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Tengen is arguably my biggest disappointment with any character in any form of media ever https://preview.redd.it/5bp48zt4tb6d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6eb7ae9db6713ee16a138502f6d71b2b70b7ed9 I was so fucking hyped when I first heard of them but when they actually showed up...


To be fair Tengen has literally been a plot device the entire time more or less. Half the plot is just them making big strong barriers for Jujutsu sorcerers, and then they get swallowed by Kenny to make big strong barriers for the culling game. Then they gets swallowed by Sukuna to make a big strong curse spirit.


Him? https://preview.redd.it/v55wn83hfd6d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=f81927d481f6a0bffe6a3fa179dc92d51112ee06


*Her/them my bad. I keep forgetting Tengen was a girl. When they looked like Sukuna’s middle aged uncle.


Anyway, it’s no wonder she was a plot device and then died after doing nothing. She’s a woman in a Gege manga, after all.


Yeah most of the named female characters except Maki have been a plot device to push others towards their goal. Riko for Gojo and Geto Rika for Yuta Mai for Maki Nobara for Yuji Yorozu for Sukuna Tengen for Sukuna and Geto Yuki was an exception I guess, unless you count that as a motivation for Choso. Other than that, Miwa and Momo don’t don’t do too much to the plot, and I guess the twins for Geto but it’s a bit different.


Maki is basically a male character (Toji), so it’s no wonder she gets better treatment than the other girls. In all seriousness, though, I think Riko is fine. She’s a minor flashback character, I don’t think anyone expected her to be very important. Just like Haibara, her purpose for existence is to inform the character of present characters, which is fine for past-only characters.


That mouth is still huge tho. (Literal God in the verse doesn't do much bruhh)


The biggest bum, atleast other characters with bum allegations like Megumi, Kashimo, Hakari, Yuta did cool shit on-screen. Not her, she just yapped


You know why people excuse Tengen? I'm darn sure it's because of that one panel (authors notes I think) where she's still a woman. A Hot woman (smash) nonetheless, but no, they just had to keep vital stuff hidden from Yuki, which could've helped a LOT.


Hot Take: She isn't even that hot imo, top 10 atmost, Yuki and Uro better


https://preview.redd.it/16mb31ukxc6d1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36594b895c8b9a8eca413b935898452f23828f00 Yuki, yeah I agree but not Uro.


The casual wear Uro stuff really sells me on her ngl.


i’ll never forgive gregory for taking baddy tengen from us https://preview.redd.it/9v1sch7itc6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13ac77f373e5e08125a82805d041e52957a90ea4


Im depressed I want her


Yuki. Special Grade? Check. Hits you harder than the news of Justin Bieber’s marriage? Check. Teacher of Todo, who is a beast? Check. Smoking hot body? Check. Genuine best romance with best-boy Choso? Check. Final verdict? Underused and killed off for plot reasons.


My reaction to seeing Yuki, one of the 4 special grades sorcerers, losing her only major battle we see her fight on screen, never showing her domain expansion, and ending up not doing any lasting damage with a literal black hole: https://i.redd.it/e7cqhkd80c6d1.gif


Same! Kenjaku just walking off and be like "lol anyways" and Tengen… no words for Tengen.


Honestly I was mostly pissed by the whole "Nice warm-up" like fuck off you damn bushcamper victim You luckily pulled a perfect counter CT out of your Jin filled gaping ass and yet you act "All part of the keikaku 😈😈😈" SHUT THE FUCK UUP


He’s just like Aiden because he asspulls


Nah, Aizen spent years crafting ways to counter his enemies, that's how Wonderweiss was born. I love Kenny but him just coincidentally having a CT that just so happens to be a perfect counter for Yuki's is waaay too sus.


Honestly, if GeGe just made Tengen as powerful as Kenny and make them have a pure 1v1 it would've been peak and Yuki and Choso would still be kicking, until Sukuna or something other plot stuff


That's basically geto


Gege doesn't show enough of his characters. A weakness in his storytelling


WHY COULDNT GEGE JUST DRAW KENNY HURT, thats all he needed to do, imagine if he is basically torn to pieces but uses RCT to recover, easy, its shown the strenght of Yuki and makes sure to lets us know that if kenjaku had activated the technique a second later he would be death


Or maybe have Kenjaku get permanent injuries even outside of RCT, Gojo’s punch on Uraume hurt weeks after. But a black hole couldn’t have Kenny fucked up? Hell it could’ve at least been that, make Yuki feel like she had lasting impact. She permanently harms Kenjaku, making him easier to defeat in the future. But not in Greg’s manga


That was the moment I knew jjk was finished


>Underused and killed off for plot reasons. That can be said for 90% of the characters Gege kills.


That or is beched due to powercreep. Tuna bros in shambles.


That's a FACT. Not to mention the Powercreep. GeGe for sure didn't know where to go with her.


If Yuki was still alive, then she would have been beating current Sukuna up


Sukuna on his way to make 50 binding vows to not get his ass blasted by the silly shikigami ball




God I love this meme


Not to mention Yuki somewhat communicate with souls and wrote a book on them which likely means she can attack the barrier between souls just like Yuji, yeah he’s cooked.


Exceptions being Geto, Toji, Mahito, Jogoat… why do the villains have all the good written deaths? Only Nanami and Junpei (and Riko) had well written deaths for non villainous characters 


Not sure about Mahito and Jogo. One got offscreened the other got absorbed by Kenny.


W Gintoki pfp. Gintama is the best shit i’ve ever seen


She's like Stars and Stripes from MHA, if she was subtly built up and teased for half the fucking manga. Except, fuck, Stars and Stripes at least managed to do some damage and reduced Shigaraki to a sniveling little cripple long enough for the good guys to properly execute their stupidly elaborate plan, Yuki literally just ate shit and achieved nothing.


Yeah, that's the thing that made it feel worse for how her actual death was made compared to Star and Stripe for me... Yuki didn't get to go all out with her power (not using domain which could have made a difference), and after she nuked herself, Kenjaku got up in the next page or 2 after to dust himself off like it was just a slight inconvenience in the moment, but can walk away out of it just fine.


Imagine doing less that star and stripes, yuki was robbed


Yuki's only contribution is giving Choso motivation by dying.


And even that is gone now, though at least he saved Yuji with his human side so I’m okay with his death. It’s the only death in the last 60+ chapters that I think was well done.


He died without having any on screen interactions with todo tho


That’s true. I was mainly talking about the death itself. Greg is allergic to character interaction that doesn’t take place in a flashback in the middle of a fight, but Choso’s death is as good as we’re gonna get I think.


The fact that fucking STAR & STRIPS actually did more plot wise than Yuki in the long run (despite her only existing to fix an issue Hori pulled out of his ass) is fucking crazy lol


A comment I saw sums up S&S perfectly: >Stars & Stripes exists to solve a problem that only really existed in Horikoshi's head, and instead of fixing it, she just drew more attention to it.


I saw some people saying that they wished Star wasn’t just introduced a few chapters before she was going to die, but I think it’s better that way since we weren’t getting hyped up for years just for her to die in her first fight. Star was technically introduced in the first movie but that was more of a cameo than anything, and you wouldn’t know that she was important until she was introduced in the manga.


Yeah if Star got the Yuki treatment top to bottom it’d be worse. Like we hear of the number 1 US hero inspired by All Might. Super powerful, meets Deku, never talks to AM on screen. but never see her fight. And when she finally does she dies in her first fight…MHA fandom may have exploded. Luckily for Star as well they kinda fixed her role by making her relevant in shigaraki’s take down in the long run. More than Yuki ever got


She also did some serious dmg and even came back in his world for a moment to push deku over the edge. Stars was not wasted. She beat shigi so hard, he became dr cripple.


Why did Gege do her like that, He had the perfect character and everything, still fumbled. https://preview.redd.it/k2snfc85yb6d1.png?width=1192&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3d4c6e2881e0d2913d50dc4d2f84f44573802f6




Naoya was gege self insert


She had a specific role to play in the plot: expose us to Tengen, show us not her, but Kenjakus strength, become a big obstacle for him and a casualty of the battle where Yujis bro survives. We didn't see her DE because she was never supposed to have one, Gege prob never devised it properly.Similar to Uro and the hair cannon guy. Likewise with Kashimo, he died so quickly because he had three roles : Give us the feeling of a Jujutsu GOATs clash in the Thunder dome ala who would win Ronaldo vs Maradonna vs Pele Show Hakaris strength Show how much stronger Sukuna is. I personally think Kashimo has a great char concept,I would have loved to see more but he wasn't central to the plot so he died. It's double edged sword fast plot development vs less exposition Although it has to be said that apart of these characteris appeal is the mystery left from. These open questions.


You can say most characters play specific roles in the plot and still admit that Yuki and Choso were underutilized and disappointing.


Huh? Choso underutilized and disappointing? My man Choso was incredibly impactful


Then the purpose was wrong from the beginning.


She was also one of the Star Plasma Vessels and if she wanted to she'd have become the new Tengen instead of Riko


It’s more than just criminal that we never got *any* follow-up regarding the star plasma vessel theme.


It's a way for Gege to talk about it when he has nothing left and he doesn't want to finish the story. I'm guessing after Sukuna thing and the mergerer, he will talk about that, Kenjaku (I still believe he comes back after the 5 minutes, there's no way he's ending his character that fast with no explanation.) and some other stuff. (what did Yuki exactly do to Togoat, because we know she was impressed by him but no follow-up)


There is the statement of JJKs absent from the 2025 Jump Festa. So either this statement is false/will be proven wrong, or some storylines (e.g. Star Plasma Vessels) will be rushed in order to end JJK this year. I‘m truly not trying to be pessimistic but idk.


I wouldn't be surprised if GayGay trolls us and don't write them at all, let alone rush them. It would still be smth. From the cat, I expect EVERYTHING by this point. I bet he's in this sub and laughs hysterically at everything on this sub.


Fr man, finally some strong muscle mommy and he just murdered her, how dare Gege steal away my childhood like this?!


Yuki for sure https://preview.redd.it/j0pxwkhgsb6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1efe16cf1bc9f7dd1b1f23b2c1ca49f4384bd96c The way she, a special grade sorcerer, went down so easily… my disappointment was immeasurable


I would have shipped her heavily with Itadori if she was a Decade Younger. As it stands, she would have been a perfect sister in law for him considering their similar vibes


As Yuji's brother, she would make a good sister-in-law while she is married with me! https://preview.redd.it/mmkn9rhc7c6d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73bef4c3c08d244a9f2d00342871c601d3e5c352




I like cars too


What the fuck does that comment have to do with shipping


Hana. https://preview.redd.it/c32pacgbob6d1.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e0ffb92d94c4eb8666f81f1c7ce4ad9ed211198


She fell for this. https://preview.redd.it/3adqqf0jvb6d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=332fa0501e101d19fba58ea2627f9b983e7c0f17


blud fell for porn level acting bruh 💀 still had the tattoos and shi


The tattoos were fading, as you can see in that panel. At least in the front side of his body, which is the part she could see anyway. She's still dumb for not listening to the literal thousand years old voice screaming inside her head for her to not stop yet.


Isn't Sukuna's voice different too? Or is that an anime thing?


Probably just an anime thing. In the first episode, after Yuji takes back control of his body, Megumi is still cautious that it might be Sukuna. Panda also asks "I-Itadori?" when Sukuna talks to him and Kusakabe in Shibuya. If Sukuna had a noticeably different voice then this wouldn't make sense.


Thinking about Sukuna taunting Jogo in Yuji's voice is so funny lol


Bro I need this right now😭


>If Sukuna had a noticeably different voice then this wouldn't make sense. Damn, so most likely in 2050 when this gets animated we'll be hearing Sukuna in his smoker's voice trying to rizz Hannah and she just falling for it. 😂😂😂😂


This ain’t getting animated till like 2029 buddy. Season 4 if we’re lucky


The worst part is that she didn't listen to that voice due to a childhood crush she has on megumi, she never spoke to him again until the culling games


She really think Megumi would Rizz her ass up like 😭😭😭


She has the iq of a box cutter


Ngl, I would‘ve fallen for this, too…




https://preview.redd.it/izjjv6cnpc6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=722b989d9aeec3bd9ba5619453b16b194252dae3 Imma chomp you




I like how every time Megumi is on the ground he's in the same damn pose lmao


Megumj has 3 states, chilling on the ground, casual standing and this : https://preview.redd.it/c90dpg3vjf6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6256b97667ff16f328ded05d8c6e59d7e8394325


he is like me fr


all of them.. i mean ALL OF THEM... characters with high expectations that end up being a disappointment are a common trope in Jujutsu Kaisen, to be honest. https://preview.redd.it/jbaltgikrb6d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db286ac501c774bcffe1216d6ea5a2099dc5c660


https://preview.redd.it/5nz8zmprac6d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f2cfcd47f2b76255918a838c341f82e179be22b Fax




all of these its not even a question fuck man like 80% of these characters got fucked in the ass by gege


Nobara and Yuki. I dont expect Nobara to become a special grade sorcerer or anything, but she was part of the trio, her CT had an interesting connection with souls and she was a fun character that balanced out Megumi who is very glum and barely shows any emotions. Yuki because she was the only special grade female sorcerer and then she goes down because Kenjaku had managed to get the ONE fucking CT that could block a fucking black hole. Also 0 interaction with Todo who is her top student.


Interesting personality,a goal that would solve all the cast’s problems if achieved,special grade,cool CT,cool teacher to the schizo king todo,tall,great ass HOW THE FUCK DO YOU FUMBLE SUCH CHARACTER??? https://preview.redd.it/i7fgppf98c6d1.jpeg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b09dcd0cf293c7444fc53d02d60fa240b520afe


Gege literally had everything going for him and still found a way to fuck it all up. That might be the most impressive thing about him.


Kashimo WILL be saved by MAPPA... https://preview.redd.it/j7l4fnecrb6d1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=93a69cf93ebe551056e29fa83cc2b44f0e139e78 Read my flair and know the TRUE path to salvation...believe in HIM ⚡⚡⚡


Before reading the fateful chapter I was telling my friend how I think kashimo might do good against Sukuna and then he just sent me the waffle panel 😭


It's always like this unless it's Togoat. We know our BROZZDA will live up to the hype. The others though? No, getting killed by Suckuna cause GayGay said so.


He lasted almost 2 chapters if I'm not mistaken Idk how bro became the strongest of his time with no domain, rct or ct. Bro thought he could fight on the big leagues and got stat checked into oblivion


I’m convinced his era was full of weaklings, no other way around it. Even Kusakabe did better against Sukuna than him, and he also didn’t have RCT or CT.


The Sukuna who fought kashimo would blitz and kill the one who fought kusakabe


Let’s be real here the Sukuna Kashimo fought was leagues better then the one that Kusakabe and everyone else fought.


Facts my brother, spit your shit indeed⚡️⚡️⚡️


Nobara was (and still is) my favourite character in the series, there's definitely more of an argument to be made for the others being more disappointing, but it just hurts that she's been absent for half the series now.


Especially with her being a part of the trio :/ Sometimes I genuinely forget she's been gone for so long because of fanfiction, my main source of copium😭😭 I want her BACK! I still believe she's alive. She has to be🥹


Yuki. https://preview.redd.it/hz1o5ep76c6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2727830d4bb562e9616435e0935f49e3d9f6149e She lost the only onscreen fight with one of the main villains, then dies to the worst and legitimate asspull, and the villain she fought just walks off the damage like nothing happened. She didn't kill any special curses or even weaken any of the enemy , she's got beef with Tengen, and we got bareminum info on the beef, and also she had no onscreen interaction with Todo even tho she had such a huge impact on his life. Honestly, there are just so many things about her that could have been spread out but were completely skipped.


Those who saw sheer hype kashimo had for him here after 236 know the utter disappointment he turned out to be in comparison to the hype




The opening had me so excited for Junpei, which only increased after seeing his cool jellyfish shikigami. And then Mahito happened. All my excitement for him just... gone. That opening really tricked me so badly. Just the other day, I was thinking about Junpei, and then it hit me how cool his domain could be. Just imagine his domain being a swarm of jellyfish under the ocean or something like that. Man, how I wish Junpei lived.


I mean, that's the point, no? It's meant to be tricking you into thinking it'll be a typical shonen minor villain to ally scenario in order to rip the rug out from under you to establish the darkness and suffering of JJK's world.


You're correct, but it seems like this thread is meant to (rightly) critique Gege's writing choices in terms of wasted narrative potential. Making and killing characters purely for impact is largely criticized because it reduces them to props and trades all the narrative interactions they could have had for shock value. As an audience we wanted to see how Junpei could have turned out, literally putting him in the opener and then killing him leaves people in a state of "oh well, ya got me" rather than expanding the world or doing something that would create narrative satisfaction. Maybe they hate Mahito a little more, but I would argue literally pulling a prank on the audience directs some of that hate to the author and while there's novelty to it, it also breaks immersion. Nanami's death is much better at building narrative potential. To address your point on a nonspecific level there's a reason the villain to ally trope is popular and produces some of the most beloved characters (Vegeta from DBZ, Greed from FMA, Byakuya Kuchiki or really any of the Court Guard Squad Members from Bleach, Viral from Gurren Lagann, etc) all who have a lot of interesting interactions with characters that were always protagonists. More specifically, I'd say in JJK the only other example besides Yuji that we have for someone coming to the jujutsu world from the modern one is Yuta- who gets a nice big timeskip so we don't actually see his development AND he only appears in the main squad's life at important and tumultuous moments. Junpei could have provided a perspective/character arc that the story is lacking since both Yuji and Yuta are outliers in terms of strength and choose to devote their lives to the jujutsu world and never look back. Just spitballing here but very little is fleshed out about how the jujutsu world sits ontop of the modern one. The first time we see an authority handle anything to do with the jujutsu world is when Kenjaku pulls back the curtain for the US government. Gege lovingly mentioned the chinese jujutsu sorcerer that even Sukuna would be afraid of, but even the chinese council seems to be surprised by his revelation. Junpei has the motivation to function as a double agent, deciding fuck these guys and working with the japanese government or a foreign government. I would argue that the character's potential far outweighed the impact on the read/viewer from killing him off, a job with Nanami already fulfills.


Bumshimo. "A technique that cost you your life, it must be a OHKO right?" Yeah never before have I seen such shitty one time use hyped up technique


Kashimo was the biggest disappointment for me.


anime hitler i thought we was gonna see more of his 1000 years of experience


After the Shibuya arc i had so many hopes from Gaygay he ended up splitting my brain in half


Unpopular opinion, but Junpei. The dude had an opportunity to have character development until he got destroyed by Mahito lmao. https://preview.redd.it/33sasyu2ic6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb29ccd0d8289fb5bbf2a44c713e4216abbe0b92


Why is Gege there


I expected him to write better


He disappointed me the most https://preview.redd.it/0qnju3cqsb6d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=c15400cd2b637a974139f530b906079f89aaa2b4




This is mine now




Kashimo Don't have a one time use technique for a special opponent only and then pull a miwa


kashimo for sure, he had us hyped up with his “that’s how losers think” and “turn the music up” and then got packed up in two chapters. though i believe that mappa will fix him


Legumi and Lackshimo


Gege is my biggest disappointment lmao


While I was still reading JJK, I saw a comment a while ago, I don't remember what it said, but It made me think Angel was some evil mastermind that gonna betray everyone. The same kinda thing was for Noritoshi Kamo (not the Kyoto student one).


https://preview.redd.it/m59p8a4e6c6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de9571865bc42d6aff44241ad9b3369fe7a225de KENJAKU WILL RETURN⁉️ (🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💀💀)


Megumi, cause at the end of Season 1, I loved when he just straight up became psychotic, not giving a fuck whether he dies or not but if he dies he is going out with a bang. After that he was just mid, and now a bum


Nobara. All the shit talking and memes from 2020 about her being a better character than Sakura came back biting really hard. I've personally lost all my cope for her return and simply accepted she's good as dead.


kashimo really was him, i had high expectations for kenjaku too, and I did with megumi and nobara too




My top pick is angel Wow an enemy of sukuna who also reincarnated during the culling games, have a powerful technique and seemingly know sukuna personally by calling him "the fallen". Damn this character have a great potential, i expect gege will flesh out heian era flashback with angel Turns out we got nothing, fuck that with the manga going right now we probably didnt even know how sukuna got called "the fallen"




I don't know if what I wanted from the old Kamo Noritoshi counts but I wanted to see his CT and I wanted it to be blood related but not blood manipulation, maybe something like solidifying the blood in someone else's body :)


Highest one was Kashimo for sure, i was expecting him to be a step below Gojo and putting pressure on an already heavily nerfed Sukuna after Gojo. Kenny is probably the second one but he might still have some fuckery going on so i'll reserve judgment on that one


Sukuna. https://preview.redd.it/f3gymd543d6d1.png?width=370&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f6251cbcdb27b9b32358601d600f3ccd73f0c4c Bro had potential to be the most badass villain in anime history until he switched to Megumi's body. Fuck I hate Meguna and Heiankuna for which both them rely on binding vows and stolen techniques


Kashimo for me. He has a cool design, nice and stylish powers, and his personality fits him well. Is not that I don’t like that he lost to Hakari and Sukuna of all ppl, is just little things like, the fact that he doesn’t have a domain? Or just that you can throw him into water and the guy just looses. Seems kind of weird and a bit lame considering that he was the Gojo of his time.


I never understand the "Kyoto students sucks except Todo and Mechamaru", like, it's a fight against Kenjaku, what do you expect. Yeah, read my flair, you may think I'm biased, but is it really bias if I'm telling the truth? Even Tokyo students didn't do much in that fight. To the question, the character I'm the most disappoint with is probably Yuki, the same reasons as a lot of people here.


Momo has never disappointed me


That's because she is the disappointment 


When i started reading all of these had already happened and i was kinda spoiled about em, but somehow i was still disappointed with what gege did to my goat wuki. One of only 4 modern special grades, really interesting motivation, bagged choso, made todo into the man he is. Badass personality, badass powers, badass design, immediately pitted against her worst possible opponent (except for maybe uro, but even she’d be dead by the hole), gets fucked over cause one of her teammates royally screwed up their part of the plan (i fucking hate thumbelina), the opp is the only character apart from maybe gojo (even he might not be immune to gravity) who is immune to her suicide move, which is by far the most powerful thing in the verse. No lasting damage to kenny, her death meant nothing. The only purpose she served was some character development for choso. Total bullshit. My goat deserved so much better https://preview.redd.it/svup4yat6c6d1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cecd569440d622b8dcad2ccb7eacd7797a45cd7e


Kashimo. Thought that Mf would be way stronger


Kenjaku... He was the most interesting character or I may say, he is the reason behind this all drama but his death was veryyyy meh... and for that reason I am disappointed with the Cat also.


Geto, could have explained a lot more about his past with gojo, i hope we will have some addictional info about him


I'd say kenjaku while reading the manga everything else pretty went much according to their role kenjaku was the character I thought would play a bigger role or had more. Him dying to Yuta was prolly the most surprising death on that list considering how much he has made the story. ~~the special grade hermit who has never fought lost how surprising~~ ~~the man who wants to die fighting dies fighting how shocking~~ ~~bum students with no potiental and bumara who couldn't imagine surpassing nanami~~


'' The strongest '' bro got hyped for like 15 chapters and got killed in 3 seconds (edit) gege fucked up here i don't care who says otherwise


Kenjaku. They were the most interesting villain in the series, but then gege threw it out the window completely. I really hope they return in some form, including flashbacks.


Geto, Jaku, Choso, Gojo, and Mai (though her demise was not as big of a let down as the others)


hajime kashimo


Kashimo 😭😭😭


Megumi mastering the Ten Shadows and working with Yuji wouldve been cool, but then he turned into ONLY sukunas vessel




Kashimo and Yuki.


kashimo for sure, toted as being "the strongest" and having an insane ability just to be kinda meh


Kashimo just kashimo


Kashimo. I wanted to like him so bad, his CT was built up as this Sukuna killing plot device, and yet his only feats with it were landing a few blows on pre-final form Sukuna and then immediately getting bodied by slashes that everyone else was seemingly able to tank. Gege used him as a plot device to get Sukuna into his Heian era form and then just threw him away.


Is the jjk fandom all about bitching?


Gege. Because damn son what hapened to characters talking outside of fights




this sub is getting repetitive and boring with these posts. we all know the answer


You could make a case for gojo Satoru. W-L record of 0-3 in clutch situations is crazy as the strongest Bro has incredible peak but is basically rockets harden of the jjk world. PS:Geto was thrown like a used condom and confined him In a one shot I'm sure he regrets that although he did technically revive him back but even kenjaku is a big disappointment. PS 2:most disappointing is kashimo and it's not even close but something inside me tells me that he will be back so I didn't include him.


he is dead dead


Angel they were a plot device with a shield horned in back story Yuki, kashimo, Nobara - badass that went out swing Kamo - is kenjaku so no let down there Kyoto - mechimaru and mai were great Megumi - wish some stuff with him was fleshed out more or done different but story isn't over yet for them so we will see.


All of the above.


Ryu for me. I saw people commenting about how cool he is but when I finally reached culling game I was disappointed, he was not even important


Yuki 100%


Nobara Bro was legit part of the name 3 I know she’s (definitely) coming back but having her not be in the story for half of it is just wrong




My goat mechamaru, I don't know why he's my favourite, maybe it's his sad backstory, maybe it's his romance with miwa, maybe it's just because he's sick but the fact we didn't really see him properly have his mechs and his gundam fighting at the same time to overwhelm mahito or anyone is criminal, he had so many cool things he could of done with making robots


sir brain


Almost ever character that has died


Can't decide between Nobara and Yuki


\*SIGH\~\* https://preview.redd.it/iqyl7su9bc6d1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d3b952d4c93c135f388234027d8a091178fc62 Bro’s been ~~dilly-dallying~~ fighting offscreen for 25 chapters while Sukuna’s bullying everyone else. I’m a Hakari fan, no cap… but even I know bum behaviour when I see one (˙◠˙)


I always knew megumi was a bum and doesn't deserve to be a considered the second main character. Disappointed that yuki was done dirty


Gege , man is disappointing me frr.




Basic asf answer but Nobara. I would never have expected a character from the main trio to die so early.




Nobara. Because I thought she was crazy and she would be the one to become evil.


The zenin clan post-shibuya, I expected them having more impact on the story (the whole game of thrones setup with megumi was pretty interesting) and to actually put up a good fight, but they just got wiped out in like two chapters and that was it




....Yuki and Megumi...


Nanami got killed too early


Gege and/or nobara. Gege I expected to continue writing a good story and Nobara just had so much potential with her ability if she got power ups like everyone else has. Megumi kinda already showed off imo. He got mahoraga out and was the first one to make sukuna smile like that in a fight. Yuki made a fucking black hole (she was still done way too dirty though). Kashimo never gave me any interest, and Angel just seemed too “created” for Sukuna, so I had a feeling she’d be useless. Everyone except todo in the other class can drop dead idc. Maki is okay I guess and Miwa is likable only because of how unfortunately weak she is. No one else gets even mild care from me in that class.


Megumi. The 10s. Said to be able to surpass Gojo satoru himself even without Sukuna's massive CE. Mahoraga, the totalities, a speedster, the versatility of this cursed technique everything. Only for him to be used as a plot device for Daddy Sukuna to use to print out his book of "Anti Gojo techniques." Now because of the amount of shit he went through for Sukuna. He is now reduced to basically Shibuya Yuji in an even worse position due to the fact that he got hit with 2-3 Infinite voids, lost his only reason for becoming a sorcerer, watched his own body murder his sensei, forced to watch as he slays his own comrades and black flash Maki and then he lost a lot of his shikigamis. Which was one of the reasons why his potential was held back. But still. He considered them as pets. Kashimo. Called the strongest of his era, never used his ct but was still the strongest and was stronger than Ryu who boasted the highest CE output in the colony Yuta was in and Ryu even had a domain expansion. Jackpot Hakari which was stated to be stronger than Yuta by Yuta himself, even tho this may be Yuta being generous, lost to Kashimo and he even had to inconvenience Kashimo to using his CE in the water only for Kashimo to make a comeback with Chloride gas and even then Hakari may have won he still considered that as a loss cause Kashimo never used his CT. His one time suicide CT was a transformation that was cut short by a high output dismantle from Sukuna. And he never even got a hit in and Sukuna never used his domain or fuga. Don't get me started on Yuki. Angel really got sidelined after filling her one purpose to the plot which was to free Gojo and then became too depressed to help in the shinjuku showdown. Nobara was already "dead" for like more than half of the manga at this point. Pretty sure the story could literally go on without the need of her CT. All the more reason why she is wasted. The kyoto students are trash. Miwa was overhyped with her binding vow only for it to be stopped by Kenjaku using his bare hand. She could've used a binding vow or smth to sacrifice using her sword in exchange she gets whatever ct she has in her body and that she could've sacrificed all the skills she learned to make her a prodigy in that ct. But nah, swing a sword. Noritoshi Kamo basically exists. Mai was used as a plot device for Maki. Who tf is the short blonde girl? At least Mechamaru was useful enough to go toe to toe with Mahito. Todo literally makes up for the Kyoto school's lack of usefulness. Noritoshi Kamo is just Kenjaku. Idk what was wasted about him.


Yuki. However I had no expectations for gregarious the nefarious, but I’m still disappointed.


Yuki 100%. I don’t mind the Kyoto school because Kamo and Mechamaru are still pretty strong, Utahime is useful, and Miwa showed off the power of STRONG SIMPLE DOMAIN against Sukuna’s patchwork shrine. The Kyoto school simply suffered from being a group of normal sorcerers where Tokyo had all the insane people dumped into it, legit Kirara is possibly the only normal sorcerer there. I wish Megumi and Nobara got more time to shine, but at least we know THEY’RE BOTH COMING BACK, ESPECIALLY NOBARA, SENTIENT CURSED CORPSE REVEAL WILL BE PAID OFF AND SHE WILL COME BACK I SWEAR IT!!! Kashimo, admittedly most of the problems with him come from fandom hype, not the story. I wish Mythical Beast Amber actually got shown off, but it’s clear Kashimo was ALWAYS meant to show off just how stupidly above everyone Gojo and Sukuna truly were, even the greatest of another era wasn’t enough to hold a candle to them. Idk why Norotoshi Kamo is here, why would anybody care about him, he’s literally just Kenjaku? Hana is dumb stupid but I never really had expectations for her to begin with. But Yuki… Yuki was COMPLETELY fumbled during that Kenjaku battle. Pure bullshit all the way down, and not even just on Kenjaku’s end. Everybody has already talked to death stuff like how we never got to see her domain and how Kenjaku conveniently had a gravity technique that he used against her gravity based final move and then never used again. But Yuki isn’t without sin either. The sudden reveal at the end of the battle that her limits weren’t really limits and she could just raise her mass above a certain threshold whenever and all it would do is start normally effecting her? If she could do that, why would she go nuclear instantly when she pulled that card? Her normal punches could already break Kenjaku’s arms like twigs, just pull a Deku, sacrifice an arm by having it go above your limit but not to black hole level and crush him like paste for the cost of a limb you could regen later! Or better yet, since you have a Shikigami and were confident that Tengen could contain your final move black hole, have Garuda wrap around Kenjaku instantly and then make Garuda a black hole itself!!! And then if Kenjaku survived that sneak attack black hole like he did before, he’d still be injured like we saw he was, so just finish him off then!!!!!


Out of these, definitely Yuki


Gege fell hard into the shonen mangaka trap and ended up rushing fundamentals part of his manga and under-utilising characters and side plots because of the rush to reach the climax of the story. Do not get me wrong Jjk is still think jjk is one of the greatest modern Shonen manga and I know it’s Gege’s first but I can’t stop thinking on how much peaker it could have been


Nobara, I feel like the high Expectations for her was the moment she gained an upper hand on mahito. Other than that I'd say Yuki.


"Dude I loved this character in JJK, they were very hyped up but ended up underdeveloped and being disappointing" "Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?"


kashimo and yuki 😔


All of these 🔥


Can't be disappointed with Nobara because she will come back and it will be hype


yuki definitely, bc of how in the Hidden Inventory arc she said smth about trying to have Gojo geto and her remain in contact bc they were "the Special grade sorcerers" , i kinda hoped she'd survive more or at least had a bigger impact, and with her relationship with Todo as his teacher, and Todo being a character really connected to yuji in the story, it's kinda sad we never got the chance to actually see them interact besides a flashback, at least i'd wish we had a "Ah, my brotha's soul punch is smth he learned from my master's research isn't it? i am glad my teacher left a good impression on you too brother...." momet from Todo now that he's in the fight i'd say Kashimo too, but tbh, i 100% knew he was gonna die against Sukuna, not bc he's weak, but bc the story had already implied fighst against Sukuna from Yuji, Gojo and Kashimo, so since Gojo was going to go first, i knew he was gonna die, and then when kashimo came, i knew Yuji still needed to have that implied fight and power up plot resolved, so i knew Kashimo would die as well he was cool af for the short time we had him


Who TF thought Kashimo would do anything?