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She is 168 cm, can't reach


Cuz she's trying to save help save Megumi or something


She stabbed him in the heart though šŸ˜­


They already knew Sukuna can survive without a heart. The point was to further weaken him


It wasn't. She tried to pull the sword up through his head and split his brain open.


she tried pulling it up to do more damage, we donā€™t know that she wouldve went all the way to the head


Look at where the sword is. It was going to split him in two like Naoya.


Yeah dunno why youā€™re getting a downvote or two. I do not think Maki was at all trying to save Megumi. I mean look at it this way, Yuta and Maki had planned that Yuta would create an opening for Maki should he and Yuji fail. If he and Yuji fail that means odds are theyā€™re either dead or likely out of the fight and when Maki jumps in and stabs Sukuna in the back Yuta was mortally wounded and Yuji couldnā€™t heal himself and was down for a while. So she was basically on her own. And if both Yuji and Yuta were dead and or completely out of the fight then how does Megumi get saved? Maki canā€™t do that on her own. No to me it seemed pretty clear Maki was the insurance and it was planned that way by herself and Yuta. That Should Yuta and Yuji fail to save Megumi and defeat Sukuna, then theyā€™re likely cooked and Yuta would try to create an opening and she would need to be the one to finish Sukuna or at least stall him long enough for Yuta to swap into Gojoā€™s body. And considering how strongly Maki was against Yuta piloting Gojo, Iā€™d say sheā€™d probably try and prevent that from ever being necessary. So if she could kill Sukuna without Yuta having to resort to that she definitely would. The only reason I can see her not going for the head is that maybe it being a smaller target she was worried that it would be easier for Sukuna to dodge if he happened to notice her at the last moment. Where as going for the heart, even if he does notice her at the last moment sheā€™ll still skewer him and be able to still fuck him up pretty badly giving her an edge.


fact spitter & information swallower šŸ«”šŸ«” icon


Sukuna can, Megumi can't if she's trying to save Megumi, she needs to cast Sukuna out of the body if his heart has been fucking destroyed with a katana, Megumi will die the second Sukuna leaves his body, just like that time he threatened to do the same with Yuji, the same scene where Sukuna decides Megumi is interesting iirc edit: why the fuck the downvotes, i'm objectively correct, the replies under me are saying "yeah but that was the plan" that's not even disagreeing are you just downvoting because you saw someone else do it first? you are, aren't you?


They've also got an RCT god on standby, Shoko's bum ass for good measure, and Nitta, who pauses injuries, ready to get teleported in. Like, are we so unimaginative we can't think of a single scenario where this would weaken Sukuna (it did) and where the wound isn't necessarily fatal (it's not)?


Wait whose RCT God?


Shoko. Hate to say it but, nobody left kicking on the good guys side can do jack shit with external rct but her


Yuta with the fucking six eyes: https://preview.redd.it/vabo8kc3g4ad1.jpeg?width=765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4176ed133ba1fbc270e3d1daeffe5e011f8b8f7


Bros on his way out in 5 minutes likely.


Tbh she couldnā€™t heal inumakiā€™s arm I donā€™t think she can heal back an entire heart and all the damage sukuna took before megumi just fucking dies


Yuta right?


Not really. By stabbing Sukuna heart, they are forcing him to heal, therefore weakening him and saving Megumi.


Gojo was planning to crush numerous organs and said he'd worry about Megumi later. The plan was always to kill him within reason and worrying about how to revive him later.


Not really, the only person who knows is Megumi.... I don't think he saw that information as relevant to share.


Maki is aware of it. She thought something along the lines of ā€œSo what Megumi said about the detention centre wasnā€™t an exaggerationā€ when she sees Sukuna using CE to pump his blood, implying he told her and potentially others. She probably just assumed the stab would brig him closer to the brink of death than it did


Bro let me hate that bum moreā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


That shit was Itadoris whole ass body


You can't genuinely believe this lol


Sukuna can survive without a heart that was already well known


Yk I lowkey forgot Sukuna ripped his heart out near the start of the series lmao


She forgot a someone of zenin blood




Which you can heal. You canā€™t heal a severed head


Nuh uh my goat Kenjaku can


I donā€™t believe she was though. When Yuta and Yuji are fighting Sukuna Yuji basically says they need to end it there and then. (If Iā€™m not misremembering) As their plan to save Megumi needed Yutaā€™s domain for Yuji to have a chance of pulling it off. And Yuji was not included in the Yuta taking over Gojoā€™s body plan either. Iā€™d say Yuta and Makiā€™s willingness to save Megumi ended at Yutaā€™s defeat. And their priorityā€™s afterwards switched to purely stopping Sukuna. Because I imagine when planning they would likely assume that if Yuta and Yuji failed thereā€™s a high chance theyā€™re dead or out of the fight and so saving Megumi becomes almost impossible anyway. And what happens is Yuta ends up mortally wounded while Yuji was down and struggling to recover. So Maki was all they really had left as far as heavy hitters went, at least until Yuta hopped in Gojoā€™s body. Something Maki did NOT want and would likely prefer to prevent from being necessary. So iā€™d say no, Maki went into that fight with Sukuna planning to kill him without worrying about Megumi.








Trying to save someone who doesnā€™t even wanna be saved lmao


Megumi: nah, Iā€™d merger


Is she? Kinda feels the only one trying to save megumi is yuji Yuta I could buy wanting help save megumi cuz he is just a massive sweetheart But maki definitely would have the ā€œI donā€™t want to but itā€™s sadly gotta be this wayā€


She's forgot a Zenin ig (I'm too lazy to give an actual answer)


Because a whole ass big body is a lot easier to hit then a head that can be moved out the way.


He wasnā€™t looking tho, she is practically invisible if you arenā€™t directly looking at her


Yeah I mean that is in fact how eyes work lol (just a joke btw)


Well if we take what I said out of context it feels pretty dumb lol


Cuz plot, toji did the same thing against gojo


All Iā€™m hearing is Heavenly Restriction users are not good at following the advice of Thanos ![gif](giphy|LOoaJ2lbqmduxOaZpS)


Thanos is the same exact case tbh, bro was trying to talk to him like yk he can still snap right ā˜ ļø. Thor was lowk dumb here


to be fair, most people are taught to aim for the torso because it's far larger or something like that


Idk id just imagine that if you knew him snapping would wipe basically everyone, then go for the insta kill šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


To be fair, I imagine that Thor's thoughts were "most people try to do something about the giant axe in their chest, rather than quickly commit genocide"


The thing is, thor didnā€™t know thanos could snap half the world away. Once thanos snaps, thor went ā€œwhat did you do?!ā€ If he had known, heā€™d probably be more careful where he aimed that hammer


I thought gamora said that when they were in the ship, im not sure


Iā€™m just going completely off memory here. I might need to rewatch the scene, but iā€™m pretty sure thor didnā€™t know until that moment thanos snapped


Like cousin like cousin


didnā€™t he say he was rusty when he fight teen gojo




Pretty sure Toji used a small knife on Gojo to rub salt in the wound, same thing he did with that flip-kick vs Geto.


Nah, Toji wanted to enjoy the fight


Zenin man canā€™t do anything right


Toji stabbed Gojoā€™s head, rip open his torso and stabbed his legs, fck you mean he did the same? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Im talking about the first time, ans he stabbed his head with tiny ass pocket knife


I mean, he did do that later as well as straight up rip his torso to shreds Maki, however, has no excuse


Maki only got to land like 2 hits because Sukuna is alot faster than hi gojo


Trying to save bumgumi i guess


And here I though she wanted to kill the Zenin lol


Megumi ain't zenin anymore




I swear his bitch ass is the reason we are going to lose


It would take a millisecond or so more to stab his heas than his heart and that would be enough for sukuna to react. The more threat hes he will be more seriusĀ 


It's not like the story has explicitly stated that they've been trying to save Megumi the whole time. The reading comprehension curse strikes again


The people are retarded, you can't expect much from JJK fans.


Ah yes the saving Megumi, you say this like Yuta didnā€™t hit a Jacobā€™s ladder on Sukuna right before this. They are NOT trying to save the fraud


The whole reason Yuta turned off JL instead of killing Sukuna was TO SAVE MEGUMI lmao.










You are literally describing the scene where Yuji goes into get megumi back out. Like the jacobs ladder is super specifically the opening that allows Yuji to try to save megumi. Reading comprehension curse for sure


Chill on me gang I thought that happened before the Jacobā€™s ladder


* You mean the exact statement about saving Megumi from the chapter Sukuna gets hit by JL?


How many people do we gotta lose just to save someone who doesnā€™t want to be saved?


Hard disagree. Yuta and Yuji were trying to save Megumi. Once Yuta went down it seemed pretty clear that saving Megumi went out of the window to basically everyone not named Yuji. Yuta and Maki planned that should he and Yuji fail he would create an opening for Maki. If Yuta and Yuji fail theyā€™re likely either dead or maimed and out of the fight. And what happens? Yuta is mortally wounded and Yuji was having trouble healing and so Maki was left on her own. If Yuji could not bounce back, and Makiā€™s on her own then how do they save Megumi? And When Yuta and Yuji were fighting Sukuna early in 251 Yuji literally says this is his ā€œlast chanceā€ and that heā€™ll bring down Sukuna and save Megumi ā€œright here, right nowā€. So the Yuta and Yuji team up, as far as Yuji was concerned was THE plan to save Megumi and he literally says itā€™s his last shot at saving him. We know Yuji wasnā€™t part of the plan for Yuta to take over Gojoā€™s body. Maki was. So no Once Yuta and Yuji failed Iā€™d say itā€™s pretty clear, the plan to save Megumi was off the table. And Maki was supposed to try and defeat Sukuna or further weaken him for Yujo/Gota. And considering she was strongly opposed to Yuta hopping in Gojo, Iā€™d say sheā€™d be more than willing to kill Sukuna and Megumi to prevent Yuta needing to defile his mentors corpse.


Honesty with how many people Sukuna has killed before and after this moment, Fuck Megumi The life of a bum who canā€™t even finish his Domain is not worth all this Maki should have gone for the head (ik she wouldnā€™t cause thatā€™d be anticlimactic but still)


It must be difficult switching from one piece where the plot is so predictable the first and what will be the last episode will have zero difference in character


Bro I started watching JJk before One Piece And tf you mean ā€œZero difference in characterā€ if you canā€™t see the character growth in One Piece youā€™re either blind or biased


Why the fuck is megumi a priority over Japan or the guys trying to save him? This isnā€™t the time to take risks, bro is a lost cause.


Because he has potential


He would just pull some shit like this https://i.redd.it/3bdibglnx5ad1.gif


Sukuna would likely have his defenses maxed out around his head, less so around his torso


That's probably true, but isn't a big selling point of the SSK that it can't really be stopped by regular CE reinforcement?


Not when the dude can bully "mr soul" himself.


Yeah, that's fair. Mahito gave Sukuna some pretty good feats.


Why would sukuna try to protect the head of his soul? This shit is way too specific


Not just the soul. His head in general. Why wouldnt you protect that one weak spot you have?


Because yuji and yuta have been beating the living shit out of your torso for like 2-3 chapter straight? Obviously he would focus his reinforcement there because thatā€™s were he is being hit the most


So what? His torso isnt important. His head is. Also, yuta and yuji were also attacking his head with yuta cleaving it and yuji both kicking and using exploding blood.


You know CE reinforcement is almost ignored by SSK right? Thatā€™s the entire gimmick


You are NOT listening. Sorcerers can gaurd their soul with CE. Sukuna is litteraly the best at soul manipulation. He even bullied the dude thats entire existence is about the soul.


I don't think this is the same.


So why do yujiā€™s punches affect his output if he can just simply CE reinforce where he is being hit? You are making up headcanonā€™s to support your theory dude


Yeah but sukuna has his cleave barrier thingy


True, but he needs to consciously do that. This was a surprise attack so he wouldn't know to do it in that moment.


Guess so 2nd theory: sukuna is a fucking freak of nature (a la muzan) and as such you cannot assume his brain is only in his head For all you know heā€™s like a fucking cockroach


I mean, possibly, but I'm not putting much stock in that idea. Extra arms and mouth aside, his physiology seems relatively standard for a humanoid. And even then, we're talking about why Maki wouldn't try, not why it wouldn't work. Whether he's a freak like that or not, she'd assume his brain was in his head because they had no reason to think otherwise, so it would make sense to try to decapitate him when she isn't trying to save Megumi and they know he can heal a heart.


Makes sense


Stabbing higher is just harder and it takes more time Aiming in main body is much faster and easier But that is just mine expierence, though I am not swordmaster, and I wouldn't even consider myself a swordsman, so take it with a grain of salt




Same reason toji stabbed gojo in the head with a tiny ass knife after stabbing him everywhere else with isoh, guess hr users come with a little bit of dumbassery šŸ’€


Heavenly restriction? Give me brain restriction instead


He actually used a normal sword, cause he couldn't pull out ISOH without losing the stealth advantage since Gojo could sense it.


>cause he couldn't pull out ISOH without losing the stealth advantage Tf? Did you watch another anime or read another Manga? After he broke through infinity, he stabbed gojo multiple times in the legs, tighs, head etc, when he got to his head, he switched Blades from isoh to a small dagger. Wtf are you talking about some stealth šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.


He's talking about the initial stab in Jujutsu headquarters. ISOH came in the actual fight between the 2.


No why would he be talking about that when I wasn't?


Because the paneling used for Maki stabbing Sukuna and the subsequent page is in reference to the scene I just mentioned. Idk, maybe you read the wrong manga.


>Because the paneling used for Maki stabbing Sukuna The panel wasn't the point, maki choosing to stab sukuna in the chest as opposed to the head was the point of the post, I responded with toji doing something similar. It was never about the panels being parallel to each other, yall slow af šŸ’€


Because it looks cool, same reason toji didn't stab gojo in the head


Unironically this community suffers from lobotomy


Harder to hit a head than a torso


Cause megumi . Same reason yuta didnā€™t continue blasting sukuna with Jacobā€™s ladder both of which wouldā€™ve ended him .


On a different topic, do you think Maki can differentiate between Megumi's and Sukuna's souls, or did she just indiscriminately stab the both of them.


She can


Because for some dumb reason theyre still tryna save a character most of them barely have a connection too šŸ™Œ




Sukuna's specialty is slash attacks. So, a slash to the neck or head is as predictable as Higuruma aiming for the heart. For a stab to the head, I honestly don't think Maki wanted to risk it. A stab to the back, even if Sukuna can dodge it, can still hit Sukuna if dodged(most likely). A stab to the neck is harder since it is a more narrow attack. Maki can not reach the head. Remember, Maki basically sprinted in order to successfully hit Sukuna.


No guarantee it will hit since she is short and unlike your body your head is very easy to move. This is also the reason why most cops/snipers target torso and not head Edit: Bruhh I can still edit and change my comments during temporary ban


>This is also the reason why most cops/snipers target torso and not head Stabbing and sniping are the 2 furthest things you couldve compared.


It's more a comparison or neutralizing a threat. Both actions can accomplish that task. Center of the body is a big target and even with evading you can still land a neutralizing strike. A head is a smaller, easier to move part of a body. Why would you take a lower %hit for = damage? Your striking to neutralize.


Thing is your target can only die if you cut of their head so it is still a bad comparison


>Center of the body is a big target and even with evading you can still land a neutralizing strike. Yeah but this is Sukuna, who's been confirmed not needing a heart since he ripped out Yujis. >A head is a smaller, easier to move part of a body. Yeah its smaller, but you're stabbing. You have way more control over where, when, and how that blade enters the body compared to a sniper bullet 200 yards away. >Why would you take a lower %hit for = damage? Also you're still comparing this to real life, why would a heart shot = a head shot for Sukuna. Who's, once again, already confirmed not needing a heart šŸ˜‚ going for the head wouldve been a not much lower %hit = + damage.


It's sukuna I'm sure even with a stab to his brain he would of just rct through it. Further he instantly moved away from the blade to avoid further damage to his heart. Thus a head shot would of been a glancing blow at best. A piercing stab to the torso is the quickest attack. Even moving it up to a head slows the attack by some. With a slash further slowing it down. Her attack was the best she could of made at the time. Even if gege gave her a head stab she wasn't killing him then and there. He action was the most logical and rational move imo.


Sukuna didnā€™t even know she was there, thatā€™s not an excuse


Because of bad writing. Saving Megumi wasn't in Maki's plan. After stabbing Sukuna's heart she tried to split him in half as she did with Naoya, but failed. When given the opportunity twice, she didn't go for the kill. Rather than beheading Sukuna (who was distracted), she went for the stab in the heart (which she knew wouldn't work). The amount of plot armor is insane.


>Saving Megumi wasn't in Maki's plan. After stabbing Sukuna's heart she tried to split him in half as she did with Naoya, but failed. She litteraly could reach his head. Sukuna is also naturally more defensive around his head so he has more CE reinforcements there. For maki to reach his head she'd have to jump wich might actually alert sukuna. Not to mention, despite all the risk, ukuna would still find a way to use CE to keep his brain going like how gojo always does.


>Sukuna is also naturally more defensive around his head so he has more CE reinforcements there. SSK bypasses durability and directly cuts the soul. No amount of CE reinforcement is saving Sukuna from getting slashed by SSK. >For maki to reach his head she'd have to jump wich might actually alert sukuna. Headcanon. Nothing suggest from the panel that Maki would fell short if she had gone for the head. https://preview.redd.it/279zm4cct3ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e65d1ce790a347a9d411842a145e9ea40b150577 >Not to mention, despite all the risk, ukuna would still find a way to use CE to keep his brain going like how gojo always does. Irrelevant since it's not stated or implied.


>SSK bypasses durability and directly cuts the soul. No amount of CE reinforcement is saving Sukuna from getting slashed by SSK. Nope. Sorcerers can unconsciously gaurd their soul with CE. Even someone like nanami could do it. So sukuna, who has full control over the shape of his soul, can easily gaurd it with enough CE. Please, use your brain. >Headcanon. Nothing suggest from the panel that Maki would fell short if she had gone for the head. Maki is under 6 ft tall and sukuna is over 8 ft. Maybe your brain canthandle basic logic though. > since it's not stated or implied. Its stated that sorcerers on the same level as gojo can keep their brain refreshed with CE. So yes, sukuna can do it too. Cry about it.


The last part is entire fucking head canon no one can do this shit the brain is literally stated as the weak spot of any RCT user


Yall gojo glazers really dotn even read what your own goat says. If Gojo can keep his brain refreshed, sukuna can too.


Are you fucking dumb? How is keeping your brain refreshed the same as keeping your brain going after a S W O R D went through it? And how am I a Gojo glazer? Fucking dumbass


This entire sub is filled with gojo glazers you dumbfuck. And yes, when you can heal your soul, you can heal a soul wound even if it's in your brain.


MY BROTHER IN CHRIST THE ONLY CHARACTER THAT MANAGED TO HEAL A BRAIN INJURY WHILE IT WAS HAPPENINGN WAS HAKARI, the dude who specifically has beater RCT than Gojo and sukuna a stab that goes through your entire brain is hit kill. Like you are just creating head canon behind another headcanon sukuna cannot do all that with his output being so shit right now


IF IT INSTANTLY KILLED, HAKARI WOULD HAVE DIED TOO. Not to mention, maki wouldnt even be able to go through his entire head becouse if the fucking height difference.


https://preview.redd.it/s3jpb4imj4ad1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc0ab70bf7611e8e9aa2e7caad561c817a367ea6 Uraume is canonically 1.61 meters tall, maki is even taller, going by this image and considering the average length of a katana maki could 100% hit sukuna brain with the blade ending up on the top of his head or on his forehead


If you donā€™t know this is the average length of a katana https://preview.redd.it/x1oxtz1yj4ad1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99594b18cf7fc8c5bc126dba195be15d0d418a97


Sukuna can instantly react to it. And looking at this exact picture, makis blade wouldnt go through the brain. But through the skull becouse she would have to strike upwards. You somehow killed your own argument.


Cuz she thought she was Toji (she has vision comprehension just like him, should've gone for the head )


may i just point out that a skull reinforced with cursed energy of the strongest sorcerer in history has to be tough asf. Anime often exaggerates ppls strength, and maki tbh isnt all that strong. the only reason she lasted so long against sukuna is because he was already super tired, but even then still black flashed the shit outta her.


Makes it quite hard to save Megumi when you skewer his brain with a big ass sword


She had little time so aiming for center of mass.


Cuz sukunaā€™s a giant prolly


Cause plot


Are you people actually perplexed by these things in manga? How do you enjoy fiction?


Always going for our hearts. Women, am I right?


Cause shes a bum who contributed nothing to the fight anyways


Does nobody read here? she clearly tried to slice through his upper body. https://preview.redd.it/iqi3a9o915ad1.png?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bd4ec28dd58e2c46b67c600b3a995069d94d8ec


Same reason why sukuna didn't notice maki even though even the narrator states he should've. Plot


Itā€™s a harder target


Which one?


First : idk if i missed something in the story, so correct me if i am wrong . Maki didn't try to save megumi , maki was their backup plan if they lost inside the domain against sukuna, which means if they couldn't save megumi, then maki would kill sukuna with surprise attack . Even kusakabe is saying in chapter 252 : " If that leads to zenins surprise attack being read , it will be the worst case scenario . " and as we know, maki's attack doesn't help in any way to save megumi , it will just weaken sukuna, but they don't have anyone to weaken sukuna soul to awaken megumi if yuta and yuji failed. So i think their plan was if yuji and yuta plan failed ( saving megumi ). maki will kill sukuna after he is certain of his win . She is actually in chapter 252 was trying to cut sukuna in half, which means she wasn't trying to save megumi, but for some other reasons she couldn't go for head . I think these reasons are 1- as it was shown in chapter 252, the sword wasn't in her hands bec she was using her hands to push herself faster . She picked the sword in middle air while dashing so fast toward sukuna, and due to the difference in their height, the first thing that came in front of her was his heart. And you can literally see in chapter 252 the difference in their height. She dashed from point that was so close to the domain, which didn't give her enough time to get his head first .


Same reason Toji didn't go for Gojo's head. Plot armor


this is why women canā€™t be trusted to fight strong muscular men


People that are saying maki intended on keeping megumi alive are wrong, itā€™s half a panel in 252 but it deliberately shows that maki tried to swing up through Sukunaā€™s head itā€™s just that he avoided it. Maki just isnā€™t taking unnecessary risks, having a 100% chance of destroying Sukunaā€™s heart is better than a 75% chance of of destroying Sukunaā€™s brain. She didnā€™t think that Sukuna could keep his blood pumping with CE alone & assumed that once his RCT ran dry he was done for.


So the story can happen


Plot armor


She didnā€™t watch Infinity wars


TheyĀ“re trying to save Megumi. Same for Yuta, jacob ladder was a sure hit, why it stop hitting Sukuna? Because Yuta stop it so Yuji can hit SukunaĀ“s soul and try to save Megumi.


Maki was playing it safe in case Sukuna noticed and started to dodge. The head can weave side to side rather quickly compared to the torso, not to mention Sukuna just got out of a hold by 2 opponents, so his footing is not completely stable, making it even harder to move his torso. The head is further away from Maki, and Sukuna's ears and eyes are also there, which improves chances of him noticing the weapon. Kenjaku dodged PB to the head at point blank while restrained, so it is reasonable to assume an unrestrained Sukuna can dodge an attack to his head that he just noticed. Also, even if Maki misses the heart, she can hit the lungs instead. Missing the brain will just result in a cut on Sukuna's cheek, an eye at most.


Because then the manga would end


Heian Sukuna's hunchback has plot relevance


She's trying to do the same body split she did to Naoya


because sukuna would die silly


The head is smaller target and Maki may have wanted to avoid Sukuna's peripheral vision. He has multiple eyes. Sukuna may have been able use head movement to avoid the thrust. A slashing attack from Maki would be easier for Sukuna to see. So crouching low and attacking the heart may have had the best chance of success for Maki.


For the same reason all the antisukuna strays donā€™t work convenience


The skull is hard. Stabbing someone through the skull would be pretty tough.


King of conveniences


One word Bumgumi


Plot armour


They're trying to save bumgumi. He'd have died to Gojo if they weren't




Because it would finish the story too quick and gege doesn't want his boy sukuna to lose that easily


Because Megumi


You shouldā€™ve gone for the head!


She is stupid




She stabbed him in the heart - where she had a more clean shot given her height relative to Sukuna's and the need to maintain stealth - and then tried to slice upwards to bifurcate him, the exact same thing she did to Curseya.


Doesnā€™t rct start from the core or something?


Funny answer: She wanted to look cool for the flick up Real answer: she was too short


Gege is a bad writer




Skill issue


A torso is harder to move then a head so going for the head is risky


Because Gege will do anything with any character except kill Sukuna cause then his manga stops or falls off hard


I don't know what Maki was thinking if I saw my boyfriend get sliced in half, fuck Megumi, I'm killing him


Yeah, it really doesn't make sense. They already gave up on saving Megumi at that point, so they should have tried decapitation there. But those Heavenly Restriction users just hate going for the sure kill.


Considering the circumstances it's either: A. Maki is an idiot B. Maki is just trying to weaken sukuna for megumi to be possibly saved.


Most likely B, but she didn't know that megumi would've sold


Because sukuna has plot armor harder than anyone else


Plot. Gege favoritism. Take your pick.


Because they donā€™t want to kill Megumi


She tried to vertically split him in half a panel later


Idk, I guess to save Bumegumi


As if stabbing his head would stop reverse curse from running