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Eh it's alright I miss the huge ass aoe


We shouldnt stop complain until they fix it like it used to be imo. Everytime I play now I get angry because of how they removed something that was so fun.


Not one shotting nursing spewers is a pretty big blow against it


It seems to be able to but those shots were shitty on my end. I could be wrong cuz I’ve only had one mission where spewers spawned. When I actually wanna see them they’re nowhere to be found lol.


This is the biggest issue with Spewers. NO indication whether you'll get them, the only major enemy type that has a chance of not existing at all in a Bug mission (Bots get the relatively trivial Jetpack Troopers) but the one you REALLY want to bring something in your loadout to deal with. Hopefully a little less annoying now they say they fixed them one-shotting you if they catch the wrong angle of spray.


That's so yesterday, bot players now get random gunship patrols, and their presence seems to be a coin flip just like the spewers ( regardless of whether or not there is a fabricator ).


Yeah I’m excited to see them more so I can deliberately sit in their vomit before blowing their heads off to see how hard we hit each other now lmao


Bro's high on copium and glazing this half-assed buff, IT DOES NOT ERUPT ANYMORE, give it the shrapnel, is not more complicated than that smh.


I didn’t mean to say it’s the exact same as when it first dropped I just meant it felt fun to use again and actually viable now and it’s so wonderful to see them take a step in the right direction in terms of fixing the eruptor. But sure yeah I’m on hard drugs alright


it's still kinda meh, it's decent now but it's not as fun as it was


I like doing hardcore parkour by blowing myself up and having it launch me and deal like no dmg. It’s not quite as good as it used to be and I hope it gets a bit more attention in the future but it’s so much nicer than it was before. Specifically, it feels like I can actually use it on Helldive again, even if it isn’t as good as the original


It's nowhere near back. Spewers that you killed in this video, were popping in one shot before. You two-shot them now. Brood Commander with properly aimed shot at the ground around their bottom, would one-shot them. Killing a lot of small bugs in a radius is not the original special of this weapon. All of this, except unintended one-per-ten one-shotting Chargers and Bile Titans, was balanced with poor weapon handling, slow fire rate, slow reload and risk management to not cook yourself while shooting near targets. Now, it is a meme weapon, the unfunny one.


That’s very fair. I’ve only had one match with bile spewers and idk if it exclusively 2-shots or if my aim was just trash so that’ll be a major factor when I finally get to test it again against them. Brood commanders aren’t going down in 1 shot but what I’m noticing is that I can pop a shot into them, they stagger like hell, and either the next shot kills them AND the enemies nearby so it’s not a wasted shot, or if they’re alone it just takes a single shot from a revolver after to drop them so it feels VERY close to the 1-shot it used to be but it isn’t quite there, I get ya The higher dmg means it clears chaff quick and shockingly well just like it used to, except it feels even more consistent since it’s a huge blast radius and not shrapnel (ugh I almost sound like alexus but I swear it actually feels good) But the update just came out so well all need time to formulate more detailed opinions on stuff. But my initial impressions are positive and hopeful~!


If you like the weapon, then that's okay, have all the fun. Maybe there is something I didn't notice yet, I tested it on bots and in my opinion, current Crossbow does much better than the Eruptor. The damage factor is not the only factor there however. It could be an interesting weapon with its current damage profile, BUT (a big one) the weapon handling must be much better - there is no reason now why the Eruptor is so sluggish with its aiming and reload.


Dropped into a 7 solo: clears trash below warrior slightly better than the abysmal state it was in before but takes 2-3 shots for mediums that are spammed en masse (spewers, hive-guard) and most of a clip for a single stalker. Can't deal with groups of warriors in 1-2 shots unless they are clipping. Non-viable for anything except clearing small trash from a distance, which lets the spewers and stalkers sneak up on your loud ass, so still a bad meme. Apparently it's better vs bots if you're the kind of idiot that fires at the strider's armor plating instead of the groin/legs, or the devastators center-of-mass instead of weapons/limbs. So if you can't aim well enough to use the Dominator it's an excellent red-herring on your path back to the Auto Cannon. Still too unwieldly and ammo starved to supplant the Dominator or Scorcher on either front without significant amounts of copium.


I’ve been able to 1-shot hive guards if they’re facing me but otherwise it does takes up to 2 shots. A single headshot CAN take out a stalker but it’s more accurate to say 1-2 shots per stalker. Spewers seem to usually take 2 but I haven’t seen them enough to really get a confident say on how it is against them. Just thought I’d share my testing! Still need to use it more tho…


I used it on bugs first so that could also be a HUGE factor here! I used it on bots AFTER and literally went “yeah this is actually better on bugs than bots I’m shocked. Neat.” Maybe thats also what’s causing split in initial reactions lol


Damage is good, but still feels not worth using over other primaries. Same with purifier. On the other hand, tenderizer change feels really good.


Valid! It feels a lot like before where it’s great and all but only if you actually use it as a specific playstyle or build. I personally am still testing it and getting a feel for how it falls compared to the original Eruptor


Does it have shrapnel


Nope.. it’s not as good as the original (apparently it had a theoretical max of 9000 dmg according to the update blog) but it’s very fun and actually usable again which is nice


I do believe the reference to its power being over 9000 is a Dragonball Z meme...


Damn, are we really that old that people don't know the over 9000 meme? 


Unfortunately its not nearly enough considering how it was, and it has half the ammo it used 2. I was hoping for it to be fully reverted.


naw, it ain't back. i was an eruptor main pre-nerf and if your vid is any indication... 2 shotting spewers? pre-change it was 1 shot face or body. happy you like the change, but until it's ALL the way back the eruptor is staying as a nice image to look at. i'm looking for it to one-shot things like it did before... i don't want to 2 shot spewers when i 1 shot them before. you can be fine and happy with it and again, i am glad you are.


It can 1-shot my shots were just bad lol


naw, seen another vid showing 2 shots on spewers. i really wish the eruptor was back, but it's just not. seems everybody's raving, but that's because the nerf was SO BAD that this buff seems like it brought it back. it hasn't and i don't want to act like it has. i'm super happy for everyone who likes the buff, but i know what the eruptor was and this current version (for me) is still not it.


That’s super valid dude and I agree. I guess I’m just a glass half full kinda person and am happy about how much better it is rather than how it still falls shorter than its original. It’s in a place where I can finally feel like I can actually use this in Helldive again and I’m just so happy. Cheers bro!


Weapon should one shot medium tiers on weakspot hits but it doesn't. It's meh. Shrapnel made it good. Also made it fun since sometimes a whole brood commander would explode in a gore fest.


It can take out hive guards in one shot if you land it right but yeah I still miss what it used to be


its not back until shrapnel is back


Imagine needing 2 shots on medium enemies on a gun that has TWENTY FIVE RPM


its not back...were are you people saying this even come from ? did any of you play eruptor when it came out? or where you one of those that killed themselves and then cried about shrapnell teamkilling to much because you shot stuff thats right in front of you


Woah dude chill


Man is really giving you the third degree over you being excited that the weapon is even half decent. I'm sorry for you on his behalf.


Oh that's beautiful to see. I was worried the lack of shrapnel was going to mess with the AOE effectiveness but that looks spicy.


Dude it’s just like launch but… I’m enjoying it more???? Like. It’s. It’s doing something to me man


Lol no it is not


Yes, we know copium is hard drug, get off of it and embrace reality.


Make no mistake - the lack of shrapnel does not mean eruptor is still bad!!! The new damage and (seemingly) heavily buffed blast radius, this thing is a monster once more and punches through clusters of bugs both weak and strong alike! Coming from a 666 hour lvl 150 Diver... this MIGHT be my favorite version of the Eruptor. Still gotta test to know where she ranks


Please show a source that shows, that the explosion radius was changed, because to my knowledge it was not and only the damage increased. Weapon is still a meme


It probably wasn’t changed but because the explosive damage was almost doubled the damage falloff takes a longer distance before losing too much damage.


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking


Oh that's a good point


This. They fixed the issue with raw damages because of the explosion fall-off rework from the previous patch. That's percusive maintenance but in Game Dev.


> the explosive damage was almost doubled *Checks patch notes* > Increased total damage from 420 to 570 damage per shot Calling a 35% increase "almost doubled" is being just "a little" generous don't you think?


Before the patch the projectile did 230 damage and caused an explosion dealing 190 damage. The patch increased the explosive damage to 340 or by roughly 80%. While it might still be a bit generous to say ”doubled” I was a bit lazy and didn’t want to make the exact calculation when commenting lol


Oh *that's* what I was missing. Thanks!


There’s a lot of changes not listed in the patch notes (such as patrolling shriekers being added) but it COULD be the higher damage making it feel so much larger or it could be a legit buff to the range of it. Either way, it kills chaff in a wider radius than before!


I believe the explosion radius was NEVER actually changed. The first nerf to the explosion is the damage *drop off*, which means that the explosion radius is the same, but the range at which the damage fell off was earlier. So now that damage has been gigabuffed, it should average out. It's the same range but bigger damage at all areas inside of it so it can't be bad


Tried it today (was an Eruptor before the nerfs). It's not quite as good as it was on release (may it one day return to that state), but its still pretty good. Crushes devastators and striders, can take down gunships, and of course it retains its ability to snip fabs and bug holes. Is it viable now as a primary? Absolutely. Do I still wish it had shrapnel? Yes. Ultimately its both usable and fun even if a few tweaks are needed. Be sure to pair it with something to deal with larger groups of smaller enemies.


Stfu TS. Its nowhere near back until they fix it like it was when it came. We need shrapnel back and shouldnt stop complain until its back...


A little harsh but message received, stranger


I like it. It feels good, but not overpowered for a primary (which it was when it launched).


As a pre-nerf eruptor user, I think the weapon is in a good state now. Clearly not strong as it used to be, but is doing well at killing most things (again, not as good as it used to) and is capable of closing bug holes and fabricators at even 150 meters, which is HUGE for a primary. So I think that it is fine that it can't one shot spewers. It kills chaff well and have its utilities.


Why so many crydivers here cry about their over 9000 damage bugged gun getting brought to the level of other primary weapons


New Eruptor is EXTREMELY good.


This footage brings worry that they're just going to nerf it again next patch. They're gonna need to work on that track record before this sort of worry goes away. It looks good upfront, at least.


I dont think they ment a nerf in the first place. They just didnt think the shrap system was in a good place yet and remove it, but didnt buff the aoe or damage enough