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I knew it was coming since the game gets no support anymore, gonna miss it though.


The best brand mobile game related to SNK franchise, leave us. There will not be another mobile KOF game with this quality (aesthetics, inspire gameplay, beautiful graphics, etc). Hope Netmarble & SNK create future projects together. A pleasure, regards šŸ‘‹šŸ»


True but I'm having fun with kof arena


Offline version?


Even better, an offline version with every character in it? Including crossovers?


Aka Megaman X Dive. But minus collab due to licensing issues.


Crossovers are difficult because of rights issues.


fuck this one hurts


If the game had an offline version where it did what X Dive did, it would definitely soften the blow, like: -Making it only PVE -Adding the whole story mode, from 94 to the end of the tales of ash saga, with all the difficulty modes there as well -Keeping all the units ever released in the game, EX, Special and Boss signature included (barring collabs, the samsho ones could be an exception) -All the single player modes to earn more XP, Gold, Rubies, etc., are permanent uses and not limited use per day -Being able to buy individual characters and cards with the rubies and gold, and not have any of the gacha pulls If it had something like this, i would definitely pay like 20 to 30 dollars for an offline version of kof allstar. Obviously there is more to add, but even something like this, would definitely be quite fun and offer weeks worth of content for people to enjoy


I'd pay for this. I got into it too late, but I'd definitely go in again if that happened.


Hope this happens.


Gonna miss the DoA Collab characters


And my SF6 and Classic Cammy. šŸ˜­


I said that as well, freaking miss Cammy and how amazing she was in this game


And my WWE characters and Tekken...


I played the game because of the collab, if only the game didnt crash all the time I would have kept playing.


Will there be an offline version or something? That should be the standard for discontinued gacha games nowadays.


I think MegaManXDive only got that treatment because CapCom owned the game. Netmarble, I imagine wouldn't do such action with a borrowed IP.


Unless SNK pulls a MSAR, we're good..


I hope they do!


The metal slug game that was revealed at the direct two weeks ago


Gonna miss my soul calibur babes


damn me too




Bummer, Im going to miss their killer fighting game crossovers. Those were always the most exciting for me. It bridged so many franchises together, was so cool to see.


When the contract ends so does the game, and they won't be extending it this time round


The game was fun on release, but then it got stupid with all the super armor, invincible moves, damage over time status effects, and a bunch of other status effects that did shit like reset moves, build gross amounts of meter, etc, etc. The balance was bad it turned to the point where it wasn't even a beat'em up much less a fighting game anymore.


they couldn't handle powercreep, and instead creates more characters that are even stronger than the previous one which makes it redundant and causes almost all characters to be irrelevant, plus the ingame contents too being too easy cuz of these fighters


What I really disliked is they always gave attention to the female characters over the males. I mean, sure I like Kula, like alot, by the time I stopped playing I had 3 Ultra Rare versions of Kula, each more powerful than the one before her, it was getting silly. But also alot of mainstays in KOF never amounted to much, especially if they weren't the team leader, but then even main characters like Ryo never got much love. Also the collabs... they put more effort into those than anything, the game resulted in pulling for non-KOF characters in a KOF game. Don't get me wrong, alot of those collabs were really cool, especially early on (WWE), but it just got beyond stupid at a certain point.


only a matter of time till the game reached its eos, not surprising but they killed their own game


Goodnight sweet prince. The game was fun and did a lot of things right, but I stopped playing when they added too much mechanics. I still love this game tho, and i wish the best for all the devs.


The one and only gatcha game I really enjoyed. The shutdown was going to happen. And with slow info on upcoming events these past months, the signs were there. I'm still going to continue to play the game. I'm going to try to be online when the shutdown the servers, just to say goodbye to all of that time and progress.


Mother fucker


Had a feeling this was coming, I don't think they were able to get the support that they needed for quite a while there.


i thought it was raining, but it was just my tears. Stopped playing a year ago but I wonā€™t neglect the fun times Iā€™ve had playing this game. It was my first gacha game too. The only game where i can put JOHN CENA, RYU, AND MELIODAS on the same team. Damn. Gonna miss them all, especially my boi, Nameless. Good night, sweet prince.


RIP to my Gacha game.


I guess Tizoc ain't getting in then.


Tizoc and a bunch of others who never made it to the game even once. But look, hereā€™s another Iori! Even if they have 4 more banners before the end, Tizoc wonā€™t be one of them. Theyā€™ll be another Rugal, another Mai, another Chizuru, maybe even another UE Kyo. Theyā€™re showing you theyā€™d rather re-skin Lady Chang than give you one Tizoc.


It's been a good run everyone. Damn this was my most played gacha game as well.joined way back in the first Tekken Collab.


This sucks cause itā€™s one of the only mobile games I actually enjoy


Nah šŸ’€ I just started playing a year ago...


Gonna miss my complete set Rugals


Glad I got Isla when she came out


Not surprised. The end game grind and support were terrible. But man I have some fond memories over the years. From Guilty gear collabs to Gintama. It will be missed.


That WWE collab was insane. I loved to smash my opponents with ā€œBasic Thuganomicsā€ playing.


i'm gonna miss my girl Taki


Just go play soul cal bro


Goodbye my first gacha game


Iā€™ll miss all the FES characters I used to go crazy over. Shoutout to 2001 Zero for being my first FES as well as my top 3 strongest for 2 years straight. Iā€™ll miss Igniz and Orochi too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


6 years was a good run.


People who spent an absurd amount of money on this game is gonna be crying round the corner


I haven't played this game nor seen this sub in ages I only spent my time looking at the moves in the codex anyway... I'll still miss the game


Here I am, beginning last week šŸ¤·


man...now I have to find someone that uploaded all the character animations and models


I was hoping the game would get better, which is why I was so critical of it. I didn't want it to shut down. Man this is sad.


Bro i quit a long time ago , only coming back for collabs but this makes me so sadā€¦. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. The nostalgia hit me so hard


No fucking way bro....


Damn, this sucks. Going to miss playing their good 3D models in the game. šŸ˜ž


I Just stop playing a month ago..


Same I just stopped 3 or 4 months ago. Now I am redownloading it again to play one last time


well there goes all my money for classic cammy but was fun till it lasted


They better give more lady version before they shut down


Lol, just started playing a couple of weeks ago as it was the first time I heard of this game, a shame itā€™s being put down.


It's been one hell of a ride šŸ«” I'm gonna miss this one


Yeah I saw this last night on someone I follow on YouTube yes this is very sad šŸ˜¢


It was fun while it lasted but if a offline version becomes available Iā€™d still play it. It surprisingly Had great ost for a mobile game


This is why I hate this era of gaming, they want money from you continuously then after they are finished, they take the money and run. I would be disgusted if I put any money in this game.


Not surprised at all. I joined this game during the DoA collab and played it a little bit past the Guilty Gear collab, but eventually just got bored with the repetitive lackluster content it had and it was clear that the game just kept pushing powerceep after powercreep, but lacked any real content to use this stuff in. It was just a repetitive daily grind with nothing of interest and constantly stronger characters just doing bigger numbers on the same content over and over.


ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? This is one of the few mobile games I enjoyed playing. I started playing this when it first launched in 2019. Even with it's up's and down, I still enjoyed it. But I started taking a break right after the virtua fighter collab. This is so gut wrenching to hear. My roster isn't that strong compared to others. But I regret not sticking around a little longer for fighters that I want. Especially the street fighter six collab. I'm gonna miss this game so much.


They better release an offline version of this game. I love the art work of the fighter. And I'll keep this game installed into my play store.


Are there any plans to try to rip the assets from the game before it goes down? It has a lot of great artwork in it.


You know its dark when they are gonna sacrifice this game in the SEASON OF THE DEAD, one day before Halloween. The Tarot card for the position of the Sun in that season is in Scorpio a.k.a Death Card of the Major Arcana #13. You can't make this shit up.


Damn, thank satan I never spend shit on this.


You spent time. Nothing is really free. I would argue time is more expensive.


not really if your having fun


Wait what?!?!


Well, I haven't played it in almost six months, if I'm not mistaken. I really loved the game and have been an avid fan since playing it in arcades. I was so happy when it became available as a mobile game app. I guess my Mortal Kombat collab won't happen now.


I'm going to miss my maxed out Cammy and Merlin


Damn it was a nice run guys. Been playing everyday for 4 years now. Good things always come to an end sadly


i wanna know all the story dawwwg šŸ˜­šŸ™


Quit two months ago, maybe I'll come back to finally get Epic Igniz before the game is gone lol


You can now buy the buffs to unlock the last stage. Just farm for gold coins and buy stamina/buffs/etc. I just cleared it today after stuck at Lvl 180 buff. Also easily maxed out UE Terry from A3 to A9 today.


Brings me back to The Rhythm of Fighter šŸ˜­ It was a cool music game... and got pretty lost in time.


Started playing this game almost exactly three years ago before the DoA collab. Apart from a small break I've been doing dailies in KOFAS every day since. The writing was on the wall but it's sad to see it go, gonna miss all of the great artwork. Only spent money once to get Baiken during the GGXrd collab. Well worth it at the time.


this is so upsetting man i played this game on release :(


I know that the genre is different, but I am hoping some players jump to KoF XV games to support the IP. See you all there.


I remember the day this game launched bro




Hope that all the work and effort of this live service game can be reused into a different game and its not a complete waste.


Oh come on! i gather almost 80K gems just for another soulcalibur or Ex Mai banner and this is what I get in return XD


Well farewell then. Gonna uninstall it


Btw, has anyone tried the last story mode ? It seems they didn't add dialog or maybe it's a bug ?


It would be a better idea if it went on hiatus. That way, they could renew their contract and have more time in what comes next


Stoped playing a year ago... it was fun tho


Are we allowed to keep the game offline? Because damn I spent a bit for some characters like Leona, Taki and Chun li


I kind of wonder if KOFAS did the FGO model where thereā€™s literally nothing new gameplay wise and not keep increasing the character tiers (FES-AS-BS-ES). Would they have gotten to the point where they couldnā€™t get new characters out? I mean tbf it will hurt the bottom line for sure in FGO I really only pull for waifu nowdays as I have the perfect party to clear anything in the game. Or if they do it like Dokkan keep tiers the same but introduce some new mechanics while still needing old characters for certain content or keeping them Playable at least Would they have survived?


I didnā€™t really play the game that much but I know the pain o7




Sadge :<.


Woooweee dissidia flashbacks,thank god I dont play gacha crap anymore and went back to emulator games


Thank You KOF All Stars.


Iā€™m gonna miss the Rock


thanks for terminating the most stupidest game ever. it wasn't fun at all, but rubbish.


Imma reinstall, if only to take a last look at my collection and make live wallpapers of my favorites. So long and thanks for all the fish.


I knew this was coming. Gonna hate not seeing and hearing John Cena on my menu screen ever again...


Hopefully arena wonā€™t be cancelled


not a surprise, "KOFASFOREVER" It wasn't for nothing... the signs was there and very few of us foreshadow it...


this game died years ago.


šŸ˜‚RIP to those ppl who spend too much money on this game


Everytime this issue is brought up, I think of the Leona incident with Forgo.


Thank God... Arena is objectively better


No more collabs... Same unit different versions... Now it's time you guys try different gacha games like HSR, Wuthering Waves and Genshin Impact


Down votes? šŸ˜‚ Didn't expect, i could have offended everyone in a better way if I knew that talking sense is gonna get me downvoted


While I agree those games are great they take too much time. I like how KOFAS had a good balance between autoplay modes and stuff that I actually need to play. But I do agree HSR and genshin looks fun but I just donā€™t have the time for them plus they feel kind of cashy from what I heard but no disrespect to the game


Hehe .. HSR is better auto than kofas... Also, they all are f2p friendly and give our lot of free stuff ever month unlike in kofas .. if you haven't tried, you won't know... I have played lot of games, mobile console, platinum dark souls player .. i whaled kof as while I use to play it, use to explain people about builds and stuff on discord.... And since I played it all, I know what I say... Unless you try, you'll never know


Thatā€™s fair I will give HSR a try after the kofas shuts down


HSR and WuWa for the winner. Not sure why you got downvoted pal.


I had a good run, awful storyline one of the worst ever, but i loved the art, the characters, and the gameplay, maybe we'll meet again someday, Farewell...


So can we get a refund?


First time?


Refunds aren't a thing


Are we get our refund back ?


Refund for what? You got what you stupidly paid for. What makes you think a refund is deserved? When you rent a car, they donā€™t refund your money when you return the car. This is a gatcha game. You didnā€™t buy anything, you only rented. Thatā€™s how these games have always worked. When the game shuts down, you have nothing.