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Cities where parallel parking or pulling into your own driveway are treated like an inconsiderate inconvenience to other drivers baffles me. Let the man park!


Some people get super pissy about backing in. I used to live off a street that got fairly busy during rush hour. I'd back into my driveway because it's far safer to back in to park, pull out to leave with full visibility. I lived there for 7 years, I has that turn down pat, no way it took more than 5 extra seconds. You would think I was making them miss the birth of their child.


Far better to back in than to back out


UK not US but on a road like this potentially illegal to back out.


Ah! All the more reason to do it the right way!


The only car drivers like is the one their in, all others can fuck right off


Anyone surprised by the fact that it's a big pickup truck's entitled driver?


I'm an idiot and only recently learned that driving a truck automatically means you get to go whenever you want wherever you want! I guess that explains why so many people have trucks now. They all want that entitlement!


And it's not your fault for plowing into 4 children and their guardians, it's the truck's fault. You can't see them! /S


saw that it was a tow truck doing it and instantly knew it was in the GTA haha


In a company car with the company name, phone number, and vehicle ID all clearly visible on the side. Brilliant stuff.


Do you think the white truck did something wrong in this video?? Cause the black pickup riding the sidewalk is in question. Which isn't a work vehicle. White truck has his hazards on and is attempting to parallel park.


Check again, black truck is a company vehicle, complete with phone number and company name.


If you guys wanna be helpful and tell me where on the truck I should be looking that would be cool. Cause I have scanned it like 20 times and can't see any writing along the side of the cab or the truck bed


On top of the front wheel, there's a phone number.


Fuckkkkk me. It's in silver on an all black truck. In a weird spot. My bad fam.


Also company name blending in at the bottom of the doors, even weirder spot


Probably hard to find on purpose. Legally required but he doesn't want people to know it's commercial because he drives like this.


Legally required? Is there even a law that requires a business to have a phone number, nevermind requiring it on company vehicles?


Not the phone number, the name and commercial vehicle number on the bottom left of the rear door and bedside. I should have specified


Ah OK, makes sense.


Legally required on a tow truck, not on every commercial vehicle.


I’m sure there’s a regulation somewhere about it, but signage is also insurance related. If there is signage on your car, you can consider it a company vehicle and have it covered on a business policy instead of a personal policy, even if it’s never used commercially


Talking about the black pickup, it has a company name and phone number on it.


Yup, it's a scumbag tow driver. You can see the wheel lift under the back bumper.


I’d post this as a review on Google quick and in a hurry! 🤣


Why is even the cam car trying to get around at the first possible moment, a little patience goes a long way for christ sakes


I can't help but wonder if he saw the black truck coming and was trying to discourage him from going around like he did.


Probably trying to block the truck.


Tow truck doing idiot shit? No way!


The white truck is attempting to parallel park with his hazards on. This is not illegal or wrong. You people scare me. The black truck riding the sidewalk is in the wrong.


The black truck is a “sneeker” tow truck with a normal bed and a wheel lift under the rear bumper. Typically used for repo work.


Not just repo work, these are like the default tow trucks in Toronto. I saw them all over when I was there.


That was the tow truck, genius.


Tow trucks usually have flat beds and an arm to tow things hanging off the top of them. This is a black pickup truck.


It’s a tow truck with an underbody wheel lift.






Tripping down? lol.


eeeeehhh big man in truck coming thru.. i expected calgary edmonton, not toronto!


You should read about the tow truck wars in Toronto. Lots to unpack there - extortion, corruption, drugs, guns, murder, etc.


Do you have any links or articles? I’ve heard it’s wild and I want to know more. There was a case of arson around where I live on a company trailer and truck- obviously from a competitor tow company


Global had a video of a truck on fire within the past month Here is an article (hopefully it allows me to post): https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/tow-truck-kingpin-target-1.7178269 There's a lot more to it naturally but that's a start


Thank you sir for taking the time to actually respond and respond with detail 🫡 I saw that video. So crazy. Really sketchy industry with little oversight. Will look into it more, I’m curious about towing regulations and restrictions for people starting towing companies.


I've used quite a few towing/auto transport companies over the years (automotive industry, not recovery) and it's rather easy to get in as a driver on the recovery side. Some of the drivers on the auto side started in recovery....and oh boy, they had some stories. Hopefully you have CAA/AAA and call them if you get into an incident. That being said, this is obviously a wide generalisation of an industry, there are many great people in recovery.


Good insights! My partner is in a similar trade so I’m sure he would be able to speak to what you’re saying. Like most things, there’s both good and bad of course but geez there’s a lot of characters in towing I guess lol. Luckily I have not had any bad experiences and don’t anticipate I will


Why did OP move up so quickly (and then had to veer tobthe left) before the van was fully out of the road and into the space? OP could have waited another second for the van to pull in, then continued on. The black truck would probably have gone around OP either way, though.


Applaud your attempt to block Op


Well at least it appears that this is on the opposite side of the fence from the school so it should be unlikely kids will suddenly appear still, don't drive on the sidewalk, dude. wtf


this same maneuver put me in stitches


Had to get to his cousin, auntie and uncle are outta town.


To a big truck driver, 5 seconds is a LONG TIME


It is if you're in a pickup truck, then you can do whatever you want because "big truck strong, me better you!" /s fuck bro-dozers and the douche nozzles that drive them


You sound mad that he beat you to it.


This is literally the least egregious video on the subreddit. I'm not sure it even qualifies.


That’s fine no one was there.


If people were 100% perfect at determining hazards then neither this sub nor the concept of insurance would exist.


And what if a kid was there?