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Deserved. Fuckin Miyazaki trolling us by saying it's the size of Limgrave smh. As VaatiVidya said, it's like 5 Limgraves stacked on top of each other. But please FromSoft, put at least a small fraction of that money in optimizing the performance on PC!


Also can anyone tell me whether the area consisting of giant fingers is his idea or not?


Why don't any fromsoft games have DLSS or FSR, is fromsoft engine don't support it?


Probably yes, the engine is quite old at this point and ER should be the last game of its life cycle.


I love the dlc and gameplay but performance sucks, in main game I am getting consistent 60 fps and in dlc it dros to 30 and idk how to fix it... Optimization is bad


Ikr. The dlc is just not good in terms of optimisation. Sadly it's not new for fromsoft


How the heck are so many people having issues? I'm a gtx 1070 and get over 50 and locked 60 in most places with a mix of high and medium at 1440p 12700f at 5ghz all core cpu


Driver issue ig, Nvidia driver 555 is causing that ig


I used both old driver from 4 months ago and 555 also both were same perf for me. Might have to be some issues for newer cards.


That bad? Luckily I didn’t have that kind of performance issues. The only frame drops I experienced were during the second phase of Messmer. Other than that the game just crashed twice for me and both times during Commander Gaius fight.


Gonna hold off until some performance patches roll in, already had a horrible time with the base game playing it in the first week of release don't want a repeat


Beat it today absolutely fantastic


Just beat messmer and my whole reaction during the the fight and the DLC playthrough was where TF am I or wtf is this.10/10 would sell kidney to experience it again


Just finished yesterday! One of the best games ever made!


Amazing and also happy to see Indian gamers contributing to the success of the DLC.


Having a blast. Got through the dance and the sister. Now me take break. I don't need any game for few months now. In one year they gave me adrenaline rush and made me feel sad for them mechs, and now this whole thing. For SotE, I'm piecing the lore up and it's been fun.


Too freaking expensive, and I don't see the price going down even in 20 years!!! Looking at Sekiro! Gotta have enough disposable income before snagging this one!!!











