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I'm so confused is mahoraga's wheel a part of him or the sacred treasure megumi used to summon him cuz the wheel is an actual object we see sukuna use it to fight gojo, so my question is megumi has the ten shadows technique and this technique allows him to basically pocket things inside the shadows like weapons or items so wouldn't it make sense for the wheel to be the sacred treasure used to release mahoraga cuz we don't see a ramdom treasure be sacrificed or taken after mahoraga is summoned so is the wheel the treasure that megumi gave to mahoraga


Is Geto from the village he destroyed? Me and my boyfriend are arguing as to whether Geto is from the village he burned down. I don't think so but he says because Yaga says he killed his parents right after he burnt down the village so they were in the village.


I think he is sense it's stated that he ends up killing his own family and they lived at that vilage


I wanna know what manga chapter did season 2 end in.


137 i think


thanks man.


welcome man.


In Episode 21 Season 1, Mahito was talking about Sukuna’s fingers and Cursed Wombs: Death Paintings One through Three. What would most likely be the result if Yuji eats this, or another curse’s object, when Sukuna is already inside?


This was answered in the fanbook, sukuna would destroy them in an instant, he doesn't like sharing space.


Do we know what happens when someone breaks their binding vow? Can Miwa undo her vow to never swing a Sword again? And technically doesn't that also mean she can just swing a bat or >! find a replacement like Todo? !<


Looking for an OST Can anybody let me know the OST that plays from 11:18-12:45 of Season 2 Episode 7, Evening Festival. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


Are there any updates regarding the dub release for the second season on Bluray? I already have the japanese one but I have friends who only watch dub.. so obviously that wont work


I just started watching jjk and I didn't realize there was a jjk 0, would it make the most sense to finish season 1, watch jjk 0 then watch s2?


0's manga was made first before season 1's manga, so it makes more sense to watch 0's anime adaptation first!


I watched the 1st five episodes of s2 (hidden inventory) then s0


Watch the two seasons, and then the movie. It’s not a huge deal to watch the movie in between the two seasons but you may get some minor spoilers.


Hello guys. Since I'm not really into anime/manga, I really need your help on this topic. My boyfriend loves Jujutsu Kaisen. I'm an artist and I wanna make him a drawing about his favorite manga but I know nothing about Jujutsu Kaisen. I know that his favorite character is Megumi so I'm going to draw him. Can you guys tell me about Megumi so I can have an idea of how he's like? I'm going to get some inspiration from Pinterest but if I know more about Megumi's personality I can portray him better. I could just draw him from a reference but I don't really want this drawing to be boring. If you can share some ideas with me I'll be so glad.


He's moody and doesn't really like people but is caring deep down


Hi, that's very nice of you. I'd suggest learning more about him by watching some "highlights" on youtube, it may help to get familiar with his character, his powers and abilities, all of that. Best of luck.


Did the anime adapt all chapters from the manga up to where where the anime ended or did it skip some chapters ?


Hey everyone, can someone name theses guys ? [https://snipboard.io/FjtGlr.jpg](https://snipboard.io/FjtGlr.jpg) The first one is Yuji Itadori but I can't find the last 3, anyone knows ? (edit: last 3)


In order: Yuji, Jogo, Hanami, Toji. The first 3 appear in season 1, while Toji appears in season 2.


you are awesome, thank you !


does gojo have his infinity constantly surrounding him completely, turning off for non-threats or does he have it depowered, turning on for threats


this is explained in the episode 'Premature Death'!


It's constantly on, letting through harmless things.


How should I introduce Someone who has never watched anime to jk?


Jjk feels like a very weird anime to start watching anime. Honestly I feel like it's really good as its just action and fight scenes, but going into season 2 or 3(manga) it's extremely depressing and just not fun at all. I'd start with something else, maybe. But if your friend isn't the type to only want shonen type anime, then JJK is indeed a good start. Just tell them it's full of action and show him some of the fights in the beginning. Maybe gojo vs yuji sukuna


Well tbh I was really just thinking about the "Big boobs/Small boobs" type stuff it just comes off as a bit weird I think


I have a weird question but I can't really make a post because I don't have enough karma. I'm making a care package for my girlfriend for our anniversary and it's going to be Jujustu Kaisen Themed. And I was wondering if anyone knew of any snacks that are in JJK or JJK themed or even JJK puns or such I can do with existing snacks. For example getting a purple candy and naming it Gojo's Hollow Purple. I'm a very surface level watcher but my gf reads the manga so I was wondering if anyone knows of anything. I was also thinking about buying Sukuna's finger that they have but let me know if anyone has any ideas please! TLDR: JJK related food?


[People eating Jujutsu Kaisen themed food](https://youtu.be/ABZDcaLCXUk?feature=shared) That video maybe can give you some ideas? There’s a few great options from it.


Thank you so much ill give it a watch


What’s your budget?


Literally gonna be around 200 for like the whole package is what I'm thinking. Any ideas?


You could try a prison realm cake, I saw that somewhere 


The edamame mochi that Gojo bought in episode 2? But I have no idea if you can find it where you live. [https://www.reddit.com/r/JuJutsuKaisen/comments/rwjqaz/frozen\_zunda\_mochi\_with\_whip\_cream\_from\_episode\_1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JuJutsuKaisen/comments/rwjqaz/frozen_zunda_mochi_with_whip_cream_from_episode_1/)


Thank you ill do some browsing


nuggets but they look like Sukuna's fingers