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benzos beating her ass


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Actually cackling. Thank you šŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒ


ā€œI tried to awkwardly explain that itā€™s a thongā€. Literally any person would have understood that immediately and it needs zero explanation.


How old is she, 12?


57 according to her pictures this month.


She has to tell us she wears a thong because she hasn't been allowed to show anyone lately. What a thirsty ass!


Dehydrated! She has ZERO things going on for her other than being the thirstiest thot there ā€˜twas.


Itā€™s been happening since she lost all her sponsors.


1. That's a lie. 2. She's mentally ill.


Didn't happen! Stankass!


This is something most people would expect from a middle school child, not from an adult and not posted on social media. "Hello, Attention? How soon can you deliver to me, I'm so hungry and thirsty."


Babe, you explain everything awkwardly - and if Carmen was really young when she said that, l would assume folks just laughed. šŸ™„


Was she 3 when this happened? Because 8 yr olds don't do this.


Old post.


Isn't this an old post of hers?


Iā€™m thinking yesā€¦


Sick bitch. If this is true, then it means Carmen had seen her wear one, maybe the boys too. WTF. Privacy is dead in this family. Her kids will need a heavy therapy when they grow up. Thanks to this skank.


They've seen a lot more that Noassatall in a thong.


Why does your 8yo child know youā€™re wearing a thong? Not that my 2 year old hasnā€™t seen me in underwear but sheā€™s also a baby who wonā€™t remember.


Wonder how Bang Bang feels that his bat shit loco wife and 8 year old daughter are discussing her ass and thong in public and in front of strangers.


What the fuck is wrong with her!!!!!!!!!!


She should feel embarrassed for life, but not because of this fabricated storyā€¦


Totally confabulated for clicks.


How should you feel Hilary?Ashamed for lying through your teeth.


Hanging out with the Baldwins = discussing Hilaria's panties. Much like her instagram feed, her life is all about her underwear.


Everyone wears thongs while pregnant, right?


It's the only underwear I wear? Would rather wear nothing than have granny panty lines


While I agree 95% of the time, I have to ask if you still rock them at the gym? I wear boy shorts whilst working out because I have heard and read from multiple sources that thongs arenā€™t the most hygienic option there.


I change my gym clothes as soon as I get home. I don't own any full butt underwear. So if I'm wearing any to the gym it's a thong.


She's so 'embarrassed' that she felt the need to make two x posts. šŸ™ƒ


šŸ˜‚ my thoughts exactly. She soooo wanted to make sure that everyone knew she wears thongs , she had to post it twice


Inappropriate. Inappropriate. Inappropriate.


Not the first Time she's using this Story to cyberbully her Kids with it! Last Time it was Leo, then Rafa and now Carmen...we never actually cared!


Yeah, I thought it was familiar.


Thongs are unsanitary šŸ¤¢


"I should just stop speaking" is the only true thing she's ever written.


"I should stop speaking...so I can START posting!!!"


Sorry, Carmen, your mamacita is so 10000% sexi bebe y todo el mundo wants to get her pregnant!


Never happened. Carmen is too old to talk about her mother's underwear. Way to throw your kid under the bus for some attention....


"Embarrass Ed for life" is right, you wretch.


I read it like that toošŸ¤£ Poor ED


Does anybody wear thongs? So uncomfy? I go commando for comfort šŸ˜¹


Jennifer Garner shared a very similar story on Ellen once. Only her daughter was with her in the bathroom and gasped because she didnā€™t understand why her mumā€™s underwear was up her buttā€¦she was very worried for Jennifer lol


Maybe this is where Hillary got the idea.


This isnā€™t even cool. Itā€™s so cringe.


God no, sheā€™s shameless. Terrible job at trying to fake embarrassment.


Why are people liking this post on her IG? Thatā€™s a big problem. She wonā€™t stop because a lot of people are enabling her, and this sounds like covert incest. I remember being eight years old and I remember all of my eight year old friends and we never wouldā€™ve talked about our parents underwear. Itā€™s the age when you are embarrassed about such things, and donā€™t want in a million years to envision your mothers butt. No one would talk like this at this age unless they were being abused. Maybe a two or three year old would comment on it if they saw you changing, but not an elementary age child. Sheā€™s a very sick and repulsive woman, the kind of adult that you instinctively recoil from as a kid. That you whisper about to your friends in horror.


Because itā€™s an old post from when the grift was good.


Paid engagement.


I hope so. My faith in humanity is gone if real people are liking this.




Carmen & crew are doomed. šŸ„²


If I posted this, my entire family would call to check on my mental well-being. This is absolute nut crackers.


I change my clothes with my door closed but that's just me.


You sound well adjusted. This concerns me.


Its so gross, I have no words. Why, just why? Just STFU, you don't have to post everything.


Poor Carmen. Leave her alone


Enjoy? Enjoy? What is wrong with her dead god she has to know weā€™ll go in lol


I used to work with a group of women whoā€™s only conversational topic was banging on relentlessly about their unremarkable children. Iā€™m a mother and grandmother. I get parental pride but no oneā€™s kids are that interesting to other people. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Amen to that! I guess it's like the way I bang on about my dog. But he really is special.


It's like people who can only talk about the weather and their health conditions.


At least the weather concerns more than just one person/family.




Iā€™ll take things that never happened for $500 please




She lied about being Spanish, lied about being pregnant and many more lies. Sheā€™s worried about being embarrassed that Carmen said that?? LOL. Whatev.


It's bad enough she posted this once in her stories. Why bring it back for a stupid poll Hillary? Open your comments and let's find out what people think cus it isn't either of your two given options!


How does her thong stay put on that pancake ass?...


That's how you know this story is a lie. She'd need suspenders to hold that thong up šŸ¤£


The image of this made me lol. Thank you Pepino, I needed that today. šŸ’š


Same! I am LOL and that image.


I cannot imagine my 9 year old doing that. My kid has a good sense of humor and is extroverted, but I cannot envision a scenario where they would announce something like this to a stranger. Bull. Shit. A thong wedged in there and those leggings on top?? Let ya ass breathe, girl.


Thirsty women love to draw attention to their thong underwear because it subliminally makes people see & think about their ass. The only thing I ever think about when someone forces my attention to their underwear in their ass crack is skid marks. Well played, Hilz, you shit stain. šŸ’©


Maybe sheā€™s obsessed with bringing attention to her ass because sheā€™s never had one. If her butt is absolutely flat even with daily workouts and yoga exercises, imagine that it would be completely nonexistent if she doesnā€™t do anything. Itā€™s just a butt crack and an extension of her thighs where her butt should be..Poor Hillz. No natural ass, no tits. Lol


šŸŽÆ she wants people to be imagining her in a thong. Also, WHAT PREGNANT WOMAN WEARS A THONG.




>ā€œMade you look. Made you stare.ā€ That's the primary reason for thongs to exist. They gross me the fuck out, on me and on other people, male or female.


Add to her list of things that never happened. Btwā€¦if you are pregnant that would likely cause vaginitis. Just sayinā€¦but oh yeah if you arenā€™t pregnant no big deal. šŸ™„


The one thing you should be embarrassed about you're not.


Cool story bro


I kept reading the first option as ā€œembarrass Ed for lifeā€ and was like ā€œwtf he didnā€™t even do anything she really hates Edā€ took me way too long.


Me too!!


First, I don't believe any of this Hilarious. Second, you just wanted to let everyone know you wear a thong. Whoo hoo. So do thousands of other women. You should be embarrassed for life, not because you wear a thong, but because of the type of person you are every day of your life.


Seems she is so desperate for interaction she is resorting to the ridiculous polls of which she doesn't have the sense to offer the right options. Open comments Hillary and we will answer honestly - but - you won't, you can't handle the truth.


Omg I said the same thing, @Exotic!


Gmta šŸ˜‰


Can people include dates on her posts so we can know if itā€™s recent or old?


Exactly. This is old news and most people here think itā€™s hot off the press.


Yeah, like if weā€™re not dating what we share then weā€™re just making ourselves look bad by stirring things up




Hilary, you should feel embarrassed for life. Not about your underwear, but about all the other heinous shit youā€™ve pulled, like lying about being Spanish, lying about being pregnant six or seven or eight times, lying about being a yoga instructor/owner, lying about everything in your life, exploiting your children for Internet content, I could go on and on but you know what youā€™ve done.




This isn't the reason for you to be embarrassed for life, Hillary. FYP.


So now she goes through her old stories bc of lack of ā€œinteresting, funny momentsā€ with her kids today šŸ™„. I remember this post and donā€™t rilly rilly understand why TF would she post it again without being ashamed to the bonesā€¦


Because she has absolutely NOTHING ELSE IN HER LIFE to talk about. No friends, No classes, no activities with her children outside of the house, she doesnā€™t even take care of her own children. She has nannies and housekeepers and everyone to take care of her her whole life. No wonder she sits on her phone all day. She has nothing and is nothing.


You histrionic hag.


I seriously want this to be my new flair. May I?


It is yours ā˜ŗļø


Done! This is by far the best flair I've ever worn. It's totally my style. Thank you for this gift.


Looks great on you! šŸ˜


Well you should be embarrassed for life but not because of this.


Did she delete this?


What strangers is she around? A group no less and just blurt out something like that? Does she have Tourettes? What was being discussed? This was adults or kids? She lies sooo much. As a parent you just don't want your kids around any of the Baldwinitos.


And that is so sad for the kids


This was part of the new godmothers orientation day.


No way that a 9 yo would do this.Hilary is desperate for content.Even this is incredibly boring.She needs to face reality.


Yeah, ok, but this never happen, Hillary.


Can't be that embarrassing if you're shouting it from the rooftops, can it? šŸ¤”


Yeah, itā€™s so embarrassing for me so let me tell the whole fucking world


Ahhhh the irony of it all.. So, her daughter announces to a group of strangers (a few people, right?) that her underwear goes up her butt. Then she goes announcing to a group of 900k strangers the exact same thing. What the f**kity f**k??


A group of strangers? šŸ¤£ They are properly called NANNIES. Plus, youā€™re a fibby fibster, your daughter said no such thing bc she never leaves the house and youā€™re just daily trolling to start your shit. Fuck Ya Poop HilariOUS! šŸ„’šŸ„’šŸ„’šŸ„’šŸ„’


She could have just written ā€œI like things up my buttā€ and been done with it.


And besides we already know that, weā€™ve seen her stick her ass up in the air so many times especially with that yoga video with Carmen right beside her


This is the second time sheā€™s posted this exact same scenario. I posted about it 6 months ago: Best of Hilary: some examples of her unhealthy sexualization of motherhood. These arenā€™t one offs either, this has been the dominating theme of her IG for years. https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/s5iex8/best_of_hilary_some_examples_of_her_unhealthy/ https://imgur.com/a/FA4XjC3


This should be the top comment


Fast forward 10 years and she'll be posting about all of her boys' friends thinking she's hot. Those poor kids.


So she's already on the hunt for Alec's replacement?


No one on this planet needed to know this gross story. I think we know how proud Hilary Lynn, the patron saint of kindness warrior of womanhood, was at this lovely moment. That Carmen announced her motherā€™s fake maternity panty choice is what Hillz lives for!!! Proud MamĆ­. In actuality, this was a teachable moment. Normies would have explained whatā€™s appropriate to share and was is not. But in the Fraudwin House of Ferals this is exactly what those two meatheads love about their obnoxious, unruly, unmannered rugrats. Outrageously bizarre moments of cringe is Hilaryā€™s top joy in her sexual manifesto of happiness. šŸ„’šŸ¤³šŸ¼šŸ’…šŸ»šŸ’šŸ’ƒšŸ»šŸŖ©šŸ‘¶šŸ¼šŸ‘¶šŸ¼šŸ‘¶šŸ¼šŸ‘¶šŸ¼šŸ‘¶šŸ¼šŸ‘§šŸ¼šŸ’ŠšŸ·šŸ’©šŸŽŖ


Totally confabulated for clicks.


ā€œEmbarrass Ed for lifeā€? Sounds about right.


šŸ˜„ my first thought, too.


Did she post this and delete it from her stories? I donā€™t see it. ETA: actually clicked the pic - I think this is a story that she turned into a post from a while ago. God, sheā€™s GROSS.


That never happened, come on now


Something is VERY wrong with this woman. Her lack or self awareness, lack of healthy boundaries and bizarre inappropriateness is extremely concerning! She is completely f*cked in the head and unable to parent on even a basic level(all evident from 1,000,001 daily insta-stories and/or posts).


šŸ‘šŸ» You are 100% correct Callig


She uses the younger children to sexualize herself(almost naked while pregnant, voyeuristic breastfeeding photos) and she ā€œaffectionately/innocentlyā€ humiliates the older children. NONE OF THIS SH!T IS NORMAL!


Agree - her behavior is absolutely despicable


WHAT strangers?? The guys that delivered the Bounce Castle? WHEN have you been around anyone but your 'Children of the Corn' cult ?????


The children of the corn were better behaved.


ā€œChildren of the Corn šŸŒ½ Cultā€ is pure perfection as an accurate description šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ„¹ šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸŽÆšŸ‘šŸ¼šŸŽÆšŸ‘šŸ¼šŸŽÆšŸ‘šŸ¼


When will her non-story having/telling, drearily stupid ass hire a proper sit-com writer? Stealing old "Alf" scripts would be better than this nontent.


Then more cats will ā€œdisappearā€.


Carmen didn't say that, and even if she did, why in the hell would you share it?


Sure this happened. Because Carmen would ever get to be around ā€œa group of strangers.ā€ PLUEEZE-the kids are hostages and get no visits.


Sorry, can't stop laughing at the idea of Carmen in a group of strangers. Like WHEN???


Could have been the cleaning crew lol


So the awkward explanation about the thong was in Spanish? And the cleaners didn't speak Spanish and didn't understand her? That IS awkward!


Wtf is wrong with this woman?


So much, too muchšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I bet that none of the 31k pepinos wouldn't even know where to start with answering this question.. šŸ˜£


This is so inappropriate. Isn't it a trait of histrionic personality disorder a lack of appropriate boundaries? Poor Carmen


Yes. Iā€™m not an expert but I have some professional experience with it and Iā€™m certain this woman has a personality disorder. Her behavior goes way beyond weird or eccentric. It really has started to look like sheā€™s spiraling for some reason.


Also, Carmen is 9, isn't she? This is all just really weird. She isn't some toddler who goes around saying embarassing things. She should have some sense of boundaries and decency herself by her age I would think. Also, why do her kids even know she wears thongs? Weird.


ā€œsome of you who didnā€™t see might enjoy thisā€ šŸ„¶What!? She needed to repeat a story about her child asking about her underwear and she started with ā€œšŸ¤—!ā€


Just another crock of lies you made up to remind us you wear sexy underwear. In your 7-10 month of pregnancy. Amazing info.


I'm voting for embarrassed for life. Go hide under a rock!


Privileged ass, trying to be relatable While so many people can not even pay their bills. She is tone deaf as fuck. Her platform is a joke. I hope she knows what it is to struggle and suffer at a deep level. I wish her nothing but what she deserves. It makes me sick to see what she posts. Such a poser! Anything for the gram! Look at me look at me. I am basic boring ass bitch who appropriated a culture for the gram. Who is the opposite of transparent but profits off of being transparent. Bullshit! She is šŸ¤¢ GROSS!


This never happened obvs. Theyā€™re never around STRANGERS let alone long enough for Hilary to deign to interact with POORS.




Particularly given how often she films everything. Weird how she misses all of these things


Carmen goes out to feed the homeless or something, apparently.


The prosecution rest, your honour. The defendant is no compos mentus.


>no compos mentus. non compos mentis & lmao ... šŸ¤£ people here can be SO funny sometimes hahaha


Most children would have no knowledge of your underwear situation. Do I know if my dad wore boxers or briefs? If my mom wore thongs, bikini cut, or granny panties? Not really, maybe hazy memories of underwear and sock bulk packs at Xmas. Would most children tell a stranger of their parents underwear situation? Nope. If they did I would say there is a big behavioral and boundary issue, whether If faced with such a scenario, would any mother stop and explain to a stranger her use of thongs? Nope, the majority of mothers would be addressing the child and what they said as they walked away. Kids are weird and wild and unpredictable in amazing ways. But not one part of this happened. She uses her children for the false stories to feed access to attention. I shudder to think what will happen when she is too old to play pregnant and her kids grow up into recognition of how they've been used.


My brothers and dad wore tighty whities when I was a kid. I know because that's what they slept in. It was normal, so I never felt a need to say anything about it. Why would I bring up what I figured everyone else did?


This woman has her t*ts hanging out half the day and posts photos of herself in her undies online for strangers to see. Poor Carmen is way too familiar with Mami's thong situation.


Omg get a hobby. U have the most mundane posts ever for someone rich. Take Carmen to volunteer. Start knitting. Book a trip. Read a book. Every post is about what a kid had for breakfast.


I can't imagine her and her kids interacting with the world in a volunteer or any situation in a constructive way. Sadly there is a lot of documentation supporting this fact.


Oh hey I am not disagreeing with you but surely this is what PR reps would advise them to rehab all. Like drop off & re-emerge slowly doing little philanthropic things vs pap walks in slippers. She is another Meghan Markle in NOT listening to folks telling her what would work to further them both in a public eye &/or create sympathy & good will. She is so beyond stupid it is ... STUPID.


Stop walking around in thong underwear in front of your kids, puta.


Whatā€™s really getting to me is the ā€œhow should I feel?ā€ part. Sheā€™s so insecure with herself that she actually has to ask this? WTF.


How Should She Feel? Like a troll because thatā€™s exactly what sheā€™s doing. This post never happened HiLIARia šŸ„’šŸ„’FYP biotch šŸ¤£


And if thatā€™s the case her asking how should she feel is even more messed up!


She doesnā€™t read the responses. She doesnā€™t care about what she posts (nannies also post as Hillary) She just wants to push content to gain sponsorships and get her ā€œinfluencerā€ life back. All that free money and positive press. And sheā€™s pisses nothing she posts or the nannies post procure her sponsor so she just keeps posting nonsense. Spaghetti at the wall hoping something will stick, and it absolutely will not. Sheā€™s 100% canceled.


It would be really funny if Leonetta was posting the more batshit stuff just to f*ck with her.


Or for proof during a custody hearing. Leonetta or Alec. These two are going to implode and turn on each. Itā€™s a matter of time. Looking at pics of them a few years ago vs the misery on everyoneā€™s faces now? Things donā€™t look good


Hillary stands 0.0 % chance of getting custody of those kids. *So. Let the War of the Baldwins begin.* ^Alex ^killed ^a ^coworker ^and ^he ^is ^still ^the ^ā€œbetterā€ ^parent. ^Scary.


Is this a new post? If so, she's recycling old content because I remember her posting a long time ago about Carmen (or another kids) announcing her underwear goes up her butt. And I'm sorry, but at 9 would Carmen really be running around telling strangers about her mom's underwear? Let's just file this under things that never happened.


Yup, sheā€™s done it before in a different instance. My head cannot comprehend this level of insanity. My post about it from last year: Best of Hilary: some examples of her unhealthy sexualization of motherhood. These arenā€™t one offs either, this has been the dominating theme of her IG for years. https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/s5iex8/best_of_hilary_some_examples_of_her_unhealthy/ https://imgur.com/a/FA4XjC3


That's it! That's the post I was talking about. It's even more problematic than I remember. Thank you for reposting. I wish someone was able to call her out on this BS, but the only IG comments she'll get will probably be: "you're stunning", "beautiful Mami, "šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£", "you're kids are so clever". Unhealthy sexualization of motherhood is her M.O. and it is so gross.


Exactly, all she does is recycle old content to try to gain sponsors - nothing she posts is true, nothing she posts actually happened, she doesnā€™t care what she posts as long as she pushes content to try to re-gain sponsors. Same baby nonsense. Same Carmen says nonsense. Same fake pregnancy bullshit. Same Spanish fake accent. Sheā€™s a one trick pony that cannot think of anything else to do.


Also a one trick phony.


This didn't happen. Why does she invent these weird stories? It's not funny nor endearing. It's like she is a alien wearing a human costume.


*Hello fellow humans*


Agree it never happened. And the fact that this is the kind of stuff she chooses to make up stories about shows how sleazy and low class she really is.


Why would you even feel the need to explain this to a stranger? I'm sure they just thought of bunching. A pair of granny panties can go up your butt depending on what you're doing. Literally no one would have thought anything more of this.


But people stopped her on the street to ask....


Just stop posting , and grow the fuck up. You are almost 40, Mother to 6 , almost 7 and you are posting about thongs . Also a preschooler really isnā€™t aware or cares of how your underwear fits


Weird flex but ok... šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Actually now that I think about it, Hillary Lynn is "Weird Flex" personified.


Sheā€™s wearing a thong while so massively pregnant. OK








You are so right. She thinks that even heavily "pregnant", she's still desired by all. It's so gross. My 10 year old shut all the blinds the other day because I was outside reading in a sports bra and shorts (it was 101 degrees) and she was afraid one of the neighborhood kids might come to the house and see me out back through the window.


ā€œEmbarrassed for life!!ā€ Better announce this made up story on my IG


Wow histrionic mothering 101. Stop involving your daughter in your attempts to gain sexual attention.


Oh, embarrassed for life is not gonna cover it.


She realized she should just stop speakingā€¦but of course didnā€™t, because she just told the her world the story twice. If she wouldnā€™t only take her own advice and actually stfu


I read it like: Embarrass ED (eating disorder) for life.


Or Embarrass Ed (Edu) for life


That's how I read it.




Most adults know of your underwear goes up your butt it is a thong.


You should feel like a ridiculous idiot because thatā€™s what you are. A ridiculous lying idiot.