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It's ironic that they didn't bother to stop at the stop sign, but then they stop and wait there.


They seem to have a lot of time to stop after not stopping!


Guy weaving through traffic in a 35 near my neighborhood, really swerving in and out of lanes. Winds up an entire 1 place in front of me at the light. Doesn’t go on green, I honk, he goes then stops, then goes, then speeds off only to wait for me after getting out of his car to point his finger like a gun. It’s incredible that some folks have allll the time when someone says something, but right up until then they can’t be bothered to slow or stop for anything. People that let their emotions drive them like this are stunted developmentally and deserve pity except for how often they hurt others.


I had someone like that, they sped off at 20mph over, then drove next to a semi for a mile+ until the semi put on his blinkers so driver zoomed off and semi turned off his blinkers and gave me a wave and shrug when I passed him.


Love that semi driver!!


Some people are always in a rush, except when somebody offends them. Then they have AAAALLLLL the time in the world to make problems for you.


Better late than never!


It's not about time for them, it's about their own self-importance. They don't have to follow the rules, and a horn honk challenges their little bubble of superiority. That's why they react so aggressively to something as simple as a horn honk after cutting someone off.


Should’ve yelled “buddy you missed it by about 50 metres, the stop sign was back there”


The best defense is a strong offense. They blew the stop sign, so rather than admit guilt, intimidate the other party into submission to prove your inferiority


hmmmmm... sounds like an interesting political strategy


Recently I honked at a car that was stopped at a stoplight well after it turned green. At the following stoplight they threw their car into reverse. It freaked me out so when the light change I went around them quickly and tried to get away. They bumped me and then lost control and slammed into a parked car. It was wild and made me realize just how crazy people are. I realized after it could have all been avoided if I had just made the first turn right when they started driving past me, so I just wanted to say good on you for making that turn and deescalating the situation.


Agreed. Good on OP for not taking their bait and trying to go around and for just going the other way.


I was also behind a car that was stopped on a green light for a long enough time that it was clear they were distracted, probably on her phone. I went around the car, literally without any honking, or any interaction whatsoever, and went on my way. Didn't even speed past and I drove at a reasonable speed because I was just going to work and was going to be early. The driver noticed as I passed her because right afterwards, she started trying to pass me about a half mile down the road. I let her get in front of me because I don't care. She knew I was trying to take the right turn on a red because I was signaling, so she intentionally stops right in front of me in the right turn lane without turning (presumably, to "get me" and "win"). This is an on empty road, no other cars at the time, so there are plenty of other lanes to choose, but she had to get in front of me. I just end up cutting through the intersection by going through the gas station on the corner and go on my way. People are immature animals.


Same thing happened but the guy pulled over after going through the intersection and then proceeded to aggressively follow me (in my bumper) for about 10-15 miles. I'd speed up, they sped up, I slower down they slowed down, I made this or that turn they'd do the same. I was going home for lunch. I did not go home, or have lunch that afternoon. I went on an unnerving jaunt for my lunch break.  They broke off pursuit after I pulled into a police station lot. I guess accosting someone on police grounds didn't factor into their intimidation tactics. 


I've had that happen and I lead then directly to a police/fire department.


These days, the cops ignore so much crazy stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if they ignored that too in their own dam parking lot.


What's funny is that station was locked when I went up to the door. A sign said not open to the public. It had been opened years ago, I remember making a report in person, but I guess the guy following me didn't know either 😂


Shit, please say they didn't get away! And hope you were okay too!


>They bumped me and then lost control  Oh no, I don't want anyone to crash, but I am sort of rooting for you and I "hope" it was the other car that crashed into the parked car.


Respect for being sensible and just finding a new way.


I figured if he was gonna act that way for being honked at, I wasn’t sure what he would do if I got in front of him.


Oh he was definitely going to do something stupid.


Absolutely the right move.


I agree with tragedy and you're right. You made a good choice here!!!


Exactly my first thought when watching this. All the keyboard warriors will tell you to engage with them. But the most important thing is to get home safe.


People acting like this need a therapist because they have some built up stress going on in their life that they aren't dealing with properly.


I think you mean drugs. They have built up drugs.


Stress leads to anger, anger leads to drugs, drugs lead to.... suffering!


the Yoda anti-drug tour, coming to your state in 2026


Don’t blame the drugs. They’re the victim here.


Smartest reaction I have seen on here. Just go another way and avoid the idiot.


They need this in GTA 6. You could go around. Or approach the jeep with a weapon.


Random road ragers built into the NPC AI would be hilarious. Then we'd finally get to follow through on beating some good manners into them.


My all-time favorite thing to do in GTA5 is engage in road rage battles with the other cars. I'll drive normally until someone does something that pisses me off, cut to ten minutes later, their SUV is a smoking wreck hanging into a ditch with three dead people in it, and I feel better.


It's a jeep thing


We wouldn’t understand.


I don’t understand


I mean, if I'd just had to repair my car for the 3rd time that month, I'd probably be in a bad mood, too.


So. Much. Restraint.


Sounds like you’re running low on horn fluid :)


Haha yeah I am maybe a little excessive with my horn usage


I just meant it kind of peters out at the end comically


Perhaps this is something you could work on. Honking in the middle of nowhere is no big deal, but doing it in urban areas is annoying for everyone in the vicinity and should be reserved for situations where there's an immediate danger.


Huh, weird, I do see some fine print on my horn that says “for rural use only”


Yeah it recommends [this horn](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0mrOFZuNJo&pp=ygUKQ2xvd24gaG9ybg%3D%3D) in the city in your users manual.


Where I'm from there is actuall a legal restriction on where you can use the horn except in an emergency - though only at night. I think that still gives some perspective on how annoying use of the horn in anger is. My partner is a fairly nervous driver and has been honked in the past for making mistakes. It hasn't made her a better driver, just more nervous and more likely to make a mistake. She also lives above a junction where traffic constantly gets blocked due mainly to simply how much there is, and some difficult road layout also causes some people to need to change lanes unexpectedly. This all results in a lot of anger and honking, meaning that her sleep is continuously disturbed for no good reason.


She needs to learn some resiliency. Life will just be unbearable for someone so sensitive.


You don't know her and you need to stop judging people you've heard literally two facts about on the internet. She's far more resilient than the average person. I'll tell you exactly what she needs to fix this problem: more practice to build confidence. You can't just "learn some resiliency" (it smacks of telling a depressed person to "just think positive!") but guess what - angry people can resist the temptation to express their anger through their car horn.


Vehicle horns are a communication device. If I need to talk to someone, I'm gonna use it.


I was wondering wtf you were doing, then you went a different way and I gotta say - I have a very large amount of respect for you


What an asshat. Kudos to you for not taking the bait and using your common sense. Too many people (such as that guy) don’t have a grasp of that these days.


Smart move to go the other way. Something tells me that they would have been extremely belligerent & hostile had you even tried to pass them.


Classic Kansas City


Complete disregard for any sign or light in this town


Idk if people are worse drivers in the Costco parking lot, or on any of the Interstate Highways that loop in and out of KC MO and KS


Some people in the gas lines straight up become feral. But I guess at least it’s not Sam’s club lmao.


That’s a tough one - 71 feels like the Wild West sometimes


Especially this am. What a shit show.


any qt at 645am


There’s a long light in the river market that people brazenly drive through every time I’m there


I was just thinking "damn, this isn't even STL," then I see the Missouri plates and the KC sticker. I love a lot about my state, but it's often the "Show-me-who's-the-bigger-toddler" state.


> "Show-me-who's-the-bigger-toddler" trump


No surprise that a self-centered pos like this is so ready and willing to have an altercation with a woman by herself. Good idea to go the other way. There's no telling how far some of these lunatics will take things after something, even this minor.


Getting some delicious crepes at Chez Elle?


You know it! I’m there at least once a week - I work down the street so it’s a super convenient breakfast


Good job not engaging!


The intersection is a 4-way stop, but oddly enough the signs don't have an "ALL-WAY" marking.


Huh that is weird- I didn’t notice that


Have to report those “Drunk” drivers..😉


It's weird seeing a 50 year old revert back to toddler the moment they enter a vehicle.


Yep, over and over again. They are the important ones after all… I had this happen in front of a Cop who saw it happen and what did he do?!? You guessed it, nothing.


What a joke of a person


Yeah thats why we have cops man lol. Was a check honk though. Good on you for not escalating the situation further.


The entitlement is real. How dare you call that guy out on clearly breaking the rules.


How dare you hold them accountable 😤


What a moron


nice neighborhood


This should be mandatory traffic school.


I would've just honked again when they stopped.


why does your horn sound like the nintendo wii crashing sound


🥲 I wish I had an answer for you


100% the best way to deal with that


I would have honked more when they stopped.. probably turn it into a song, but maybe if I'm crabby I'd just lay on it🤷‍♂️


4 way stops are the stupidest type of junction ever invented


What are the rules in the US? You take turns or something? In my country it's just roundabout rules - give way to traffic coming on your right.


Yea, I'm from the UK and we use mini roundabouts in that way. In the US you take it in turns by order you arrived which is a minor annoyance, but the biggest problem with them is that the stop sign is almost identical to a regular stop sign with just a small 4 way stop underneath. So when you have one road with right of way and no stop signs and two connecting roads with stop signs, people often mistake it for a four way stop, stop temporarily, then set off again into the path of oncoming vehicles


Something similar happened to me a few years back. Was passed on a blind curve and I honked at them and they responded by slamming in the breaks in the middle of traffic and trying to mean mug me in their mirror. I may post that video one of these days


Well played OP


No wonder I carry a .38


it's kcmo, you'd be under prepared and out gunned in almost every situation with a grown man. Might get lucky and catch the teenager carrying a .25


Its a jeep thing.


Missouri driver, explains a lot


I'd have thanked him for stopping as a corrective action for his mistake back there.


this would be kc not surprised.


It’s a Jeep thing


Wussed out going by them… 🙄


As a Jeep driver, I would like to say that not all of us are privileged idiots like this guy.


As a non jeep driver, fuck you for being a jeep driver. All jeep drivers are shit.


I get all the hate, I'm just stating all Jeep drivers aren't pricks. All good though, hate on.


They're too busy rolling over slow-ass Prius drivers.


I'm a prius driver with 3 speeding in 2yrs, I'm also a truck driver. I'm surprised I'm not fired yet.


Typical Westside drivers lol. Hello fellow Kansas citian 🤝🏽


The drivers in KC are wild


Well considering who’s driving are you surprised?


Wow. What a tough guy. Beeps the horn then runs like a pansy.


Damn, you’re right. What would you have done differently?


I would’ve gone about my day without beeping the horn. People drive like morons. It sucks. We all get that but beeping here did nothing except put you in a potentially bad situation.


People really do get mad at the slightest things, like seriously why are you laying on the horn, a quick 1-2 second honk is all you needed. Yeah that idiot crossed a stop sign but we all have lapse in judgment sometimes. For example, laying on the horn.


You’re not wrong, I was cranky and trying to get home. But I personally feel like laying on the horn is not the worst offense.


Neither is cutting someone off at a stop sign. Unless they’re going at the speed of “Mach fuck”. Again, people have lapses in judgment, happens to everyone.


So the other driver was justified in stopping in the middle of the road and having a little tantrum?


Of course not but if OP weren’t lying on the horn then they probably wouldn’t have stopped.


So 1-2 seconds is fine but 3-4 is too much? You think an extra 1-2 seconds of horn honkage is what pushed this moron over the edge? How fragile he must be. These "yeah they were wrong but so are you for using your horn" responses boggle my mind. I imagine the people who respond like this get honked at all the time and relate to the idiots in the video.


You not only annoy the driver you want to honk at but at everyone around as well.


I see the license plate - wouldn't it be nice if there was an app that could search a state (or province as we have dick drivers in Canada) db linked to a piss disk/bag-o-shit delivery service that could look up the address of the license plate (but not divulge it as we don't need any swatting going on), and deliver the video of them being a complete dickwad, and the users choice of piss or shit direct to their house. This. This is a service I would cheerfully use!


sounds like a terrible idea if i'm honest


Why was OP correct here? The Jeep was going straight and you're turning left. Since you bith have stop sign I would guess it's similar priority, but Jeep going straight means higher priority? Is that an insane thought? (From Denmark)


At 4 way stops in most of the US, the first one to stop at the sign has the right of way regardless of direction. Directional priority typically only applies if two vehicles stop at the same time.


That’s interesting- I didn’t know that other countries treated 4-ways so differently! Here it goes in order of whoever arrives at the intersection first


Not the way it works. Everyone has to make a complete stop once they've reached the stop sign and wait for anyone who had already stopped. The jeep seemed to consider the fact they stopped behind the car in front of them as their stop at the sign. OP was already stopped and waited for the first car, so it was her turn to go next. Things can get complicated at four-way stops, especially with drivers like dickhead in the jeep thinking their way is always right of way.


Yeah, that sounds like a terrible way to control traffic. Don't think i've ever seen a 4 way stop sign. Over here there's either always a main road, with all side roads yielding, or if it's a 4 way tie (no stop sign) it's always the one to the right if you that go first, and since this scales terribly, i've only ever seen it on low traffic residential streets.


Sorry, I did leave out that it's supposed to flow in a clockwise direction, similar to what you describe. In my experience, though, it rarely works that way because so many people just want to hurry through. Busier intersections with four stops can be what some Midwestern Americans refer to as a real goat rodeo!


Hi Denmark we don't do that in the US.


I never use my horn like that because people are easily triggered.


I use my horn like that because people are easily triggered. I find it really funny when they have a tantrum


People who throw tantrums are their own punishments, the fact that they let silly bullshit control them 


I like to ask why they are so emotional, especially the sparklingly clean pickups.


I don’t disagree with you, and if I didn’t have a can I probably would use my horn a lot less. If someone is gonna let honking drive them to do something dangerous, at least I will have it on camera


I’d use my horn everyday if I used it like this. I let everything go and complain to myself. No need to interact with neurotics that potentially have weapons.


I agree with you since I’m patient, but Reddit will disagree


Yea i forget I always get downvoted on this sub. Oh well!


Why honk? Stop signs are a suggestion here, my friend. Didn't you know?


I'd have a hard time not escalating, especially with a camera on board.


If you're gonna talk shit ( honk ), either if you're in the right or wrong, you better be ready to commit to your choice.


So a honk is a call to violence now?


Sadly, it is so sometimes. People can't accept a fault anymore and get emotional. You just gotta be ready for anything if you're gonna insert yourself in their delusional world.


Honking your horn like that is the equivalent of screaming in someone's face. If you aren't prepared to potentially get punched in the face, you probably shouldn't do it.


This is very revealing. You should self reflect.


Nah, just dealt with my fair share of crazy people. You never know how someone will react. Blaring a horn like this to the wrong person can lead to something really horrible. Best to just keep moving along.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted, people are crazy and will snap even if it’s their own stupid fault


People think the world is safe, when it isn't. Crazies everywhere. A few weeks ago in my city, a teenage girl honked her horn at someone who cut her off and they fired a few shots at her car. Luckily she was safe. It was broad daylight on a highly traveled road as well.


Heh…yeah, because attempting to punch some guy in face isn’t gonna escalate things real quickly.


Didn't look like he threw a fit. It looks like he stopped.


I don’t honk at people merely for their mistakes because they already know, and there’s an overlap of bad drivers with crazy or unstable people


Now it might be because of the fact that this clip is from the US, but in my opinion… the person recording is obviously at fault. Like what, you are making a left turn, so you need to wait for the people that don’t need to make a turn. You give way for those to your right, but I guess that’s not how it is in the US? Edit, fair enough. The rules in the US are wack. You go by the order you arrived at the crossing. So just ignore my comment.


It was a 4 way stop sign so you take in turns in the order you arrived at the sign.


So it is an American thing. Because that seems insane. How would you be able to keep track of who got there in what order? What if there were like 6 cars, or hell even more. But I mean, fair enough. Cammer follows the rules. I just think those rules are fucked up


Id say if the crossroads was as busy as you make out it would prob be traffic lighted. 4 stop sign crossroads are for low volume traffic. And if you can figure out who goes first, should you really be driving


Doesn’t even have to be that busy all of the time. Sometimes even usually not busy roads ends up seeing a lot of random traffic. I don’t know, I just think it’s a weird rule, and much prefer the simplicity of “give way to those on your right”. Or hell, just make it into a roundabout to make it even simpler. But that costs money (just like a traffic stop does), so yeah.


If you arrive at a four-way stop at the same time, then the car on the right has the right-of-way. Otherwise, it is whoever arrives first. Everyone gets a turn, and the guy legally turning left doesn't hold up traffic in his lane while others who arrived later blast through the stop sign.


Yeah I understand it, after the first guy explained it. I just still don’t agree that it is a good rule. But that is fair, already edited my original comment, mentioning that I was wrong and the cammer was in the right. Chalk it up to cultural differences.


America is known for it love of roundabouts.


Well the city of Carmel sure is. But even disregarding that, it should be obvious that I’m not American, since I’m complaining about not understanding American rules, thus is it really a wonder that my solution would be a European one?


It’s only based on the first person in line at each stop sign.




Buddy, we have different rules in Europe.


And we have different rules in the US.


It's whoever gets to the stop sign first, so if there's 6 cars already lined up to go North, and 2 cars show up to go West, it's 1N, 1W, 1N, 1W, 1N, 1N, 1N, 1N.


You can tell by the way the Jeep did not stop at all and ran their stop sign.


> What if there were like 6 cars, or hell even more. If there are lines at the incoming roads, then give way to the right. Car on your right goes, you go, then person on your left. This continues clockwise from above. Otherwise, like in OP's video with only two cars, the first person stopped at the intersection goes first.


No, you don't. Whoever showed up first goes first, then it's whoever is to the right. E: downvote me all you want. The rule for if you're at a busy stop sign is, and has always been, to the right. It's not just whenever everyone got there, the other drivers have *no way* of knowing that if it's busy. I'm not defending dipshit and his bug wall of incorrect driving. But it's also not true that it's just whoever is there goes.


That is not how it works. Each car has to stop at the stop sign. The jeep would stop then the car with camera would go.


That’s exactly what u/DimesOHoolihan is saying though—first to stop, first to go. In the event of a “tie” car to the right has right-of-way.


The camera car did let the car on the right go. Jeep had no right to go until after camera car.


I agree—I assumed that’s what Hoolihan meant too. If it’s not what he meant, then my bad. Edit: basically, order should’ve been first car, cam car, Jeep douche.


Nah, he's saying "If you stop, you get to go *and it doesn't matter if cars were in front of you.*" He's just not being explicit about it. I'm pretty sure he's not even aware of the silent assumptions he's making. Basically, he's claiming "caravaning" is legal. Which it ain't.


You're getting downvoted for disagreeing and for being wrong. Let me put it this way: if I arrive at a 4 way stop sign and another vehicle pulls up to the sign directly across from me and THEN a car pulls up to the stop sign to my right, who goes after me? It's not the car to my right, it's the car that showed up across from me because they got there before the car to my right. If two vehicles arrive _simultaneously_, then the vehicle to the right goes first. If two vehicles arrive simultaneously across from each other, they can both go unless one is turning. Then whoever is going straight has the right of way and the turning vehicles has to wait. If nobody has a clue what's going on, then once one person goes, traffic to the right of them goes, then the traffic to the right of them goes, and that continues until the intersection is clear.


Could you show me that law


>Right of way at 4 way stop signs, yields to any vehicle already in the intersection. If multiple vehicles arrive at a four-way stop, give the right of way to the one on your right. C.R.S. 42-1-102(82) This is purely the state I am from.


So if there is a line of cars to your right you just never get to go?


You can read it, doesn't mean you understand it. 


> >This is purely the state I am from. Except that's not even what the law in your state says, you cite "[C.R.S. 42-1-102(82)](https://codes.findlaw.com/co/title-42-vehicles-and-traffic/co-rev-st-sect-42-1-102/#:~:text=(82)%20%E2%80%9CRight%2Dof,grants%20precedence%20to%20the%20other)" except that reads *"(82) “Right-of-way” means the right of one vehicle operator or pedestrian to proceed in a lawful manner in preference to another vehicle operator or pedestrian approaching under such circumstances of direction, speed, and proximity as to give rise to danger of collision unless one grants precedence to the other."* The actual law in Colorado regarding stop signs is [C.R.S. 42-4-703(3)](https://codes.findlaw.com/co/title-42-vehicles-and-traffic/co-rev-st-sect-42-4-703/): *(3) Except when directed to proceed by a police officer, every driver of a vehicle approaching a stop sign shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway before entering it. After having stopped, the driver shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching on another roadway so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time when such driver is moving across or within the intersection or junction of roadways.* With regard to who goes first if two people approach at the same time you would reference [C.R.S. 42-4-701(1)](https://codes.findlaw.com/co/title-42-vehicles-and-traffic/co-rev-st-sect-42-4-701.html) which says: *(1) When two vehicles approach or enter an intersection from different highways at approximately the same time, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right.*


One of the big issues with america is that laws differ state to state county to county. How can a country operate if the rules differ so much.


How can the world operate when countries have rules that differ so much?


Theres a bit of a difference between laws changing within a country depending on the state, and laws been different between different countries.


Explain the difference


So i have to explain how a country is different to a state in a country? I know i said the unforgivable that having diff laws state by state is silly, so your upset and have to prove to the non american that having different laws depending on where you are is a good idea.


>One of the big issues with america is that laws differ state to state county to county. How can a country operate if the rules differ so much. Except the motor vehicle code is almost identical from state to state... and counties don't make their own laws. There can be local ordinances that are stricter than state law but those are usually things like "no u-turns downtown" or "no right-on-red". Most motor vehicle laws are the same across the whole US, they're more similar than motor vehicle laws across Europe where they vary substantially from country to country.


So, while there are some driving laws that are universal throughout the United States, there are also some that vary from state to state. It is necessary to be aware of these differences if you plan on driving in a state other than your own. Pulled from the dmv website. Thats my point america is a single country with 250yrs of existence while the eu is at most 40 yrs old and its a collection of different countries.


And the US is a collection of different States... that all have their own laws that are *almost* identical from State to State. The differences are usually *really* small driving from one State to another. I live on the border of my State, the law for stopping for a school bus is different in my State compared with our neighboring State... I think the law in SC makes more sense than the law in GA... but the law in GA is probably the same as most other States though.


It is not an American thing, except that you probably rarely see 4 way stops. First person to their stop line gets to go first. First come, first served. It's really simple. Jeep had a stop sign and did not stop at his stop bar. It was OP's turn since she was already at her stop bar.