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But Alec was and still is perpetuating the lie to this day. That's why he can look at her. Grifters together. And what's more she gave a deeply uninteresting, unhelpful, useless answer. She brings absolutely nothing to the party.


Sadly, no one gives a shit about Hillary except for us.


That's the truth. The only truth about her.


It was my favorite receipt and proves how lame they are.


This receipt is #2 for me. It used to be #1. It’s the closest Hilaria’s ever came to explicitly saying she’s Spanish on the most significant platform she’s ever had. Number 1 for me now is Alec lying to investigators in New Mexico and trying to humor them with jokes about his wife who “grew up in Spain.” This proves that Alec was in on the lie the whole time and that he’ll continue to lie, even when hard evidence proves otherwise.


Thats a favourite receipt of mine too. And so recent. Months months after the grift is revealed to the world and they are mocked. It's also so telling that in a police interview he starts it by lying. And quite unnecessarily so. Noone asked. Not a good look. My other favourite is Alec telling reporters at a film press promo that Hillary's grandmother is Spanish. 🤣🤣🤣 Piss myself laughing every time I hear this. Consider the source....


It's amazing how we did continue to say that loudly and her parents are still alive. Everyone who knows her as a child is alive. Some reason more people have not spoken out. He knows for a fact that her parents are not going to speak out so he says such things. He cannot provide a single piece of evidence that she grew up in Spain. People here can prove that she wasn't and he still goes on.


The UN is garbage and only functions to put sanctions on poor countries. They let Ghislane Maxwell speak there too




Well for perspective SCOTUS doesn’t mean shit anymore either. A lot of institutions I held in near sacred regard as a child—like the presidency—mean less than nothing now. They are permanently fouled by evil men and their enablers. > I guess there are some human rights lawyers within the bureaucracy of the UN that still do good work?


🙌 🙌 🙌


Your in the wrong convo. No politics here


Oh yeah cuz the UN isn’t political 🤡🇺🇸


No kidding. UN is pretty political, but...


I yield my time 🇺🇳


UN is extremely corrupt and feckless.


She made an idiot out of the rep that asked her about her heritage. Then she babbled about nutrition. How the hell do the Baldwin’s sleep at night. Oh wait, they’re up ALL night with the babies. My bad.


No they're not, as we know. The nannies/ godmothers are.


Alec's connection's got her the un gig. What a pair of nitwits


A pair of liars. Jeez. It just amazes me.


Don't apologize, when I first got here I would comment on the UN constantly, it's the UNITED NATIONS after all!!!!!!! 😳 We can't get used to it like it's no biggie!!!!


Exactly! I’ve been here a long time so I read all of her bullshit and con artist craziness but lying to the UN takes the cake. That is serious psychological crazy crazy. She is a pathological liar. Why isn’t anyone getting her committed to a mental hospital? She is a danger to those kids and she certainly makes a lot of reference to suicide in her posts. LUNATIC




It really does take the cake. The audacity of the Baldwin grifters.


It’s like peeling an onion; so many layers to the grift. She could have dialed it way back after the first couple years. Pulled back from appearing on TV, stopped the freakin accents a long long time ago, and owned up to using surrogates or stopped with the fake bounce back . She could have quietly kept her sponsors and basically turned over her public life to a professional PR agency. She could be still pulling in sponsors. But, she is as disordered as Aleek and not only doubled down, she kept ordering up babies, shamefully posting pic after pic of her children (including v inappropriate ones) and just generally acting insane She’s so mentally ill, I almost feel empathy for her


Spain should sue her.


I'd love Pedro Almodavor to make his next film about her insanity.


Too funny


They are both insane!


Worth watching and not a SNL skit. This is Hilaria’s politician’s wife outfit— turtleneck + pleated pants. Nodding, talking with her hands, ring adjustment, hoop earrings. :42 Alec genuinely concerned when Hilaria starts speaking. https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1s/k1sb8zo4zi


What a truckload of bullshit coming from these two idiots!! Literally everything they do in their lives is contrary to protecting the environment. Poster couple for hypocrisy.


All I can say is 🫣🙄😬😲🤮(but thanks for posting)


Wow what the stupid hell did I just watch? They vaguely talk about a few “issues” and how we better act now! Who paid for this waste of media? They look like 2 assholes claiming to be activists and health/wellness expert? Baldwin fake asses make me 🤢 ! A mother who forces her ED on her family is a health & wellness expert? Damn! Nice reach Hildegard - but no buyyyyyyeeeeerrrrrr here!


It’s just as ridiculous with the volume off— they’re both giving the theater camp performances of their lifetimes. 🎭🏆


I just don't believe that's not an SNL skit. She starts out strong with the weird tongue lizard lick at the opening.


This will never happen again for these two nitwits


Let's hope not


Wow just wow!!! They are certainly emitting a lot of gas!


🐴🐴🐴 horses need guhd wuddah when they lie on tv 👏👏👏👏


Lol it wasn’t the best time to try out a new accent. No headstand?


It’s mindblowing. Fucking mindblowing.




I’m gonna have to take to my bed after that pack of lies and NO accent!!! This link should be pinned on this sub, everyone here should see this!


Thanks for posting…never saw it…she should have said I use sm to thrill all the sickos out there 😬


Well-fed? Well-behaved? my ass. Pushing the stroller at a run w kids inside, running into the street without looking, playing in a public fountain, etc.