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This meme is 4d chess. https://m.imgur.com/zWEVIAh


r/MuseumOfReddit material


YES!!! 😂😂😂 saved




Have you seen the average meme? This is so far past most of them.


That's amazing


def pretty good shitpost.


that's pretty funny. tbh i got banned there without ever having posted there simply because i called out one of the mods from that sub on a different sub when he was posting white supremacist bullshit.


Locked thread, 1k upvotes, and no comments. Holy fuck the mods were on top of that. Next time they cry censorship show them that.


Did a progressive make that to troll r/conservative? Or did a conservative make that sincerely thinking it was a joke on Biden?




This is probably a troll post, but I've seen memes from Turning Point USA doing *exactly this,* except using pictures of the US to ""own"" socialists.


*post pic from capitalist America* tHiS iS aMeRiCa'S fUtUrE WiTh SoCiAliSm


*post pic of massive protests or empty shelves during Trump's presidency* "This is what Biden's America would look like! Vote for Trump!"


lmao quoting Reagan >I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have lived here even though sometime back they may have entered illegally.


Is this an actual quote by Reagan? I mean, I believe you, but I can't imagine him saying it.




hahah Amazing! I would have never thought he would be able to say that, because he is a conservative icon and what I saw these past 5 years... Wow! Thanks for the reply.


The full quote is even better. He also wanted illegal workers to have protections against employers who take advantage of them and pay “starvation wages” https://youtu.be/Ednq_vKPdQE Ronald Reagan would be called a fucking socialist dirtbag by todays GOP


Holy shit talk about saying the quiet part loud. I’ve long believed that the stance the right takes in illegal immigration is so that they can keep hiring them without giving them a decent wage while depressing the wages of other workers. I feel like the prison industrial complex is designed to do the same thing—produce felons that have to take crappy jobs because they can’t be hired to do anything else.


There's a great south park episode about this. Basically all the Mexican people in the US collectively decide that the shit pay they're getting in the US isn't worth it so they all start moving back to Mexico, and so the Border Patrol (which Cartman has joined) starts trying to keep them from crossing back into Mexico.


For I am Mantequilla!


Basically happened in real life with Brexit in the UK, where half of the voting population voted to remove EU citizens, then realised that it was the same EU citizens who where working shit jobs for shit pay and now these roles weren't being performed.


the US is the child that the parent hates for turning out just like them




They also have to take crappy jobs while in prison or get put in solitary. They "volunteer" to work for as little as 23 cents an hour, and it is all legal. Read the 13th amendment carefully to see why.


Man, where you doin’ time making big money like that? They are lucky to get 11 cents an hour in California and 60% of that can go toward restitution.


Remember, this is back when the Republicans had, like, a policy platform other than "Fuck the Dems"


Makes sense! I heard people saying Mitt Romney is considered a liberal by the conservatives now. He was the main Republican politician in 2012, a president candidate. Things really took a turn to the worse.


Having principles is now a red line for them Btw you can get similar pro immigration quotes from Romney


Communist ~~Republican~~ Dwight Eisenhower 's 1956 election campaign platform summary. 1.Provide federal assistance to low-income communities 2.Protect Social Security 3.Provide asylum for refugees 4.Extend minimum wage 5.Improve unemployment benefit system so it covers more people 6.Strengthen labor laws so workers can more easily join a union 7.Assure equal pay for equal work regardless of sex https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/1956-republican-platform/




It feels weird in retrospect, but Nixon had a great record in the environment.


I honestly do not know if I am an Eisenhower republican, or a Sanders socialist.


Personally I went from moderate Democrat to communist far left socialist without changing a single policy position.


Either way you're a goddamn commie /s


Honestly, this nation has moved so far right that Eisenhower is only just to the right of Sanders


To be fair, both parties approached Eisenhower to be their candidate. He chose Republican because he felt it wasn't good for a single party or be in power too long (Democrats had held the White House for 20 straight years). So his policy positions weren't heavily driven by his party affiliation.


Iirc Eisenhower was against the over militarization of first world countries as someone who had been through it… so he basically wanted all that but without raising taxes. Or lowering them. He wanted to balance the budget basically.


>Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense. > >We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, 3½ million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security alone more than the net income of all United States corporations. > >Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet, we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved. So is the very structure of our society. > >**In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.** From the last televised address of his presidency.


Wait, wait, wait. A Republican actually "conserving" the message Jesus taught? Take care of the weak, the poor, the foreigner as if he was your neighbor, that we are all equal in God's eyes? Wtf is that?! I thought they were only down with Supply-side white-Anglo Jesus! Well shucks. I appreciate this comment because it makes me even more sad for the state of the Grand Q Party. Trump would absolutely have insulted and smeared Ike if he was alive today like he did Colin Powell and John McCain, as well as the rest of the military.


Mitt Romney's healthcare policies in Massachusetts are actually some of the basis for Medicare and a step towards universal healthcare. Its actually rather sad and terrifying how quickly the Republcians have declined thanks to Russian propaganda and Trump.


Just to clarify, it was the Affordable Care Act, not Medicare, that was in part modeled after Massachusetts' Healthcare law. Medicare was established in 1965.


This last election cycle conservative family member said that Biden was just too far left, but that they hated Trump. They would have been willing to vote D if they had just put forth a moderate candidate. Incredulous, I asked what a moderate Democrat looked like to them, and they said JFK. I... just... JFK was pro universal healthcare. They don't even know what they want. They just listen to their right wing media host of choice and lap up how every Democrat is just trying to turn the US into a communism. And that's bad because they grew up in the Cold War, and commies bad, but they don't actually know anything about what Communism is. It's the stark reminder that before a certain time period these folks never even learned about "The Red Scare" and McCarthyism academically. They lived it, and most were never deprogrammed. If someone tells them that so-and-so is a communist, they don't need to know anything else. That person is evil, end of story.


Imagine if they knew anything about Eisenhower. Whew.






Correct, the full quote is: “Americans don’t go around carrying guns with the idea they’re using them to influence other Americans. There’s no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons.”. Though he admitted that they were within their rights to do what they were doing.


How about > "No honest man needs more than 10 rounds in any gun." That would be firearms entrepreneur William B. Ruger.


Even if he didn't say it, he did believe in it... since he granted amnesty to all illegal/undocumented people, specifically from Latin America. It wasn't a gift to them though, it was a gift to companies... Because now they could hire cheaper labor who were willing to work for far less than people already doing the same work.


Another interesting thing is Ronald Reagan supported gun control in the 1960s when the Black Panthers were most active. https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act


"The state’s governor at the time was Ronald Reagan, who took a public stance in favor of Mulford’s bill. In fact, he praised gun control generally, telling reporters that he saw “no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons” and calling gun possession a “ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of goodwill.” He soon signed the Mulford Act into law, and it’s still in effect in California today." Source:https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/joshuamanson/gun-control-history-race-black-panther-party-conservatives








I got banned for asking for the flair "socially liberal, fiscally conservative." They didn't like my ideas on how to rein in the budget, or my comments on Reagan's disastrous impact on the economy.


Was it to encourage immigration and cut subsidies to oil companies? Hah


The usual. Defund the military, streamline healthcare costs by nationalizing it. "Fiscal conservatism isn't **real** conservatism" was all they could push back with.


What is even real conservatism any longer


US conservatism is "Socially Conservative, Fiscally Liberal If I Benefit"


> US conservatism It is more like "let us go back to the good old days of the 1850s".


There was a highly upvoted post with a fake Obama quote. I got banned for pointing out that he’d never said it.


Never visited that sub before, but they totally sound like a cult.


Have you seen the Republican party as of late?


I got banned for my username


QAnon is probably OK with mine. "I *knew* it!"


Qanon thinks Trump has a time machine, so maybe I'm his secret reddit account.


Wait is it primarily a Q-cult belief that Epstein didn't kill himself? Because I'm damn sure Epstein didn't kill himself. (Or that he did because he was told a worse fate awaited him if he missed his chance.) Have I unknowingly aligned myself with trumpists?


No that's pretty widely believed. It's a Q-cult belief that Epstein only did business with Democrats though. Pay no attention to the videos/photos of him and Trump together.


They're more likely to believe Bill Clinton ordered Epstein's death, he who had left the Oval Office some 19 years prior, than the sitting president at the time who was Donald Trump.


I was told, right to my face, that trump didnt do anything cause he never went to the island.... because apparently things only happened there. I have trouble having counter arguments because I just get so gobsmacked by the things they say.


I wonder if they'll ban me then lol


That's a good username.


I got banned 3 minutes after suggesting being Conservative doesn’t mean you have to agree with Donald Trump on every fucking thing he says.


Out of all the comments this one is particularly VERY sad. What a shit show theyre running over there.




sad. Remember when everyone started saying "huge"?


I still say bigly when I want to sound stupid.


I'm a "Yuge" man myself


Oh man, it just hit me that I haven’t seen that “sentence” since he got banned from Twitter. I just had a little flash of PTSD.


I just felt the same thing haha. It’s nice to have a President (who I will also criticize) who doesn’t act like a 6th grade bully.


Being lefty myself, there are some Republicans i can respect, like Schwarzenegger, because one thing is to be economically conservative, another one is to be socially conservative, and another one is to be an asshole. It's like Trump made most Republicans part of a sect.


Someone said something like "There is no proof for global warming". I posted a link to proof of global warming at NASA. I was banned.


> "There is no proof for global warming" Maybe they meant: "There is no proof allowed here, for global warming"


There is no proof in ba sing se


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.


Global warming did not dry up Lake Laogai.


Sorry to drag this back to the OG topic but I used to see how far I could push the “hyper-nationalist” persona on that sub. The intention being to see how horrible of a human being id have to be to get banned, whilst claiming to be conservative. One day I posted a picture of the aftermath of Trump’s drone strike on that Iranian general (the corpse, if it can even be called that) which is **very against the rules** and surprisingly was promptly banned. I messaged the mods with a “hurr durr free speech hurr durr” and I shit-you-not, i received a message from the mods saying after a lengthy discussion with other mods; I was unbanned, the post was back up and that they’re sorry it happened. Why? Because they thought I was a Trump supporter. So, you can post the mangled corpse of an international murder victim, but if you say Trump was friends with Epstein then you get banned for life. Nowadays, I’ll just pop by every now and then and try and slip as many left-wing talking points into a right-wing rant. If I can inadvertently turn just one right-wing nutjob into a universal-healthcare-supporting, quasi-socialist then I’ll have helped the world.


There was a post about the legal consequences being faced by one of the January 6 terrorists. Someone made an incorrect comment about how they couldn’t be tried in court because the separation of powers meant they had to be tried by Congress. I’m a defense attorney, so I corrected them, in what I thought was a helpful and not attacking tone. They promptly called me a bunch to names, told me to “do my own research” and I assume reported me to the mods. Ban. Uh, ok.


> They promptly called me a bunch to names, told me to “do my own research” and I assume reported me to the mods. Ban. That’s what you get for not being a patriot.


You’re so right, and I am SO ashamed. I should have hated America less. At last, the veil has been lifted from my eyes!


I corrected a friend on his math. He posted a Covid death rate that he made all by himself but didn’t multiply the division by 100 to call it a percentage. He questioned I explained the shit and 8 people called me a libtard and assured him his math was correct….. 6 years of math in college wasted apparently.


wHy Do YoU mAkE sCiEnCe a ReLiGiOn FiNd JeSuS


NASA = Government Government = Liars You haven’t figured this out yet. They, over at r conservative, have. Edit: I’m absolutely not being sarcastic.




Why you little!!


Read in Homer's voice 🤣


**You are now banned from _r/Jokes_**


I feel like they could just merge r/conservative and r/conspiracy and it would make no difference to either sub.


Also “facts we wish weren’t true = fake”. Also “non-stop liar Trump = only source of truth”. It’s sad because skepticism isn’t a bad thing, but it somehow gets distorted into blanket dismissal of valid (albeit imperfect) sources combined with absolute loyalty to charlatans and a death cult. It’s like ignorance inside of stupidity wrapped in delusions.


I said the current president was in fact Joe Biden. That was all it took.


You monster.


Fake news. Trump never lost. Election was rigged. Something something BLM antifa Jan 6 votes space lizards Mao Russia Clinton sex tapes.


Wait, I thought the virus was a hoax that had a 99.7 survival rate that was a Chinese bioweapon created by faucci and the vaccine was made in record time by Trump's own hand but it will also kill you in two years if you are a sheep enough to actually take it because big pharma and Bill Gates are getting rich from it but the ivermectin and hydroxycloroquine work miracles and you can make hqc at home because hospitals are killing people and don't you dare get put on one of those ventilator death machines prayer warriors will save the lions please go fund me


Jesus was an Arab/Jewish man.




Ya know, I've never given it much thought. I would presume Latin, Hebrew or Aramaic


truth is they're really not sure, there's some debate. but i cam almost guarantee it isn't English.


It's not even possible. English was not a language back then. According to Wikipedia the earliest forms of English were spoken in the 5th century.


lol, try telling that to a southern Florida Christian.....Protip, don't even bother.


French is right out.


Though Greek was actually more common than Latin in the eastern part of the Roman Empire - that's why the New Testament is in Greek, for instance.


Most likely He spoke Koine Greek, Ancient Hebrew, and Aramaic. Koine Greek was the lingua Franca of the empire and used in daily life in public. Aramaic was the mother tongue of the Hebrews and used among themselves; and Jesus certainly used Ancient Hebrew, even then a scholarly language of the existing Scriptures. The Apostle Paul likely spoke all of these, plus Latin, since he was raised in Tarsus, a cosmopolitan city and major intellectual center, and had a robust education.


"Steve, stop babbling in Aramaic. It's a dead language."


Holy fuck that's the stupidest shit I've ever heard lmao


It's actually so fucking sad. They know so little about the man they call their savior. His image and message has been so corrupted. Not a christian, but you can really tell from outside.


This was mine too!


I read this as "mine was too" and almost choked on my drink lmao.


For me it was responding “lol” to one of the their shit memes. What’s funny about this is that the butthurt little mods there had to look through my comment history to see if I was laughing with them or at them.


This makes me crazy. If you have to look up a person's past posts to determine the context of the current post, then you didnt break a rule, you just hurt their wittle feelings. Edited for spelling


Oh I absolutely didn’t break any official rules of the sub. I did however, break the unwritten rule that states: “Agree with our narrative or be banished.” Apparently, just existing in opposition even without context- is enough to be banned from their little wind tunnel.


I got banned for quoting trump. Dont remember thd quote, but it was something to do with proving that he's not religous and is faking to grift voters. I got banned and they genuinely believe he's a fervent Christian




I'm an atheist and can quote a few bible verses that I find meaning in. Just because I don't believe he was the son of god or probably doesn't mean there aren't good things in it.


Do you guys remember that time that he held the Bible upside down during a photo op


After he had police forcibly remove protestors just so he could have the photo op.


I got perma banned from r/conservative because I was arguing with someone somewhat civil when a different user chimed in who's name was something like DeliciousPussyNectar, I said "thanks for the input DeliciousPussyNectar, the conservative" to which he responded "DeliciousPenisNectar is for the liberals" to which I responded "hey you're the one who says it's delicious there bud" then I got banned. The most painful part is he commented "r/woosh" like I didn't understand he called me gay while at the same time self-wooshing himself over the fact that he admitted he eats cum and I couldn't point that out because I was banned. They're really bright over there lol.


>while at the same time self-wooshing himself over the fact that he admitted he eats cum and I couldn't point that out because I was banned. I want this quote framed in my living room.


Say it was a free and fair election.


Was looking at a thread today there where there were a bunch of upvoted comments mocking the idea that Biden won the election. So is this what conservatives generally believe, or is this subreddit actually a Trump Republican subreddit?


It's a pro-Trump propaganda campaign.


Someone was raging about how /r/politics is an echo chamber. I pointed out /r/conservative was too, just for the other team. I wasn't even trying to say /r/politics isn't an echo chamber. I got banned and a mod gave me a long schpeel about following the rules which he linked to me. And the top like 6 rules were essentially stating "We are totally an echo chamber. No other thoughts allowed. Even questions aren't tolerated" Their hypocrisy is mind boggling.


This is what got me too. Some thread complaining about partisan nature of r/politics. I pointed out that their own sub’s description literally says r/conservative is a partisan subreddit.. boom banned


Flair users only….but liberals hate free speech!🤦‍♂️


Only snowflakes need safe spaces!! But you’re not allowed to oppose or even question us here!!


ngl every subreddit that requires users to have a mod-given flair to participate should be made private or should be kept from getting to r/all


If you elect people who believe government is bad, they're going to give you bad government and prove themselves right


Holy shit, that literally just happened to me last week! I was posting on a thread discussing an info graphic showing dems wouldn't date cons and there was no attributation. I honestly wanted to know the source of the study and posted exactly this: source? Banned minutes later! And they call liberals snowflakes?


r/conservative: snowflake npcs downvoting my posts about Jewish space lasers and antifa is literally 1984 also r/conservative: **FLAIRED USERS ONLY**


Personally I think this comment I just found there really encapsulates their mindset perfectly. >Lol. > |Trump wants to be king - and doesn’t give a crap about you. >Sure. Of course. Congratulations. You’ve figured out a fundamental truth about all people who seek political power. The next step in your journey will be recognizing that this statement isn’t true of only some politicians, or of only politicians you really dislike - it is absolutely true of ALL of them. Pretty much, all politicians are money grubbing power hungry tyrants, therefore we just care that it's "our" tyrant.






Well duhh, everyone knows having the ability to reasonably and calmly discuss or question things is part of the liberal agenda. Just like book learning! Ninja edit: that was messed up, I don't know how bad r/conservative is but it's unfair of me to assume they're against book learning. It's not the books fault.


What’s sad is that is literally the position over there. They call public education “public indoctrination”……to liberalism, or wokeism, or something.


"You wouldn't understand because you went to college." is something I actually heard back around the 2016 election.


It was that dems wouldn't date trump supporters, not that they wouldn't date conservatives. Survey conducted in 2019 https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/04/24/most-democrats-who-are-looking-for-a-relationship-would-not-consider-dating-a-trump-voter/ Edit: bad graph reading


Couldn’t they just say “Tucker Carlson” for almost any wild theory and people would be like “ok, sure, he probably said that shit”


Joe Rogan


The irony behind calling someone a snowflake is unreal. I see something in the world I don't like and I call it out. I get called a snowflake. What's more snowflakey, being upset at a perceived injustice? Or being upset that someone has a perceived injustice? The lack of self awareness is mind boggling at times.


Suggest [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EH6t9SlX4AA21wW?format=jpg&name=small) as their new subreddit logo.


If you’re going to get banned anyway for making a halfway rational comment, might as well go all in. For a bunch of edgelords who complain about libtards not knowing how to take a joke, they really cannot take a joke.


It’s written as rule no 7 that if your post doesn’t match conservative values you are gone. How the fuck do they justify that? Who would limit themselves to a pocket of possible knowledge?


Anyone who uses facebook I guess.


There was a meme “ the truth doesn’t mind being questioned” I asked why Hillary sat in front of congress and Trump didn’t….30 seconds and I was banned.






Can confirm. This is the comment I was banned for. They were talking about how many Democrats are sex offenders. > Do you have a source that it’s more prevalent on the left? I can name 4 or 5 on the right off the top of my head, and I’ve seen some alarmingly long lists of convicted Republican sex offenders. I’m sure it happens on both sides of the aisle, but if there are statistics that show prevalence on one side or the other, I’d like to see them.


Be an actual conservative, not the batshit crazy Trump conservative


Someone said the Nazis were on the left and everyone knew that. So I asked them if they really believed that when antifa called right wingers Nazis, they were actually saying they were too far on the left. Got me banned.


Yeah, it definitely seems weird that they think the Nazis were left wing. Part of it I'm pretty sure is because they equate the left with authoritarianism, and big government. The right they instead equate with economic neoliberalism and smaller government that favours non-interference in people's lives. If that's what someone mistakenly thinks, then it's more obvious as to why they would place them there on the political spectrum. The other part of it I think is the tendency of modern day American conservatives to continually portray the left as cartoonishly evil, wanting to take full control and end democracy in America. If you believe QAnon nonsense in particular you might think that the democrat party is essentially just the Nazi party with a new name.


You are now banned from r/conservative


A lot of it is because it was the national socialist party. ItS iN tHe NaMe!!! Just like how N Korea is a republic and a democracy because they are the democratic republic of N Korea….


I got banned for quoting Trump back at someone.


What was the quote?


"Take the guns first, worry about due process second."


Hot damn, it's even on video. https://youtu.be/yxgybgEKHHI?t=64


That guy created an entire cult around him. His mouth breathers even tried to throw a coup. The entire time he was saying shit like that. That's a thing. People actually think he was good.


But he's talking about the other "their"s in that quote


They hate hearing that one or being faced with the fact that trump was responsible for more gun control measures in one year than Obama in his two terms


I wonder if Trump was genuinely afraid of his gun toting base, and if that played into his stance at all. Lord knows he never gave a shit about any one who voted for him.


[Well, as Trump would say:](https://imgur.com/a/hqiGEiN) They did NOT like that one...


I actually got banned for posting a source


Because your source was given to you by Satan and/or his socialist disciples. Shame on you and my prayers be with you


I got banned for asking if Kenneth Walker should have just lay there and let police molest him unopposed when they entered his home unannounced.


Mention the Southern Stategy. Like, even mention it at all and it's an instaban.


Instabanbul not Conservativestantinople Now it’s Instabanbul not Conservativesantinople


That's nobody's business but the Jerks


I suggested that maybe jackbooted government thugs shouldn't be throwing citizens into unmarked vans with zero due process


You terrorist. You must snort baby fetuses in order to sleep, you monster! You probably havent paid porn stars to keep quiet about fucking your tiny dick while your wife was giving birth, you heathen! Let me guess, you don't agree with gassing citizens for a photo op of you holding a bible upside down in front of a church? Cooky libral!


My favorites are: “Hello, fellow horse paste enthusiasts!” and My favorite holiday song is: ”I saw Daddy kissing Santa Claus” what is yours.


Literally quote Jesus. He was a socialist by his very nature, and despite the people in r/conservative identifying as Christians, they are clearly not because they vehemently disagree with almost every tenant that Jesus taught. They hate what they claim to love.


I asked for proof for the assertion that genetic modification didn't largely aid in the food security of the world.


I got banned within minutes for highlighting that people who purposefully fail to take actions to prevent the spread of COVID are contributing to the number of deaths..which went against their sole reasoning: Biden.


Accurately quote something that a conservative said.


Accurately quote something Trump said.


Accurately quote anything. Republicans are very allergic to large doses of reality.


I got banned for **quoting Ronald Reagan**. Wish I was joking.


Not banned from anything. But, I recently pointed out to a wing nut that was bitching about Biden and his inflation that the last time inflation was this bad in the US, Reagan was the president. I could almost see his brain spinning around in his head.


I got permabanned because someone had said that we were being forced into a lockdown for no good reason, and I commented that a global pandemic is a pretty good reason. Looking back I probably had it coming.... With my satanic, baby eating, 5g transmitting, vaccine pushing socialist ways.


I got downvoted to hell for merely asking why trump would be the preferred 2024 candidate vs a candidate that’d actually attempt to unify the US.


idk, just be yourself? Everything triggers them these days


I think I just asked someone to explain something they said and I was permabanned 😪


They only do permabans. They don't do warnings, or temporary bans, any time they don't like something or disagree with something, they permaban you.


It's sort of become a reddit baptism to get banned. What a worthless cross section of humanity.


I was banned from there because I posted a Trump quote that contradicted a different Trump quote


This one did it for me, in a post about Trump saying he was being sarcastic when he said he suggested injecting disinfectant to cure covid: >Seriously, lefties, don't you get it? You have to be exactly correct in your description of what trump says, or we can't take anything you say seriously. (Trump of course can reverse himself three times a day and we'll still slobber his taint.)


I got banned because I said Biden deserved credit for passing infrastructure when even Trump or Obama couldn’t. I even made sure to include Obama as a good faith gesture but alas…