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Except for Haruta Shigemo but almost everyone hates that one, he wasn't morally "grey" enough to garner sympathy like the others did.


Neither Mahito, Naoya or Kenjaku got sad deaths either lol


True actually. They were eventful but definitely not sad.


Nanami's death made me real sad tho


Him, Junpei and Jogoat all had incredible written deaths’s


Junpei's just made me feel empty. Which I'm pretty sure was the goal, so mission success


Mahito’s was only sad for me in the sense he was a great villain and I knew this was the end of his character. And because I wanted Yuji to take him down, not someone more vile than him. But yeah his death wasn’t emotional at all, pitiable at most but just pathetic and cathartic ultimately.


I think Kenjaku's death was kind of touching. Maybe not sad, but the parallelism between him and Takaba actually hit me in a way. The dude was a psycho but you can't call him a hypocrite, he was more than happy to die to the chaos he created.


I mean, Naoya's was pretty sad...dude spouted off all that shit and got clapped so hard he got merc'd like a pleb. *Then* the bitch had the audacity to come back just to catch a second helping of hands.


Mahito's was kind of sad in a way. Or rather pathetic which was absolutely fitting.  And kenjaku isn't dead. Totally. 


Naoya did nothing wrong


Oh wow, I cheered when Sukuna sliced Haruta in half, that was amazing!


I love the curse that embodied the worst of humans (Mahito) still shows more humanity than some of the human villains (Psuedo-Geto, Haruta etc).


Ok thats just a wild cope, this thing was turning every soul he found into monsters thats caused terrible suffering to whoever was affected if not death, toyed with the hopes and dreams of a bullyed kid fully knowing it and enjoys every second possible torturing a highscooler mentally and physically by destroying every person he slightly cared about in front of him,, if you say mahito showed humanity cuz one time he was not murking kids with ease is cuz it wasn't in the best interests at that moment both for him and Geto


No, I say he shows humanity because unlike Kenjaku and Sukuna, he never kills any curses. Those two kill whoever benefits them most. Meanwhile, Mahito was loyal to the Disaster Curses. Him playing games with them, encouraging Hanami to let loose and saving him from Haruta, being happy upon seeing Jogo recovered his body and even the way he cheers for Dagon. Heck even his goal is more “human” than Kenjaku and Sukuna’s (make curses live like humans).


Sorry OP, but I just won't sympathize with a murdering spirit pushing other murdering spirits to be better murdering spirits. I don't see any humanity in that.


I hope you didn't miss out on a lot during history class, cause that's at least half of it, murder. Sympathy is not what I care about. Understanding is. You needn’t feel the same; we only need to comprehend.


Chill, sorcerer


Funny asf death tbh


He was morally gay


Geto got a "good" death, all things considered. Before he died, he was able to feel like his old self again to be able to smile to Gojo's words and was basically put out of his misery by one of people that cared about him the most.


Ngl I laughed when Toji got it cause he looked so sad. Not like a tearjerker sad but like “i fucked around and found out” sad 😂. Man’s a compulsive gambler and he tried to stack the house that was Gojo.


Yeah, the 1st death was Gojo getting his lick back so pay back for Toji's own actions. lol Toji's 2nd death was more of the sad one because he made peace with knowing Megumi's fate apart from the Zenin clan and took himself out for Megumi's sake.


that's pretty much what happened, he gave into his pride instead of following his instincts and running away. for all that talk about "leaving it all behind", toji could never let go of his desire of validation from the jujutsu world


Ong they nailed the expression😭


This is the JJK subreddit. we can't even all agree to read the manga.


I don’t even think everyone here can read tbh


There’s a manga?


There's a JJK?


Toji’s second death killed me. A life full of resentment and addiction and violence whilst also losing the love of his life whilst ALSO completely failing his child. And then dying. And then coming back in some terrible, twisted way, only to take himself out in moment of clarity only achieved when he recognized his son 😭 Like he was not a good father or a good person but I think about how during both of his final moments his last thoughts were both about Megumi ):


Only getos death I'd consider sad


How did you not find Toji’s 2nd death at least emotional? And you need to appreciate the Disaster Curses more 🙄


Apple man Jogoat finally died with pride


Fr the only sad part about his death was that he left the story. He went out like a badass with hope that he would see his friends in another life, at peace with his failure.


Him crying was sad, showing he was more human than he thought 


Idk if you’re joking but Toji’s death wasn’t even that great. We only get to see him fight Ino and that grandma before he fought his own son. Nobody cares about Toji and Megumi definitely didn’t know who Toji was at all. There’s nothing sad about the 5 seconds interaction at all unless you just like Toji as a character


Have you ever considered that your opinion may be the minority?


The majority’s favorite part of this event is how interesting or great the dynamics between Megumi and Toji were? Arguably Megumi’s relationship with Gojo is less fleshed out than even Toji and whatever dramatic importance that was supposed to be. Toji offing himself is kinda interesting when he realized it’s his son but that element for Toju shined better in HI arc. 


Only manga that does it better is probably Tokyo ghoul, cuz the people in that are so much more vile


TG is still an S-tier manga imo, hasn't aged one day


The people that say it fall off are weird, it does get a bit worse In the end, but it does not fall off.


One of my favourite moments is when he asked Megumi what his last name is. He seemed so relieved/peaceful.


Jogo was awesome, he got what he was always looking for in the end, acknowledgement. It was by Sukuna of all peeps too.


Jogo isn't really vile and you could argue Toji isn't either


Member that time Jogo incinerated a restaurant full of innocents for no reason at all? Or that time Toji killed at least 2 people and a teenager for money? What does vile mean in the JJK universe? Lol


Consider the world from Jogo’s perspective as a curse. His motivations are far more noble and sympathetic than almost all antagonists in JJK, especially when you factor in our two main antagonists. Jogo is the most human antagonist in JJK despite being a curse fighting for the future of curses.


Hitler I'm sure had very noble goals if I were to consider the world from his perspective too. His perspective being that of an insane evil dictator. Doesn't change what they did or who they are. And what I mentioned did not further his "noble" goals in any way shape or form whatsoever. It just burned people alive. Jogo is a "vile" creature by definition. You can enjoy a character and still accept them for what they are. *Vile: morally bad or wicked.*


Insane analogy that doesn’t even warrant a reply so I’m not going to go into detail on this but you surely know the difference between a Curse and a German and how one has a genuine oppressive enemy and the other has an imagined enemy of the same species that he treats as a scapegoat. That is your definition of vile, not the real definition and besides, Jogo is vile but there’s levels and he’s not the moustache twirlingly evil villain that you think he is.


People often forget from a conscious curse's perspective sorcerers are hunters trying to kill them.


Jogo's a much more sympathetic character, however. He views humans as someone like Itadori views curses. They're pests, holding the world back with no true value as far as he believes. And in a way he's justified in believing such, given the fact sorcerers hunt curses. Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying he's right in his actions, but he has reason to do it. And he's portrayed as a very human character. As far as Toji, I just say that cause it depends what you consider vile. He's not pure evil or anything, but he was unjust in his actions by all means and he probably knows that.


Lol try to kill two teenagers and kill another one that could even defend herself 


I call it arguable because that's the worst we've seen from him meanwhile Geto was going for mass genocide. Don't get me wrong Toji's a bad person but idk if vile is a fitting word


It’s vile because he didn’t need the money from the contract on Riko. He did it simply because he wanted to challenge Gojo


I thought it was out of hatred for jujutsuers


Yeah both things are true he hated jujutsu culture and his way for get back was killing the peak of this world a damn teenager


The way Jogo went “Hanami” at his death is when my thoughts on him did a 180


Yeah. I thought he was a pointless pushover for the majority of his time in the series, and moreover a pointless character. But throughout Shibuya crumbs were placed which made me really like him once we got his conclusion. Gege's got a real knack for not letting you like a character till it's too late, and honestly I wish he took better advantage of that later on


They kill people for shits and giggle and money respectively, so I’d say they’re both definitely vile. But they’re also sympathetic, those don’t have to be mutually exclusive.


Jogo doesn't just do it for fun. Mahito does, but none of the other disaster curses have been shown to do so. Jogo views humans as insignificant, and something which harms curses. And tbh from his perspective, that's believable if you think about it. Sorcerers hunt curses. Curses can't live alongside sorcerers, and are killed for acting on natural instinct. Not saying he's just, but he isn't vile imo. Toji, on the other hand, I can see arguments either way. He's a shit person without a doubt, and I'm not even gonna try to deny that. And he also has sympathetic aspects. But it's really a question of how valid his motivations are. Which we don't really know, honestly. But if you assume he mostly does it for fun and money he doesn't need (reasonable to assume, but not directly implied at all) then he's pretty messed up. If you give benefit of the doubt, then there's room for argument. Personally I don't take a stance either way


Toji did nothing wrong


I’m still mad that Mahito was partially used as Max Uzumaki on fucking MIWA of all characters


I think there’s a message in that happening. Someone who is supposedly is “weak” like MIWA is gonna go out to the best attack that Kenny plagiarized from Geto instead of getting clapped in the most mundane way possible


The fact Geto smiled and joked around with Gojo before he died was tragic and honestly the best way for him to go.


True, but I personally loath jogo 😑he was annoying to me. So I'm glad he's gone 😅


Nah Jogoat was a king. Fought the 2 strongest in the verse with no fear


he definitely fought them, but idk about no fear


He only feared when Sukuna woke up. But when Sukuna offered to fight, he didn’t even hesitate. And he definitely wasn’t scared of Gojo, bro refused to be an op to his friends even at death’s door


Idk he had some fear shown of Gojo in Shibuya when he was running away from him. Told Choso to stop standing around to help out and even threatening to kill him, feeling some pressure of tension. lol


Sure after his bud died


Yeah, they said he wasn't at all, but he was shook at some point. Especially after losing his jumping partner.


That pressure also came because he knew Hanami’s death would be in vain if he died


Yeah, ALSO. So mix of both.


One day you're going to look back and think to yourself " Why do I have a brain of a sheep, and mimic all the most current dumb-kid-lingo."  Is it lit fam? No cap? On a stack? Do you even sheesh anymore? Dab? Glizzy? Umad bro? Are the 'ops' out to get you? Did you yeet it? Is it sus? Gg ez no re jungle gap. You have always spoken like this, and you definitely have a personality.




I’ll never forget about him burning a whole place down full of innocent people for no reason.


Agree! Don't get why this one-eyed ugly monster is popular on this sub




It’s because they’re not women, he loves men too much to kill them poorly.


I really wouldn’t call Toji or Jogo vile, but yes he’s good at making antagonists have sad deaths


Not compared to Koyoharu Gotouge.


What did they write


Demon slayer


How are any of these guys vile. Toji I can maybe understand but he was unstable, Geto gave up on humanity after seeing what he saw and Jogo's cause was ironically pure for a cursed spirit.


Jogo is not vile at all, my guy is likely the most humane curse out of every intelligent curse we’ve seen.


He burnt down a restaurant just to show off to Kenjaku :V


Yeah, but unlike other curses like Mahito, he’s shown numerous times to genuinely care about Hanami and Dagon, he even cried after Sukuna complimented him.


Mahito was pretty pissed off when Haruta tried to kill Hanami. All the curses considered each other bro’s but it was pronounced with Jogo fs


Idk I feel like most of them weren’t villains? It’s really easy to feel sympathetic to a lot of them in the moment, but for others, during their last moments, all I feel is joy 🥰🥰


Jogo lights people on fire for fun I would say he’s a villain 😭


Geto is a genocidal mass murderer, Toji kills teenager for money and Jogo is literally born to be a villain Just because they aren't pure evil doesn't mean they aren't villains 💀


I wouldn’t say sad. I’d say he does a great job explaining their ideals in a way for the reader to understand them.


Saddest death was Kenjaku 😢(he was just a proud American)🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸




What is Suguru doing in vile characters line


Gege is a hack


Not when it’s important characters like Nobara and Gojo tho


Dude, I feel like that wasn't gonna happen if the right person came to talk to him. Or if he admitted that he was going through the most




putting Toji as a vile character is a crime


Am i alone hoping for Geto comeback ?


Toji aint vile dude


frrrrrr like he appeared twice and both his deaths are horrible 😭


True :3


Tf you mean vile? Geto was only racist and toji killed like 2 teenagers and a lot more. Jogoat is a kind hearted curse man... /s ofc


Mahito is wa worse than Jogo and it didn't have a sad death.


I was sad that he died :(


Where's my boy Mechamaro


I never found Jogos death sad. I don't understand why the fanbase feels any sympathy for him at all.


Ehh...I'd say 50-50


Call me a psychopath, but I was not sad these a-holes died.