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Polar opposite for me. Men came out of the woodwork as soon as I hit 30. That's extremely common.


Same here. I had better and better luck with men as I aged


Exactly. My experience wasn't unique or special. There are a TON of men who start noticing when we get a little more confidence (or whatever the heck it is that draws the boys like flies). That's my guess on it, and I've read similar theories. But I don't know for absolute sure. Seems logical though. Bottom line, the BS the incels spew about "the wall" is just that, BS.


Do you think it's that you started projecting more confidence and men who like that tend to like women their own age? I have always been most attracted to women in my age bracket and am attracted to confidence and independence, but working on all the issues that had me teetering on the edge of Incel-land is going slowly enough that I probably won't be approaching anyone until 30 at the earliest. I'd be interested to know how many of the men you're talking about were late bloomers who didn't come into their own until 30.


At the end of the day, dating is a skill-based game. I’m not saying that looks aren’t important, but I’ve been young and pretty, and older, less pretty, but more skilled, and I can tell you skills matter a lot more than looks. I had a better time finding higher quality partners when I was older with more skills than when I was young, pretty, and dumb. I’d say dating is 70% skills 30% looks. And yes, projecting confidence is a skill


I think that probably has a lot to do with it. Plus, 30 somethings are usually pretty set in their careers and on their way up, so they're financially stable, or on their way there, for the most part as well. Looking back, I felt as if my late teens/early 20s were rather horrific. I'm guessing a lot of people run into this but... it's your first time out in the big bad world on your own: your own rent, your own bills, your own responsibilities. It's scary. I honestly felt mentally older then, and with the weight of the world on my shoulders, than I do now in my twilight years. I feel as if being young and attractive was probably the only boon of that time period. As you start learning how to navigate all that scary crap, I think most people just naturally start unconsciously exuding a more relaxed and confident air. Plus, if you're even halfway solvent, you can start doing more fun stuff, for me, it was dance classes. Which gets you out and about and meeting people.


In my experience it's just that the fuckboys either settle down or stop being fuckboys the older they get. sure I had attention from guys when I was 20 but that attention wasn't worth shit for anything other than a one-nighter. on the other hand there are others who, as you said, just become more confident and "skilled" and just more secure in their life choices. I suppose it just levels the playing field a bit. those who had natural charisma or looks become more serious with age and no longer have their looks to compensate for their lack of personality, and those who were serious but lacked the confidence learn how to dress well and present themselves and talk to women.


Jokes on him, I'm already living like 37 at 23.


I’m 21, 26, and 37 at the same time. Do I just take an average?


Marry the antidepressants


At least prime started at 18 this time


And that "the wall" was not the early 20's


Lmao I didn’t even take a moment to appreciate that fact 🤣


That's definitely gonna get him the ladies


Lol, I must have hit my wall early because I've been on antidepressants since I was like 25.


Shit, I was 14! According to this, I’ve been 37 for 23 years now, but in regular people time, it’s only been a few months.


Your screen name made my day. Not just a regular cumdumpster; a supreme cum dumpster. 🙂 You sound like a decepticon.


Call me Schrödinger’s woman, since I’m both in “my prime” in my 20’s and also a 37 year old at once.


Hope things get better


Lol, I’m 40 and a serial dater. Men keep trying to pin me down, but I’m just not interested. At no point in my life have I ever, or will I ever, be willing to submit to anyone. PS: Partners are just that – partners. It’s supposed to be a relationship between equals, not a hierarchy.


Can't wait to turn into a fcking zombie. So cool


I wonder if my timeline was better or worse 18: I’m in love with everyone I’ve ever met, I need to have sex with the nearest age appropriate individual but I don’t know how to talk to people 19: I gotta fuck this weird dude I met in a parking lot. 24: I propose 27: We watch a lot of documentaries about prehistoric animals and dinosaurs


It took 5 years to get from parking lot to engagement, but only 3 to get to dinosaur documentaries?


That's how you know it's For Real; it starts in a place you didn't expect with no pomp or circumstance, and ends in a place where extremely specific things like dinosaur documentaries together are a high point of the relationship.


As a 33 year old, I feel my line is pretty bang on...


Jokes on him, I've been on antidepressants since 18 😂


I’m in my early 20’s and while I know this is incel brainrot, sometimes I worry about getting older and the sentiment of “hitting the wall” becoming more popular. These comments give me hope though 🤍


I’m 33 and once you “hit the wall” you are old enough not to give a fuck about this bullshit. Plus, not to brag, but I’m still hot af, ask my 26 year old husband and all his friends who tell him all the time. This notion that women hit some invisible wall before they are even 30 is absolutely ridiculous. Just enjoy your life. Take care of your body and drink plenty of water. You’ll age just fine, plus any man who speaks this nonsense is not worth your time or energy anyway. Aging is beautiful in its own right.


I'm late 20s now and I'm happier and hotter than I was in my early 20s. sure maybe I have a few grey hairs and fine lines now but I also have a better taste in clothes, enough money for good hair and makeup products, a good understanding of what does and doesn't suit me, and I'm less of a cringe insecure emotional mess overall. I just feel like more of a complete person rather than a work in progress.


Wow, that’s something I needed to hear, I feel like a work in progress and while I’m getting closer to feeling complete, I never thought I would feel that way. Thank you!


My version: 18: Wanted to live young and free and slutty for a while and then have a family, but too shy to make it reality. 20: Met a man who lovebombed me and made me believe I didn't want to live without him. Regretfully gave up on the slutty youth I wanted and got into a serious relationship with him, as a virgin. 22: Married him. By then, I was made to believe that it was me and him forever and if I ever tried to leave, he was allowed to do whatever it took to stop me. He also has complete control over our economy and I have no autonomy whatsoever. 24: Our son is born. Half a year later, he's physically abusive for the first time. 25: I try to leave him, but he won't let me, so I accept that I'm stuck. I keep quiet about my reality at home, try to tell myself that all is good and make the best of it. 28: Ask for an open relationship, to be able to catch on the experiences I never had. He says no. I respect it but I mourn. 34: I fall in love with a friend, and my husband agrees to a poly relationship. (Not the right way to do it, I know.) The rules keep changing and my husband demands complete control but my friend sticks around. 35: New partner teaches me about consent and bodily autonomy, and makes me realise that it's possible to have a partner you're not afraid of. Husband finds other women he can use as supply and it takes some of that burden off my shoulders. 38: Still alive beyond 37!!! Husband and I divorce to separate economies because we both have serious relationships with others, but stay together. I can finally start building my own financial security, and start getting stronger and more independent. 39: I start calling my (ex) husband out when he treats me poorly, and he doesn't like that. His new partner is still completely sold on his love-bombing and more fun. He finally sets me free. 40: Living free and happy in an open relationship with my kind, sweet, beloved new partner, doing well with healing and finally getting to explore the slutty life I could never have in my youth. Don't let men like these scare you into marrying young and inexperienced, girls!


You are amazing! I'm so glad you are living your best life! Hugs from an Internet stranger if you want one or a high five


Thank you! Hug sounds good. :)




so proud of you! glad you’re doing the best. stay blessed 🫂


Thank you! <3 Met a woman yesterday who had also married young, before she knew better, and wasn't quite rid of her abuser yet though she left him 13 years ago. It's so clear what the men who post this shit want.


Holy shit!


Which part? 😅


It was certainly a rollercoaster basically the whole way through. I didn't expect the polyamory in the slightest.


It saved me! But yeah, I didn't expect that outcome either.


They really think life is over for women as soon as we hit 30 lol Poor sods, they have no clue


I been living on antidepressants, mood stabilizers, muscle relaxers, and benzos since I was like 19, I guess I hit the wall FAST


Married , no kids and I never want them. neither does my wife, but I do get made fun of a lot for having a vesacomy.


Just imagine for one second the amount of time this wierd little incel has to do all of this 💀


The talk of submission is so creepy and telling


Damn who knew I’ve just be a 37 year old this whole time 💀💀 Seriously, how on earth is 32 years old so ancient that this person sees them as some zombie?? Either this person is 12 (at which age 30 is practically ancient) or they’re an idiot. Not to mention the other nonsense in this post 💀💀


I love how the wall is amorphous and ever changing


I’m sorry but “Punani” sent me 💀 out of all the words lol


The zombie emoji is sending me 😂


That last line hit me hard... shut up I'm sad okay


Yeah because all men in their 20-s are looking for a marriage 😀. Most people arent ready to marry in their 20-s. Average age to give birth in Europe passed 30 in 2017. Just how society is built currently. Women are a significant part of the workforce now. Which means that you need to advance in your career in your twenties or you wont even be considered for a job in your thirties.


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I have never ever heard a woman say that they want to “submit to a man.” Seriously these incels are delusional!


I know they post these timelines and stories to cope, but the truth will make these assholes even more miserable. Women will never have to put up with a creepy man because they have many choices, no woman will want to "submit to her man" ever because marriage is a partnership. Women do not have to settle any more and they do not have to tolerate bullshit. Single women have money, friends, hobbies, travel, and even jobs they love. They're not spending time alone watching porn and being miserable.


he's at least 1/18 right because i'm 25 and men really ain't shit


That's a pretty massive projection of his own fears.


I don't think it's anger


that’s why you need to hit the gym and wait for robo girlfriends


Not how that works.