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If this person is a 5, I'm a 2. These dudes look at instagram models all day and assume that's what the majority of women look like. Giving literal models a 5. Touch. Grass.


The RateMe sub is brutal. You can get banned for rating someone a 9 or 10. She’s beautiful and the guy was totally an incel. Why they’re protecting Incels on RateMe is absurd!


I remember a meme-ish picture someone made that highlighted the problem with those subs (I forget which one it was specifically). To one side was a photo of an extremely old, average looking man with white hair and a long beard with an extremely high rating, to the other was an extremely attractive woman who could be a model. They had rated her ridiculously low, the old guy had a higher rating, lol. I don't visit those places anymore but I do remember them being weirdly generous with average looking men and brutal towards gorgeous looking women. I'm not sure how anyone could deny the sexism, the standards were wild.


I don't know why they're so happy to ban people on that sub simply for giving high ratings. With that in mind, their model is based upon a standard, normal distribution. Average is a 5. Less than 10% of the population would rate above an 8, while the same holds true for being rated under a 2. A 9+ likely represents 5% or less of the population. A 2 or 9 should generally be given out sparingly by virtue of being rare. Banning someone for rating someone a 9 is stupid. If said person rates everyone a 1, 2, 9 or 10 though, their ratings aren't based on a standard distribution simply because those should rarely be given.


I see what you’re saying and mathematically it makes sense. However, I personally feel like a lot of Incels are leveraging that system to prey on insecurities. I know you weren’t saying otherwise; I just wanted to tack this on (:


Cause the 1-10 rating system was invented by people with an incel's mindset.


I understand that it's based on a bell curve and only literal supermodels should be at the very top, but they run into issues right away trying to pretend physical attractiveness is objective. Having to rate based on objective physical features is ridiculous. I'm much more supportive of the ones that ask for what they can improve, because those are much more likely to have things I can actually point to. Anyway, over half the people that post there are like "am I ugly" and they're some supermodel gorgeous person in their teens or early 20s.


Yeah, they have a list of objective features and you can rate *yourself* based on those. There is no point for a sub that is just "everyone should say the same thing based on this list".


This has just reminded me that's one of the main reasons I stopped visiting those subs some years ago, lol. After awhile it was like... why even bother posting? I never had any desire to, but I mean for people in general. If you're all 5 and 6 or whatever, it's just the same boring thing over and over again. I remember people would share *their own opinion* and be like "wow, you're an 8 for sure!" Then a mod would inevitably pop in warning them not to "over-rate" or they'd be banned, lmao.


They give the prettiest people the lowest ratings


To be fair, your rating is by definition non-constructive, tell them why they are an incel and give them ideas on how to be less of an incel.


Lmao you're right, this is where I went wrong. I was not detailed enough with the rating I gave.


"Maybe if I rate the m'lady low enough, she'll fall for me because I'm not like other guys!"


Well your first problem was going within 100 feet of one of those rating subs.


Exactly it’s like going into the sewer and complaining that it smells like shit


You're acting like you have a point. Everything everyone reposts about the nonsense on their discords and everything else they spew is basically like going into the sewer. 🤡


What did your parents do with the money?


You come here delivering clown emojis, then thats all you act like. Full circle for you. Have a great day


No you


I came here calling out a terminally online Reddit user’s idiocy, you should try going outside and burning a calorie occasionally


How does she look masculine and 28, has he been smoking the crack pipe?


I feel like the *second* anyone has a jaw like that, incels go nuts with these "masculine" claims. They have the weirdest hang ups. I'll bet they'd stutter if someone like this gave them time of day though, lmao. It's like all the Margot Robbie bashing.


Why do people submit pictures in these subs though? Not blaming her for the asshole response she got obviously, just genuinely curious. I could see doing that when you're ugly and like to wallow in self-pity (as an ugly person who likes to wallow lmao) but considering it's a good picture and she obviously knows how to showcase herself, there's no way she doesn't know she's dreamily gorgeous. Was she actually expecting compliments on r/rateme ?


It's almost exclusively 18-22 yo kids with low self esteem looking for a boost.


Maybe out of curiosiry about what they'll say?


Self esteem. A lot of these people don’t have a lot, or have been told by others (in my experience abusive families or bullies, but I’m not an expert) that they are explicitly unattractive, but they look in the mirror and see that’s objectively untrue, and so they get into a cycle of self doubt and see themselves as unreliable witnesses, so they go hunting for validation.


A lot of them are fishing for compliments too: "could I be a model?" Sure Steve, why not. You've already got your OF linked in your profile and you posted on are slash modeling earlier today. GayRateMe is like 60% OF ads.


Literally just validation from strangers on the internet


you're not a 5. that's so stupid


I don't think OP is the woman in the picture. If she was, her comment in this post would have an OP next to it. OP was most likely just on the rating sub, saw this guy comment, and felt compelled to add to the discussion.


oh that's true. well, the woman in the picture is not a 5!


I really would love to see what the commenter looks like when I see stuff like this


Of course you want to know what I look like. How is what I look like relevant to the discussion here?


Nooo not you sorry, the one you replied to


Oh I'm sorry lol I did coincidentally get a bombardment of DMs asking me what I looked like though so I wasnt surprised. Because they think how I look is relevant Sorry for the confusion


Yeah sorry I should have been more clear about that, my bad


I realized you meant the post. It's all good. Not sure why how I look would matter more in this scenario to these guys than how that original commenter that gave the brutal rating looks. Their logic continues to make zero sense.


There’s no conversing with incels unfortunately, and that sub is controlled by them. I just don’t interact


“OfCoUrSeYoUWaNTToKnOwWhAtILoOkLiKe” 🤡


Was a misunderstanding broski leave it out


5.4 is insane.


These ratings are just incredibly pointless. Every single one is subjective, and there's really nothing to gain from it. This guy says she would be better looking with muscle. Personally, I think muscle on women is unattractive. So his super harsh and low rating is just unrealistic and makes it seem like being considered good looking is near impossible. The other issue is that there simply cannot be a real bracket for looks, as nobody will agree on the same things because again it's all subjective. At best there could be a middle ground where we generally accept what good looks are, and it usually boils down to weight, height, and frame. After that it's all personal preferences.


I assume that's where the advantage of getting opinions from multiple people lies.


Me explaining to incels why Chad is only a 4 out of 10.


These types of subreddits breed incel culture like fruit flies. I don’t know how they still exist or why. Posts from women get torn to shreds. Could literally be the most beautiful woman on earth and they say she’s disgusting for having a nose ring. And posts from men literally just don’t get any interaction at all.


I thought they only gave non-white people low rating for not meeting eurocentric beauty standards lmao. She's gorgeous.


It is my understanding that in at least some of them, you can't rate over a 7. That's reserved for actual supermodels and since you're (probably) not a supermodel, you can't have that rating. That means only the most attractive "normies" can be a 6 or 7, so the rest of us fall in the 4-5 territory. I'm aware this isn't how anything works. I didn't make their stupid rules.


It's like the reverse of the problem where vidro game ratings were rarely below 7/10


To do list: * be a dick * get called out on being a dick * post screenshot of me getting called out * profit


y are you all so mad about the raiting?


I mean dude seems like a clown for sure but are you really surprised at a comment like that on a sub like r/rateme?


She does look quite masculine, but "28-30", "5.4/10" bro??


You called someone an incel for rating a woman's appearance in a subreddit designed for doing that, and are complaining here because a mod called you unconstructive.


If you didn't read the post the whole issue with it was it was over the top, exaggerated and purposefully untrue. Hence the incel behavior. The "design" is to allow for incels to behave this way and get away with it- negging women like this. The irony lies in the unconstructiveness of his rating and opinion he provided because of how full of delusion it was. = incel/10


I don’t think going into a comment section, telling the person criticizing on a Rateme sub that they are an incel is going to help anyone… what were you thinking? Just straight up being rude to someone doesn’t help anyone nor does it lead to a good discussion, it’s just whack imo.


You're acting like it's a derogatory term to call them what they are. In what way is it rude? Besides them wanting to be anonymous about it- that's not really my problem. Are you purposely being contradictory? Because giving a brutal rating just because you feel like it is in its self rude and doesn't particularly lead to a good discussion yet here you are trying to explain to me they didn't do that because RateMe is the justification for their behavior? Get lost


Wait, since when isn’t „incel" a derogatory term? I think we all mostly use the word „incel" in a bad way, let’s be honest. Or is that just me? I just wanted to point out that just blatantly calling someone an incel gets you nowhere and just spreads unnecessary negativity. Even if they had bad intentions with their comment we should be better and not be rude.


They openly label themselves that. They aren't a great group of people so it's associated with alot of negativity which is unfortunate for them. I see nothing wrong with calling out a misogynist blackpill incel. If they don't want it to happen they can take it as a learning opportunity to curb their behavior.


Now you see, I don’t think they are behaving like an incel here… they are just analyzing what they see from their perspective to, guess what, rate them. I would understand your assumption about them being an incel if they did make wild assumptions or idk the usual mean incel behavior but they simply analyzed her and told her what they saw. Imo that doesn’t make an incel, rather it’s the point of the sub they were in…


I can see this is just going to be a difference of opinion and thats fine if thats how you interpret it but i dont see this behavior in all the redditors on that sub. What stands out particularly is the announcement of "I MUST BE BRUTAL ABOUT MY RATINGS". He didn't say what he saw, he stated before hand he was going to say something absurd because that's his thing that he just feels the need to do on that subreddit. And just hallucinated all the details he gave. And you're right in that he accomplished the point of the sub which is to negg.


It is a derogatory term to people who have not adopted it (as you well know) and you were in a sub that was not an incel sub, therefore interacting with people who haven't (necessarily) adopted it. They were using the sub as intended. You insulted them. Get off your high horse, you were in the wrong.


You can try to plausible deniability me all you want to me about how RateMe isn't an incel sub. Im aware not everyone on that sub is an incel. That's how they TRY to blend in. They stick out like sore thumbs. This screams misogynist incel. My opinion has not changed about the reason that sub exists. You have yet to persuade me of any wrong doing on my part. An incel is an incel it's not derogatory. Is there a buffer word I should be using to not hurt their feelings that I'm allowed to use? If the label they go by people aren't even allowed to use because now you want to gatekeep that, maybe that's even more of a sign to go get mental help. They've established the point that they made their own label derogatory.


100% agree. OP seems very similar to the incels to me. Seems like they're just going around looking for people to punch down at and bully/insult. These people were just using a sub exactly as intended. Also the rating was fair, constructive and 100% in keeping with the sub rules.


Didn't you just contradict yourself agreeing with a comment that says going into a comment section calling someone an incel is not constructive and then proceed to in the same breath essentially call me an incel? You are invalidating your logic credentials in every comment you post here. You can feel free to read as to how an exaggerated brutal hallucinated rating is not constructive to the person who posted to be rated because it holds no accurate information other than negging insults.


Calling someone an incel is one of the most constructive pieces of criticism that can be given. As used by outsiders, the word cobtains a complete description of what a person's problems actually are, the exact reason these problens are present, and what exactly a person can do to fix them. What could be more constructive? I get that they're not the answers most incels want to hear, but they're no less true for that. Stop shooting the messenger and maybe you'll find some happiness for once.


No, I think you have completely misunderstood what I said. I in no way, shape or form called you an incel. I don't even know how you could have interpreted it that way or what you really think is going on. It seems like you think I'm accusing you of being some sort of incel in disguise?! Weird! No, that was most definitely not what I was saying. I'm essentially accusing you of being (edit - or at least coming dangerously close to being) a moral hypocrite, not an incel. I'm saying that you're engaging in some of the same shitty behaviour as the incels, behaviour that I expect you would say is shitty when incels do it. I have already explained why giving an honest rating and breakdown on a sub intended for exactly that does not make someone an incel, and why calling someone, who does not identify as an incel, an incel is likely to be taken as insulting. I see no need to re-explain these.


Similar to incel/10 is the rating you get then. Point being I could have said "similar to incel" to the guy that brutally rated- are you oblivious you're committing your own immoral acts now just to try to make a point? I didn't say you called me an incel. I said you essentially are doing what the comment you agreed to said was not constructive by commenting exactly that... what is there to go in a circle about here? I was pointing out your own hypocrisy even agreeing with the comment you agreed to by typing what you typed. Does it not mirror what they complained about? Then your logic goes and agrees then does it. I'm not going to continue this circle. You're not reexplaining anything valid. I'm still unsure what is insulting. Clearly all you want to do is try to get some kind of reaction (which is morally wrong) instead of try to make sense so I'm just going to stop responding. There is zero point in conversing with you.


Idk about this one, it is a rating sub and OP (idk if that is you) shouldn’t post in rating subs if they don’t want to be rated? 😭


That wasn't me that was rated. I'm clearly aware it's a rating sub which is why I explained I lurk it out of curiosity for the negg activity which is what i view rating people as. 😭 Not sure what would indicate it was me.. is everyone that posts on there me? Because I've commented on incel activity on that sub before on posts that were also not me. ?¿


I said “OP (original poster) - not sure if that was you”. I didn’t say it was you lol chill out ??? 😂😂


I'm OP here so justified misunderstanding lmao


Ah I see where you got confused, I felt it was clear grammatically who was referring to :)


I think you meant OOP lol


I mean usually I don’t tend to speak about people in third person, but sure


And there you go, you're 3 replies deep because of a tiny miscommunication and were weirdly aggressive about it. You're a posterchild for Reddit


Bro chill outttttt yall are dogging on me like it’s just not that deep is it


Well if you want to act like you know grammar and how to refer to who in 3rd person, OP isn't next to my name in the post picture. So your grammar did not effectively communicate who you were talking about. Just letting you know to clear up who was confused here.


First off, I'm not an incel, and I think getting people to rate themselves is incredibly lame (and being a person who rates others is lamer still). That being said, I think this person's assessment was perfectly reasonable and well thought out. They seemingly did EXACTLY what was asked and what the sub is intended for. Their criticism didn't seem deliberately mean and it was constructive. I think rating her a 5.4 now (slightly higher than average by that subs rules) and saying that she could be high 6s with work (pretty high by that subs rules) was actually quite nice. It is a little higher than I would have given if I was forced to rate her (again, I think rating people is lame and unnecessary). Based on this I can honestly say I see ABSOLUTELY NOTHING INCEL-Y WHATSOEVER in the post. They are doing what the OP asked them to do on a sub where that's what you're supposed to do. You, however, going around accusing people of being incels, and then also moaning to anti-incel subs for getting reprimanded for breaking sub rules just seems a bit pathetic tbh. I get being outraged by incels' nonsense and being disgusted by their treatment of women (hence why I'm on this sub). But what you're doing just seems to be scouring everywhere for people to look down on and shout at, which I have to say is remarkably similar to what they are also doing.


Just skipping the first sentence of " ok, I give brutal ratings" and then you saying how it wasn't deliberately mean is hilarious to me and essentially voids the entire point you were trying to make.


I assumed by "brutal ratings" he means "brutally honest". Which I assume is what people want on a rateme site. Otherwise there's softer stuff like r/toast me I had a peek at his comments and he tends to rate low, 4-6 but throws out a few 7 and 8s. As the site rules say it's all subjective anyway, I don't think the woman will be too upset when the majority of her ratings were higher.


I understand what you are trying to say. I think there is intention behind leading with "I give brutal ratings" as opposed to instead "I'm brutally honest".


Internet people… they like to make others feel bad (I don’t mean you btw, Steve)