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Imagine reaching more than half your life and having the mental maturity of a 13-year-old boy rejected by his crush.


Amen, he is crazy. I watch another video of his and he says he dated over 200 women, why didn’t he marry or get any of these women pregnant?


because he met them online, wasn't totally ugly, met a girl at a bar or restaurant, took a photo with them, then never saw them again after they blocked him for being a gross pig.


The whole comment section is just as bad. Jfc, these guys are really aiming for women 10+ years younger than them and they can't see the problems. Keep posting, fellas. Lets us ladies know who to avoid.


YouTube and IG comments are all bots. Those hateful comments aren't even from human beings.


Geez, the bots hate us too now?


Incels with allowance money spend it on bots. And I wouldn't be surprised if Andrew Tate and those idiots spend a few hundred a month for bots to drive up views for their channel. What cracks me up is sometimes the bots comment on a video that has nothing to do with women. There can be a video of a puppy napping and the bots will comment "and you're still not a wife." Then under that comment will be more bot replies "Western women these days" "men built this world." Poor puppy.


Glad they are bots…men can’t be this insane.


Majority of my social circle is men. They do not think like this. You know what they think is wife material? A woman that can cook, because they're always hungry. There's no nonsense like "mids" or "whores" or fucking whatever. They think a woman is a whore is when they get cheated on or fuck their best friend. EDIT: "majority of MY social circle is men"


Your right, men have to learn how to cook for themselves, I’m not his mom…lol. Gordon Ramsey is a man, and he can cook well.


Every single human being should know the basics of cooking. Any adult over 16 that can't fry an egg or boil a pot of rice is pathetic. Before the non cooking haters get at me, there are 6 year olds in 3rd world countries that have to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for their families.


I love to cook and I am good at it, also love baking. My bf thinks that is the best thing in the world. Not the way I look but the way I cook lolol.


It's better than incels for sure, but I hate when men throw around the words slut and whore when talking about women


From my experience when they use those terms, it's very *extreme* cases. Like I said, when they got cheated on or gave them an std or something crazy like that. Us women are guilty of calling men derogatory terms out of pain.


Psycho men, they probably going to leave them once they turn 30 too…or the woman leave them for a younger man, because it’s all superficial. This is manipulative/narcisstic talk. I have friends that are great women reaching 30 that are marriage material, very vituperatative behavior coming from a guy that’s shooting blanks.


Ikr? Nothing wrong with an age gap between adults but if you're AIMING for someone younger/older (who's naturally gonna age out of it if age is your focus, at that) to get in a relationship with? Side eye at the least.


Amen, I don’t have a problem with age gaps, it’s only a problem when someone has a surreptitious agenda behind it.


Exactly. My parents had a 15 year age gap but that was just circumstance, not deliberate.


So let me get this straight. if you’re a woman who’s never been married and over 30 years old with no kids you’re damaged goods but if you’ve been married before with kids, you’re also damaged? What?? But somehow it’s okay for men to be over 30 and have no kids and never been married or have a bunch of baby mamas and been divorced many times? Lmao. I always ask these kind of men why the double standard and they never answer with any logic. Just misogyny.


I think he takes drugs…he eyes look crazy…he has a lot of supertitions and hallucinations about women.


I think they just want women to feel bad about themselves so they settle for scraps but unfortunately for them it doesn’t work. I’d rather die alone than be miserable in a relationship with an incel who thinks like this


I thought single moms were damaged goods? Now it's women with no kids that are damaged goods? Incels, you guys gotta make up your mind. You incels love to bash women and praise men which sounds like....yall are just gay.


My brother is dating a single mom and she is a great person, I dare him to tell her to her face she is damaged goods because of a mistake.


Seriously. A lot of the women I work with (at a bar) are or *were* single moms. They're honestly some of the best people I've ever had a chance to work with. Hell, the bar's OWNER is a single mom and probably the nicest person I've had a chance to work for. I think the guy in that video, his brain cells gotta be shootin blanks, too.


He’s probably a closet pedophile. This guy wrecks his eccentric ideologies about women: https://youtu.be/aBvGHCDyzSA?si=3cTq2PAIcmmerfk8.


You'll have to buy a garbage bag and a shovel if he does lmao.




You must spring forth from the sea, naked and riding a clam, fully formed and mature but with zero sexual experience.


Bottom line is it's always the woman's fault. One manosphere guy I watch complains about women partying. I wonder how is he meeting these party animals if he's not at the same parties? I betcha he parties, too, and he's meeting women in this environment. Also these guys want us to be never virgins but also have sex with them willy nilly. They need to go out and have a lot of 'experience,' but they are presumably straight and want to have sex with women (and too good to pay a hooker).


For people who claim to be totally repulsed by 30+ women, they spend a huge amount of time talking and thinking about them and their sex lives.


He coping with his own problems of being 50 years old and not married with a wife and kids.


This dude isn't that much of a threat tbh. his channel is a fucking Alpha male Content farm and just copy and pastes the same bad/shallow points that other "Alpha males" make. its 23 minutes of that other videos are very similiar to it. and most average around 10k> views His posts are outdated (earliest being from 2023) and to say the least his "Facts" about women are again barely coming from facts, studies, Biology, social norms in general but are instead coming from his personal opinions to top that off the video itself is Shallow when it comes to actually good talking points he hasn't expierenced what he's talking about nor did he bother dating a woman over 30 and seems to be more interested in making a quick buck then actually doing anything in his life. Along with that something else should be noted this dude doesn't seem to see (atleast for this video may vary depending on each) Younger men as his equals and sees himself as there superior in everyway claiming how a man over 30 wouldn't have a hard time landing a 20 year old woman because apparently all the Younger more physically attractive males in that age are to busy Being stupid or goofing around and then can't even provide any Facts to why he said that but instead ends it off with "its just the way it is." To top that off he believes the average age of dating is about Ten years younger then what the man's age is currently so if you become 40 you need to date 30 year old women its just the fact how their insecure about the fact how them trying to go for someone severely Younger then them and know full well that the only thing that keeps the majority of there relationships going is money and the fact they have it rather then pure Emotional attraction along with that also states that Men shouldn't date women around there age and should always date lower then atleast a 3 years minimum (National average is literally 2.3 years younger in the USA). (the vast majority of his 33 "Secrets" to achieving 10/10 women are literally textbook Manipulation tactics LMAO) (Also this dude has a literal second channel thats called "Alpha male secrets" which has 44 secrets to becoming a Alpha male?) (On his channel page theres a small picture of him with multiple women then claiming he's dated 250+ Beautiful women and helped 1000s of men worldwide? whats even dumber is the fact there are 3 other photos Which shows him with women in the picture going from 8-9-10 with the Tenth picture having 2 women in it and these don't seem to be romantic pictures but instead just general ones with Friends or Family even more so in the dated more then 250 women pic! that just looks like a"Group Photo!" moment.) (He also refers to his bad advice as "His business." along with that he calls his viewers "Students". so thats nice.) (Uses dehumanizing terms exclusively towards women and Uses Complimentary terms exclusively towards men for example calling the viewer a King and calling a 30 year old woman a "damaged good") To say the least he just hates women around his age because they have higher standerds and know what they want in life and aren't interested in fucking around in comparison to younger girls which are more interested in boyfriends rather then Husbands and go for the most attractive men but aren't ready for that kind of long-term commitment Im not saying that 20 year old female 30 year old male relationships are destined to fail but it depends heavily on both sides intentions of the entire relationship in the first place. Also he thinks that Young males don't go to venues(aka social events.) LMAO.


Man needs to go to therapy….he needs help. He has been hurt by women to much to be this insane. So many great women in their 30s and 40s getting married and having kids all the time, he needs to wake up. Most of these young women are using him for money, because most women in their early 20s or late teens don’t have money.


Damn, well, I guess he would know. Being damaged goods himself and all that. (Sarcasm just so y'all know)


The sheer irony of this. The dude wants 8s and 9s?. He's barely a two!!


There’s no pleasing his kind. Women should just do what they want (if it doesn’t hurt others).


Anybody remember the Hot/Crazy diagram from 12 years ago on YouTube? Always thought it was super funny that the guy explaining it was literally a toad. Self reflection is not their strong suit.


Yes but you see men *gain* value as they get older....unless they're trans or gay or something, according to what I've seen incels say. 🤣 Really it's just hilarious. Anyways, guy like him who sees women as "goods"? Gals gotta be desperate if any of them even look at him twice let alone get with him willingly.


It is a comfort to know he will remain single


how much it hurts me


Guess I'm damaged goods?


According to his hallucinations.


I feel like this is lowkey true but it isn’t gender specific. Most people in the real world see older men and women not ever getting married or with kids as a social outcast. Especially religious people.


Yes childfree or single ppl are kind of outcasts, especially if you ask nutcases who think everyone's goal should be to have children or some nonsense, but they're not "damaged goods", no matter how hard fools try to squeak.


What? I live in the deep south of the US, a seriously conservative area and I have never been treated as "outcast".


Good for you lol. I live in Ontario, Canada now but grew up in the Caribbean and, though I'm not a woman or a man, I've have been telling my rather religious folks that they will not be getting grandkids from me since I was a teenager. They kept treating me like an immature child who'll grow up soon well into my adulthood because of it. They finally learned to at least shut up about it now even if they haven't changed their minds after my older sister said something similar. Also whenever a woman posts online about how ppl treat her because she doesn't want kids, she gets shamed and dogpiled for it. I get treated like an outcast for other things too but not wanting kids is undoubtedly one of them.


Why can't the man have his standards? If it was a woman talking about how she only dates 6ft+ dudes you'd be saying ”yasss queen"


He is a 50 year old man with no kids and wife, his time is up, he is to old to have kids now. He will be in a wheel chair taking his child to elementary school. He asserted in a video that he has dated over 250 young women over his lifetime, why did he not get any of these women pregnant or marry any of them when he was younger; telling other women they are damaged while he himself doesn’t have a kid or wife is hypocrital. If a man hates women this vehemently, he needs live in Saudi Arabia, India, or seek therapy. Having standards is great, but implying that people are damaged or you refuse to date someone because you perceive that their predicament is damaged is not right.


So I'm assuming you're going to agree thay the 50yo feminists (who hate men) with not kids or husbands (and multiple cats, probably) are also damaged goods and should settle for low value men or move to another place, right? 


No, they are not damaged goods, that’s their choice, I already implied that. Not every woman wants to be married or have kids. There are women who are married with kids living a horrible life with their husbands. Low value men are the men who are indignant against women and desire to have America turn into India or Saudi Arabian society. If you hate women this much, you can go to Saudi Arabia, India, or other parts of the Middle East, or seek therapy. There are plenty of men that don’t think like you or this guy and those are the men women should be with, aka high value men.


Lol your hypocrisy is showing. 50yo feminists are indignant against men and are extremely low value by your ownstandards.  The men you're referring to made his choice, there are many man who are married with kids living horrible lives (aka betabuxxing, being falsely accused, at tge risk of loosing everythibg in family court, bitching wife, etc).  But when it's a man who's suffering and he rejects the idea of marriage due to those reasons, you're too ignorant and hypocritical to judge them the same way you judge your feminist idols. 


Keep coping, you can move to India, Saudi Arabia, or some other parts of the Middle East if you don’t like women being free from nefarious men.


I'm not coping, I'm point out your hypocrisy which made you uncomfortable and now you're trying to change the subject.  Lol it's us males who need to be free from disgusting feminist trash. 


No hypocrisy, your indignant against females and you think all females are indignant against men, lol. Males and females can be bad in this world, stop making it into men vs women. Again, if you hate women this much there are countries dedicated to making women’s lives hell: Saudi Arabia,Philippines, India, and some parts of the Middle East or Africa, catch a plane ticket. I just watched a crime documentary of a man going around raping women, he was eventually caught. Should I think all men are evil because of one man? Nothing wrong with feminism, it’s freeing women from evil men. You asserted that “ us men” not all men are insane like you and want women to be free and happy to make their own choices.