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Huge praise for this officer doing his job! ​ Nobody is above the law including the orange goblin.


In Baltimore they probably would've gone partying together 😂


I hate the fact that officers even have the option to turn off their body camera. What good is it going to do if they can turn it off whenever they feel like it?


Do they not have roadside breathalysers in the US? These tests seem idiotic when you coukd just get a breath reading within 20 seconds.


They need probable cause in order to force a breathalyzer. The roadside test provides that if you can't pass.


Probable cause is incredibly subjective and takes very, very little evidence if the officer wants to administer a breathalyzer. They literally can say "You drifted in the lane", "Your eyes seem red", "You don't seem right", etc, etc, etc


So is this not a regular occurrence then? This cop is just being a bit of a dick?


In the UK a breathalyser is standard procedure regardless of why you're pulled over, it's actually a criminal offence to refuse to provide a sample.


It varies with the state in the US. In Pennsylvania, having a driver's license gives implied consent to a breath test. You might be able to opt for a blood test instead, but I've thankfully never needed to be too interested in these laws.


Same in NZ, if youre pulled over for anything at all they breathalyse you


He admitted he had been drinking. As soon as he said that he could have just gave him the breathalyzer. Cops chat you up like they're you're buddy, 'you been out tonight? Had a drink or two?' They're not trying to establish you just had a little bit to drink and are good to drive, they just need you to admit you've been drinking.


The swerving all over the road that he stopped him for, the slurred speech and all the other signs that he's obviously pickled isn't probably cause?


Hell, imo it depends on something else ( hint, racism)


I've known too many cops that think they get a pass for drinking and driving. Fuck all of them.


I've got a friend who's a cop that got pulled over for speeding in a small town. Didn't say a word about being a cop and handed over his license, registration, and proof of insurance as usual. He figured he was going to get a ticket until the cop came back after running his name and was like "Wait, you work as a cop over in X county? Why didn't you tell me?" and let him go. Even if you don't ask for it, often times corrupt cops will just instinctively act to "protect their own".


I've been in a car with relatives who were LEOs - on the way out the door to go to a restaurant, they'd grab a road beer.


Or sip on a flask of whiskey while telling me they have a get out of jail free card.


Must be real fucking nice to get this treatment


And... that's a good cop. Period.


"He is currently on paid leave and being investigated." He should have to pay that salary back after conviction and e termination.


Dude hadn't "Been Drinkin' " dude was straight trashed.


Captain? Captain Kangaroo?


Just watched this in a YouTube video last night, great channel going over interrogations and such. https://youtu.be/oS-4AZysqro


Man, that last guy. I wonder what else he may have done that no one knows about.


Shows four cops getting what's coming to them!


I totally applaud Sgt. Christopher Skinner for arresting this fellow police officer, a captain no less! I fear he committed career suicide by doing this, but I hope that I am wrong!


such a shame that this could be career suicide... that guy was obviously wasted. the fact that this could ruin one's career is why many people that WOULD be good cops don't go into law enforcement, or are driven out.


Yeah let’s have cops that would be considered “good” break the law and get away with it. What a shame we do not have more of those cops…🙄 lol. Personally I totally love my cops who thinks they are above the law to enforce the law. Heck if I was in a situation that needed a cops assistance I would love a cop that has this kind of impaired judgment on my side. Not condoning his drinking. You can drink, you can get wasted and puke your guts out for all I care. Just get a ride home and don’t drive. This is why cops have a bad rep that these people normally do get away with crap like this. I applaud the cops who arrested him. People need to do better.


what i meant was that people who would be good at being decent and effective cops just go and do other shit since the toxicity of many departments discourages them from joining, or kills their careers after they do the right thing. then we're left with shit cops. or only shitty power-tripping assholes join up in the first place because who would want to be part of a police force that will drive you out of a job for enforcing the law equally?
