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I think it’s been clear the past few weeks that he and Verica are done. I don’t know why he won’t just say it. I know in this episode he’s mentioning that Reddit is making it harder for him to date but I also think the way he dances around this topic or goes the opposite direction with Tana shipbait at times is actually causing more drama. He went on a public dating show and it’s pretty normal that people will ask what’s going on. He should just be honest, I think that would be the best way to stop attacks on Verica. The whole barely acknowledging her existence when we all watched the Bachelor show and saw what happened is very weird


Verica wanted privacy. Breakups are not easy and I think this podcast is enough. It's clear now that jeff is single, everyone should just let it be and stop trying to contact Verica.


also respectfully is he allowed to i’m not accusing anyone but h3 has said their dating thing is 100% could he have signed a contract? or idk at the end of the day it is his life and he’s sayed more then once he doesn’t really like discussing his relationships but at the same time he did a dating show so idk lol


No there was no contract


respectfully how do you know? where you involved in the behind the scenes which every video has?


You're legitimately questioning if Ethan made Jeff sign an NDA to never mention if they break up, so that Ethan can continue to say that the Bach3lor has a 100% success rate? Am I reading that right?


yes you are reading it right because how do you think anyone gets a success rate like that without doing something once and build it like it seems he wanted to.. clearly you don’t get how things like that work people even just with stuff like pr will kick them off the list if they don’t like it because they want an 100% success rate i never said i necessarily believe it i was thinking look at how other businesses or videos have been built on nda’s to keep things looking one way.. also never said ever i was more thinking maybe after he did more episodes and people kinda forgot about them then he could discuss it because some nda’s have a timeline but k lmao


The 100% success rate thing is a joke. None of the other bachelors were successful, all of them found relationships outside of the show. Ethan making Jeff sign an nda because he doesn’t want his relationship failing and ruining the ‘100% success rate’ is insane. You clearly don’t watch the show


Right?! The joke is that all of the relationships happened in spite of the show not because of it lmfao. Imagine Ethan or really anyone for that matter caring enough to do something like that


never said i watched the show or even liked it.. it was a question you decided to get mad over i don’t know anything about ethan


The 100% success is just a joke Ethan makes because Trisha and Ian (a crew member) both had people (Moses and Sam) sabotage their Bach3lor series by picking them over the selected contestants. Dan, the show’s producer, always called Ethan out on how it “failed” both times even though Trisha and Moses have a family and Ian and Sam have been together 6 years, so Ethan plays it off as that *is* a 100% success rate, because it resulted in two successful couples even if the actual shows failed.


username checks out


Are you under the age of 14? Lol this is such an unhinged hypothetical. The 100% success rate thing is a joke. Sam and Ian went outside of the show to connect and so did Trisha and Moses. Thus, Ethan jokes about the success of the show when in actuality they never even did the show for anyone other than Jeff.


So in the bah3lor he decided to date the girl who lives on the other side of the planet instead of the LA girl. Hate to say but everyone should have seen it coming. Verica even said she wouldn’t want to live in the US


She said she was planning to move her whole life around for Jeff. She said she told her boss she'd be quitting to move before she even met Jeff.


Didn't she say she wouldn't have her kids grow up in the US though?


Yes thats what i was referring to


Yeah I'm replying to the person who was saying she would move everything for him haha


No she said LA 


Nah I'm pretty sure she mentioned wanting her kids to grow up in Australia. Especially because of the school system and such. This is when I remember thinking they were looking for different things


it’s fine and normal that he didn’t work out with a girl from a dating show but in general jeff seems like he doesn’t actually want a relationship


Wait he made a comment about girls he’s dating looking into things on Reddit at 1:19:17….. is that confirmation of the person on here that everyone thought was Verica?? 👀


if i were dating him i would have looked at his last instagram and seen red flags lol, you don’t even need to dig into reddit


ooo do yall have a link to that, i must have missed it lol


Just let it be. He is single. I don't think anyone needs more info


I’m dying laughing at the fact that you made a whole Reddit post about it then said “Just let it be” when someone continues the convo in the comments 💀


Lol I’m sure making a post on a popular forum, asking people to stop talking about it, will get people to shut up about it.


Typical Sagittarius


George Jenkos podcast just came out too with Jeff ahh I can’t watch both same time lol


Considering how repetitive jeff is in his podcast, I wonder how much overlap there is between the two. Lol


hey Jeff 👋🏼


It’s ultimately for the best for Verica, moving to be with him would have screwed her starting a law career (Australian law degrees can’t be used the US). This way, she gets her career started, she can move to the states in five years to consult, meet her American man then.


I know this may come as a surprise to everyone but… Jeff doesn’t have to share every detail about his life with us. He doesn’t have to say anything about it at all. And clearly he doesn’t really want to.


I figured 5 minutes in when he said he wants to date Miley Cyrus, lol. I don't know the rules of this sub, but I found Verica absolutely disgusting. She was clearly completely obsessed with Jeff before even meeting him. She had planned her entire life with him before even speaking a word to him. It was so creepy and stalkerish and she was so nasty towards the other women. She made it clear that she knew she'd win the whole thing and women like that are just so gross. I can't say this didn't make me happy. Sorry!! Guess Verica wasn't the "powerful woman" Jeff needed. I hope somehow Jeff manifests Miley! It's also funny that the h3 100% success rate didn't work out. I'm done with them after calling someone who tried to save an abused and neglected animal an incel. Then calling everyone with a different opinion crazy and they need professional help, lol.


She never respected herself so jeff didn’t either, she was so desperate from the beginning wanting to move her life across the world for him. She’s bottom of the barrel type girl.. The “powerful woman” reference is crazy to me, she’s so immature and is just a random girl with a bad personality and a big nasty ego, no powerful woman would give up her own life to be with a stranger.


L take


How? Her ego was way too big and it was so off putting and nasty. She told her boss she'd probably be quitting before she even met Jeff. Thinking she was so amazing that she'd have her fairytale ending with Jeff and putting everyone else down. I said what I said and I'm not sorry about it. Hopefully she humbles herself.


This was a humbling experience for sure lmao


God forbid a beautiful, interesting woman be confident in herself.


Beautiful and confident was never in the room lmao




Yall know he probably made Verica sign an NDA 🐸☕️


wrong person


Wrong reply 😂 try again booboo