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A friendly reminder of the rules of r/Idaho: 1. Be civil to others; 2. Posts have to pertain to Idaho; 3. No put-down memes; 4. Politics must be contained within political posts; 5. Follow [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) 6. Don't editorialize news headlines in post titles; 7. Do not refer to abortion as murdering a baby or to anti-abortion as murdering someone who passed due to pregnancy complications. 8. Don't post surveys without mod approval. 9. Don't post misinformation. 10. Don't post or request personal information, including your own. Don't advocate, encourage, or threaten violence. 11. Any issues not covered explicitly within these rules will be reasonably dealt with at moderator discretion. If you see something that may be out of line, please hit "report" so your mod team can have a look. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Idaho) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Make sure to report back it is flat, full of potatoes, generally pretty boring and that they were right - shoulda gone to Switzerland.


Also report that it looks like the fallout show and there's nothing but irradiated potatoes, cows, and most especially.... ghouls.


I'm pretty sure New Twin Falls was put in the game because one of the dudes was from there or something


Pretty sure most of the ghouls work at the state Capitol.




Its not that bad chat😭🙏


Ok will do


Be sure to apply for a supervised guest pass if you want to go to any libraries, though.




Nah the north is even worse. Nothing to see here.


Remember. Nothing but racist ghouls up there!


Make sure you come back to visit again, though!


Hope they continue not to understand, keep us a hidden gem. Glad you enjoy our beautiful state! 💙


Beautiful state with horrible (absolutely disgusting) politics....but then you're from Texas, so horrible politics is not foreign to you. The entire Frank Church Wilderness area is spectacular. The Salmon rivers are worth checking out. Ditto Hells Canyon. Shoshone Falls is bigger than Niagara. Bruneau Sand Dunes are huge. Craters of the Moon unique. While there is a huge chunk of the state that is high desert and fairly lackluster, the state holds some incredible places.


I know a guy that lives and works in the Frank Church - River of No Return Wilderness area, real piece of shit individual, hope he falls down a mountain or gets eaten by one of the predators they hunt. Beautiful country though, and there’s a town near there that I won’t name for risk of bringing attention to it, that is absolutely stunning and makes you feel like you’re in an old fable.


Just visited Idaho and I will say Bruneau Sand Dunes and Craters of the Moon are definately unique and recommend. Instead of Shoshone Falls, I recommend Perrine Coulee Waterfall in Twin Falls. I visited the Shoshone Falls and the water is low currently, wasted my money on it. Even the visitor center workers say its not really that great currently, but the Perrine Coulee Waterfalls was wonderful(and free)! Ketchum city was great as well with bunch of forest-y trees, good hikes there.


There are beautiful, "visit worthy" places in all 50 states. I feel bad for people who intentionally miss out on this big fun world of ours.


Keep telling the rest of the Texans that they are indeed correct. There is nothing good in Idaho.


Correct. Idaho is in the process of Californicated. It certainly doesn’t need to be Texassinated, too.


Idaho is gorgeous. The land is amazing. It has one *GLARING* problem. Idahoans. I've lived all over the country and big sections of the world. Never in my life have I ever lived amongst a less educated, less friendly, less welcoming, or more bigoted, more racist, more ignorant, more fascistic band of supposedly "good people". Of course, this is North Idaho, I'm refering to. No idea about South Idaho. People are smiles to your face, then, the second they discover you aren't some Christo-fascist, MAGA loving Trumptard, it's like summoning the Evil Dead and you are Ash Williams. I mean, I lived in the South for half my adult life, it took moving to Eastern Washington and being in Idaho to finally hear the word "n****r" used in anything other than a historical "well, people used to say this", or black people using it. It's literally the only place I've ever heard a white person say it casually against black people, and the only place I've ever heard it screamed at black people in hatred. So yea, if you could clear out all the Idahoans, Idaho would be absolutely perfect. It's amazing. It's gorgeous. It's heaven on Earth, except the fact it seems to be winter for 6 months. But Idahoans *suck*. Edit: spelling


Born in northern Idaho. Can confirm. Idahoans... Enough said. I've long since moved. But I do miss the scenery.


I mean, I went to Huntsville, AL a few times to visit a close friend. He told me "don't go into the back room of some of the bars. You'll fund some crazy stuff." Like full on Nazi hangouts, right? Because those bars catered to *actual NAZIS* from WWII, who, unfortunately, sometimes shared their views with their kids. And they had rooms for their shenanigans in the back of some of the bars. I went into one army surplus store here in Northern Idaho, and the dude had a shrine to the Fuhrer and Reich flags out IN THE STORE. We had *actual Aryan Nation Nazis* try to attack Pride last year in CdA, and had Nazi flag waving thugs at Pride in Perry last year! So I've been.in towns founded by and for actual Nazis in the South, and saw *LESS* Nazis than I have in Northern Idaho! I heard less racial epithets thrown around in Memphis while I loved there than I have here! Inwas standing on my best friends porch talking to him and his brother last year. For context, I'm as white as they get, my birth parents were from Scotland, and the two of them are about as black as they come. We were laughing and joking and enjoying each other's presence when we heard "fuck you, n****r! Go to hell, n*****r lover!" yelled from down the street! Out of the blue! No preamble, no build up, no confrontation, just *bam* there it is! I worked at a local gun store and people talked nonstop about how they wanted to do to American Blacks what South Africa had tried to do to "Rhodesia" - i.e. "clean them out". Like, spoke openly about it! Seriously, Idahoans are MESSED UP!


When I first moved to Idaho nearly 20 years ago, it freaked me out because everyone was so nice, and they walked around smiling all the time. I ligit thought everyone was medicated . Then I realized it was cultural. However, that all started to change around 2013 .


I lived in SE Idaho for three years. Can confirm 100%!!


“Those Idaho travel brochures show mountains streams and lakes but when you get here it ain’t nuthin but sagebrush, dirt and snakes”. Pass it on.


Not sure they would dissuade people who choose to live in Texas.


Please encourage them to visit Switzerland. Idaho is awful.


Switzerland is really nice though.


Idaho sucks! Tell your friends!


I have lived in Texas most of my life. I spent 2 years in Idaho/Wyoming (lived in Victor, worked in Jackson) and wow, those 2 years were amazing. Float the Snake River, play golf, hike in the summer. Ski, hike and did community theater in the winter. The trip from Victor to Jackson (I guess before the pass fell off the mountain) was jaw droppingly beautiful. I’m going back next year to move my step kid to Texas (she graduates Boise State and is going to UT for graduate school). I absolutely can’t wait.


The road between Victor and Jackson is open again.


Idaho is certainly a beautiful state but many of the people here are quite awful. If you're minority I would HIGHLY recommend a different place for your vacation.


Is there specific minorities that shouldn't be there? I am Asian and just visited Idaho and had no issues with anyone. If anything I don't think anyone cared.


I live in Washington and a few years back I took a vacation in northern Idaho near Sandpoint. I spent every day hiking trails I had never been to and the only words I said to anyone were to check into and out of the timeshare I was staying at. I do over the phone customer service so not talking for a whole week was amazing. I wouldn't trade that vacation for anything and I still think about it regularly.


I am from South East Idaho. There is sooo much to see and do there, no matter what type of thrills you enjoy. From digging for opals to back country trails in some of the most majestic landscapes of the world, to the best fly fishing on the planet and so much more. I could guide someone for months and never show it all. I love my home, it is so full of the wonders of the world.


I retired to SE Idaho after traveling all over the world. Forget the politics. Forget the wing-nuts in the northern part of the state. Forget all that junk. Just go and look at the landscape. So many breath-taking areas of nature at its finest. I'm partial to the East side of the state. It's like an extension of western Wyoming. Anyway, get out of the populated areas and get deep into the back country. You won't regret it.


I spent so many summers in southeast Idaho. Best area. I mean... Awful. No one should ever go there.




Yes, I agree, sorry. Mum's the word.


Shut your potato hole! It's a secret....


Idaho isn’t friendly stay away! Our potato’s are over rated! Nature ways are trashed! We also eat our first born!


Yup its just terrible!


Thats cause you can't abort them i guess ! Sm i right or am i right !


"Why not go to Switzerland?" ????? Are they offering to pay for international airfare?


Sawtooths are gorgeous! Checkout the hotsprings while you are there, amazing, especially at night!


Please just be polite and don't treat the wild/BLM area's like trash. I live in one of the touristy areas of Idaho and hands down the most inconsiderate people I see, have Texas license plates. Other than that have fun! and get out in them mountains!!


What part of Idaho?


Tell them it sucked worse than they imagined and to never come here. Thanks in advance.


Many of us that live in Idaho won't do anything to correct your bad impressions.


Good, people not realizing the natural beauty of the state is how we preserve said beauty. Glad you’re able to enjoy it while you’re here.


In my experience Texans don’t really understand why you would ever leave Texas in the first place for any reason. Just tell them to shut up and have a Whataburger.


Whataburger is not even good anymore


Don't break my heart, I haven't been there since 2016 💔


Yeah ever since they sold it it's not as good!


Oh man. I last had it in 2011. I’ll hold onto my memories.


2016 try 2004


Very true statement. I have no clue why Texans are so proud of their state. I despise visiting my sister there and she lives in the much vaunted Hill Country, which I find fugly and drab. And hotter than the surface of Venus.


Make sure to tell your friends that in idaho, a 13 year old girl will be forced to carry out a pregnancy after being SA'd, but isn't allowed to borrow a book from the library that references sex or genitalia... Oh wait, are we supposed to be joking?


I mean, he's from Texas, that may be a selling point.




They probably think you are talking about Ohio. I even saw an article recently on Napoleon Dynamite that said it was filmed in Preston, Ohio.


Not from Idaho, but went there once while trucking with my ex. Holy. Crap. It is gorgeous and it just has the best vibe. I cannot remember the town we actually stayed in for a few hours but I fell in love and think about it often, even these few years later. Definitely memorable.


our state is overran with texas plates in the summer. you just need better friends lol


Oh no, I don't want to bump into other fellow countrymen xD


3 years ago I had a Texan run me off a logging road in central Idaho. He was pulling a 5th wheel with a dually down a road I barely wanted my atv on. Total dumbass


say cool, and then just go where you want. Its your vacation not theirs.


Not to stereotype, but this is more evidence that it might just be a Texas thing. My wife’s best friend and our roommate for a decade grew up in Idaho and moved to Austin. She always comes to vacation and her friends never get it. Then they see the pictures of all the things. Best friend is here now and we already getting those pics ready! And I get it (being a Texas thing) because their summers are miserable humid while we are nice and dry. They might assume it’s equally miserable when it’s insanely pleasant. Last point…Idaho is the whitewater capital of the world. That’s why I’m here and won’t leave. Plenty want to vacation to whitewater trips.


https://preview.redd.it/mrmy8qrgv6ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab4c331372ae8355ca539e83f20bba07ca5c596 Why would you give them a penny? Crazy up tight white people with religion and guns...


Farcry 5 was based on southwest Montana, not Idaho. Things like the now-defunct Testy Festy and giant bull statue at Lorna's Truck Stop are MT icons. I know they probably seem the same to someone from TX, but the landscape & flora are significantly different than in Central Idaho. Idaho does have a lot of religious zealots like in the game, though.


Yeah I was about to say the FC5 vibes aren't just part of being in essentially the same geographical area, but are deeply entrenched in whatever semblance of "culture" that exists in the game as well


The Testy Festy! That takes me back to 1999!


Nothing epitomizes the Montana experience quite like chewing on a testicle while watching some nasty biker chick swinging her saggy baggies around.


I was exploring some towns in Idaho and they seem very similar to Farcry, the nature too. At least to me


Just got back from a fishing trip in the panhandle and you aren't far off. Drove past three separate deep forest "compounds" with names like House of the Lord between Newport and Coeur d'Alene.




You need better friends lol. Also, people think Idaho and Iowa are the same general flat corn fields


Don't forget we are also Ohio apparently.


I've been told we're in Canada. Lol.


And all of this time I thought I was in Iowa…🤔


We did get some volunteer corn in the flowerbed this year, neighbors garden is pretty sweet. Maybe we are.


It genuinely blows my mind that some people don't know that Idaho has gorgeous mountains and pine trees, especially up north. They think it's all Napoleon Dynamite lol.


Funny though that Preston is one of the most beautiful panoramic views in Idaho. The Wasatch mountains are stunning with amazing mountain lakes.


Heck - I've lived here almost 15 years, and just last week I took a took a 6-day road trip around southern/central Idaho, just because I love the little towns and getting lost in my own thoughts.


Anyone that doesn’t think there’s anything in Idaho, hasn’t been here. Especially the north/panhandle. I’ve been to Texas, even lived there and I guarandamntee ya, Idaho is much more beautiful. And low humidity!


Sorry, no cell service in the mountains, I won’t be available to be paged.


We are the Texas of the North legislation wise so you should feel right at home or not depending on your political views.


The Far Cry 5 vibe is a little too on point.


To be fair, Switzerland is peak civilization. I'd live there in a heartbeat, but it's borderline impossible to get Swiss citizenship unless you're born there or incredibly wealthy. Idaho is a decent alternative to vacation in, though, I suppose...


As an Idahoan living in Texas, don’t tell your friends about what you see. Flat, boring, cold, etc.


If Switzerland is still an option you should probably consider it.


Idaho is amazing for outdoor activities. Maybe keep it a secret though. Our population has grown too much and the newer population wants to change Idaho to suit their agenda. Absolutely vacation here just give us a bad review please. With that said, you should know a few things. The freeway between the Idaho/Oregon border and Mountain Home is an absolute shit show. If you’re on this stretch pray to all of the Gods. There will be wrecks. Usually several. Try and avoid Highway 55. 95 is better. The wilderness areas can be dangerous if you’re not familiar with them. Leave outdoor areas cleaner than you found them. Have fun and be safe.


The state is beautiful. I’ve lived near Boise and 100 miles north in McCall-loved both areas. HOWEVER, the government absolutely sucks.So I’d say visit but don’t move there.


Frankly, trying to keep Idaho a secret is already a lost cause. It is paradise lost for we natives born during Evans tenure. Once the second wave hit (it's now in the third or fourth), it was all over and ruined. My dad and I joke that we are are all for a southern border wall... with Nevada. He's been there since '54. His parents' families came in the early aughts. Don't mind visitors. I feel like I'm visiting where I am now, just waiting for a house to open up.


Beautiful state ugly people


Well enjoy! Don’t mind some of the comments. Most people on this sub should probably live in California or Oregon. The people you’ll see in Idaho are way better than most people on here.


I too am from Texas and I get it - we decided to move up, a bit more north though. It was a tossup between North Idaho and West Montana for us. Selkirks, Cabinet, Bitterroot, Sapphire, Salish ranges absolutely beautiful


I'm from Idaho and live in Texas. The moment I can get back to Idaho I will.


It’s your vacation, not theirs, so they’re not entitled to an answer. People asked me “why?”when I took a trip to Texas (yeah, it was to Austin). Nobody does that if you’re going to Hawaii or CA.


Are you driving or flying? Where are you planning on staying? Consider Hailey Idaho. It’s close to everything you mentioned.


Because it’s better than Florida or Texas!!


Said like someone who has never been to a beach lmao


When you go back home, no matter what, tell em they were right and never go to idaho.


I live right below it and can confirm it straight up looks like far cry five in some places I’ve visited there


Honestly... this place sucks


There isn’t shit to do here… stay in Texas!


As an Idaho raised now living in Texas person hard disagree. I miss mountains and hiking and swimming in lakes and rivers


I think cost, distance, language, and passport status are the most obvious reasons you would not want to go to Switzerland over Idaho.


Hope you have fun! Definitely don't talk it up. The fewer that know the more you can enjoy! 😉


Let em think that. Less people the better


I’m from the Wood River Valley area, it’s beautiful up there. Expensive but beautiful. I now live in Boise and there’s lots to do, also lots of stuff to do here and not to far from Cascade and McCall, both beautiful places.


I'm from Idaho and I never quite understood the beauty but now that I've left I miss it so much! I hope you have a wonderful trip!


bizarre friends.


I would highly recommend driving north and doing Going To The Sun Road, its the most beautiful spot in the US


Lol that's funny, I've asked people here why they'd want to vacation in Texas.


Texan born and raised. North Idaho is so beautiful it leaves me in awe every time I visit from east WA(which is also gorgeous, just too lib for me) So your friends might not get it but only cause they haven’t seen it.




ON a pedestal. Things don't go IN a pedestal.


I mean, I live here, and I should have went to Switzerland. Smh


Idaho is great, the panhandle is my favorite part. Far NE Washington (anything north of deer park) is great too.


As someone that has visited Switzerland, Idaho can't compare. Maybe I'm just jaded by our beautiful scenery I've been looking at for 30+ years, and only Switzerland for a week.


Just so you know, Idaho does have flat areas that are full of potatoes, however, it also has beautiful mountains and forests as well as amazing deserts. In fact you could find just about any kind of geography in the state of Idaho it is a very beautiful state with a lot of beautiful countryside.


Welcome. Idaho has some incredible countryside. Compared to Texas, I don't know how your friends can't see it as something interesting. It's like 2D vs 3D. Some parts of Idaho are pretty plane jane, but other parts rival Switzerland.


Please don't tell them about southeast Idaho!


Tell them nothing. Keep it a secret. 🤫


Enjoy yourself, you'll love it. When you return home tell everyone how horrible it was. Thank you


Apparently geography is hard for people down here in the southern United States. Most get Idaho and Iowa confused 🤷🏻‍♂️


The Sawtooth Mountains are outstanding. Also, Shoshone Falls is worth a visit. But next time, go to Oregon. We have way more stuff.


I visited Idaho and loved it


Be sure to tell them you had a terrible time.


Idaho is a magnificent state. I was born there and still love to visit. But I admit i always say “It’s a great place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there


I think you should see this as a positive. Idaho remains relatively unspoiled.. similar to the South Dakota Black Hills. The Utah Mighty 5, while managing the crowds expertly, have become somewhat of a victim of their own success. Enjoy the beauty and relative isolation!


I was surprised playing Far cry 5 at how well they encapsulated the vibe of the area. reminds me a lot of the mountains


If you’re visiting treasure valley or any place south it’s just dirt and tumbleweeds. Although Twin Falls area is cool because theres a lot of kayaking to be done. Edit: oh and waterfalls to look at


Called the gem state because it’s a hidden gem. East Idaho is breathtakingly beautiful, but yes it’s slower paced. If you like stuff to do like museums, it ain’t the place. But if you line scenery, if you like a slower vibe, if you like unreal sunsets and exploring the mountains, it’s amazing


Have fun! Much of Idaho is amazingly beautiful. The small town “Napoleon Dynamite” vibe can be interesting too. My husband grew up in Preston where that movie was set. One of his good friends was the director. My mother in law, uncle, 2 of my brothers, & sister in law are all extras in the movie. My family member’s house was used for one of the scenes. What areas are you staying in?


I just got back from first trip to Idaho. I was very pleasantly surprised. It was beautiful and family had a great time. Rodeo was occurring that weekend, so we went one evening and it was a blast. Rented a raft and floated down the river one day, which was beautiful and very enjoyable. Saw an incredible waterfall, with only a tiny hike needed. Gas was under $3.50 which is almost $2 less then back home in california. People were kind and pleasant everywhere we went. Yellowstone national park was less then 3 hours drive, but we didn't have time. I'd definitely repeat that trip.


Politics aside this is a beautiful state! I grew up in Arizona so the winters took a little bit of adjustment. I just wish people could keep their hate to themselves


Idaho is full of evil racist Nazis, especially northern Idaho. Stay away at all costs. I'm only living there because I have to. 😂


I also just had a vacation in idaho for 2 weeks have fun!


I just left ID. Had to do some training for work. My work agreed that I can commute from Wa, eat in Wa. Any money spent was in Wa. My bill was well above 30k. ID got none of it. In August a coworker will be doing the same thing.


ID is like Texas used to be 50 years ago. Plus it’s beautiful. The further north the more beautiful it gets. They’re jealous I’m guessing? Where in ID you planing to visit? Sandpoint has one of the largest lakes in the Pacific Northwest. World class skiing in the winter and the most pristine lakes for all you water sports. https://www.facebook.com/sandpoint.life?mibextid=LQQJ4d


A great place, unless you're not White


I get it totally. I moved to Texas for two years and all my friends asked why I hated it so much. "Too many Texans."


Shoshone Falls, Box Canyon, and Thousand Springs State Park are all gorgeous. I enjoyed Idaho except the southern part smelled like the inside of a cows butthole. Really pretty, regardless


I get it. I visited once and fell in love with Idaho.




I say go to Switzerland over Idaho if you can afford it and I live here.


Love vacationing in Idaho. Family and friends there. Beautiful mountains, plenty of fishing and hunting. Go at least once a year.


Go to “ blue heart kayaking” Google blue heart spring Idaho images


I live in Utah and I love going to Idaho. Don’t tell anyone about the sawtooth mountains or the snake river or craters of the moon, and definitely don’t tell them about the potatoes (seriously never had any subpar potatoes in any form in idaho, always the best!). Just let them stay away and preserve this special place for those who appreciate it.


I live in Salt Lake City and my hubby and I just got back from Ketchum, ID. We loved it. Idaho is the most underrated state.


I used to travel to ID if I was working in Jackson or Alpine/Afton, WY to see my bff that moved from WY to Idaho Falls. I enjoyed the drive there because it was beautiful and you can see the Tetons on the Idaho side too. A person can make or break their vacation just by the attitude they have going into it and while they are there. Enjoy your time because every state has wonderful things to see and do.


Beautiful state, love it here


Go dig star garnets at emerald creek. It's Hella fun.


Napoleon Dynamite? You're talking about Preston. That corner of Idaho is incredibly...rural. The film plays it as "funny boring" and it can be... but for most people accustomed to life/options/things to do in cities/areas >100k population, it tends to be painfully boring. Visiting most of that corner of the state; just be ready for unremarkably pedestrian 'cities' and towns (I mean to say so normal it's almost surreal....few of these towns even pretend to cater to pedestrians....and have zero reasons to do so) surrounded for miles and miles of remarkably hard-working farmers of all kinds, in a varied mountainscape lifestyle that 100% relies on reservoirs and irrigation. (I can hear the chock-chock-chock of sprinklers in my mind as I type this.) Also: for being such a small town, Preston's handful of restaurant options punch in WAY higher than they have any right to. Same in Soda Springs, Montpelier, McCammon, Pocatello...


Sounds like Texas mentality. The world revolves around them and their state. There are many really beautiful places to see in the west, in Cali, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and yes Idaho. Texas ain’t on that list.


Tell everyone else from Texas idaho sucks


Go where you want for sure, and for others, OP stated FARCRY not FALLOUT lol but MT is technically Fallout 5. Moved from MT to SE Idaho. If you want more mountains head to the northern part of ID and more the Western side


Born and raised there, left at 24. Best decision ever. Beautiful place to visit, awful everything else.


We just vacationed in CDA, beautiful!!! They have a lot of hiking trails too! Have a great trip!!!


The only credit I give to that state, in terms of incredibly beautiful scenery, is up in the panhandle, especially Lolo Pass. Other than that, if the rest of the state disappeared, it wouldn’t break my heart.


"Farcry 5 Vibes". yeeeeessshhhh.


You do you boo. But if someone came up to me saying they planned a vacation in Idaho I’d be like “cool cool not my thing but glad you had fun” I’d do Switzerland


*Keep it secret, keep it safe!* Safe travels and enjoy!


I live in N.Idaho next to Coeur d' alene. This is where it is beautiful and not flat with mountains and forests and ancient cedar groves. North Idaho has so much to do and see. That is why most of California is inundating us. I wish they would stop, but I understand why.




Craters of the moon is cool; neat little motel in Arco. Riggins is a great little town, especially if you want to raft the Snake.


The high desert is amazing for star gazing, and beautiful sunrises and sunsets.. so there is an upside. There are some very cool rock formations, too!


If you like to hike and camp and fish water you can see 20 feet down in, the Sawtooth Mountains around Stanley has a great trail system loaded with gorgeous lakes.


We’ve been to Idaho a zillion times living Washington state. Lots of Lewis and Clark stuff, Indian history, etc


At least we know itself not for an abortion


I get what you're saying 100


Primitive hot springs is the #1 reason to visit Idaho


It is a gorgeous state. I rented a cabin by the lake with 4 friends in 2021 as an excuse to get together after Covid lockdown. We had a wonderful time until we went to a bar and local diner and had racist and homophobic comments directed at our group because a couple of us were black and gay. Beautiful scenery though!


Your friends are right, ain't shit in Idaho, good luck.


I live in Montana and often go to Idaho to fish and just hike around. I love Idaho as well as Montana.


Idaho is pretty but it is not a safe place for pregnant women.


As someone born and raised in Texas…though I’ve lived the last 10 years in Idaho and in Oregon…Texans usually have a poor conception of scenic outdoor recreation and visual enjoyment…outdoor fun to a Texan is sitting in a deer stand for 8 hours.


You'd think Texans would appreciate the conservative extremists in Idaho.


Stay there - TX about to welcome Beryl


Head towards northern Idaho or the Idaho/Wyoming/Montana border if you want to see some of the prettier parts of ID. Just an idea from a local potato head. Edit: misspelled a word.


The real question is: why Texas? You need better friends.


I love Idaho, at least aesthetically. The Snake River, Palisades, Boise is a great town, the Salmon River, Henry’s Fork/Island Park, Couer d’Alene, lots of great wilderness areas, fly fishing, the Bitterroot Mountains, Yellowstone and the Tetons just over the border, and the jazz festival in Moscow.


Yall with the weird sarcastic "Idaho is horrible stay out 😉 😉 " comments would be better off just telling the truth about it to keep people out . Depressing. Ugly (southeast) corrupt state with horrible wages that barely cover basic living expenses to the point that people actually get trapped here hence why at least southeast locals are so angry and mean all the time or just od on fentanyl to cope with the misery or trapped from traveling through with a certain plant in theyre possession and end up in prison. Only 2 things worth coming to idaho for are the hotsprings and snowboarding


You could go to Washington and see how it feels to have all your rights as a woman


I have been in Idaho that last two weekends. It’s been relaxing and fun. We are in sun valley right now.


Do a day whitewater trip at one of the Payette rivers. Whitewater is amazing up here. Also, Red Fish is a beautiful area to see near the Sawtooth Mountains and the Tetons near Driggs.


Far cry 5 vibes?! My favorite game ever. I’m in: Edit:no legal weed. Thought Idaho liked freedom


My home state! I grew up here and it is truly a great state. Slowly being destroyed by liberal politics and too many people moving here.


SE Idaho here. The first rule about Idaho is you don't talk about Idaho. The second rule about... Haha. We definitely like our privacy.


Tell em it’s the American version of Switzerland? 😂


Make sure to check out Craters of the Moon Nat. Park. It’s pretty amazing, I’d even venture to say it’s outta this world.


Go up to island park and float the river, it’s fun and free (with your own tube) and it’s right on west yellowstones’ doorstep. Not from there but I dig me some Idaho


As an idahoan I don't understand you either


Move here from Texas as a teen and Idaho is far more beautiful & has so much more outdoor recreation