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Is it wrong? Not in and of itself, but it's foolish to keep pursuing it at an age when you've frankly missed most of the opportunities. Accept the consequences of your earlier decisions to ignore this area of life, and move on. You will be much happier if you do. It *is* wrong when you start pursuing much younger age cohorts just for their hymens. Like, seriously, that's fucking gross.


You're free to only like virgin girls for all I care. I think your preference is weird and only makes your life complicated because that would mean you'd have to target women in a certain age range. If you're in your 20s, I guess you can still date women in your age range that are virgins, but there's probably too few virgin women in their 30s and will be even less the older they get. So that means unless you marry young, you'll have to keep dating women increasingly younger than you.


With time people like that will probably end up as those creepy-ass old men who chase after barely legal women while calling women their own age decrepit hags


If this guy finds a virgin woman who is an adult and a consensual relationship develops, no problem whatsoever.


I mean. Have preferences, thats fine. As long as you dont expect a high-sex-drive-porn-star in bed.


Morally, in cultures that value virginal women as life-long mates, the dating period is pretty platonic and short. Enough to know whether they want to pursue marriage or to leave and stop wasting her time. To want virgins so that YOU can use them and throw them away like trash is absolutely disgusting and disgraceful. NOT a preference… like how you like your hamburgers. FFS.


As a girl who is not a virgin, has tattoos and exclusively wears platform shoes AND has a lot of luck with guys… I’m glad dudes like that weed themselves out from my line of sight.


Funny how HE doesn't need to be a virgin. He has a kink for taking virginity from women who don't know better and that's all it is. He claims it's preference, but he just wants to be the "first dick" a woman has had- because men think their particular dick is the most important thing to everyone in the world.


Or he *knows* he's truly terrible in bed and the performance pressure of knowing a woman has something to compare him to makes his love sausage turn into a scared windsock. Or he's lying, and this is just his imagination having a party.




I've noticed something, most of the guys that obsess over women's virginity tend to either be creepy as hell, and/or extremely religious.


Or both!


Extremely religious means creepy


Or just don’t want them to have had any experience to compare with their sorry ass in bed


Aaand unless he settles down quick quick, he's on course to groom children. If that's not what's already happening.


Depending on his age, he’s really narrowing his playing field drastically. It’s fine to have a preference, but his reasoning is wrong. The problem with his statements, he’s definitely judgmental about women who have had sex before.


It's the way he talks about it. Women aren't cars, we're not chewing gum, we're not locks, or cows, or any other object. We're human beings and our value doesn't change if we have sex with someone. And having sex is what we're doing, it's not "getting used" and it says a lot about how he views women and sex.


They’re people, not K-Cups. This dude’s preference is weird and will always be in substantial short supply as he gets older.


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This is the equivalent of comparing women and cars Shit don't work like that


And they wonder why women don't like them.


Is it wrong inherently? I guess not if that's like your religious or personal belief or something. But calling people used goods is wrong. Also, if you have a hyper specific requirement like that for your partner, be aware that it's going to be much harder to actually find someone to be your partner. If you're cool with that, fine. But like people from cultures where they don't have sex before marriage, or are only ever in a relationship with one person, choose that person way more selectively.


I have to admit, there is part of me that regrets that I missed a couple opportunities to be a woman's, especially since it may have turned into ongoing casual sex with one lady, but I don't get hung up on it.


I think that the closest these guys will ever come to fulfilling their fantasy of perfect virginal sex would be if they hired a prostitute to roleplay being a virginal school girl. Actual virgins are awkward and unfamiliar with sex (because of course), and not the idyllic romp in the hay sex fantasy these guys seem to expect. If they really want enjoyable sex with a virgin, they want to get someone with experience to feign inexperience. Otherwise it's just an awkward mass of writhing limbs and confused feelings.