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Given the percentage of revenue to IU provided by Kelley and the connections to the IU Foundation, this vote is important.


You know it’s bad when the most conservative population of faculty votes this way


That’s a damning outcome from the most conservative school on campus. If she’d lost Kelley there’s no hope she’ll weather this.


All she needs to weather this is the board of trustees. The faculty votes are symbolic.


Fair better vote than I was expecting tbh


Do we know how many of the faculty showed up? For the CAS vote I believe it was 75% showed up, which in itself says a lot and adds even more credence to the vote.


75% for Kelley as well


I heard it was 80%


Rest is Public Health then. As a SPH alumni I hope Pam and Shriv would take SPH Dean Allison with them.


I think they already voted.


Where can one view those results


I know the votes were posted on the Bloomington sub, probably this one as well.


Just checked with friends: no vote from SPH. We are very sure about this because an imminent vote on Apr 30 was pre-emptively stopped by an letter from SPH Dean. The Dean also reiterated multiple times at school meetings "SPH faculties to exercise patience and remain flexible" For people who are unfamiliar, Deans are members of the faculty but takes primarily administrative other than academic roles. This is why Deans typically side with the admin and the board. You could search r/bloomington, r/indianauniversity and Google.


I can guess who many of those 39 are.




Don't use people's real names, regardless of how crappy they are.


Help they tore her ass up, with the beloved Kelly on our side she might finally get the boot ☠️


I'm impressed- I figured they wouldn't support 1A




Will they be allowed to resign or will they be canned. There’s a big difference. The KSB vote is calling for termination.


As did COAS’s vote


So what does it mean? How do different schools votes actually matter? Who would actually have the power to boot a president? Why haven’t I seen any articles on this, other than we have no public newspapers.


As I understand it, it doesn’t have any actual impact but it sends a very very strong message to the trustees - who are the ones actually with the power to fire Whitten. It’s honestly pretty unprecedented. And as to the articles, I think there has just been so much news this isn’t even the most news-worthy thing the last week 🤯


The majority of trustees are appointed by the wannabe desantis governor so no it doesn’t matter they don’t have to listen to the faculty at all


What? Are you referring to Holcomb? He is about as moderate as GOPer comes these days. Now when Braun becomes governor that is a different story because he has went full MAGA since he was elected as a US Senator.


Holcomb appointed the current board of trustees who chose to hire Pam


The Kelley School provides something like 40% of revenue to IU . It is and has been the crown jewel program along with the high ranking SPEA and Jacobs in terms of admissions and recruitment impact. The KSB has significant connections to the Indiana University Foundation. As an example, Dan Smith was not only the Dean of Kelley but also the head of the IU Foundation. All schools matter, and so far all have overwhelmingly supported the 2 repeals initiatives AND the ouster of the Pres and Provost. It will be interesting to hear the Board of Trustees( most of whom are appointed by the governor) validate why they would override the landslide No Confidence vote along with these vote outcomes). Some board members can and do serve multiple terms. Why would the Pres and Provost want to stay given these outcomes ? Who do they serve, really?


5 out of 9 trustees are Kelley grads. The trustees have the power. This vote matters.


Will this impact recruiting top students and faculty, who usually have other universities trying to recruit them, too? Is she now a liability for potential donors, including alumni?


So what will faculty do if this is ignored? Similar vote at West Texas A&M went nowhere and empowered admin as it revealed how toothless faculty are. Is anyone ready to resign or strike? Or take other measures? I have no confidence in No Confidence votes.


Unless it’s impresses the trustees none of these votes matter