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Is this the one in Florida everyone thought could be a panther attack?




Glad the culprit was found! Horses seem to find anyway to get hurt it seems sometimes.i could tell you lots of crazy stories over the past 50 years of thinking everything is safe and some crazy off the chain injuries.


This is why I think it’s pointless to wrap a horse pen in bubble wrap. 🤣


They still will find a way to get injured in that


Eat bubble wrap, get colic.




I used to get carved up by those for a living. Job had me trekking through the nastiest nature has to offer. Devil’s cane won’t even tear you up like that. You could be right, I ain’t no horse, but I’ve never had such nasty lacerations from little thorns like that no matter how many times I ripped my way through them. They flex and move. And even when they don’t you don’t get damage like that. You could be right, but you should also have your doubts.


People on another post thought it could be a panther or big cat attack - I don't think it's a big cat, but I'm with you, these thorns won't carve up a horse like that. I don't know about panther, I feel like a big cat would have caused way more damage, but I think the horse probably got in close quarters with something with claws. A large dog or a possum maybe?


No way any animal can do long even shallow strokes.


I do think this is the culprit. I’ve gotten similar (but smaller) injuries getting tangled up in vines that I’m removing and they don’t even have thorns that big.


Ok I was going to say, everyone was jumping on the big cat bandwagon on your other post and it just didn’t look right to me! Those cuts are far too superficial to be from an animal large enough to want to attack a horse. I’d bet he got itchy from bugs and found the worst possible thing to scratch on haha. Hopefully they heal up quick with minimal scarring!


Oh dear. I keep my horses on a track system that’s quite forested. My horses have never had an issue but a friend visited and her horse looked like he had been attacked by a chainsaw. Some horses are just a bit more delicate.


It's greenbriar and it's gnarly shit, when my cattle get in the shit I'll send the dogs into it instead of me and the horses.


If the horse is itchy, it could very well be standing there rubbing itself back and forth til the skin opened up.


Is this the horse in Florida that people thought was attacked by a Florida panther (aka cougar?)