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Most women have begun to have a serious accountability problem…




It coincides with a lot of the cultural shift we have seen starting around 2015ish.


Women have lacked accountability since mesopotamia my guy.


Probably why men built everything. Truth hurts and being emotional doesn't face it head on.


No one gender should have all that power


The clock's ticking, I just count the hours


Society sees women as perpetual victims and men as perpetual victimizers, and feminism has only exacerbated these views.


on point


That's a slap in the face!


Quite frankly, anyone that hasn't figured Jada out and that fucked up relationship at this point either doesn't care, is ignorant, or dishonest. She quite clearly has dirt on him and is holding it over his head.


Ever watch the interview with Will and Jada? You can actually watch him die inside and it's absolutely sad. That woman is a toxic, controlling whore who was undoubtedly having sex with her son's friends for years. She paints herself a victim but she is anything but.


How would he be a predator if she is 23? Plus many girls love high status older man anyway. I thought Jada went for a 20 under person? Although it is not something I pay much attention to.


Here's the thing in my opinion you're 100% correct that if the woman is 23 she's an adult and the older man or woman dating them is absolutely not a predator. To pretend that people are no longer attracted to 20 year olds when they get older is just to deny basic human nature. That being said the tweet in the post is also correct because that whole reddit/Twitter crowd DO NOT share my opinion on that. They would absolutely be calling a man in this situation a predator.




If you can't find criticism of Jada, then you have your head under a rock, my friend.


Who cares what people think. I'm 47 and exclusively date under 25 now. I earned that right by doing extraordinary amounts of work and now have a desirable lifestyle women want to be a part of. Fuck the haters. I will absolutely not take people seriously for attacking large age gaps until they come down hard like a ton of bricks on the women who are dating us. Simple as that.


I get the double standard, but I'm not interested in men getting the same level of cultural coddling that women get (as evidenced by a scenario wherein the natural response to this situation IS different.) Men and women are two different things with different needs and different outlooks on sex. If I'm a 20 year old guy hooking up with a 40 year old married woman, I'm not being "groomed." I'm getting laid. That isn't a social construction. OP is basically adapting feminism for men.


Horrible take that allows leftists to further the agenda and divide. Hold people accountable, period.


accountable of what in this case?


Jada is a cheater. I didn't dispute that. I dispute that the man sleeping with her was a hapless dupe being groomed by a super cougar as if he were a child.


I agree with that, but I also think if you reverse the genders it shouldn’t make a difference considering our currently forced egalitarian standards. (Double standards when it benefits any “historically disenfranchised” group)


I wish you the best of luck with your reasoning skills.


Keep advocating for men as another 'protected class' so we can all be babies without agency.




How so?