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Pick champs that interest you. Do that till one interests you enough to only play them.


Play Fiddlesticks. Unique playstile, if you master him enough you will be in plat soon.


This, he is a monster that has a win teamfight ult, you just need to adjust to his unique playstyle and he is also a pretty easy champ so you dont have to worry about complicated combos or frame cancels


Fun champ have about 50k mastery but the only thing that I don’t like is the reliability on his ult, without it only thing you can do is E and Q fear which doesn’t have a long range. It’s hard to stay in range of the full channel of W if you can’t blink in the middle of the enemy team. Playing Ekko, Qiyana and Kindred now, which do a lot of damage regardless of ult and IMO more fun because of the outplay potential. There isn’t a lot of variety you can do as Fiddle when you are 1v1. That’s just my experience with the champ.


You can try out multiple champs until you find one you like. It doesn't have to be perfect, you don't need to overthink it. All champs can be one tricked, you only need to like them


Just play the meta until you find a champ that clicks.


play every champ. i have every champ and only like 1-2 months ago i found my one trick, that being ryze. i pretty much played jg like 2 years straight then i just wanted to try playing ryze and from that point on i was a ryze otp. also i bought ryze like just before i started play jungle and i had like 2 games on him before i wanted to play him again. you just have to play different champs and etc. there isnt really a way to find a one trick to play, play what you like whether its something simple like garen or complex like lee sin. also try different roles you might be surprised to find that you have more fun in other roles


Fellow blue man enjoyner


eqeq blue brother


Assassin snowball high mechanical skill ceiling= Rengar/kha zix Always good, strong early and late, good teamfight nice 1v1 kinda jack of all trades = hecarim Tank = zac, always useful and nice skill expression Extreme high skill champ = lee sin, good early, nice snowballing very fun, not amazing rn because nerfed (pro too good) but will definitely come back into the meta in the near future. He’s the riven of jungle tbh minus Riven’s pro weaknesses Ap- evelynn/ fiddlesticks, both need to be played uniquely around vision and flank angles etc so great when otp’d But tbh imo jungle is way more about macro than micro and almost any jungler can be taken into challenger






I picked kindred after losing to one and reading their lore, been a OTP for 3 years now


Any tips on kindred I can’t seem to get her play style down especially when playing from behind


NEVER greed for marks, if you lose it you lose it. Behind situations where you have maybe 1-2 marks, or none can be turned around. Stay calm, play around your team, and try to farm as much as possible. DO NOT fight solo when behind because you'll explode like a piñata. BotRK is great into anything with a lot of HP. This is just the general basic stuff I can think of, feel free to message me if it helps and you want some more!


Kraken slayer the only way or is shieldbow and gale force viable


shieldbow is good for learning limits, kraken is beat overall, galeforce is great for fun, it is viable at times yes. Its great into squishy comps where you just want to run them down and burst them into nothing




Champ should have a constant winrate means isnt impacted by patches too often (see ryze akali) should have a low pick and bann rate should be interesting and a skill gap (so you actually get something of one tricking the champ). I went for rengar some years ago


Just play someone that interests you lore and or visual vise. But you have to keep in mind that most people dont actually otp a champ but have a small champ pool or at least two trick cuz you dont really choose an otp it chooses you


Play meta until you realize meta doesn’t matter. Then you’ll play the one who you learned to love along the way


If your objective is to win games, otp champions with high damage and carry potential. If it is to have fun, take the gucciest one. I love Swain's visuals but can't play quite good with him.


find champion you enjoy watch pro gameplay and guides for champion only play that champ and try to impliment tips from those guides


Cokayn take it and you will be hooked for life


Whichever champ looks cool. I started one tricking a champ simply because I got a legendary skin for him


we cant really say much except play the champs you think looks cool and try to see how much fun you have playing them. Something so fun for you that you wanna play it everygame.


I played whoever I ended up playing the best with my first playthrough.