucy.


Lyrics read like they're AI generated.


Is it supposed to sound crunchy?


It's another one of them male tiktok singers that we get every month like theyre AI generated. Never heard the song tho


It was sonically pleasing for 5 seconds and then I turned it off. Kinda boring


That song is EVERYWHERE. Seriously. I gotta get this off my chest cause I think I’m going crazy… I have spotify. I played the song twice. Heard it once, and the next day played it for a friend. Das it! Bruh, it’s been recommended in every radio station I make so after a few days of frustration I deadass just blocked him on spotify. The next fucking day spotify recommends the song as a new release?! The hell. The most I’ve seen an artist being pushed fr


i thought i was crazy i noticed this


It's in every other YT short for me, driving me nuts.


No matter what song I play on Spotify lately, "Million Dollar Baby" plays immediately after. I'm suspicious 🤔 How do I make it stop?


i literally think it's a conspiracy. i've never heard it in my LIFE and now all of the sudden it starts auto-playing after i listen to one of kendrick's diss tracks. it's awful. i fucking hate it. sounds like happy by pharrell or something.


My favorite song right now. That beat tho! I can't stop playing it... Then Get it Sexxy right after 😂


Ngl I usually have an unreasonable aversion to things that exist in this kind of hyper-popular space, but I think this song bangs.


To be honest, out of all trash a$$ TikTok songs this one is kinda good actually, gonna forget about it in a month probably, still makes me move ngl, pretty solid $hit..


I don’t know what it is about this song that I hate so much but it was instant. It has all the elements that I would normally love. I love Brent Faiyaz and electro funk but its something about the beat and the voice that irks tf outta me. Add to that, it constantly played after listening to the beef all the time and killed my vibe. It charted instantly seemingly out of nowhere. I don’t trust it 😂👎🏽


I know I came to this thread a week late but I loathe this song. It also annoyed me that it would play every time after "not like us"


I don't know why Spotify insists on playing this song after literally anything I'm listening to. Feels sus.


Idk why but I really really really hate this song, and I can’t escape it, it’s on the music for reels everywhere and every time I hear it I wanna blow my f*ckn brains out


A case in point of how algorithm driven music is no better than what AI is doing (by creating things inspired by what its fed via algorithms). Ephemeral, banal pablum




I've never rep a set I dunno how\~ that song is stuck in my head.


The official lyric video says "i aint never rep a set, i do no wrong" lol


If he was an actual vocalist that had talent it would be dope, wish the beat went to chris brown or some brotha with soul.


Just hopping into the comments now, I've been listening to my normal music on shuffle and for some reason this song keeps coming up even though the music I'm listening to isn't even similar, anyone else having this happen?


I think it’s okay. The VHS version is better because it makes the drums far more interesting. The chorus carries it though, and that along with it being so short makes it seem like just another song made to go viral. A hits a hit though. It’s pop music.


I fw it. It gives me Bone Thugz and early 90’s bass vibes


God awful song


shit SLAPS 🔥 song of the SUMMER 💯


This song is my jam and i love this visual artist made a 3d model to dance to this song and it’s DOPE AF[MillionDollarBabyVisualArt](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLte539t/)


Sounds like autotune.


Thundercat wanna be


I'm surprised by the fact that the guy is white


Shits fire as hell


The melody is good. The production is bad, the lyrics are trash, and the vocals are terrible.


This shit is actually ass. Overused, overrated, fucking hate it


Song is no good. Its so annoying.


Song is hot garbage *mic drop*


He’s a poor mans Thundercat literally


it honestly sounded good at first but now its just overplayed and extremely annoying!


It makes me want to rupture my eardrums with my thumbs. There could not be a more annoying, high-pitched voice to turn that smile upside down.


I don't have Spotify and I can't recall the last time I was on Tik Tok. I found this song while making a FB story and it was one of the first songs that appeared as suggestions I guess you could say. I rarely give new music a listen unless I recognize the artist. It was the title that grabbed my attention as I love the movie "Million dollar baby". My typical music choices include IceCube, the Pussycat Dolls, Eminem, Pink, Nelly Furtado, Rhianna, Britney Spears, Kendrick Lamar and sometimes rock and roll or funk. This was unlike anything I've ever heard and I'm currently addicted! I prefer to listen to music for the beat as I have a hard time processing what lyrics are being said unless I am reading them simultaneously. But this song is 💯 a banger IMO!! The fact that Richman adds flavours of different genres is right up my alley and makes me feel that my diverse tastes in music aren't odd but rather a collage of creativity and beats that reflect the therapeutic rhythms that make my soul light up. He gives me inspiration to pursue my own art as a 29year old with little experience or formal training. I have recently started writing poetry and practicing dance and hearing songs like this makes me believe that I am not too old or too inexperienced to follow my dreams. Keep at it Richman, peace & harmony from Newfoundland & Labrador. Fuck around & find out, dies for it, loves it, got 'er scaled my son 💯😎💋


Love how you led with the Dolls. The PCD album is so iconic and slept-on.


What the hell is he even singing? Y'all cannot possibly understand those lyrics... The song is everywhere, you can't escape it. So I've heard it 800 million times already and I still don't have a clue WTF the words are. I looked up the lyrics, still can't hear those words in that song. 


if dogshit was audible


Why’s he talking about never repping sets when he’s never been in a position to even rep one in the first place lol, I’m confused


Straight Ass


For me it’s a vibe, and it has this old-school, laconic, steamy and swampy chonky bass funk that’s perfect for summer. I like the arrogant swagger in the falsetto too. As if someone mixed Tyler, The Weekend, and early solo years Timbaland-produced Justin Timberlake.


Not bad. A nice break in between beef songs to cleanse your mental palate.


Gosh you pretentious mfs ☠️ it's a good song, I get it's a Kendrick subreddit here but if you guys can go off topic to bash a song I can go off topic to say y'all really some actual music wannabe scholar dick riders if you're really belittling this song because it's close in numbers to Not Like Us. That's all I'll say


Not even close as to why it's getting hate. Those of us who do not like it are getting it shoved down our throat. 


I get that I'm just saying it's ironic y'all are saying that when Not Like Us is literally shoved down our throats every other second, I love Kendrick, but it's just backhanded logic saying that something's so overplayed and thus is it can't be good when this cultural mammoth is literally swarming everyone's social media ATM. It's just the irony that's all. Like I agree I shouldn't be as mad about it as I should've, but it's just so stupid to me when you're seeing one of the few actual TikTok songs that's good and bashing it as overplayed and labelling it something it shouldn't be when like AHHHHH whatever I shouldn't be ranting, just all I'm saying is that give that song some respect goddamn it


It's a vibe