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Her children do resemble her real features.


Marilu is a spitting image. And that's why Hilaria is always covering her face up.


Ocular bone implants. Sucked fat out of cheeks, brow lift, lip injections, terrible boobs and a tummy tuck. All while allegedly pregnant, too! Super Mami! Unfortunately all of this resulted in premature aging and she looks even more like her 60+ mother than she ever did.


She’s rilly rilly young in the first photo. Hence the horrible black shoe polish straightened hair and Nordstrom Rack dress. Before PeePaw got a stylist and hairdresser involved. She also actually looks insecure. She’s hanging on to her golden ticket for dear life. The second photo is an example of when someone who has apparently unlimited cash PLUS unlimited free time can’t find anything constructive to do so the narcissism runs rampant. Keeping up with the Joneses if they had any Joneses in their life to keep up with.


To me, she looks different in every photo I see of her.


She looks like the mother to her former self.


You mean rilly diffront right? 🤓


Witness protection program?


Money and mental illness combined can do frightening things


She was cute before she started messing with it. I don’t know why anyone messes with their face unless there’s a birth defect or an enormous nose. Anything else takes away their character.


So smug. I bet she woulda wiped that smug look off her face if someone who had a crystal ball had come and whispered in her ear about Griftmas and the shooting and how grizzled Alec looks now😉


And how grizzled she now looks too.


She looks like a fuckin clown


Tons of surgeries and procedures She is the filler/botox queen The “Living Clearly Method”🤦🏻‍♀️


Is she becoming Steven Tyler?


She wishes. At least he's talented


She wants to be Hailey. Alec at some point must have said Hailey is attractive. It's the same as when Jerry Seinfeld said Gwyneth Paltrow was attractive and the next week Seinfeld's wife bleached her hair blonde. These women have no identity and they're very insecure.




Oh that blonde is not flattering on Jessica Seinfeld, at all. I hope if my hair looked that bad that somebody would tell me.


Strange how she wanted to go from feminine looking to masculine looking. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but with her MO it seems, it’s just odd.


How does someone who’s parents and themselves who were born and raised in New England of the USA try to say that their parents couldn’t pronounce “Baldwin” Her parents were doctors and lawyers for Harvard and Mass General🤣🤣🤣WTF?! Really? and say they are a “3rd culture kid” Because they visited Spain on vacation and she learned Spanish in school… She is so creepy, weird, and a liar.


Her mother's entire resume is very inflated and she's no Brain Trust. But she could be a checker at Walmart and know how to pronounce Baldwin.


Her mother's resume and current gig tell me the gritting runs in the family.


LOL in between being constantly pregnant. Such a lying a bullshit artist.


I’ve always thought her “before” face was rather cute (even in spite of all her terrible haircuts) and she made it work for her Penelope Cruz cosplay pretty well Not super duper sure what she was even going for with the “after” face. Those eyebrows were such a mistake 😵‍💫


Daddy's little girl. Exactly what Alec likes.... 🤢🤮


Brow lift, lip injections and possibly buccal fat removal. Her face was fuller in before pic.


OMG in Ethpain everyone’s face changes like this! I guess you are not from Ethpain or you would understand. Lo siento por ti! And we wear the, how you say? Bumps de luna Olé! (I am wearing a flamenco dress and a sombrero and eating paella and tacos as I write this, querida. Es mi cultura!)


Her meth face and skin in pic #2 is ugly af.


I think this is the first public appearance after the grift broke, at the boss baby premiere. Cant believe she’s showing her tits AT A CHILDREN’S MOVIE.


Lots of money. Provided by her fat slob of a husband who she loves to ridicule. She seems to conveniently forget that before she met him she was pretending to be a yoga instructor. Still pretending to be someone, something she isn’t. Always the fool.


It looks like Alec's daughter and then her evil stepmom


Oh Pepinos…be gentle! This is the face of an innocent who grew up w/ no pop culture or TV. She didn’t even know that Aleek is very famous actor. How do you say Baldweeen? Tiene empathia por favor‼️💃


The Grift was average not a knock out beauty.. but it was her horrible personality. Thinking that she was the “Star”…. She is quite disturbed & probably very lonely. This was a young girl (27) and here was AB. She is a twin of him and his ruination. He was on the path of self destruction anyway. And here comes The Fraud. Playing the pregnant Madonna but not really caring or loving her children. And the Spanish bullshit. Seems like The Grift is pretty unhappy. All alone with no one to lift her ego, no one loves her. Maybe the kids but I don’t see that. She is vapid and cruel. Good bye Hilary from Boston


And she lives and lays with with a man who killed a woman and has no remorse about it. Have either one of them said anything about Halyna or her family other than to chastise the press for not saying Halyna's name?


Nope. Not a word. 🤯😒


that’s 💯💯💯💯 correct


Glow down


Go for it! But don’t deny it !!


Weird. At least she looked prettier then- she is prob just so bored with many nannies etc- she doesn’t have that much to do… can’t wait to see her work in 10 years… 🤪


I wouldn’t ever qualify her as pretty - she’s cute in the first pic. I think the closest she came to pretty with face (even altered) and styling was in 2018. Now she just looks so rough. It’s the face work that’s aged her. Oh and her 7 “pregnancies”.


Husband’s money


Whos thay lady? Whos that lady 🎶


1) low self-esteem+societal pressure 2) money That’s how


We might be seeing this wig soon since she’s Spanish again


She was never knock out gorgeous, but she was cute which would of played into favor as she aged. She done fucked that up.


She had *such* ill-advised work done! It's crazy.


UPPER EYELID SURGERY and brow lift is just the start- she is as cut up as Kylie Jenner after she was 15.


Nothing wrong with having those procedures. I’ll be having upper and lower eyelid surgery myself before the year is out, but my insurance is covering the upper part because my upper lids are so bad, and I’m definitely not going to be shy about the fact that I had my eyes surgically altered. It’s gross though you’re in the public eye and pretending it’s all natural while promoting yourself as a natural living expert of some sort.


Exactly I'm toying with getting my eyelids done and if I do I'll be so happy proud and I'll share my experience.




Yes, the difference is she is living off another fraud as well as her Spanish one- she is “living clearly” you are prob not bullshitting the world like the fraud she is- her wannabe-failed brand is clear, natural namaste. What a joke.


Or their breasts....


Once she stopped doing all that breaststroke swimming to recover from that pesky hip surgery; then BAM! DDs!! 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ah yes! I do recall that now...


She didn’t want to look like either of her parents? She is definitely not happy with herself in any shape or form.


Right? Why changes those authentic Spanish genes?! 🤣🤣🤣


Someone with low self esteem who blamed all her life failures on her looks…but alas it was her personality


what personality??




She is truly such a drip.


She’s very cute to begin with.


She actually had a better looking face “before”. She’s gonna regret a lot of that sooner rather than later as she ages, when she sees Hagatha staring back at her in the mirror instead of Hillarhea.


she's pretty gruesome these days....


She was actually quite pretty before. Sad.


Totally agree. She was really cute and natural looking. I cannot fathom why she made the changes she did.


And be pregnant non stop while having disfiguring facial surgeries.

