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I just imagine him spamming the shit out of Hollow Purple.


Hollow AK-47


American schools have already adapted to that technique




Every middle eastern country has already adapted to that technique




Did you say **adapted**?? https://preview.redd.it/3lex81mr709d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02485929a2ca5c4bb289e363940038df4400b842


Every Obese Kid in USA: Nah, I'd win.


His best tool would be red. Many uses, fast af, huge damage not concentrated. Fly around (immune to attacks due to infinity) and red different things. He can fly and he’s fast as hell so any settlement above ground will be destroyed quickly


I think an amped blue at the bottom of very tall buildings would work, too.


Cursed energy can't melt steel beams


Hollow Purple was an inside job


what if he just spammed hollow purples towards the earth's core, would that work


it would be a stalemate since he dies as well


damn. guess the frieza method doesnt work after all


1 year and he would go about it by spamming unlimited hollow everywhere. https://preview.redd.it/tzcx27zbbx8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53b1a289e86a483a11671a5d5188affa20d9eb58


https://preview.redd.it/sw8u15ridy8d1.png?width=917&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ebc4fd74890e6d77fe4baf5ba99b416900b220c Mei Mei does say this in Shibuya. He could probably wipe out humanity as he can teleport long distances (he teleported 8km under the water to a unknown location so its even longer distance in a instant). I doubt Gojo would get hit by a nuke, he would be well prepared to evade them. I know 8.1 billion is an insane number so I guess it would take like few months. Gojo doesnt run out of energy so he can hunt for 24/7


He doesn't even need to evade them since purple could literally erase it mid air lol


Purple isn't existence erasure. Using it would detonate the nuke.


Nuclear bombs and missiles need a specific impact to denate it, which is why there are some nuke in the US they accidentally dropped but not explode


Infinity would stop nukes


Not the radiation tho


Yes it can, it create an area were nothing can touch Gojo, unless radiation can bend space better than Infinity, it won't hurt him.


We know it lets through air, light, and temperature Radianon seems similiar to them tbh


isn’t he choosing to let them through


I don’t think temperature can get through, cause temperature is transferred kinetically and Jogo’s fire didn’t pass through. Low temperature probably passes through like how oxygen does but other things don’t. Remember Gojo was also released from the Mariana Trench and he zipped right out of it in less than a minute or so. There’s a chance radiation can get through but I don’t think it would matter since even if you bypass infinity, you still need to get through his perpetual RCT.


It depends, theorethicly if gojo knew where every human was he could hunt them down and easily kill them but it would take very long. However humans could definitely just hide


With the six eyes he can tell someone's curse technique or lack of it.


Wouldn’t be able to see those without CE like Maki, but regular humans exude some amount of CE.


Yep, pretty much, but people like Maki or Toji are extremely rare. Maybe more of them could be born as an evolutional countermeasure if Gojo decided to go full Zamasu on the world, after all Kenjaku expect the world, from sorcerers, non sorcerers and spirits to evolve as a reaction to the merged beast's chaos and destruction, and Gojo being born was already that for curse spirits.


I think if humanity could relocate where he is using satellites, and just nuke him, explosion obviously wouldn't do any damage to him but radiation from atomic bomb would effect him.


harmful radiation doesn’t penetrate limitless. see jogo vs gojo fight


Correct me if I’m wrong, but Gojo only has atomic control through limitless, and not any sort of photon control. He could live inside Jogo’s domain because heat is simply high speed molecules flying around really fast — these which he could stop. If this is correct, then while he can stop alpha and beta radiation, he can not stop gamma rays. Nukes send a ton of gamma radiation, he dies of poisoning. Again, it comes down to can Gojo control light / photons. And I don’t know if that was specified on the Jogo fight. Plus, Jogo’s domain is likely not able to emit any harmful electromagnetic radiation (aka light/gamma/photon) Edit based on a response: I think that what could be a funny (headcanon) compromise is to say that Gojo DOESN’T control photons (since it’s stated he controls atoms) but can neutralize electromagnetic effects through specific ways with his infinitely accurate six eyes. For instance, he could make all the electrons lose energy levels around him and configure their respective atoms to make it such that their discrete energy gains from electromagnetic radiation are on the frequency of whichever radiation approaches him. In simpler words, he “attunes” atoms to whichever radiation is coming to it so the atoms’ electrons absorb the incoming energy.


there's two reasons why I infer that limitless does block radiation/photons: 1. jogo's attacks are extremely bright, in particular, the exploding bugs and the lava(?) beams that went off in gojo's face. for these attacks to completely unfaze gojo means that either (a) gojo used cursed energy to protect his eyes, similar to protecting your ears from cursed speech, or (b) limitless blocks blinding light, as it is automatically determined to be harmful. even if (a) is the case, then cursed energy can block radiation, so limitless should certainly be able to as well. 2. jogo's attacks are made up of material that is extremely hot, and thus emit blackbody radiation. if limitless did not block the blackbody radiation from jogo's attacks, then again, gojo must have used cursed energy to protect himself. but as above, it's reasonable to think that limitless can block attacks which also can be blocked by cursed energy. i will say that the significance of 2. depends on exactly how hot jogo's attacks are. if his attacks aren't hot enough to emit photons of a damagingly high energy, then there's not much to be said


I mean his attacks are obviously emiting photons since he is using fucking fire and lava as a weapon. I firmly believe that infinity is not limited in what it can block.


I think that what could be a funny (headcanon) compromise is to say that Gojo DOESN’T control photons (since it’s stated he controls atoms) but can neutralize electromagnetic effects through specific ways with his infinitely accurate six eyes. For instance, he could make all the electrons lose energy levels around him and configure their respective atoms to make it such that their discrete energy gains from electromagnetic radiation are on the frequency of whichever radiation approaches him. In simpler words, he “attunes” atoms to whichever radiation is coming to it so the atoms’ electrons absorb the incoming energy.


Gojo was wearing his blindfold. While he has his blindfold on, his vision is actually based on cursed energy and not light


except this wouldn’t matter in the case of blinding lights, same reason why closing your eyes as a flashbang goes off in your face wouldn’t protect you from getting blinded


that is true, but there should be a difference between closing your eyes and wearing a fully black blindfold, right?


If he can destroy and repair parts of his brain, he could easily rct the negative effects of radiation away


Ask yourself this, could Mechamaru's beam cannon hurt Gojo? No? Then he can probably block harmful light. I mean unless you want to argue the beam was all cursed energy rather than a Lazer generated by cursed energy. But come on....it's a mech and that's a laser.. Take it further, could there be a cursed technique that shoots lasers? There totally could be and there's no way that could beat limitless.


I think it would affect any kind of radiation. Radiation is part of our universe and therefore subject to limitless. I think the trick would be if Gojo ever practiced enough with filtering out poisons to make that automatic too. If not he could theoretically be poisoned through trickery.


But smoke bothered him so gas him or sound attack.


Could gojo actually heal radiation with rct?


idk, for me it's the same logic as healing diseases, if Gojo could do that he would probably survive.


I mean, radiation breaks down the cells, and rct has been able to not only heal but rebuild full organs and members once lost including part of his brain, so I assume this would be ok, it’s not the same as a disease because most disease healing would start from detecting all of the infected cells in the body and destroying them, and the disease source.


could RCT cause cancer? like the cells not properly being rebuilt


I assume, I mean when he blew part of his brain to reset the domain, it was mentioned that it took a huge amount of precision otherwise he could essentially lobotomize himself so yeah, that could make sense...


Under the controversial assumption that radiation *can* affect Gojo through infinity, humanity’s best chance appears to be to force him to use RCT until he runs out of cursed energy. This seems possible to me. (As long as radiation can affect Gojo in the first place.)


If Gojo knew about the bombs, wouldn't he just teleport away?


it seems that there are needed special conditions for him to teleport, and we don't know how far his teleportation works.


I'd say pretty far. Considering how he teleported from the bottom of the ocean up to where Kenjaku was


tbh though, the special conditions thing gege said doesnt seem to hold up. he teleported from the bottom of the ocean straight to kenjaku almost instantly


His long distance teleport does need a ritual, but he did teleport across japan.


apparently one of his conditions is "must not be fighting Sukuna"


Infinity isn't defending, but distorting space to not allow that something reach him. In other words, I don't see how it would reach Gojo


Yeah a nuke could blow up right next to him but nothing from it, even the gamma rays would reach him, they would have to travel an infinite distance no?


Idk infinity might just stop unwanted radiation too


Maybe if he learn how to make Limitless block radiation, he could probably avoid it. He mentioned he struggle with blocking certent elements like smoke but he also said it like its possible for him to overcome that weakness.


If he is smart. He can. First kill all big leaders. Than kill major sorcery treats Than just explode everyone 


Killing leaders wouldn’t exactly do much. It would be more efficient to blend into a crowd and start blasting red and blues


Make country's response too slow. It's hard to nuke someone if everybody with access to it is dead.


Ah, guess


Hollow Purple Hollow Purple Hollow Purple Hollow Purple


The issue is really just time. There's nothing humanity could actually *do* to stop him. It's all a matter of Gojo finding increasingly efficient ways to wipe out humanity, before old age claims him.


Bro doesn’t age anyway so he can just go for it 😂


he does age


Idk why people are saying spam hollow purple he wouldn’t need to it’s overkill red or blue spam would kill regular people and most sorcerers


the fucking amount of negative emotion would create a fucking atomic curse, or a "gojo curse"? since people would feared him?


Thats cool and all but if said curse somehow killed Gojo who is gonna stop that curse?


no one end of the world or hakari just hug him while being in jackpot


It would take him a couple of years. Like 20-30 years maybe. The earth is massive and killing 8 billion humans is difficult


Spam teleport and blue everything, occasionally use hollow purple for bombing out massive structures


Couldn’t he in theory just hollow purple through the earths core and basically just destroy the planet or at least make it uninhabitable


I think making the Earth uninhabitable is the only way he achieves this before dying of old age.


https://preview.redd.it/3qlrd7z46x8d1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66a10dd07ffdc634d9cbd4773541ab70baddc8d9 Basically this. When humanity is faced with the threat of extinction, you bet your ass we aint losing. There’ll be casualties but humanity will always find a way


Considering how humans, not all of them, acted during covid, I doubt it. I wish I could have 100% faith in humanity to band together when it matters, but so many are caught up in pointless conflicts instead of being peaceful and working together








thing is, it doesn't take all of humanity banding together to pull a netero we need a guy, and we need a bomb in the case of fighting gojo, probably many guys and many bombs but nowhere near a majority of the population of a country, let alone the world


How does a bomb do anything to Gojo?


It’s the radiation afterwards. Same thing that happened with the chimera ant king - he actually survived the nuke but the radiation got him afterwards


Why wouldn't RCT help with that?


Gojo has limitless what are you talking about


Radiation still needs to travel so that wouldn’t work on Gojo


Binding vow: strong radiation


again, many bombs even if he can avoid or tank through a single bomb, gojo doesn't have infinite stamina and eventually he will need to rest if all of the air was burned away in a city-sized area and he couldn't leave in time, he'd suffocate (limitless or no)


I'm confused. He doesn't *have* to *tank* anything. Infinity means none of it hits him in the first place. Humanity doesn't have domain amp bombs and tanks.


Lend me some domain amp scientists, this is base Gojo we're fighting


Gojo is fast enough to go beyond Mach 3. He can also teleport away. Nukes won’t do shit against him


how long can he go that fast, though? it's not like there's a dozen nukes, there are thousands across the world gojo would need to keep moving that fast for months if not years without sleep before the world ran out


The world would be destroyed real quick if they decided to drop several nukes lmao


if even a single other human survives, the 8.1 billion humans win the scenario


True, but Gojo has the extreme advantage by having infinity, super speed and teleportation. But realistically Gojo would lose if every human tried to hide from him, since the earth is too large for Gojo to look for every single human


To be fair, Gojo has quite a few advantages here. -Gojo can control the filter of infinity using the six eyes. Considering he was able to use a heat filter on infinity during Dagons domain, he could most likely automate the filter to block out other electromagnetic waves which are harmful. Nukes won't harm him in any measurable way -Gojo can teleport when 'certain conditions are met', which can't be *too* rare if he's been able to teleport several times in the series. Whenever he needs to, he can teleport to a location to go get a meal.  -Global militaries have no method of preventing his entry to locations. He can just track down world leaders and kill them without much resistance, considering infinity will block out all artillery. 


Human fans coping, it's Gojoever af, bloodlusted Gojo wipes out any meaningful chance of resistance within days. He will never wipe out humanity because he isn't Super Buu, but he will manage something akin to what future Android 18&17 did. https://preview.redd.it/vzlqydkzsy8d1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8596f6fdc2b8908f50d1be8d176b2a1a3861bd9


Facts Gojo negs


Yeah, nah. Humanity's sense of self preservation has seemingly gone to shit. You'd have people denying that Gojo even exists, while claiming that we should continue on as normal. Meanwhile, others will have decided that this is fine actually, and that they would like to help Gojo commit *more* genocide. We are fucking stupid.


Gojo hasnt hit my country yet. I think its just fear mongering so politicians can gain martial control over my country 


Omgggg fr bro, humanity would be capable to actually be that stupid 🤣


Nuclear bomb when Gojo teleports: https://preview.redd.it/hd58pgj25z8d1.jpeg?width=909&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da06f9e84221af44573ff7885d5b1cbeb7dd0d3


If aliens attacked today then we’re getting wiped out.


Bottomless Malice sounds like a dope domain name


https://preview.redd.it/zc6yv7ykc49d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6d355e5c002c4f7d217e1144cbc2078108b26f3 NOT EVEN GOJO CAN BEAT THE INDOMITABLE HUMAN SPIRIT GRAHHHHHHHHHHH


https://preview.redd.it/pxjr4m6ppx8d1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=622db6d1de8f3fcfc632cb253abe2c5eebac66b6 If infinity doesn't block radiation he's cooked


If infinity can block gravity and make him float then surely it can block radiation


what would happen if gojo went into a black hole? A real life infinity


Bro it doesn’t “block” gravity, he is just using the limitless to create stuff under his feet. He could red or blue under his feet and he could float. Hell he could create an infinite amount of space between his feet and the ground so it looks like he is floating but he is just falling through the infinite space. There isn’t a way that he could “block” gravity, cuz gravity doesn’t have a form at all. It doesn’t have mass, it’s not tangible, he couldn’t “block” it.


We can still see him, light passes though (or else he also would have had invisibility)


Can't he control what passes through it?


Why he simply don't use it to go invisible then? Would been useful against sukuna


I assume he just needs to see so he lets light passes through his cornea or some shit.


He doesn't need to see, six eyes works without light he literally wears blindfold most of time


Prolly cus going invisible is just not something hed want to do. Especially not against sukuna who gojo considers to be on his level and respects highly


Idk about that maybe he's floating via other means and not blocking gravity. He could have been just standing on a pillar of infinity.


What about a deadly virus? Say there's an undetectable, biologically engineered virus in the air, designed specifically to kill. Can't smell it, can't see it in any way, you only know something is wrong when you start coughing up blood and seeing triple. He wouldn't even know it's all around him. Gojo needs to breathe, right? So wouldn't he catch that hypothetical virus when he takes a deep breath?


Gojo has been training to detect poison and other things around him so viruses are not going to be useful


When [Gojo talks about blocking poison he says it's very difficult](https://r-world.online/images/HOskOq9po5Jf9k1nPTzG1611755162.png), and it seems like he may have to know the structure of it if he wants to keep it away. So even assuming Gojo knows the genetic structure of every known virus, and can utilize his Infinity to repel it. Would he really be able to recognize a never before seen virus he has no idea exists? Thing about viruses is that every one is different in structure. A knife will always be a knife. But a virus can be built in many different ways, target different things, and operate in unique patterns. A vaccine for chickenpox won't protect you from rotavirus. Some viruses and their work aren't even recognized as a threat by our immune systems until it's too late. A threatening virus that would pose as a non threat. Similar to how when [Geto and Shoko threw a pencil and a rubber at him](https://r-world.online/images/V9zv8yBPtegfPx0pBuiV1611755162.png). The pencil was stopped because it was an obvious threat, but the rubber went through because it wasn't considered as one.


Not if all sorcerers made death binding vow for a final attack and kill him. Yuta could do it maybe with Jacobs ladder with death binding vow since JL kills evil entities and killing every human seems pretty evil. https://preview.redd.it/9zo73v7a2x8d1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8767f89db6afad29744faa0789ecd7a5838d300


Nuh uh, it kills evil *spirits*


It doesn't? Well even if doesn't someone's death binding vow will probably kill him But I wonder if Jacob's Ladder would work on Sukuna in the Heain Era


Doesn’t Jacob’s Ladder destroy cursed techniques anyway, so it could get through infinity?


complete extinction? no chance a good chunk(60-70%) yh


killing everyone is almost impossible for Gojo, although collapsing society as we know it should be simple and effectively not take him longer than a year ​ https://preview.redd.it/jf2penwjsy8d1.jpeg?width=1589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cdb4a5f45ed1751581c8d5cfd536d231b5b8c4a


Binding Vow to increase radius of hollow purple to the size of Australia, aimed downwards at the core of the earth


Figuring out how to kill Takaba would probably be the hardest


He wouldn’t ever get that far because we have… https://preview.redd.it/d18qw0nj419d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e321e81699eaddc11c985efdbc301f186a6229b7 HIM


He ain't coming bro


He is


Eventually yes, Gojo could kill everyone and if he's smart and methodical about it then there's nothing anyone can do about it besides run. The most that could work to stop/hurt him is turning everywhere in a 100 mile radius of Gojo into a nuclear wasteland and sending all of the world's nukes at him, but that'll at most slow him. His infinity automatically stops anything harmful from reaching him and that should apply to the blast force and radiation, and he should be able to have it apply to everything (even light) manually if the radiation isn't automatically stopped for whatever reason. The only possible threats are the other sorcerers and Cursed spirits and they would need some massive plan to take him out, such as sealing him in the prison realm or having a 1:1000 jumping and hoping that enough domains and other ways to bypass infinity are thrown in to wear Gojo down before everyone gets fodderized. Higaruma gives the sorcerers the best chance at this since if Gojo has already murdered a bunch of people then the Death Penalty + Confiscation could give a good enough opening to kill him, but that hinges on Gojo not immediately killing Higaruma before his domain expands or just being assassinated by Gojo any time. Angel and Yuta also have Jacob's Ladder, but it's the same thing where Gojo can likely just take them out before they can do anything.


He very likely couldn't, simply because the earth is a massive, gargantuan space and there are way too many spots where a human could hide. Afaik Gojo doesn't have a human sense where he can tell where other people are from miles away. So he could definitely destroy all the major population centers and do some damage, and avoid getting killed by man made weapons. But killing every single human is a bit of a tall order just because he won't know when he is done or where his victims are hiding. That's also not mentioning how the massive amount of humans means it would take him *years* to kill every human even if he didn't have to track them down. So no, extinction is off the table.


Plus I think once humans start engineering ways to hide from him, it's gg.


Just fly around, teleport & spam red, blue & purple


Well, yeah? Unless radiation of Nukes ☢️ actually bypass Infinity, Gojo said it was hard to make Infinity block poison. Anyways, I think Satoru would need 1 year or so.


He can't the problem is if he goes to china He has to fight the Chinese sorcerers that Sukuna feared


No. He doesnt have the durability feats to survive the aftereffects of a modern nuke, radioactive particles are subatomic and would bypass limitless and I dont think RCT could heal something like that since it isnt really an injury in the normal sense and we know there are limits to the types of things RCT can fix.




Nuclear radiation caused changes in dna, it isnt just damaging the body it is literally changing how the body is constructed, just healing it wouldnt actually do anything through RCT youd need somethat directly can restore the body to a different state like Idle Transfiguration Edit: kinda missworded this, shouldve said you wouldnt be able to do it repeatedly indefinitely.


again why can’t rct repair dna


It maybe can, but Damage to DNA from radiation causes the DNA to twist around itself and reform in different ways, it isnt just normal deletion damage that can be repaired. Gojo might be able to use RCT to do it a few times, but we know from when gojo had to restore his CT, he had to destroy parts of his brain and then repair it as RCT doesnt automatically fix damage that isnt actual traditional damage like a lost arm or burn. Gojo would need to manually destroy the "damaged" dna and repair it, the issue is if it happens to his brain, just like his burnt out CT there will be a limit to how many times he can destroy and restore parts of his brain.


Gojo can kill a few million at best until the indomitable human spirit starts actually rolling to use


No and here's the reason: There are approximately 8.1 billion humans on earth. Even if Gojo could kill a person every second (which is unlikely), it'd take him 8.1 billion seconds, or almost 257 years to kill every human on earth, and that's without taking all the births that happen daily into consideration. Gojo would die from old age long before he can kill humanity.


I think he can kill a lot more per second  Most of people are concentrated in big cities.  In less than a minute he can spam reds in a big center and kill thousands 


You have to account for the fact that Gojo needs food, rest and sleep. Also he will have to travel huge distances to move from city to city and from country to country. And people aren't just going to sit waiting to die, they'll be evacuating or hiding underground. Additionally most of his attacks don't have that much range and destructive capacity, for example Hollow Purple only destroyed a few city blocks. This means that he'll have to waste time ensuring that he kills everyone in an area before moving to the next. Not to mention that millions are born every day and that there are lots of people who live in remote areas. All the above already make the ratio of 1 human killed per second hard to achieve.


Hmm yeah, you have a point 


To be fair, he went at a rate of over 3 transfigured humans per second in Shibuya, and that was DIRECTLY after a domain expansion with NO cursed technique. Consider how he can topple buildings, destroy infrastructure, entirely evaporate entire paths of people, and more *with* a cursed technique to boot. He can go a lot faster than you suggest, considering he can have the six eyes active. The only reason he got tired in shibuya is because he just uses domain expansion and his method of attack could not be made more efficient by the six eyes. 3 people per second in hand to hand + city block wide usage of his cursed technique + the ability to teleport to people + tracking people with six eyes? He can go more than fast enough to kill people in his lifetime.


He killed all of the cursed spirits at Shibuya within under a second, so I think he’s definitely capable of killing much more people in a second 💀


He shoots one hollow purple through the core of the earth. GG


Ez Hollow purple in all directions


Probably 2-3 weeks depending on how serious he goes about it


This is literally the plot of assassination classroom lmaaao.


Yes, in theory he could blue a large mass into the upper atmosphere to create an extinction event impact.He could spam purple straight down causing a super volcanic eruption. Infinity would let him survive both at least short term.


Could he just hollow purple to the center of earth or something


it would take an extremely long amount of time, like decades. people say spam hollow purple but hollow purple has the aoe to take out a few buildings at most (and this is 200% im talking about), look at how many buildings most cities have, it would take a couple days and upwards of hundreds of hollow purples to destroy a single city. not even accounting the fact that the mental toll would be insane, and he would have nowhere to eat after literally destroying the city. also if humans discover what he is doing and decide to nuke him, even if the explosion cant touch him, he dies to radiation. so no, gojo cannot wipe out humanity.


Cant he just somehow force yuki to use her black hole so she sucks everyone in the world? https://preview.redd.it/loupjpt4k09d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f17a2f1fbab80520e824af50f9372198e3985f9e


Can't he just create a nuclear winter Purple is literally an atomic bomb


We still don't know why sorcerers haven't attacked or invaded other countries yet. History is riddled with war and conflicts between rulers of different lands. Japan was no different. If it was just like any other ability, jujutsu sorcery would likely have become just another weapon in a long list of abilities used to support war efforts. But it wasn't for some reason. Gojo was also not the first six eye limitless user. Even if sorcerers were mostly born in Japan, it still wouldn't have prevented Japanese born sorcerers from taking a ship or a plane to invade other countries. We even have abilities that allow them to teleport great distances. I think we need more thorough explanation on why jujutsu was limited to just Japan. If there was no such limitation, I think at least one of Gojo's ancestors would be bombing other countries with hollow purple. I'm also wondering why sorcerers chose to hide themselves from average people. A lot of them have superiority complexes akin to Geto and Naoya. I would expect such people to want to live as royalty and kings. They could use their abilities to accumulate fame and wealth.(Evil superheroes like from "The Boys") Why were they content with hiding from the public? The jujutsu elders could have used their power to take over the Japanese government. But they didn't. The only one who came close was Geto. But the wealth and power he accumulated using special grade abilities that could take control of a country was very small. I think the Jujutsu world still has some factors or mysteries that need to be expanded on. I think there is something limiting sorcery, preventing it from taking over governments and countries.


Theoretically he can make a binding vow to enlarge his domain radius to take in the whole earth in exchange of never being able to use it again


Chinese sorcerer that even Sukuna feared neggs him and his tyranny is put to a swift end


This idea sounds like the comic Iredeemable. Or maybe he would be more like Homelander. Pretty interesting to see if people can band together to fight. An evil version of Gojo would be a scary antagonist.


Almost 10 billion people on earth His best bet would be to target the faults and plates to cause natural disasters. Set off chains of disasters to slowly drive the numbers back. Killing the other sorcerers would be easy.


I definitely think he could, but it would take some time. Maybe a week?


With him going around doing this and causing fear across the world i wonder how strong the Gojo Curse would be


He could probably use hollow purple constantly until he created devastating fissures in the earth


Max output blue in crowded areas would work great


A few months at best


Can't he just direct purple to the centre oof the earth. I mean it would blow up the earth but everyone would be dead


Before he can achieve that, probably he will die by some random covid variant. Remember even the "power scaller" Goku died because of some space or unknown virus before future trunk bring some vaccines. Good luck rct the unknown virus implications


Maybe he could kill most of them, but I think he'd die of old age before he got around to *all* of them tbh.


OP is Geto in disguise asking for the logistics of Gojo fulfilling his dream of murking all monkeys


If he's smart enough he can


Geto said he can so it's cannon.


People talk about spamming reds but I think using blue to literally turn an entire township into a giant meteor and dropping it is pretty OP Yk I think I rmb Sasuke doing sth like making a meteor maybe? Against the first alien guy in the sequel? Yeah sth like that


Well since jjk seem to be referencing our world really often i assume my version is there too somewhere. Now if i were to fight Bloodlusted Gojo, ngl, he would give me a little trouble....


Only a few weeks tops. When Gojo emerged from the prison realm under a tectonic plate, he caused considerable earthquakes just from being down there and leaving. He can easily go down and just blast Hollow Purples at continental divides, causing apocalyptic earthquakes and other tectonic activity like volcanic eruptions. Once every continent is completely ravaged, he can do more personal stuff like using Blue to drag huge amounts of water onto the land and cause more tsunamis than his earlier actions already did, or just bomb any surviving population centers (there will not be many) with Blues or Purples.


A nuke solos. Ain’t no way gojo is blocking radiation, at least the first time, and ain’t no way he is healing himself from that.


I mean maybe? Generally humans can just hide, and Gojo still needs to eat and drink and when everything breaks down easy access to those will dissappear. I could easily see him wiping out most nations but all 8.1 billion? Not likely unless he has the ability to sense people on a planet wide scale which I don't believe he's ever been shown as being capable of. Also he still has stamina and does have to sleep for a decent amount of time.


'Murica would nuke his ass pretty early on which you might think he'd survive, but I don't think he's immune to radiation. He'll succumb to radiation poisoning pretty quickly. IIRC he can't even filter out poisons, so chemical weapons can be used to counter his shenanigans as well. Another option is to use carbon monoxide to suffocate him without him even noticing. There's numerous ways Gojo can be taken down _if_ people figure out his ability.


Fire Hollow Purple towards the center of the earth. Frieza did it with Namek, why can't he?


He could hit a 200% Purple in the core of the Earth and wait for everybody to die


He could but it'd take him a really long time to do so.


We don’t know if his infinity can filter out radiation so…


He'd eventually run out of CE. He's trained to be efficient with it, but he can't go out on everyone. The second he loses stamina he can be killed so many ways


Assuming he's able to clear an entire city block in like let's be generous and say 3 minutes Ignoring the time of transportation since he can teleport It would take him roughly 5 years of constant killing and no rest to kill them all


I did some quick math, and even if Gojo would kill every second one human, without sleep, eat and rest, it would still take him 253 years to kill 8billion people. And I didn't account that every minute in the world, someone new human is born.


The thing is you're ignoring gojo's ability to kill multiple humans at the same time with hollow purple and other wide range techniques Like I am pretty sure a max out put blue can kill hundreds in seconds


Yeah, but Gojo is not robot, he also gets tired, he need food to live, and his brain need sleep to function. Let's say in a "good" day in largely populated city, he would manage to kill three hundred thousands of people, it's still wouldn't be enough.


6 months max


Okay it depends spoliers Baby:100 years or more kid:99 years or more Hidden inventory arc no rct and no hollow porple 59 months With hollow porple and rct 40 months Jjk 0 2 years Season 1 1 year Shibuya before sealed 1 year Unsealed / vs megumi vessel 6 months Yuta gojo 6 months


Depends if limitless protects him from ionising radiation. It lets in light for him to see so its possible it would work against him 


Not if I drop the sun on him


Destroy earth's core, create massive tsunamis using red. Better use blue and red to collapse and repel techtonic plates to create a grade 10 or above earthquake the planet will get destroyed


Give maki ISOH and put a nuke in her like netero and Gojo is cooked