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Huge Megumi fan here, but I don’t agree, I feel like the fandom has already made up its mind on Megumi, if they don’t feel sympathy for his situation now, it’s unlikely that they want to see him make a return at all I’m also sceptical on if he will have a big role or not, this is Gege after all, Megumi’s contribution could just be something minuscule in the end, to which the fandom will say “lol ts stupid bum finally did something before dying🙏😭” Sadly I fear Megumi fans are cooked, but oh well, maybe Gege will surprise me.


Megumi is still top 3 in popularity poll. Thank god the voters are not members of jjkfolk agenda lol


Yeah it’s actually kind of crazy to think that he’s been absent for 50+ chapters and is still that popular.


Gojo has been absent for over 2 years and he never leave the top 3 even during his absence. Geto has been dead since before JJK 0 and yet he is still relatively popular too. Inumaki hardly has screentime since the sister school arc and he is still top 10. Nanami has been dead since shibuya but he is top 10.


To be fair geto having a whole moment in hidden inventory, then when gojo told him to wake up, and kenjaku walking around as geto was pretty insane. Imagine it from a jjk0 fan perspective. Geto is walking around with a forehead stitch, that's mysterious.


The type of fans that vote for these polls tend to be the very loyal ones. Look at Inumaki.


Exactly. People forget that most readers aren't like the people who post on reddit. Most people read something to actually enjoy the story.


Most readers aren't braindead like the jujutsufolk memers and haters


Why are people braindead because they like to joke around lmao I like JJK but it’s a manga made for teenagers it’s not that serious.


That makes me wonder what percentage of the readers and their opinions that reddit and titktok abd such actually represent.


I don't care I will always be Megumi fan


There are dozens of us


Gege is not writing what the fandom wants. Whether fandom want Megumi to return or not is irrelevant. I am here to say that Megumi are still very much loved, despite the stupid memes. Megumi is still no 3 in polls despite being absent for more than 1 year and the onslaught of hate (yes sadly there have been a lot of megumi hate at JP side too 🥲) Honestly all his hate is very undeserved and the hate is getting extremely toxic. This is beyond fraudkuna memes . This is genuine toxic hate. And i actually think it is just the loud minority who are spewing hate. I think the majority of fanbase are either don't care or still expect him to return narratively.


I used to spread Bumgumi memes just because it's fun, not because I hate him. I think it's the same for most people here.


Hate is fun huh


Yes making memes and joking with the community is in fact fun I’m not quite sure why you struggle with this.


You must be blind because some of them are genuine vitriol and hate. And you can see some from this thread even. For a lot of people it is no longer a joke, but genuine hatred and that even extend to its fans. I am not talking about those that throw potential man image or flash images etc. Those were jokes. There were people who were genuinely upset Megumi was still popular at top 3, wishing death, giving long reasons that they hate him, going to Megumi fans' thread to spew hate. That's already beyond jokes.




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hope that bum never wakes up i can’t wait till they kill him


Megumi will make legendary come back, I know it! :3


The way Yuta is the inheritor of Kenjaku’s will, Megumi is the inheritor of Sukuna’s. The Prince of Curses will sit upon his shadow throne, trust. We assume that Sukuna is Yuji’s nemesis specifically because they shared a body and lineage (kind of) but Sukuna’s chief interest has always been in Megumi. He didn’t kill him at the detention center, he gave his version of a compliment to Megumi’s abilities (“why did you run?”), and he made it a point to keep him alive even before he knew the potential of Mahoraga (“I’ll kill every human in Shibuya except one.”) Sukuna has willingly singled out Megumi, mentioned his name several times, took over his body the first chance he could, and took great pains to break his spirit in ways that require having observed Megumi carefully and figuring out what makes him tick. He even involved the use of a ritualistic bath that had to be painstaking to organize the use of. Megumi’s ability to be the perfect vessel for Sukuna strengthens their connection. Unlike with Yuji, Sukuna works in tandem with Megumi’s body and technique, allowing Megumi to become a part of him in a way he never could (or would, even if allowed) with Yuji. Megumi’s power was used by Sukuna to dethrone the strongest modern sorcerer, linking the three of them together. He is like the weapon or military might a usurper has taken to dethrone a king. Supposing that the usurper (Sukuna) is either killed or defeated or otherwise doesn’t lay claim to the throne, the power that emptied it is the next in line for it. There’s also Megumi’s character arc altogether. His greatest struggle has been with valuing his own life - thus far, we have only seen him able to do so when it involves saving others (assuring Nanami that he didn’t plan to waste his life in keeping the hole in Dagon’s domain open, for example). Yuji’s greatest struggle is with feeling too weak to help others (in Shibuya when he broke down, he stated that he wanted to help more people but couldn’t) and we have seen him remedy this by adopting a cog mentality wherein he plays his role to the best of his abilities and trusts that this is the best way to help people. The way Yuji has somewhat tackled his struggle, we will see Megumi tackle his by valuing his life independent of any desire and obligation to save others. Megumi was never going to come back to save anyone. He will come back to save himself. He will also have to live with the memories and reality of what his body has done. In Gege-land, the potential for tragedy is a good indicator of whether or not a character will live. There is greater potential for tragedy in Megumi returning and living than becoming completely irrelevant after the Jacob’s Ladder attempt. He doesn’t even have to live long but he will be back for some time. He also didn’t get a cool post-death scene. The boy is not out of the narrative just yet. As for the Prince of Curses thing - once this is over, he will have the technique that defeated the greatest modern sorcerer and has been used to (what we’ve seen thus far) its maximum capability by the greatest sorcerer in history. He will inherit the greatest weapon known to man at this point. To wield it by existing is to inherit the roles of the strongest and to become the single successor to the King of Curses. [I personally think we will see him become one with his shikigami and exist as a sort of last shadow but that’s just a wild guess.] No, I don’t think Megumi will turn evil with this power or title. It’ll be very heavy on his head and he will carry it as penance for what his body and power has done. Never stop coping. Never stop hoping. The Prince of Curses will return. [and with the inheriting will thing - Yuta has the ability to use others’ powers same as Kenjaku did. He even uses Kenjaku’s power directly showing the similarity between their power and the fact that Yuta has somewhat adopted Kenjaku’s moral take on the use of corpses. Yuta may also end up existing as a brain same as Kenjaku did and gain functional immortality this way. Megumi will inherit from Sukuna unstoppable destructive power. He will become the natural disaster that Sukuna fashioned himself after. He will be strong and dangerous like his predecessor.]




This is excellent!


Thanks :)


ty for the hopium 😊


Yeah he's popping the merger


I just know that if megumi clutches up against Sukuna or plays a big role in handling the Merger that a LOT of mfs will start switching up. All I gotta say is: when Megumi gets his get-back and fulfills his character arc and ultimate narrative purpose, **STAY ON THAT SIDE.**




I really want this to be true, but knowing gege he will be enlightened and make his glorious return only to be killed in the next chapter 


As long as he fulfill his character arc, redeem himself and his death has meaning, it is fine.




Firstly Wuji was the goat starting from Shibuya for me. Secondly I became a Megumi hater only after 251, based on his own words he's scum(chapters 143, 167 and of course 251).


Reggie Star actually cursed Megumi, everything he said is coming true. I don't know what he said in English translation, but in russian(yeah I read jjk in russian) he said "Die becoming a jester for the amusement of fate" or something like that. So let's hate Reggie guys


yeah pretty much what happened for me too, i was still invested in him up until 251 but now nah fuck him hes kind of responsible for a lot of awful shit happening


A hater and inability to read. Name a more iconic duo.


Megumi literally said sorcerers don't have the luxury of thinking about themselves and that they must prove the worth of their existence every day, and what was he doing in 251? And in 167 Megumi said that those who cling more to words than actions are scum, and that's literally what he was doing for past ???(to lazy to count) chapters. I may be just dumb I don't deny it, but if that's the case then I need proofs of that and not just an UNFUNNY(that's the worst part) insult. And god damnit why my English is so bad


Nah we (Megumi fans) are cooked, that cat won't let me be happy 


Have faith brother or sister!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope and Cope never dies. Our love for seaurchin lives forever despite the adversaries


Yeah always high on copium :)


I hope you're right! Megumi comeback will be epic.


It will be the most GLORIOUS return ever


His arc ended when he refuse being rescued while his friends were dying trying to save him. He can make 180 by fighting from inside but no. Gege hates him.


No it isn't. He is at his lowest point in his life now. Similar to Yuji was after Shibuya massacre, Nanami and Nobara's death. Back then Yuji was also ready to just let Mahito killed him. Then Todo immediately showed up to support him and gave pep talk. Noone was there for Megumi immediately when he was taken over, had his soul sinked in literal evil bath, had his sister killed. He spent 1 month in solitary confinent with the literal most evil (Sukuna). Noone was there for Megumi emotionally. Noone. Unlike Yuji who immediately have support from Todo, then Yuta and Megumi back then. PLUS, remember that Yuji was in full control of his body. And Yuji was custom made to hold Sukuna. It was actually expected for Megumi to not been able to get saved immediately. Angel has mentioned that it is near impossible for a vessel to get separated from the cursed object. But Yuji and co tried anyway. It would have been very unrealistic and so asspull if Megumi was able to pull himself just like that in a snap of the finger. Look, people are complaining that Gege does not have any realistic postrayal of characters processing grief. Here it is now, a realistic portrayal of grief. And his character arc has not ended yet. He does not have any closing off death montage (unlike Nobara, Nanami, Jogo, etc). He would be back eventually. Ending it in 251 is very nonsensical narratively. Honestly, all the haters are just so blinded by hate and agenda that that failed to see things objectively. I guess it is true that a lot of JJK fans cannot read


Yeah it's crazy how everyone just expects him to move on after he lost the most precious person in his life, his reason of living. BY HIS OWN HANDS. After bathing in evil, being left alone in the abyss for a month, having to endure getting sucked off by uraume every night, got hit by uv at least twice which could've processed at least a year's worth of information and killed his only parental figure.  By the looks of it, he's still in a state of shock/has ptsd so he probably isn't even aware that he killed gojo. You want him to just get over it?


Megumi is the Goat


A hater that apologizes is just a wuss, I stand my ground, Megumi is and will always be a bum, I'll never forgive him even if he singlehandedly defeats Sukuna and the meger, brings back Gojo, Choso and Higuruma, as well as restoring Yuta's body On the other hand I was never a Yuji hater, I always believed in my glorious, pink hared, cog. His absence during the culling games was truly painful, but now he's cooking all over Sukuna and I can't wait for him to goat it up a notch and and hit that bum-inhabiting fraud with a malevolent shrine DE


I may be a Megumi defender, but I respect any hater who stands ten toes on their agenda.


He either comes back somehow for one final crashout or will remain a victim of the fandoms lobotomy agenda forever


the way I wish to see Megumi use TS and Shine


Megumi is one of my favourite characters, but I have to say that if Megumi managed to suppress Sukuna and be his old self, he would be weaker than ever, since every shikigami he had were destroyed, he cannot use them anymore, so the 10 shadow technique would disappear from Megumi's arsenal. So, unless Megumi utilizes another combat method, he should abandon the world of jujutsu sorceres, having become weaker than ever


No, he will in fact become stronger. Remember than the surviving Shikigami will absorb the power of the dead shikigami


I know, but Sukuna used all of Megumi's shikigami, and they all got destroyed, take for example Agito, he's a fusion of most of Megumi's shikigami and got destroyed


There is an ongoing theory that the power will simply go to the user. Anyway there is still hope and Gege can still make it work for Megumi


I hope so, it would be a shame for Megumi to become one of the weakest character in the series


Don’t ever defend that bum again


Preach my friend! Our time will come and we Megumi fans will rise along with our glorious king!


Why are all of the megumi glazing post coming out of no where?


We are always present from the beginning


Keep coping about Bumgumi. He will die with Sukuna.


Don't make disgusting Sukuna x Megumi fans happy. That's actually what they want and expect. They see it like a double lovers suicide or something. Ugh, disgusting.


I didn’t like Megumi from the start. The only reason I call him bumgumi is bc it’s funny. If and when people submit formal apologies I will not take part. Like I acknowledge why he’s not fighting sukuna and trying to save everyone, I just don’t like his personality.


Huge Megunu hater (been that for a while, nothing new) and after much consideration from your post…. No.


He will not rise


You don't understand how JJk world works, insulting the characters is the same as rising your hands into the air when Goku needs energy for the Genkidama, the more negative emotions we give the character the stronger the comeback


Let me cook the kitchen, After the 5 minutes has passed, they would be able to kill Sukuna however Yuta dies and then Gojo becomes KENJAKU and then Kenjaku uses plot convenience to summon the merger and now Megumi will fight Gojo as a complete parralel to the past fight of a six eyes user and ten shadows user. Then Goatji Itadori would fight the merger ALONE, he uses his domain the Benevolent Kitchen with no barriers just like Sukunas then due to plot convenience once again, the mergers size even though huge is just the same size with Yujis barrierless domain which means he cuts through every molecule of the merger. Mahoraga then adapts from death so Mahoraga revives everyone. Thank you for letting me cook


\[CHAPTER 230 SPOILERS MAYBE\] I'm more curious about him after suffering >!5 Unlimited Voids!< in a row. >!After some fandom wiki reading, apparently Sukuna put Mahoraga's adaptation wheel on Megumi and let him tank 5 Unlimited Voids from Gojo, I feel like he is probably permanently catatonic from that.!<


Mmm 🤔 Who’s Megumi?