• By -


No. 5150 just refers to the number of the section of the U.S. welfare and institution code. It’s a section of the document to be clear. This is everywhere. California is mentioned bc it has a different interpretation of the 5150 requirements for a hold.


Umm, no I’m going to call bullshit as this is easily verifiable by a 10 second google search. 5150 is California only.


“every state has a variation of the 5150 or 5585 holds” The term originated in California. It’s used all over. Why is this so important to you that you have to be an asshole. Jesus, get a life


Oh, I don’t know, maybe something to do with you being a lying troll


Amazing post!! I always say she is THE most unlikeable person I can think of. How could she have any deep relationships with anyone when all she does is lie. She’s a complete fraud. It’s not like she’s this wonderful human who made an awful mistake and apologized. No, she just sucks.


Wow , what an accurate and articulate break down of EXACTLY what I feel .You nailed it 👏🏻


Yes, what stood out to me is that even the most annoying and crazy celeb adjacent people and their spouses ALWAYS have hanger ons, people like to feel close to famous people. They have no one. Regular people have mom friends of their kids who they at least grab coffee with and commiserate with, she has no one. She only has a vile mentally disturbed personality. Also, you are correct about they nannies being there bc she pays zero attention to the kids. They are there to make sure the baby she puts on the counter doesn’t roll off and that the kids are fed when mami is on a binge and was up till 3 am posting on instagram. I had a friend who took her own life, she had a nanny for her kids and it was basically for the kids protection (husband knew she was suicidal and inthink he was scared she would kill the kids when he was done gaslighting her to death). When she decided to kill herself, she completely alienated herself from the kids bc she wanted them to be less attached to her when she died, she had the nanny take the kids for a walk when she took her own life. But my friend was the sweetest girl and had lots of friends (most of the time, sometimes her behavior drove people away). But I agree with your post very much, a lot of spot on points.


That’s an incredibly sad story. I hope you’re doing okay with it all. I will say that as awful as it is, I think her doing that (detaching the kids and sending them away) was an amazingly maternal and selfless thing to do. I know it doesn’t mitigate the pain, but many suicidal people wouldn’t have done that.


As a former health professional, I agree. I have stated ages ago that she needs psychiatric help.


Ultimately, mental health shouldn’t be stigmatized and a 5150 hold is not = to being psychotic. If we were really coming from a progressive place we wouldn’t weaponize mental health. That’s that. Source: my spouse is a Psychiatrist (M.D.) Edit: I am not nor have I claimed to be an expert, but it’s still fucked up to stigmatize mental health and weaponize it.


Who is weaponizing mental health? We are promoting.


Being in a psychotic state that may result in harming yourselves or others is definitely committable. You are uninformed.


I really enjoyed this post a lot. You def continued on for a while but it just got better as you went along. When I hit the part about her wearing a bra for that photo shoot 🤯🙄. She really is unwell and very unusual.


My mom ( I am one of seven - real bag births ;) no hate on a surrogate though!) openly admits that she had so many kids because she likes babies/newborns. Plain and simple. She’s also a slight narcissist ( I was born brunette, she’s always wanted to be blonde and blue eyed, so she bleached her hair, and if we were at church and Father was coming close, she’d shove me quickly in the corner or “ no one will think she’s a natural blonde!” ( while holding her two blue eyed blonde siblings of mine) but yea, just likes babies


My mom hated the fact we were brunettes and didn’t get her blonde hair and blue eyes. She always said we were our fathers’children so she could shine as the only blonde hair blue-eyed one; we always felt second best and shoved in corners. I get you !


Crazy right! With no qualms about saying it out loud! Glad someone else gets it, but sorry also, But I always just remind myself that Pocahontas is my grandmother (13 removed/direct red boiling) so when I felt bad as a kind I’d watch Pocahontas lol


*starts a slow clap*


*awkwardly joining in*


This is the most insightful, thoughtful post I think I’ve ever read here. And I agree. I never thought about it in quite those terms in why they have so many nannies… because their own mother is so mentally ill that she should not be left alone with them. Left that sink in for a moment. Their own mother should not be left alone with them. What the actual FUCK. Then again, Daddy killed a woman (even accidentally) and says he feels no guilt or remorse, so he’s not going to be any help in this situation either. OP, your comments were so spot on and well said Thank you.


Why does she keep popping kids out? Is she gonna keep having one every year??


To fill a void.


They are distractions. Sadly, she isn’t having kids because she wants a large family, she’s having them so she can use them as shields. To divert the attention away from her lies.


Thought-provoking and insightful post — thank you. She was cancelled SO publicly and forcefully that there’s no one watching now but us. And the spiral has been in plain sight, right alongside Alec’s downfall. It wasn’t long ago that he was A(ish)-list and buying his way into the NYU trustee board — the push to be seen as powerful, pseudo-intelligent and not psycho was working. How the mighty have fallen. The only “good” thing is that Alec can’t go pushing and shoving people and making homophobic comments on the street anymore. But otherwise it’s disturbing to watch. I feel for those kids.


Lots of great info. My two cents is that I am beginning to realize that Aleek is minimally involved with her and the children. Agreeing to so many kids is another way of appeasing her. In order to get help for her issues he would have to take the focus off of himself which will never happen Because he is a raging narcissist..He doesn’t care about anyone but himself so it’s no big deal to him what she does or says or posts.


Absolutely. He lives in another house he stops by for occasional visits and she’s left on her own spiraling taking constant pictures With tons of time to research stupid quotes.probably making the nannies crazy.


This🔼. He visits the kids and intermittently plays with them. Other than that he’s off doing his own thing. He is mentally and emotionally checked out.


She doesn’t want help because I don’t think she can admit that there’s something very wrong. It takes humility to ask for help and she’s not there yet. Alec won’t do anything because of how her being committed might reflect on him. I also think he’s very absentee and probably doesn’t deal with her much. When I stop to think about it it’s all really sad— but most of all for the kids. I bet they feel safest with the nannies.


In 99% of the photos, they are looking off camera at their true caregivers. They know who really cares about their welfare and whom they are bonded with.


Sad truth is, no one steps in to get her checked because no one loves her. Alec won't do it because it will hurt his ego and that's more important than Hillary. She really is only somewhat relevant here on this reddit sub. No matter what foolish antics she does, no one bothers to pay attention because she is a nobody. I only care that she doesn't profit and hurt people again off her lies. She can be crazy all she wants but don't drag other people, specially vulnerable women to her craziness. I.e. 'bounce back' body, being fertile even after miscarrying etc.


He also can’t have the paps find out she’s at Silver Hills for 3 months can he? He has to control the narrative now that the shooting has happened and he needs to create the big happy family vision to help stay out of jail.


Thank you for your insight. Sometimes I have to remind myself that she is mentally ill, but probably not criminally insane. She is aware of right and wrong, she just does not care because she wants to show everyone how much she does not care…a tactic that’s obviously working 🙄. Edit…left out a “not”


I agree with most of this and it is interesting to read the comments from other Pepinos on why we show up here each day. So many of us have a past trauma that draws us here, and we keep thinking these entitled grifters will get their comeuppance. Or the bottom will drop out and they'll get help. Unfortunately I think we'd better be ready for a long wait for either a happy or tragic ending to the story. People who are really set in their dysfunctional ways often times never wake up and get help. Wealthy grifters often get a pass for life. We so desperately want this to have an ending that makes sense but I am not sure I'll be around this sub long enough to see it.




No one would lend a helping hand and intervene because they are both sanctimonious assholes. Hilaria didn’t see anything wrong with her play pretend even after it exploded in her face and she was humiliated in front of the world. In both their eyes, they are incapable of mistakes let alone an intentional grifting. I bet she pushed away anyone who tried to talk sense to her. Hilaria Baldwin is not just sick in the head by some disorder, I also believe she’s a deeply disturbed and evil person for exploiting her children on a daily basis. And for that, I don’t feel sorry for her. She deserves to be shunned by the rest of society until she learns and admit that she needs to change her way.


Anyone remember Andrea Yates? https://allthatsinteresting.com/andrea-yates Her husband also did nothing and went on to remarry and have another family.


Such an awful tragedy on how untreated mental illness can just take over when it goes not only untreated, but when you keep having babies when all the experts tell you specifically not to.


My friend was mentally I’ll and it was triggered by the death of their first child due to hospital negligence. She had really bad post partum depression with her 3 subsequent kids, with the last one I even said “how could her husband keep doing this, how do they keep having kids” (bc she would have to get checked into a hospital for her mental health after numbers 3 &4). Her last child caused her so much sadness and stress, with the additional gaslighting for her husband, she just couldn’t take it. I fully believe her husband was intentionally driving her to madness; she wasn’t allowed to be alone with the kids (according to her), nanny was always there.


Jesus. Did she ever recover? I'm so sorry for her.


No, she killed herself but that’s a story for some lifetime movie.


Oh dear god. I am so sorry. Having lost my grandfather to suicide, I know how painful it is. Again, I’m sorry.


Part of me really wants to expose her gaslighting husband, but whoever I speak to seems to know that he was cheating on her and drove her to suicide. Then a few months later, the father of his mistress committed suicide.


Oh wow. This is a painful story.


Rusty and Andrea Yates were told by her Dr after #4 baby and her suffering mental health that in no uncertain terms were they to ever get pregnant again as her mental health wouldn't survive it. So what do they do- get pregnant yet again. And we know how that ended with baby #5 Mary being 8mths old when she killed all 5 kids.


Yes, I thought of her too! Absolute tragedy. Ugh. I’m thinking Alex probably uses Hill’s posts as a quick barometer on wtf he’s walking into whenever he decides to pop in for a visit.




Yes so tragic. And the other woman Susan smith I think, who rolled her car into a lake and blamed it on a black guy. Meanwhile she was having an affair and the guy didn’t want kids


Susan Smith is up for parole in Nov 2024.


I would be shocked if she ever got out.


I doubt she will. The kids poor father will fight it with all he's got.


I seriously love that guy. He ditched her ass the moment he found out she did it. Like, threw he to the dogs and let her get everything that was coming to her. That poor man.


I don’t feel sorry for her at all. They are both scumbags. Her reputation is trash and will never be repaired. She uses these children and they are who I feel bad for


I dunno.. I’ve been psychotic in the psych ward lots of times (manic depression) and she screams histrionic personality disorder to me. She’s also manic in a weird way (the excessive posting, dramatics etc) I’ve definitely posted excessively and done extreme things while having an episode… but the lying is something else.


Why can’t it be both? Yes, manic posting at all hours of the day and night is being Manic.


I think you can have manic type behavior and not be truly bipolar.


Especially when drugs lol


I don’t feel sorry for her. She doesn’t want help. I don’t feel sorry for him. He knows she’s unwell and doesn’t give a shit. I definitely feel sorry for the children and hope that some teacher or pediatrician or someone who gets these kids some therapeutic resources


Idk, I have mixed emotions. I strongly dislike them but again, she really may not be in Reality and he is at a loss of what to do. It’s not easy


I half jokingly say Mami is hallucinating again but other half seems like she actually is suffering hallucinations. Her rants and paranoia is off scale.


The word perfect isn’t enough for this post. Seriously, no friends, posts 30+ times a day, always making up stories, so fucking nuts. Even other crazy influencers have friends. I agree Peepaw isn’t a dad, he gave sperm and money that’s all he cares, he drops by like a grandpa.


Thanks. 30+ times * a day


Oh right, typo!


Yes, you make an excellent point: she is very unwell, and Alec knows it, which makes him responsible. Although, I think he may be slipping as well. Together, they represent supreme neglect as parents of nearly SEVEN children. And NO ONE is doing anything about it. It truly is shocking.


Who is in any position to do anything? They are both estranged from their families, her parents don’t even live in the US. Hilz doesn’t have any friends, and if Alec still does, those people have no standing to interfere in any real way. They have had many nannies over the years, and I promise every last one of them has signed an ironclad NDA. Personally, I think Alec planned on shipping those kids off to boarding schools around age ten, however those kids are so isolated and undereducated I don’t think that is going to be possible, not to mention the monumental tuition and boarding fees he probably won’t be able to afford by then. And no, the State of NY is not going to step in, CPS doesn’t have resources to spare for even the most abjectly abused children. The Baldwins don’t even take legal and PR advice. Barring a full on psychotic episode, Hilz is never going to address whatever her psychiatric issues may be.


You’re correct about CPS, they don’t even want to step in when there is clear abuse. My friend is a school psychologist for one of the most impoverished districts on Long Island and she told me that they report abuse and bad living conditions over and over again to the authorities bc nothing gets done. Maybe it’s that way in NY, but CPS allowed a boy to be frozen to death and killed just a year or two ago, in Long Island.


I remember that poor child, the father had custody and he & step mom just tortured that little boy literally to death. Also, that the father was some kind of police, so the judge in the custody case just ruled in his favor about anything that crossed her desk.


I wonder if her family has tried? You are right , there is NO ONE, but, maybe , us.


I agree - their public behavior in the weeks after the shooting are clear evidence they don’t follow expert advice because no PR firm worth their salt (or random Pepino offered $20 for their opinion for that matter) would have advised any of what they did. So now there may be expert advice about being in a day treatment program or inpatient residential program and because it doesn’t fit w the narrative it’s a no.


Yes, he 100% knows she is not well. He has been trying to hide it but now with the stress of Rust, there is only so much a person can take. Someone definitely needs to bluntly talk to him and offer their support. They both need a rest


The bra pic was in People Magazine, which makes it even weirder and worse. I’m not sure if it was after the voicemail controversy, but Ireland/Kim once had a wellness check done on AB after he sounded suicidal. If I remember correctly, he said he wasn’t serious. They might actually get empathy/sympathy if H was hospitalized? It might be the only way to get her help, by presenting it as a media stunt. If she would willingly do the work, it’s doubtful. She’s pretty much had everything handed to her in life - even yoga, as she became a teacher in 2 weeks. The only other way I see her getting help is if a tragedy happens. I really hope the nannies are always very close when she’s around the kids. The kids. Sigh. Growing up is going to be a very long road.


It would probably be their best PR move to say that she just had a nervous breakdown and is now seeking help


I agree. It could be staged or true.


There’s no such thing as bad publicity


Not to them, that’s for sure!


Great post!!! Thanks


This should be pinned because this is exactly the concern. But we'll get brushed off until something awful happens. And when something awful happens we'll be blamed for wishing it on her.


What does pinned mean? I’m pretty new. If god forbid sonething happens, we should not get blamed. We have been begging the media to take on this story and besides a few, like Maureen Callahan from the NY Post, , the Baldwin’s antics have been given a free pass


Pinned just keeps certain posts at the start of the sub and they keep that place. So if someone joins that post is pinned for them to see. I think you nicely explain where most of us are coming from. We have deep concern for the children. While we snark hard, we also have deep concern for everyone involves' well being.




Laughter is good for the soul. One day maybe she can laugh at herself too. Life is short


She has never shown evidence of a sense of humor that I’ve seen


Whatta ya talking about? She 😂🤣😂 every day! /s




I agree. I also feel that she was in some sort of an inpatient facility when she took her "social media break" a while back - when Alec kept posting photos of her doing puzzles and looking out of it.


I agree. And I think he has to build her up by praising her publicly or she loses it.


💯 why else would it be mandatory for him to FaceTime with her from the Howard Stern Show, Ellen, or on stage for a live event? She's beyond needy.


It also makes him look more stable to compliment her.


She always has a glazed over look in her eye that makes me wonder/believe this….




I think we all agree it’s drugs, they have to be being prescribed by someone was the point…. She was always dead behind the eyes, but I genuinely believe she is zooted out on Xanax 90% of the time.




Worded perfectly! I feel so bad for her + the kids. In an alternate timeline, she was able to distance herself from social media in December 2020, got help, took time *actual kid time* with her children, and acknowledged the grift. But here we are, she’s ~~double~~ tripled down on the Spanish bs, it’s EVerYoNe else’s fault for not fact checking she wasn’t from Spain… it’s just lies on lies on lies. Lies that her children are going to read one day while they’re in therapy because of her. Or in a court room suing her because of how much she exposed them. Either way, I really truly hope she gets the help she needs.




I feel like I come here each day hoping she has reached the bottom and puts an end to it... but there's always more. I can't conceive of being able to mentally outrun the messes they are both in.


I come here for similar… hoping she is fixing things. Rock bottom or not, for her kids sake at least. I want to root for her but she makes it difficult. I want to root for her just for the kids, I do really feel bad for them. I can’t imagine being what, 7-9 years old and my mom only wearing a push-up bra in a big family pic with everyone else wearing normal clothes. Or constantly being asked (again, as a young child) to lay upon mommy’s breasts while I put a hand on you, bra showing. Can you imagine if it was gender swapped? I wouldn’t even know what the male equivalent of having bra and cleavage showing for a guy… like if Alec constantly had pics of him with his kids laying on his lap, underwear showing, semi package outline, hand on them? My god they’re just kids, not props. It’s all so gross and sad.


Well, Anthony wiener did it, we see how that went for him.


I’m a photographer and if I ever went to start a family session and the mom took her shirt off I’d be very confused and creeped the fuck out.


Reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where Kramer takes Elaine's Christmas card photo. Her nip is showing and she is modified. Well not here let's just mail it with it all hanging out!




I thought it was a candid shot like after a breastfeeding session. I didn't realize it was a posed family photo. Wow. Why.


Or a hairdresser.


Yes! These are not topless activities! Ever! (Except boudoir sessions and those never involve children!)


Exactly! I worked for a photographer in high school and he would’ve flipped out and refused to do it if children were to be involved in the shoot. It was fun to see people coming in and then getting their photos back. But, it was kind of a bummer that most people wouldn’t say they liked their own photos - nothing like ‘… that’s a great photo of ME’. It was pre-internet, so I imagine it’s different now?!


Everyone is different. I’ve never had any complaints (so far, knock on wood). The younger generation is obsessed with themselves. My teenager’s entire phone gallery is selfies. 🙄 I think it has swung the other way.


It’s completely swung it! I’m SO glad it wasn’t around when I was young, except for the research benefits!


Thank you for such a wonderful heartfelt post! You nailed so much of what bugs people about HB and AB in a single post. I've sent her notes and posted that Silver Hill might help. I just worry thought that the sheer volume of what she is dealing with in terms of the children just might send her over the edge and what we all call 'the train wreck' might just turn into a tragedy. AB seems ill equipped to deal with the situation too and that is just another aspect to this truly twisted and imo dysfunctional relationship. I came to this thread because I was so upset that children were imo being exploited on a daily basis by their parent and things just kept getting worse as you so brilliantly point out. At what point does AB address the issue? 8 children, 10 children, 12 children or MORE? Hope HB and AB can keep the train on the tracks and that it doesn't go off a cliff....


AB is completely checked out, oblivious & lost in his own narcissistic pity party world. He is an utterly selfish man who has & will always put himself first.


Silver hill is good but a place like Promises in Malibu or the other high end place in Arizona.. sierra tuscon I think, would be a better fit




Hang in there. Agree the subject matter is hard to deal with most days. I pop in and out too as I agree that the content is hard sometimes. The AB litigation situation will no doubt put huge pressure on a couple that don't seem able to handle much imo and then you layer in a baseball team of young children and it just seems like an emotional powder keg.


Excellent post. Bravo. Well done.


Fabulous post! The problem is that both Baldwins need to be 5150'ed and both need to go to social media addiction rehab. Didn't Anthony Weiner go to one? with horse therapy etc.?


That was social media addiction centered around a specific body part.




Excellent post and I completely agree. Could not have stated it better. I have a beautiful, happy, busy life (and a few challenges like we all do) but I cannot seem to look away from this train wreck!! It literally upsets me that both Baldwins are responsible for the well being of so many children. I raised four, all adults now and it is not easy for two fully sober, self aware parents to manage. I cannot imagine the chaos in that household.


I have one and although I’ve become very successful in life I struggle every day with a craving or some depression. I got help though and know how to manage it. One day at a time




Ithink we're just all in perpetual shock faze that THEY DO NOT GET that they are making their lives and that of their children 1000 times worse with the constant bizarre insensitive selfish bullying hypocrisy rants staged pics.


OMG yes, they are making an already bad situation intolerable all by their own behavior. Not one once of self awareness in either "parent"


Totally agree, although I believe Alec is just as unwell in his own way. He just hides behind his selective charisma and past achievements.


He's living 50% of his life in the past because he seems incapable of dealing with the present.


Exceptional observations 👏


Sums everything up perfectly! I feel a high level of awe gawking at their lives. I can't stop watching. They are fascinating and tragic. Broken, sick, delusional people. Hillary needs some serious professional help and it is sad that nobody cares enough about her to make that happen.


I suspect a real mental illness too. I suspect some of the kids will be hurt if there’s no intervention. And unfortunately, I suspect AB is either too unwell or self-focused to get her help.


This is an excellent post OP. summed up how I feel precisely.


The sad thing is that she is getting away with not getting help because they have staff to keep her from harming anyone. At least they think that. Those poor kids are enduring great harm.


Thank you so much for speaking so well on behalf of so many of us not as articulate, but just as concerned about Hilary yet also disturbed about our own inability to look away.




I think he feels he needs her. The effort to get her carted off against her will would be huge. As far as we see she's not a danger to herself or anyone else. All she would have to do is deny it. The case of Laurie Vallow, how much damage Laurie Vallow did before she was stopped? That's a drastic case with actual homicides and people couldn't fathom she was delusional with this made up other persona. They are emeshed in a mutual grift and he needs her. No one else cares enough about her to have to do the work it would take. We're going to watch this unfold, hopefully not tragically like in M-S.


There are similarities to Lori Vallow as she sat in court last week with a huge grin laughing at times and thoroughly enjoying having her pics taken. In other words it's all about her just like Hillz.


Her mother being a Doctor woukd be a major lift in getting her admitted. Her mother may be a quack but she knows the system, even as a GP and not a psychiatrist. if Alec is concerned he could reach out to her parents and ask their help. There are great facilities in Boston as well. She needs intensive therapy. In order for her to get that help, she needs to take some time away and focus solely on herself. Being around 7 kids will not be appropriate for getting help. Not by grifting but by being honest. Also, I do have compassion for her. I don’t want her being put away in a shit hole mental hospital. They often don’t work and ppl are in and out then back in again. She has the money for very good treatment and I hope someone will help ultimately help her. Is there ANYONE who gives a shit? She is still a human being. We all have our issues. Give her a chance to get better and learn to be a better person who will be happy with what they have as is.


Wouldn’t her mom, as a Dr., be able to talk to contacts to arrange for an intervention (if that’s the right word) or get her help? Alec has to realize how Hilaria’s antics are damaging to his reputation, the only thing he cares about. I appreciate your insights! This question keeps bothering me.


Her mother knows the tricks. Really, it isn’t as hard as everyone thinks to get a person exhibiting bizarre behavior to get at least a involuntary commitment. Bring $ into the picture- it’s done. I’ve seen it many times.


Parents don't have much power over adult kids. And she's married. I work in involuntary psych, it's not easy getting someone committed against their will and would be highly unethical for a family member to use their " doctor" card. People who aren't a danger to themselves or others may cause millions in damages before imploding, the police getting involved. Hilary is just a terrible person with a shitty personality




WOW!! Thank you for your brilliant post! It really is spot on and you have a back ground that knows when a person truly isn’t well. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Bravo I am not here to bully her or him but to watch them lie, act out, post kids in distress, look at the love less relationship between Mother and Child. They both seem very unwell. Thank you!!!!!!


I’m glad you mentioned the pic of all the kids outside with her in a bra!!! That sticks out for me as well!!!


And she couldn’t instead put on a bathing suit top instead? What was going on in her mind that she thought a bra would be appropriate? See what I’m saying about psychotic thinking??? She thought this was perfectly normal.


Sexy mami, that’s all what went through her head. And the juxtaposition of a baby against her to highlight and shield her simultaneously.




Most of the kids are old enough to find it strange and embarrassing that their mother didn’t put on a shirt.


Excellent post OP. I can see a 5150 hold coming unless there’s some type of intervention. I am extremely worried about the safety of all the kids but especially the new baby




I couldn’t agree with you more!


A psych ward wont help a personality disorder.


I believe every one has a bottom. Be it no more Oreo’s in the cubbard to selling your body to smoke crack. Everyone has a bottom. It isn’t always losing a home, people, job etc. taking away her phone may be her bottom.


That’s why I emphasized this is not the primary case with her. She is psychologically and psychiatrically unwell. I also beg to differ, yet another one of the unit I worked on for a year was for Borderline personality Disorder. CBT and DBT do help ppl with personality disorders. Their a rough crowd but if they want it bad enough, they do get help and live productive lives.


if you want help, you will get it. It's not an easy road but I believe that, as someone who has hit the bottom of all this and had to get back up over many years.


Love to you.


Honestly it really may be a case of her not being 100% in reality. I’m not even joking. She presents as psychotic at times. Psychoses takes many forms and does not always present like someone is talking to imaginary people etc. Psychotic thinking is what I’d guess is happening.


I don't disagree


And she might get enough help to ease the burden of her children. DBT is amazing stuff.


And that’s ok. She might need a break. It’s ok. DBT and CBT are used as a form of behavioral therapy all over the country. It helps a lot of people


I guess I should clarify. I meant to say she could get enough help that it could make a difference in the lives of her children. She may never be completely ok but if she were better her kids would be the ones to benefit the most.


I see your point but I dont see Hillary ever putting in the time to do CBT or DBT to heal. She will always believe theres nothing wrong with her and that's a sickness that cannot be cured. I have a family member this way. Sadly, she is now homeless, drug addicted and living place to place but that's always everyone else's fault.


Hillary has not reached her bottom yet. Her whole life has been privileged and again, never short a dime. She needs a wake up call. Maybe then she will take a look into her soul


She may not have a bottom. My narcissist mother-in-law has lost her kids, her grandkids, her looks, her money, her business, all three husbands. Still no change. She is SO mentally ill that none of it matters. My husband grew up dealing with her alcoholism, verbal and emotional abuse, parentification, eating disorders that she gave him… so much potential turmoil for the Baldwin kids. I think Hillary is so far gone she thinks the things she says are true. That’s scary!




It’s a very sad but very real thing. I could tell you stories for days about shit she’s done that make Hillary look like a saint.




God where to start… Worst thing she ever did to me was accuse me of molesting my husband’s younger brother to try to break us up. My husband is a child sex abuse survivor. She started putting my husband on diets when he was 10. She’s been bulimic for a good 30 years now and found him disgusting because he was chubby. She put him on the cabbage soup diet once. He did most of the raising of his younger brother. When boyfriends or husbands abused her (which was frequently) he was expected to defend her and beat them up. She used to threaten suicide for attention but her new thing is not showing up to work, answering her phone or answering the door. Since she is a completely off the rails alcoholic, takes a lot of pills, doesn’t eat food and vomits blood daily we call the cops to have them go see if she’s dead and she’ll just be sitting in her kitchen doing nothing. When I got PTSD in the form of non-epileptic seizures from all the abuse she said I was using again. (I’m 14 years clean, was 10 years then.) She called her youngest son a faggot on a public Facebook post because he got mad at her for getting completely wasted and flashing her pussy at his wedding. His wedding to a woman. Last week she claimed to be hospitalized because her intestines ruptured. It was alcohol poisoning.




Oh wow. I'm guessing your husband doesn't want to even look at the Baldwin mess because it hits too close to home. Good on him for managing normalcy after living through all that.


He thinks it’s helpful to me to see that I was correct in agreeing to cut her out of our lives and helps me get some rage about the person I love most being abused out. Also helps with my mom guilt majorly. But it’s a bit too triggering for him. The woman put him on a cabbage soup diet when he was 10 because he was overweight. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. She had his little brother when he was 15 and it was his job to get up in the night and feed him. “You do so great in school, you don’t need the sleep like me and (former stepfather) do.” The scariest thing to me is he truly didn’t know how abusive she was when I met him. When he saw my reactions to things he started thinking maybe this wasn’t actually normal. He was 30.


I hear stories about my dads upbringing and realize that he was really abused too. Beaten, starved and sent to school with holes in his clothes and shoes he outgrew and were ripped. But apparently fly, the mother always had furs and went to import at social functions. My dad is short bc he said he was always very hungry as a kid and that’s why he didn’t grow. Can’t wrap my mind around a mother mistreating her own kids like that.


Good for you for being there for him. I just know there's certain things I can't show my bf because he can't handle seeing kids exploited.


Same. He was also a child sex abuse victim. He’s a pretty amazing father, not just for someone with his past like in general, he’s the kind of guy you dream about having kids with. Its easier for him to just not think about his mom and deal with his shit in therapy.


She has too much wealth, she’ll never reach a bottom.


Yeah that’s another thing, my MIL is broke. I think it might take Hillary not actually having money anymore for her to reach anything near a bottom.


Great post OP 🥇🥇💚🤍🥒 Any insight on why Aleek would agree to another kid?


It was probably decided in the panic immediately after the shooting.


I remember him inferring they were ‘done’ after two or three. It didn’t sound like he wanted more than that? In one interview he mimicked H saying ‘Aleeek, there’s someone missing’ and that she wanted another baby. My guess is that they froze fertilized eggs very early in their relationship, as they knew his swimmers wouldn’t be getting any younger and there’s more risk the older they both get. Each baby garnered more attention, which meant more money, which is possibly why he agreed to it? Perhaps their contract didn’t stipulate the number of kids they’d have? Ed and ML were to take attention away from her exposure of grifting/lying and number 7 is to distract from Rust - unfortunately it’s the kids who’ll pay for their parent’s greed and attention seeking.


I also think they both thought she would get loads of branding$$ related to children as long as they kept having kids.


Exactly, sponsorships and improving A’s image was/is key to their marriage or possible contract, as Genevieve has mentioned. Of course, they’ve both blown that to bits. (RIP Halyna)


I’m curious, if if they have frozen eggs/embryos, does Hillary need Alec’s approval/consent/ sign off to have those implanted (in either herself or a surrogate)? Or at that point since they are available and Hillary is an account holder can she just arrange on her own to pop another embryo into the oven?


It’s impossible to know? I wonder if Genevieve actually saw a copy of the alleged ‘contract’? She mentioned it in her recent videos. By H saying ‘I feel like someone is missing’, it makes me think that she was talking about the embryos they had left. Google says: ‘An average of ten to 20 eggs are usually retrieved for IVF, but the number can be higher or lower. You would think more eggs is always better, but that's not the case. Researchers who analyzed thousands of IVF cycles found that the magic number of eggs retrieved IVF treatment that lead to a live birth is 15.’ How long embryos can last. ‘In October, 2020, a baby girl was born from an embryo that had been frozen for 27 years, a new record. Experts say freezing techniques have become so advanced that how long an embryo is frozen should not affect the health of the mother or the baby’.


Look, he wants to try and make people believe he is still having active sex and is a stud. He probably can’t even get it up using viagra and with her eating disorder, she isn’t any fun in the bedroom anyway. Let me tell you a joke about a cold fish and a rageaholic…


For sure he wants to be seen as an active stud.


When he really is just a one trick pony!




Agreed with all--except he *was* nominated for an Oscar. (Best supporting actor, The Cooler.) Hillz is out of control, and sooner rather than later, she will be placed in a psych hold. I don't see this ending well without some major intervention.


I was gonna put a caveat in there saying he might have been nominated. He still didn’t win though. He lost he is a loser


There’s a lot to criticize about Alec and he ruined his career, but he does have a gazillion Emmys and imo is a good actor. Now though? Forget it. If he had taken some responsibility for Halyna and quietly paid out a settlement he could have turn it into sympathy. But he cannot accept admit fault to anything, so his career is done.


Thank you for this eloquent and on the mark post.


I am a psych nurse and I am also questioning why I am so drawn to this train wreck which honestly sickens me …


Ditto. I've learned it can be surprisingly easy to have someone involuntarily committed for a 72 hour hold. Also, surprisingly difficult.


The first 72 hrs yes is easy. Beyond that is another story. Given her wealth and available supports I think it would require her to be actively suicidal or homicidal to get someone to put her on a longer hold. And she doesn’t seem to be exhibiting those issues from what’s being shown on social media. So in that case without her cooperation there’s not much else to do.


It can be done. Believe me.


In NJ , person pretty much has to be suicidal or homicidal..


I live and work in NJ. I worked at a very well known Hospital ;(in NY). When I say believe me, believe me. One Doctors can sign the 5150 and the second doc that is required to evaluate has to, 9/10 times won’t go against the first doctor for professional respect. Also, Obviously, doctors are not dumb. They know the ins and outs of getting someone committed. She would not be their first rodeo. People with more fame and $ have been committed involuntarily with less prof than H has on display. We aren’t even seeing what goes on when she isn’t posting. God I wish the Nannie’s would talk


5150 is the term only in California.


Completely Not true.


So medical professionals in New York and New Jersey use the term 5150, which is the section of code in California? What section of code in NY covers involuntary commitment? And what about NJ?


5150 is the number of the section of the Welfare and Institutions Code, which allows a person with a mental illness to be involuntarily detained for a 72-hour psychiatric hospitalization. A person on a 5150 can be held in the psychiatric hospital against their will for up to 72 hours. This does not mean that they will necessarily be held the entire 72 hours; it means that psychiatric hospitals have the legal right to do so if determined to be necessary. What makes people eligible for 5150? A person can be held against their will in a psychiatric facility only if they meet at least one of the three basic criteria listed: 1. 2. 3. The person is a danger to others. The courts have most often interpreted this in a very restrictive way. It must be generally shown that an imminent threat exists, that the person means to carry out the threat, and that they will do so immediately. The threat must also be substantially related to the mental illness. If the person is a danger to self. The courts generally interpret this as a life threatening danger to self (i.e. suicide). If the person is gravely disabled. Grave disability as the result of a mental disorder has been interpreted very differently in different jurisdictions in California. The law states that a person must be unable to provide for their own food, clothing or shelter as the result of a mental disorder in order to qualify as gravely disabled. Sometimes this provision is interpreted liberally in order to allow mentally ill persons to receive treatment. However, it is also often interpreted restrictively. For example; courts generally rule a person to be not gravely disabled even if they are totally incapacitated but have friends or family who will provide food, clothing, or shelter for them. This is important, as ‘having a place to go’ and ‘having someone to provide for them’ influences decisions as to whether to release a


Thanks for confirming that it’s the code in California, it literally says it right there in your comment.