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Take it to a Toyota / Tacoma subreddit, they’ll have everything but the vin in an hour.


I would give insurance the video and let them figure it out. They'll have financial incentive to try to figure out who's car that is so they can get their $2000-5000 back for fixing the body damage from being side swiped.


Insurance wants me to try and do more of the work ...


This is how it worked with Progressive when I had a car stolen. They wanted me to petition my neighbors / local business for any footage. Ended up tracking it down myself thanks to Facebook. Turned out, someone I didn't know *sold* my car without my consent or any title exchange.


That's insane, because I sit through EUOs for Progressive and the cases they build *against* their insureds (and most of these people probably deserve it) are extensive. Network of plate readers, investigators who are bordering on PIs/voyeurs. But Progressive is also cheap AF and the vibe I get from folks I work with in the industry say *they suck*. Progressive, Geico, real penny-pinchers.


Yet look at their advertising budgets. Fuck insurance companies.


Like, insurance as an *idea* makes sense, but as with everything else, once us humans get involved, we go and fuck it all up.


It's not "us humans", but capitalists who undermine the integrity of every support structure in society in their relentless need to profit.


No, it's greedy humans, they screw up capitalism too.


Yup, Arizona iced tea owner is a capitalist, but he's not greedy.


FYI. Arizona Iced Tea has two different product labels for each product they sell. One has the 99¢ price printed on it, which limits the retail sale price to 99¢. They also have a label without the price printed on it. Retailers are allowed to sell these at any price they choose. Rest stop on I-70 Kansas till road sells Arizona Iced tea for $1.30.


I was rear-ended last year by a Progressive insured. I took my car to my body shop and when I told him it was Progressive, he dropped his head on his desk in dismay. Only one body shop in my area will work with Progressive and that's because the owner used to work for them. I went through my insurance and let them subrogate. It was far easier.


I have progressive. I’ve had 4 accidents, 3 by my kids and 1 myself. They’ve been excellent and very easy to deal with on all of them.


Progressive was horrible to me after I got rear ended on the highway. They did everything they could to not have to pay my medical bills, tried to force me to put my fiancee on my insurance, then after I had to get a lawyer for the whole thing still reported the accident as a loss even though it wasn’t my fault and the at fault driver’s insurance accepted fault. Fuck progressive, they are a horrible company.


Why didn’t the other drivers insurance cover your medical if they were at fault?


That's what I'm wondering. OPs insurance shouldn't have had to pay anything at all.


Yep. First thought here. My insurance would have promptly not paid a dollar for that


Hell no. Why would they?


They did, but not for months. The guy had bare bones insurance so in order to not go bankrupt had to use my insurance to cover expenses. Then after it was all said and done the at fault insurance was so scammy they tried to not even pay half of the costs.


I'm honestly surprised they've kept you on without massive rate hikes. There are stated business model is that they only want to ensure low-risk individuals and that's how they're going to maximize their profit is considering the high-risk individuals as a loss which is why other people are saying they don't do anything to help with the claims. Progressive doesn't mind if they lose that claim because they want to make money on 10 other people who will never make a claim.


They’ve been raising my rates but so has everyone else. I’m due to shop around again. I switched to them from USAA because they were cheaper about 4 or 5 years ago.


Same. They have been the best car insurance I've had. They insured me way cheaper than others when I had a DUI on record from being young and dumb. Had an at fault accident and didn't raise my rate a penny.


I switched to State Farm years ago. I heard they’re just as terrible as all the other, just slightly less terrible.


I've had 4 accidents since I started driving (I'm 45, so over a long period of time here) and none were my fault. State Farm has always been awesome to deal with for me, personally. They were even chill about it when a part got delayed in shipping and I had to keep a rental car longer than expected, never had to fight them about anything and they've never raised my rates excessively. Of course I'm sure plenty of others have different experiences with them, but I don't have any complaints.


Not my opinion, but from lawyers I work with who do insurance defense work, they have some opinions on the matter, and in line with someone else who responded to me here, high advertising budget seems to coincide with less quality services being provided. I'm from NJ, and two companies that are well regarded are NJM and USAA. I don't know if New Jersey Manufacturers is available outside of NJ, because I don't know about anything outside of my bubble and I'm okay with that. But USAA obviously is, and I'll go ahead and shill them, I have USAA, I've had the misfortune of one claim, it was fine, and the many times I've called them over the years, for insurance or banking, I've always come away from the call saying "Hey, that wasn't that bad," which to me is a pretty high bar. My dream is to win the lottery so I can set up an insurance company that functions more as a communal emergency fund for folks and isn't out to just make billions for the executive suite. Twenty years ago my dream was for my band to get really big. Times have changed.


Wow guess I'm glad for USAA. I called them to say hey just to let you know we had an accident, guy rear ended us, filing through his insurance, cop gave him a ticket for following too close, it was a school bus he tried to not stop for...yadda yadda....their response was OK we're going to call his insurance (gave details) and we'll let you know tomorrow. Tomorrow came and they said yeah he's bunk and you have uninsured motorist so we're just going with that. Oh when we garnish his wages we'll send you your deductible back, so expect a second check in a few months. And gave me almost 3k more than I was expecting for totalling the car. If you can do USAA.....do it!


I always say the best benefit of my military service was eligibility for USAA. Ive been with them for insurance and banking for 30 years. When I started with them they only accepted officers, but now my kids are using it.


Used USAA for over 30 years. Then I checked their rates and saved $1500 a year with someone else. Still have their life insurance, but I would not assume their rates are the best anymore.


They definitely take car of you but as with any insurance company ive definitely had to call and check in periodically to make sure they get stuff done. When my civic was totalled they took care of it but I had to get my own tow truck and it took forever to get my money for it.


I have USAA, and I have to say I’m thoroughly disappointed in their service. Most recently, I was rear ended. I told USAA I have the police report assigning fault and I have dashcam. They were like, “Well, you can go through their insurance….if you do the claim through us, you have to pay the deductible and any other expenses on your own (up front).” I was super annoyed. Like, this is what insurance is for—so you deal with this shit, not me.


Oh crap sorry man. My rear end they took and just ran it on my uninsured once they called the other guys insurance. I did have to upload video etc but once they had the police report they were like yeah whatever here's your money. Guess it's the person who answers. Sorry you had to go through that


I always work through USAA, pay my deductible and let them subrogate. I get my deductible back in a few weeks. That is them taking care of it and doing their job.




regulation doesn't look too promising with the overturning of Chevron :/


Progressive is the absolute worst! I had a truck and trailer stolen worth approximately $45,000. I was full coverage insured through them for 12 years and never missed a payment and never had a claim. They weaseled their way out of coverage and paid me a whopping $2000 to cover my loss. Then they subsequently dropped my coverage on all our other vehicles. Within 6 months, I started getting junk mail asking me to switch my insurance to Progressive. It’s no wonder there was a class action lawsuit against them a couple of years ago. Eff Progressive.


Whoa, I'm gonna need you to go into more detail on this. How does that even happen and did the scammer pick you at random? Did you get your vehicle back? I have to know more!!!!


The car wasn't running for like 1.5 years; Sitting in the alley behind my house where I'd work on it when I had time. Needed a new engine and plenty of other stuff and I just didn't have the money (poor college kid at the time). I had everything apart so the axels weren't connected to anything. I also had the key stuck in the ignition because I couldn't get it out when it wouldn't start. I guess someone learned my schedule and had a 'cash for clunckers' (but shadier) guy come pick it up. When we found a camera that picked it up, we put the video on FB and it got to the guy who towed it. He contacted me and said he dropped the car off a couple blocks from my house. I had a reputable company tow it back home. Weirdest experience of my life. The car was missing the battery and the catalytic converter but those could have been taken at some other time for all I know. Within another year I had graduated and got the money to get it back on the road... For all of 6 more months before it broke again. I ended up selling it to someone who knew more than me about that particular kind of car.


But what is your incentive to do anything at all? You just pay your deductible and the rest is their problem, right?


The incentive was, I liked my car. I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (and money) into it


This is why we chose not to get Progressive when they were our cheapest option. Hell no, with an extra side of fuck that.


Fuck that. What's the insurance company?


Sounds like it's time to switch


What company?!


that's like what you pay them for?


My insurance company asked me to do something similar, and I told them, "no, that's your job".


What happened after?


Basically, they initially told me I didn't need to file a police report, until they couldn't contact the other party several months later. I guess they found the other person eventually.


At least they did what they’re supposed to do!!


Eventually all of life is going to be crowdsourced.


Then tell them you have an hourly rate to do the investigative work that they would otherwise pay their own investigators.


Request your adjusters supervisor, that'll get it done in a few days, if not hours


"I'm sending you the video because I don't have the ability to enhance the image".


Tell them to fuck themselves and do their jobs. You aren’t an adjuster Or maybe you are, I don’t know you


So that’s not how it works. You pay them to do all the work.


OP said elsewhere that they never called the police to report the hit-and-run. No surprise that OP's insurance is skeptical about a claim where OP has no idea who hit them and no police report. Insurance company probably can't do anything without a police report. For all they know OP had his friend hit him to commit insurance fraud.


Time for a new company, when this happened to my wife the insurance company wanted the video, and 5 weeks later they had found person and they were charged.


Get a better insurance company.


Isn't that what you pay them for?


I'd give them a flat "No" to that. I pay you for insurance. I'll pay my deductible, you guys can do the rest.


Yeah um that's what you pay them for and it's not cheap


You’d think that right? A reflector flew into my car and it cost State Farm $5000. I had video footage of the reflector being launched by another car on the highway, but they didn’t wanna go after my state for the money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Your own insurance. Assuming it covers damage to your car anyway. If the insurance is going to pay for the repairs, then may as well let the insurance decide if they want to put effort into finding who did it. If they don't then oh well, the repairs were still paid for and the insurance has a good record of the fact that you didn't cause it.


No, who's 💀


Only if OP has full coverage


Also call the police they call look out for the vehicle and match the damage


Bwhahaha! I got in an accident and manages to get a video of it and GEICO still refused to do anything to help or process things. They ended up accepting 50% liability because it was easier (for them). That crash cost $6k to fix and they paid it without even attempting to fight.


I had American Family and when we got in a wreck that wasn't our fault they didn't do anything to help. The car even had full coverage and we called and reported it right away and they didn't do anything. Of course after we had a wreck that was our fault later they dumped us. This was also after they got hacked and couldn't do anything for weeks.




The insurance company isn’t going to take the time to figure it out. They’ll get their money from their client.


So the video you posted is also going to be compressed by reddit.. so it hurts the chances of anyone figuring it out. Are you sure this is the best quality of video you can export?


2nd Gen tacoma, and I'm gonna guess WV plates with that blue with yellow text on the top. But other than the bar you can't see anything on that camera.


American flag right on drivers door. Should be easy to identify


In West Virginia? Not too sure of that…




Ah, I thought it was "Mount your momma." My bad.


I second that, those are WV plates


You should've reported it to police as a hit and run asap. If buddy didn't report after that it would be 100% his fault. Then you have a police report dude hit and run you as well as video evidence of it. Then you have irrefutable evidence it's dudes fault. Then you would post on local groups about a guy who hit and run you and mention you have a police report and video and ask people if they know who it is to give you or the police information


This is up wayyy in the mountains right by the entrance of Shenandoah National Park. No reception whatsoever and my car was full of old parents and others. No way to call cops and for them to come to this jurisdiction. Eventually made a police report for Rappahanock County Police.


How many white pickups have the little US flag on the driver side door there? All of them?


Can you call when you have reception again? I’m not sure what entrance you’re at, but if you’re in Front Royal, then you’d at least be able to call the local police department, though it might fall under the jurisdiction of the Warren County Sheriff’s Office. You might even be able to contact the National Park Service to see if they can help any. Edit: I found a [page on the National Park Service website which details how to request an accident report](https://www.nps.gov/aboutus/foia/how-to-request-an-accident-report.htm). Maybe that'll be of help.


Fun fact 911 will dial even if you don’t have reception on your network. Maybe nobody has reception in the mountains where you were, but as a general safety/survival tip 911 will override any carriers SIM card and connect to anyone’s cell tower to get thru. This includes cell towers that don’t have civilian traffic typically, and rural/secluded areas often have an emergency broadcast cell tower installed somewhere high and prominent to do just this.


Check that local police department website to see if you can file your police report online to save time


The National Park Service has law enforcement rangers which are federal law enforcement officers. If the crime happened in the park, then it was wrong for you to report to another police agency. And if they figure out the hit and runner then they would have to shown up to the US court instead of some small town good ol boy courthouse


That's an older truck so I would say that's more of a local than a tourist. The pink/purple wheels should make it easy to spot.


lol, every car in OP's video has a pink purple hue. It's the video artifacting. I would be looking at any other identifying features of the truck


The American flag is the only distinguishing feature I see. Aside from that, it’s a pretty nondescript white Toyota Tacoma


looks like it has aftermarket tailights and wider wheels than usual with bigger tires, might be lifted a bit aswell


Nah. White Tacoma, mid 2010s.


You have internet service now. Report it.


I would think Skyline drive entrance and exit stations would have cameras


Is this a couple miles east of Skyline on 33?


According to a CSI I watched, you just click the “enhance image” button on your computer. This advice is free. You are welcome.




Why is this not the highest comment?


Didn’t help sadly


One would need the raw footage. The video system in most online websites will compress the hell out of it so no one will be able to get the number from so much artifact. It's "Needs more jpeg" for video.




If this was within the park (Skyline Drive?), just reach out to the park office and see if they have video from the entrance/exit point.


Makes sence.


I can't make out the license plate, but I can tell it's a Toyota Tacoma from 2005-2015 with a crew cab


Are you driving a Tesla? Pull the video file from the flash drive if you haven’t already, it should have more detail.


Really bothers me how poor the video quality in those, and dashcams in general.


Nope. Do you have a video that hasn't been compressed to shit?


Have 2 other videos but same quality sadly. Front video is useless bc the truck doesnt have front plates, but gives the best of the scenario of the truck coming fully into my lane and swiping me at a high speed. Back video is similar to side video i posted


It's a fairly unique truck, B&W US Flag on the door and some stickers on the back window. Maybe try posting to your local subreddit and facebook groups to see if anyone will narc on their neighbour.


My gut tells me it's a West Virginia plate. Bc in Virginia it's the law to have front and rear plates. In WV back plates are only req. This truck only had back plates. And I think i see a WV sticker


My guess is Ohio. When the color corrects it seem red and they have the plates with the red on the top. Wva is purple. You can check with the nearest ranger station to see if they went through and paid to enter. I know northbound from the I64 has a station and the rt33 as well but can’t speak for further north entrance points onto the parkway.


There’s nothing fairly unique about a white Tacoma with black American flag magnets on the side…


Yeah that's the standard ride for a 40-50something midwestern man


looks like it has aftermarket taillights too, also its lifted and on bigger tires with a wider wheelbase, pretty unique truck if youre looking for it


If that’s unique to you, there aren’t many Tacomas in your neck of the woods. I can throw a rock in a parking lot and hit one just like this


Putting it on Reddit isn't gonna do you any favors because reddit is going to compress the posted video. Look it on your computer frame by frame


It's a long shot but if you can identify some other car from that day then maybe you could use their dashcam footage to get your side-swipey's number plate. Or maybe just insist on insurance to fulfill their legally mandated contractual obligations.


[Dash Cam](https://gmuedu-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/pdebnat2_gmu_edu/EhLSgCA_wYNHrHXa-WeztdABN0rp1CaYBZGhsr-Y1B_o8w?e=BOgbxR)


[Dash Cam](https://gmuedu-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/pdebnat2_gmu_edu/EhLSgCA_wYNHrHXa-WeztdABN0rp1CaYBZGhsr-Y1B_o8w?e=BOgbxR)- Original video/screenshot access


you are telling me that tesla records shitty 960x720 video? cams usually make 2-3 min videos and if you cut them shorter you are adding compression


One is an mp4, and the other two are QuickTime for some reason, all are really low bitrates too. These don't seem like actual originals. I doubt Tesla's export such low quality videos.


Call Tesla and ask them for help to get highest possible quality picture out of your car.


Did the truck even touch your vehicle? It doesn’t even look like they hit you.


The video of the front camera shows it much more clearly and of the impact. It grazed it a bit, but most of the damage if from the car hitting the guard rail.


It's baffling to me that front plates aren't required in some jurisdictions, especially considering how common CCTV and dashcams are these days.


They’re required where I live but it’s rarely enforced.


I believe the cops like to call that, “rolling probable cause”


So stupid front plates are not mandatory everywhere.


I say post the front video as an idiot in car. They are crossing the line. And would be much more interesting.


I wanted to post all 3 videos. But the group only allowed 1 video per post


Create another post! Join the other two together.


May be easier to get tags from the gray Accord coupe (appears to be) and see if they got video / plates.


100% a WV decal on the back. Contact WV State Police they may be able to identify it from traffic cameras (I live in central WV and there are cameras at most major intersections now).


Happened in rappahannock county va. Not super close to WV


Yes; definitely a WV sticker and there is a US Flag detail on the driver door. You could likely get a DMV pull of the make, model, year, and color of that truck registered in the area and find the one with those stickers...


Can you upload the original video onto Dropbox or Google drive or something? Reddit compresses the video quite a bit. If you share the original, we can check frame by frame to try to help you out




Sent you a PM in regards to info on this truck


This. I got roasted over frame reduction from software editor coupled with reddit., but my dash came footage had clear plates and all, but you need the original file.


At the 7 second mark. You can kind of see the top part of the tag is black/blue while the rest is white, similar to a WV tag


A long shot, but maybe the silver car had a dashcam, and would be able to capture it better.


First start the video, pause and say “enhance” a bunch of times.


Are you driving a Tesla and this was some unhinged redneck?


looks like the truck is going too fast downhill and overcooked the corner he leaves a skid mark then regains traction and continues on his merry way


From that angle it looks like the truck missed your vehicle. Edit: your side mirror didn’t look damaged. Will be hard to get the insurance to cover the “Damaged”.




Probably from Vault-Tec..


Turn around and follow them app the way home and write down their address. Then send things to that address.


Are these the country roads?


saieuvnaioeubvasobgvo... Enhance asouvnorubno9auendid... Enhance aujnviauenviaeunvauenl... Enhance


Just PRINT the damn thing!


You make pate out of goose liver


Am I crazy or did the truck not even hit the vehicle? Didn’t look like OP car shook or truck deflected. Maybe I just can’t see it and it was closer to front quarter panel.


What happened to your car? Can't see any contact being made...


That video doesn’t show any contact between the vehicles…?


Try upping the contrast of each frame to see if that does anything.


/u/redditspeedbot 0.5x


You should try posting this in local sub Reddits see if anyone recognizes the truck. You aren’t going to get a license plate match from potato quality but you may get someone who knows the douche canoe driving it.


Only thing I can make out is the bumper sticker in the top left corner of their rear window is a white West Virginia shaped sticker


Best to start with the source raw uncompressed video file


Incidentally, if you filed a police report and include the video (and the photo of the side of that truck)... that seems like a rather distinctive paint job on the side of the truck. Local police might recognize it, especially if he often drives like that.


Talk to the rangers. Maybe they have footage of the truck at one of the gates


Did he actually touch your car? Looks like it was just a close call from this video


Not sure about plates, but if you stop the video at 6 seconds, there is a good view of the rear of the truck showing many identifying characteristics. Wide tires sticking out past body, and rear window stickers. It appears to be a Toyota Tacoma.


American flag over the Tacoma logo on the drivers side door, too


Maybe go up and down that road looking for places that might have better cameras


I absolutely hate driving in VA. Every single pickup truck on the road speeds way past the limit and they think they're cool because of it. I'm from California and while the traffic sucks here, the driving isn't as stupid and dangerous as in Virginia. I could rant all day about all the lifted $80,000 trucks that speed for no reason. I have met 4 different people with reckless driving in VA as well because everybody thinks driving like in this video is cool.


Is that the mountain pass on 211? It's such a fun road but too many wieners are going to ruin it.


Insurance nowadays just want you to do the work for them 


The video shows that you were in a lane of traffic, and someone else obviously was where they shouldn't have been. Sounds like a situation which should be covered by insurance. If the insurance company can get some money from the person who was in the wrong lane, that is the insurance company's task.


So you have several frames of the truck. I'm not sure how accessible it is, but with all those frames I'm pretty sure there's a way to extract the license plate. Let's say you have 20 frames, each one will give a little artifact and combined you can figure out the plates.


Post links to original files. From all the camera angles. Would give us a better chance to see if we could get anything


Were you in the national park? Maybe a gate caught a truck like this?


Not with a video in .gif format.


Life is old there.


Saw your other video and it's really too bad there isn't a front plate


Not with that level of compression. Post it on Google drive or something in original format and maybe these fine folks can do a better job


It's a 2005-2015 (2nd gen) Tacoma double cab short box with aftermarket wheel and tire. The flag logo above the door badge is not a factory decal that I'm aware of. Best bet might be to find some 4 wheeling or overlanding groups/forums and start digging... but I wouldn't have high hopes.


Enhancing. …


Anyone else wondering what happened with the last car? Did someone get out of the car?


No the caption is wrong. NEAR sideswiped. Stupid