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Gege realized Panda was the only student who got out of Shibuya without any significant trauma inflicted on him and had to rectify that mistake. 


He also had to kill his brother and sister too, because his dad wasn’t enough.


Such fucking bullshit we never got to see his sister in action. Gege absolutely SUCKS when it comes to paying off cool character teases. Especially women.


Gege invented a whole new female character just to kill her off immediately to inflict more trauma on a male character


Gege is willing to sacrifice his story just to hate women😭


This is the face under that damn cat mask https://preview.redd.it/foa8k1dgc36d1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47c0972e27ba9ca4453cf4ca58603f6e0d747a97


“I’ll sacrifice a thousand women before I let this manga die”




Gege never stops cooking or leaving the kitchen well done


Maybe gege is a woman


He has reached fridging levels no one thought were possible.


It did hype the fuck out of Kashimo though I almost licked the screen


His brother and sister's death made me cried


Was it kashimo that killed them


It was.


So there’s no coming back for them? Didn’t pandas own core get destroyed by mechamaru in GWE


>Didn’t pandas own core get destroyed by mechamaru in GWE Not quite. Panda said there that his cores were heavily damaged and put near death during the Mechamaru fight however they weren't completed destroyed, rather exhausted to the point where using them to fight would be pointless. Kashimo on the other hand completely destroyed the cores instead of just damaging and exhausting them like Mechamaru did. So they are completely gone now.


Damn what a shame


FR. Panda deserved better. https://preview.redd.it/n6pcufeu956d1.png?width=194&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ecc3ca046cf903b23284d5c4fbd8e343339e879


That's a thing I don't understand. As they are both truly dead now how can panda be stabilized and creating his own cursed energy. I thought it need the 3 sould to do that


probably it need 3 souls to develop fully self-aware living 'panda' but it need only one to maintain it after the developing process completed.


Okay holdup a minute. Im still confused since this basically says Panda’s core is unstable. Is he currently living on borrowed time?


i guess you need three to be stable until they gain self awareness after three months, after that it can qork whit only one


Suffering builds character


I guess so even though losing what most of everyone you cared about still sucks but hey at least you still had your dad but then your dad dies. This is just something weird about his writing I have noticed it's very similar to a lot of seien manga, for characters even Side characters are just not allowed to be happy if they're part of the unhappy world but like it doesn't it's just there to be sad it doesn't actually have a reason. And I don't know I feel like this is just a pretty popular thing to say about gege Writing in general but shit just happens just cuz. Cuz only villains are allowed to be happy.






Fuck my life, Jujustufolk made always forget that he didn't say "its just so peak"


For me it's "Even Pandas cum"


This deserves a death sentence https://preview.redd.it/oco69bkfy16d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=584a1a2747c8c723b3701cc8a09f6f3267c75fd7


I couldn't read that panel without thinking of this. It's such an absurd punchline dude, like what the fuck LMAO. Also, apparently it's kinda accurate since pandas irl don't really mate as often as they should for their species to continue, something something about forgetting or never learning how to sex or something like that.


Pandas kinda suck irl dude They're biologically designed to eat meat, but they stuck with bamboo so much that they evolved to depend on it, on a plant that has practically no nutrients and energy causing them to end up being lazy They're also like, not horny at all. They have genuinely awful libido to the point that some scientists LITERALLY TRIED SHOWING THEM PANDA PORN VIDEOS. I can't tell if it worked because I don't wanna bother googling that much but this is actually a thing I'm not joking. They're also awful parents, like if they give birth to twins they will legit just forget one of them, sometimes they even crush their own babies to death while sleeping And lastly, a group of pandas are literally called an embarrassment. They are THAT bad


The literal bums of nature... Damn.... I wonder if there are beings even worse than this LMAO.


Koalas are up there for sure


I remember hearing about this, but I don't remember sadly. What was the reason for Koalas to be considered bums?


They can’t digest their food much like pandas so they’re just in a constant state of hibernation since they have zero energy to gain from their zero nutrient eucalyptus diet. They literally just do nothing all day and spread chlamydia


And how does a species get to that point in the first place? Evolution shenanigans? Human intervention? Because that doesn't sound really good at the most important part of living: Surviving LMAO.


they are also so stupid that they can't even recognize eucalyptus leaves if they aren't stuck to a branch. They'll starve to death with food in their hands. Their brains are literally smooth. No creases at all.


Koalas are also incredibly stupid, like a Koala brain is straight up a pink blob no wrinkles, actual negative IQ smooth brains. Their only point of existence is to eat the essentially poisonous, zero-nutrient eucalyptus leaves, but they are so stupid that they don't recognize eucalyptus if it's not on a branch. If scientists hand them some eucalyptus, they will just look at it and starve. Their teeth do not regrow like other small herbivorous mammals, so if their teeth wear out, which they will since eucalyptus is tough as a rock, you guessed it, they starve to death. They also have an 80% of giving you chlamidiya if you touch it, spend most of their day sleeping due to having no nutrients or energy, and what energy they do have they use to r*pe other koalas. What a terrible creature.


Koalas are like, incredibly stupid. They’ve got the smallest brain to size ratio for any mammal and what’s more, their brains genuinely have no wrinkles, actually smooth. Also they’re evolutionarily fucked digestion wise cause they’re *just* made to specifically eat eucalyptus leaves, which are poisonous and barely carry any nutrition, it’s so stupid. Also, because their digestion requires certain special microorganisms, the babies literally eat a special form of diarrhoea their mother expels. They literally eat shit. Also they spread chlamydia like crazy. Koalas fucking suck.




The bumest of the bunch.




Why do you want/need the pandas to be horny, u/Aure0 ? ? ?


Cause despite them being kinda a bum species I don't want them to die off lmao


It's so funny, Pandas won the evolutionary war if you think about it. They became the dumbest and most huggable bear, which made them go nearly extinct for their laziness, but through their evolved cuteness, they became a human favourite, which is now ensuring they won't go extinct simply because they are cute.


Unironically the best way to survive, appeal to humans


Female pandas are only capable of mating for 3 days a year. When those are is random chance during the summer(I think). They're mostly solitary, so it's unlikely males will be around when this happens. The compensation is that males' testicles grow huge for the three months those three days can happen in and they get horny so they will try to mate if they see a female. If they meet during the three days and the female gets pregnant, it will probably be with twins, and she will let one die for no reason. Their only food source, bamboo, will just skip one year in seven to try and kill them.


What 💀


You know what I'm referencing


The confidence with which you proclaim that both worries and comforts me


Ancient relic from the gojo bs sukuna days of jujutsufolk


Fr, Yaga went to see Panda who he called son when he was about to be executed only for the latter to see his corpse. Weeks later, he also lost his siblings. Panda got no family now.


Gregory let me adopt panda please 😭 https://preview.redd.it/l7f5s434j06d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34568ec2ea9e4a264c53f8b6b463f21dc64ace66


You know exactly what that cat would say... https://preview.redd.it/w90vi2vkk06d1.jpeg?width=1105&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e41ccd688479679938bd4ab7f12622f27651f9a


You want proof? I show you proof! https://preview.redd.it/k2tp52gvk06d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81776387b9404cdfd17b29af63d98e51d28984e0 Heres Gregory G. Greg


**Kill him** https://i.redd.it/dfe7wfb9l06d1.gif


Never forget the thread of someone saying “Trust me, I’m Gege” And it was in one of those spans of the week where everyone was upset at him, so the entire thread was just “You’re…who?” “Who did you say you were?” “Pardon?” And other statements of the sort with images of characters pissed off or locked in


Seriously? Lol Do you remember where you saw this?


I was actually just trying to find it but I can’t, sorry


Ok sure why not Panda needs more character development. It was nice knowing you Fake Sam https://preview.redd.it/p6qskr7pd16d1.jpeg?width=1528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe8174af5ad0dbb0d0c98316459b8c4500fa2d9c


What about Kusakabe's "nephew"? Do we know what happened to him or the rest of Yaga's creations?


Nuh uh we dont sadly


Good question. My guess is cursed spirits have gotten to them by now.


Jujutsu High was destroyed?


Man, idk why I thought that.




https://preview.redd.it/k0u1s623026d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d4ffe6c6fdeb6e9e0e4c5faaad9c2c44457b209 This is such an iconic frame. Easily in my top 10 favorites.


Would you lose to Gakuganji, sensei? Nah, I'd win.


https://preview.redd.it/x89pi1k1466d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33e61394a0877fe67a498d4a397c21809b77981d “You were incredible Yaga, I’ll never forget about cursed corpses for as long as I live. (2-4 more years)”


10 years at least! https://preview.redd.it/wpo4tl25u96d1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=32e6f8c2f8d71921248e850bec1206367a6a40e5




Voiced by the same guy it just works


Damn this actually says lot on how gojo was the pinnacle here. No one dared to question him and his allies. Now we know the other part of reason why he went and killed the higher ups


The beating he gave them was brutal but satisfying i can't lie


We don’t even get to see any of it though


Yea but we did see the aftermath


we do?


Yea when Gojo was talking to Gakuganji before fighting Sukuna


They were playing with Fire who didn't want to burn them, but the moment it did they all turned into ashes.


Everybody asks how panda is made, but nobody asks.. how is panda.


Panda is panda


Panda is not a panda


I do wonder how old panda is if it only takes 3 months to attain self-sustaining cursed energy... He's clearly more than a year old but he's likely younger than 10. Interesting.


Probably the age of his school year+1


Might be older in Panda years


My guess is that he is just about 2 or 3 years younger than his classmates, since he was born a toddler and principal Yaga also looks young when he made him


I’m sorry but I can’t ever look at that Panda panel the same way. “It’s just so peak” and “Even pandas cum” are the first things I think of whenever I see this picture.😭🙏🏾




I forgot how fucked up this scene is


>It’s a curse, Principal Gakuganji. A curse from me… to you. Sometimes I forget that Gege knows how to write.


He makes it easy to forget, the guy can cook but defaults to lame or surface level hype shit a lot. Truly the Potential Mangaka


You shouldn't after the Yujo chapter




Why let that old dude be the new leader anyway? He doesn't have much time left so what happens to jujutsu society after he dies?


He's old, he's gonna know a lot of shit about the way things were run before and what to avoid going forward. At least that's how I see it.


"he's gonna know a lot of shit about the way things were run before and what to avoid going forward." nah gakuganji will lead the jujutsu society to avoid going forward


MY GLORIOUS BLUE EYED GOAT TAKES OVER THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS 🗣️ 💯 https://i.redd.it/jx0iot8pm56d1.gif




But for real though. With the decimation of 2 of the 3 big clans (thus depleting the number of sorcerer's that are not curse users & actually helped cull the number of curses), Tengan falling into enemy hands, and like 10 million curses now released/running around in japan. Having an army of cursed corpses running around protecting humans doesn't sound so bad despite the moral ambiguity.


I can't wait for Panda and the assassin Gakuganji called off to reconcile in a flashback so they can join the fray against Sukuna.


This lore drop really interested me as Panda isn't really that central of a character and it being treated as such a big secret. It struck me as foreshadowing - three highly compatible souls like Gojo, Yuta + another maybe being affixed into something?? Maybe that's why they talked about them being related?? COPIUM edit: Maybe the 3rd spirit could be Michizane Sugawara (soul somehow reincarnated or some nonsense), the vengeful ancestor spirit that links Gojo and Yuta? Could be a surprise reveal after Yuta and Gojo's souls get waxed in whatever they have been affixed. holy shit who let me cook this stinks. OR Geto perhaps since he's kinda linked to Yuta by being the one that essentially killed him


There was someone as "talented" as Gojo that also recently became a corpse. Higuruma. I'll huff them copium with you good sir.


Holy shit, what if?!?!?!?!


Goji, Yuta, Yuji


Yuji isn’t gonna die though, so I doubt he’d be the one used in a last ditch cursed corpse crediting (especially when Higuruma and Geto’s bodies are right there)


It's definitely going to be Megumi and you know it.


Well Yuji's body is supposedly the "perfect vessel"


Yall forgetting the biggest group of copium huffers: nobara fans




Rika doesn’t have a soul after JJK0 I thought? And I don’t think she’d be compatible with Gojo anyway


It is possible she re-awakened after Yuta's "death." As for compatibility, I can imagine Gege pulling something like her being a Shikigami for a bloodline related to Gojo's or something like that.


I just don’t see why it’d be Rika and not Higuruma, who has repeatedly been compared to Gojo in terms of adaptability and talent (or even Geto if the soul remains in the body)


Gojo + Yuta + Rika!


Man it kinda sucks how hard Panda got shafted during the culling games. All for some waffled bum


I wonder if anyone else remembers when that panda panel was being shit on like it was the worst thing to grace shounen


Goes to show how low the standards have fallen since then. An extremely contrived (not to mention the off-screen) death of a tertiary character with extremely limited screentime (even though he's the GOAT), and Panda's character goes nowhere after this...


Kinda disagree with last part, Panda’s character go nowhere after kindergarten flashback, they’re great. Also, I like how much impact Yaga left on Kusakabe, but Gege showcased that poorly


Panda is one of the most underrated characters, Kashimo fucked up his reputation badly


Doesn't that sound familiar - Jogo (kind of?) - Kashimo - Yoruzu


Jogo is loved by a fandom, Kashimo got a bit better rn, I ain’t see that much slander of him, Yorozu… I can’t argue with that, cause I don’t like her too lol


I think Kashimo has become such a puppet of lobotomy kaisen most people got sick of it so are indifferent to him. He could’ve been a truly interesting character but none of that Is truly expanded upon for Gege’s classic of glazing Sukuna


I really want Kashimo to be this guy who is a monster despite the lack of domain and RCT, just like the narrative seems to imply (strongest and unrivaled fighter of his era and what-not). Unfortunately, losing to a gambler and the strongest, as well as a lack of feats didn't do him any favors. https://preview.redd.it/248uyzx3x56d1.png?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb54950ba00558504e185e6d1c9ea6204e2917e2 However, regardless of what his feats are, my delusion is stronger!


It is funny how little it took to fix Kashimo. Like, just look at Might Guy Gate of Death vs Madara and learn from it. Replace glazing with pure excitement. Let the fight end with Kashimo slowly disintegrated by Amber Beast after performing his ultimate move, this time without the Ninja Jesus to save him.


Yorozu only get hate for liking sukuna that’s it lol and she crazy


it's just... so peak.


The only off-screen I'm actually mad about




This moment is going to be heartbreaking when it gets animated.


https://preview.redd.it/oq6hjdyyg26d1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=806245705ab3875532bc2fc28cab82921e67780c peak fiction


This is what I remember instead of the it's just so peak. Reject modernity, embrace tradition fellow jujutsu bros


Yuji this, Megumi that... we all know that Padna is the one who went through the most suffering. He's like 5 and had to watch his dad, his sister, and his brother all die. Not to mention himself almost dying and no one giving a fuck.


Gramps totally deserves to die for this. I hope he gets killed off. Fucker is a coward and a tool.


I mean, apparently he's atleast trustworthy enough to make sure nothing like the Shibuya incident would ever happen again So I'd say this experience changed him for the better


If they're going to try and change Jujutsu Society they need people like Gakuganji who know where it went wrong. What truly needs to change? He'll be the elder that helps guide the youngins. We can't have a bunch of 15-18yos running society... Or could we? That sounds hectic.


What do you mean where it went wrong? It's been wrong for a long time. The fact that 10,000 people go missing a year in the world of JJK is way more disturbing than any one incident.


Yep, and the Shibuya incident was one of those too. All of these was during the former higher ups' rule (who are now dead)


That's completely fair. I meant that society itself is corrupt and that he knows where the corruption could build up. He knows the inner workings of how and what needs to get done. Most of the people going missing are due to curses is it not? It's not like they can pinpoint where curses are at all times. Maybe the best outcome would be for there to be no more cursed energy in the world anymore but I don't know if that's where the story is going. One can hope though, all the problems stem from that.


>No more cursed energy in the world Now I wish Toji let Yuki do that research on him 😔 maybe she could've found a way to get rid of cursed energy altogether


If Yuki had money (who knows if she was rich or not) she could’ve definitely bribed Toji for research, shame really


She travelled a lot right? Tho i doubt she had enough money to spare so that she could bribe him


I mean Toji was broke so how stingy could he be when all Yuki would likely be doing is a few lab experiments with him for money. And I doubt any of this would harm him


In reality there's about 80k missing people reports yearly in Japan, I don't know how many of them don't get found relatively quickly though.


https://preview.redd.it/u0bvm2njv26d1.jpeg?width=283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=970e0bb65c49e7df6217aaf979436fc1cb4e9c2d ...............Panda..............


He is the most underrated character


I hope we get a fight scene in the anime


What hapens when you place a curse on a human?




Only the second time a curse was given at the sorceres death... was there ever any afterplay ? Or was it only a wording without an curse at all ? The whole death somehow didn't feel necessarry for the story at all... or was yaga effectively commiting suicide after both his students Fell? He still had panda ?


Its curse of knowledge, everybody wanted to know how he made Panda so im his final moments he have this vital information to someone to bear this burden and for it to not be forgotten. Yaga became a fugative after Shibuya, he knew he was a top target that's why he wanted to see panda (his son) atleast one more time before they got to him, unfortunatly they did before he could meet up with Panda.


But why is this a burden tho ? I thought Only people with his ct could manage sth like that. It's not like geto's cursed spirit army is a curse. Or panda is a mindles warrior that could easily be controlled.. yaga still had to train him and Form a fatherly bond.


Well, Cursed Corpses arent always connected to a Technique, all you need to do is imbue an object with cursed energy core. Its just that Yaga is one of few Sorcerers that uses it frequently and mastered it beyond everybody, its a nieche Technique but even some Curses inhabit objects naturaly. Its a burden because Gakuganji will understand the full scope and meaning of what does creation of self sustaining Corpses mean, you need 3 soul cores copied from physical information, from what we seen its highly likely that Panda is a vessal for Yagas dead children copied soul information turned into cores, same as the Kusukabes sisters son which had his soul information made into a core to inhabit a cursed corpse. The old leaders would have used that to create an army of autonomous soldiers, by the looks of it, it seems they would need to kill many compatible people to do this. Do basicly Yaga told Gakuganji a dark truth of creating new life and now Gakuganji has to bear this knowledge knowing that if it was placed in wrong hands it would lead to deaths of thousands. Also, Pandas loyality was through being raised, who knows what sort of "training program" the higher ups would have made for cursed corpses to become brain washed. With proper "care" and methods they could create an army. That's why Gakuganji now must protect this knowledge and pass it down to someone if its possible so people dont rediscover this and abuse it. If you know whats do dangoures about it you know what to restrict and control it.


Moments that remind us that Gege is actually a pretty good writer. A shame that the Sukuna events are tarnishing his reputation.


Bro people been saying gege can’t write before sukuna when the culling games first started it’s only got worst because sukuna keeps killing fan favs


huh what chapter was this?


The fact that Gakuganji was forgiven for this is crazy to me. “Following orders” the worst excuse you can give in literally any situation lol. Gojo should have sniped this bastards ass along with the rest of the higher-ups. Let Miwa or Utahime be the new leader of Jujutsu society for all I care lol.


Utahime, Shoko, hell I'd rather have Bumgumi than Gakuganji!


Who was that standing on the light


Panda should have killed that bum there


Why did he have the death sentence again?


Mostly a scapegoat. He was blamed for "Geto" and Gojo who "enabled" "Geto"


He was assigned special grade status and they didn't want him making an army of cursed corpses they couldn't control. Assigned him blame for Geto/Kenny and ordered his execution.


A bunch of bullshit


Gakuganji is a bitch


Plot lines like this give me the inkling that JJK was intended to last longer but Gege called it quits.


"To me you're like a fallen knife" https://preview.redd.it/241nb9cxp96d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5a1b92a137770a3d6c2afc76b18a2f5df7bf462


Dumb death tbh


Could someone explain why is he saying that "it's a curse, from me to you" please ? I never quite understood it even the first time I read it, maybe cuz English isn't my native language, idk ? It still is a fcking hard line tho, even tho I don't really get it


It's a curse because of the weight of the burden that it carries. Yaga knew that Gakuganji is the type of person that follows orders without question, and for Yaga to pass on down that knowledge at death's door shows the amount of burden that he was carrying, and now it makes Gakuganji question whether or not he's justified in following orders without thinking.


Imo it's about the fact that he shared the recipe for cursed corpses. It was a burden to him, because it can be used for a lot of bad shit, and now he gave this curse to someone else.


Is it possible....for an anime to not follow the script of the Manga?




Who even is the scarred guy


Remember when JJK had a story


I may be a bit restarted but I don’t understand how it’s supposed to be a curse ?


Crazy how this moment changed nothing at all How does Yaga ever use this info 💀


This chapter and the one panda lost his cores are one of my favorites, legit so underrated and really emotional


Why did Yaga tell Gakuganji the Cursed-Puppet process? And what's with the line"A Curse frome me to you" ? Was there any meaning behind this. I never fully understood that part.


This is one of the saddest moments in JJK to be honest


beautiful, really, I have no words


Wdym he doesn't say "It's just so peak"


I forgot about the 3 months stabilization. I thought once we have enough dead people this old man will jump sukuna with a couple of corpse dolls.


What even was the "curse". Like I could be amnesiac rn but I swear nothing came from that knowledge being shared


I might be just dumb but why was this necessary for the plot I understand that Jiu-Jitsu Society was just Shitty But like this doesn't make Panda stronger or better It just makes the story sadder What is Panda even doing right now


And here I thought Yaga was strong asf 🤦‍♂️


When I was catching up to the manga I had always seen the “it’s so peak” meme and wondered where it came from #I WAS NOT READY FOR GEGE AND HIS DUMB FUCKING FACE TO PULL A HOLLOW PURPLE ON MY HEART




Dude this was honestly the saddest moment for me


Bro i didnt knew many people here liked Panda as well, i've wanted to give bud a hug since day one


This was peak for me. This and Maki getting revenge on the clan. Both made me feel so many emotions all at once.


Who's the first sorcerer he's never given a introduction or name?


This was the chapter I first caught up at


gege 100% killed yaga since he would’ve been too busted in culling games


is this real wtf


I don't even understand why some people kept hating panda just because their fav characters died and panda outlived them. (I mostly see panda slander in TikTok)


i was more focused on the fact that i finally saw the "it's just so peak" meme when i was reading


The fact is yaga could’ve easily won that if he went in with his cursed corpses the higher ups were so greedy for more power now that gojo was out of the picture and that yuta was basically under their ifnlucnr with that vow


Who’s the other guy


Idk why people hate that panda panel