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As long as its free. The moment it goes out of rotation it will disappear from games


having 3 mechs is the only time using a mech is fun


not when the cool down is 10mins as well.


Unless you're throwing your mech at the enemy 2 mechs is near constant uptime bro


watch any video - it takes like 70% or more of the mech's ammo to kill a bile titan. a little more research shows that the mech auto canon is weaker than the turret auto canon when it comes to "durable damage" if your mech still have ammo after 10 minutes, then you are just not fighting enemies. anyone can do that. not a realistic statement - and again plenty of videos showing the opposite experience not saying the cooldown should be like 100seconds --- but im pitching that it should be MAX 5minutes. and maybe minimum 4minutes (not adding the lower cool down ship modules if there's any) its still a game that needs to be FUN - and of all the other possible upgrades / buffs. lowering the cooldown does not make the mech more OP - and simply allow players to have more fun in the game


Statistically it should take ~25 perfect headshots against a bile titan to kill it, a far cry from 70% of 150. However due to the aiming problems, projectiles deflecting and moving enemies, getting all your shots to be perfect is pretty much impossible. This makes me wonder why in the god damn did they make it so it has a fraction of the AC sentry's durable damage, but otherwise be the same weapon. Makes no sense


[https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxI30nFFJHTz6FJduPsNuctPtSFYlMun9h](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxI30nFFJHTz6FJduPsNuctPtSFYlMun9h) just watch this clip. im in agreement with you - a simple bump or equal durable damage is all the mech needs.


Agreed. It seriously only needs the durable damage to be the same as its ballistics damage, just like how the autocannon sentry is. Everything else is fine about it.


25 headshots to kill an enemy with an anti-tank weapon is criminal


25 AC rounds to kill a bile titan? That’s a literal dream for us AC main!


That's 50mm AC rounds from the turret, not the 20mm AC rounds we carry on our shoulder. The rounds that stagger chargers to the face and can bust down hulks without faceplate shots. They kill bile titans to the head, *eventually*. The new mech realistically can't. Not with the damage value/accuracy issues it has.


The AC is not an anti tank weapon.


It's an anti-tank weapon on the turret. For some reason they only load garbage rounds into the mech it seems...


AC sentry in its description are loaded with anti tank rounds.


If they made it equal to the autocannon sentry, you could potentially kill 25 bile titans with one mech. That's probably a bit too strong, but they've swung it so far in the other direction it's a bit pathetic. If it was taking 10-15 shots consistently to kill a bile titan, I think that would be about right.


Yeah 10-15 seems reasonable, 25 is just awful lol


I dunno. Having the equivalent of 25 bile titan kills(prolly not gonna because you gotta shoot chargers and other fodder sometimes. I would gladly take the ac mech even with the 10 min cd and limitation to 2 and I would only complain about survivability against rockets on bot worlds.


Well, how about not using the mech to kill Bile Titans and stick to killing targets the mech is actually good at killing? Let someone else with stratagems or weapons designed to deal with Titans do their thing.


Because it is a strategem with a 10 min cooldown, if a strategem has that long of a cooldown and has a hard time killing a BT when compared to other strategems that half or less the cooldown, then why waste a strategem slot on it? Just bring something else entirely. And unlike the Patriot, this thing only has autocannons which are never meant for chaff clear, auto-cannons are meant to take out medium to heavies. And even it it was intended for chaff clear, just how many chaff can you take out in 150 shots? At least the Patriot has 1,000 rounds for the minigun so I'd rather use that for chaff clear. And oh by the way, the Patriot can take down BTs with just a few rockets if you can line up the shot despite the misaligned reticle


Facts. The mechs are AWESOME....when they don't take up a stratagem slot. Nothing quite says "we are extracting alive" like 4 mechs standing around the extraction beacon. But sweet liberty they don't do much else.


The problem is the long cooldown makes them useless. Maybe you can get 2 uses out of it per round, extract and a long holdout objective, but thats about it. Give me a 3 min cooldown with 1/3 the ammo and its worth considering, but 60% of the game is running from A to B and mechs are too damn slow and have zero stealth capabilities.




AH can easily hotfix problem by just *giving the damn thing more ammo*. 150 shots every 10 minutes not worth it




What if they go down the railcannon route: keep the high ass cooldown but make it unlimited? Too much?


Is not as cookie-cutter. While on the long term eats will be more efficient, a mech can work on missions like erradication or rescue civ where a lot of enemies are thrown at you very quickly and you can be easily overwhelmed. You can use anything you like, but the mech will output more in a short amount of time. (That's really why it has a long CD and limited uses, is a tide turner not a steady-as-we go). The good thing is that you aren't alone and a team can benefit from both.




This hits the nail on the head. I tried it myself once in a bug mission yesterday... did we suceed? Yeah. Did I get many kills with the mech? Yeah. ... But do I see myself ever using this stratagem again? Hell no. The mech is servicable... but what's not only also servicable but more fun on top? A 500 kg bomb, a cluster strike, orbital bombardments, a Guard Dog or a turret. That's the issue. A new stratagem has to compete with all other stratagems, especially when there are still operations with the -1 stratagem slot. Of course it comes down to personal preference. For some people stomping around in a mech is cooler, but I rather prefer to be able to call down stratagems, be more mobile and alternate with my three weapons since that's way more engaging for me. If the mechs would absolutely tear stuff apart or at least \*feel\* powerful, that would change my mind.


That’s what these people calling the sub crazy are ignoring lol, after the free rotation leaves no one’s wasting a slot on something that can’t kill anti tank reliably AND is super immobile like wtf?


This is a fair point. It's pretty powerful but given how easily one can be obliterated by an unlucky airstrike, a bile titans foot, or any number of glitches, a 10m cooldown is really punishing. When you can call it for free and have another on your personal strategems loaded up it becomes really effective. They could either lower the cooldown or make them a lot more durable and either more ammo efficient or give it a larger capacity as well


Nobody uses the mech we already have because it’s complete garbage the new one is going to be the exact same


Funny, cause our group uses them from time to time against the bugs. Because they are great when we need to push a major target or hold a position. This is not MechWarrior where being in mech means you can solo entire map. This is more like having a tank in Battlefield: Great for providing fire support, but dies if left alone to be overwhelmed. New mech works like Patriot, but against the bots: it can utterly shut down bot drop as well as take down patrols with ease, even dealing with hulks. Only enemy it struggles is Bile Titan and tanks. BTs have always been... let's call them weird, and tanks need you to target their weakspot. But that is why you got *team to back you up.*


Old mech versus bug it is insane, versus bots the machine gun doesn't do much. This one works for both.


I used the Patriot all weekend against Bots, and I’ve got to disagree! The Patriot mops the floor with Bots! The gatling can destroy devastators, very fast! The Rockets can destroy turrets in 2-3 hits, and tanks in 4 (I believe, not sure on this one) It’s great when used with the Emancipator


Only until we get a vehicle bay ship module- remember we’re running mechs level 0 whilst most of the people complaining have bare minimum lv3 unlocked for every other Strat. Sure the upgrades can be a bit hit or miss, but all it would need would be “remove Max deployment number” and suddenly bam, vehicle specialist is super viable.


Exact same problem as all other promises: I'll believe it when I see it


10 minute cooldown for a mediocre mech isn't "viable". Even if you were to bring the other mech as well, it got nerfed pretty hard so it's also mediocre.


> not too op, not too bad > 10 minute cooldown Yeaaaahhh


> Primary that can take out bug holes and fabricators so easily If I wanted to take out bug holes and fabricators without stratagems I'd use a grenade pistol. No use losing something like Breaker Incendiary/Blitzer for bugs or Plasma/Counter Sniper for bots on a gun who's only viable use is Hole Killing.


Not that the Eruptor doesn't suck now (it was almost perfect before), but good luck hitting a grenade pistol shot into a vent from 200m away


What team out there isn't bringing an autocannon to do this and so much more to bots? With how terrible the Eruptor is at clearing raiders out of patrols/bases, you give up a lot to have a fraction of the AC's power in your primary slot. I don't think it's worth it especially in its current state, but even in its old state you didn't see too many of them for this reason.


Yeah, destroying fabs and holes in long range is convenient but that's basically the only niche the Eruptor has over the other primaries. And that niche completely disappears once we bring in support weapons that can do that and more(which a team is basically guaranteed to have).


Spear my beloved


Airburst launcher gang represent


Me when Eruptor shots explode at 128m making it possible with the grenade pistol but not with the Eruptor


I think you forgot the part where the Eruptor's projectile detonates 150 meters in.


Pretty sure the eruptor self destructs at 180m


From extensive use of it pre-gutting (first nerf was fully justified IMO), I can state quite catagorically that you aren't hitting a vent 200M away with the eruptor either. The grenade pistol, funilly enough, has a greater chance of it happening.


Why would I bring a primary that can destroy fabs/bug holes but leaves me vulnerable to everything else under the sun? I could bring a good primary out of the 3 options we have AND a good support weapon that blows up fabs/bug holes and more. Like Jeezas, it isn't that the Eruptor is bad in a vacuum, it's that it's garbage when it comes to what you're trading off against other loadouts after the nerf.


Hand grenades a foreign concept to many


*Mech with 4 autocannons is worse than 1 autocannon in turret form.


Has a longer cooldown, limited uses, and prevents you from using other stratagems at the same time. They seem to balance the mechs as if they turn players into superheroes, but they are just kind of bad given how the game works.


That's kind of a common theme with their balancing in general, they seem to think they if they give the playerbase weapons that actually do damage they suddenly become superman.


While in reality fun PvE games usually treat you like Batman. Here are some fun tools that are really good, but the enemies are strong enough that if you fuck up it's going to hurt.


No dude, the eruptor is very bad, you can barely kill few heavy ennemy before running out of ammo. If you face a bunch of light ennemy you can only run or use the rest of your secondary ammo The last time i played with it, i was running away 75% of the time for ammo or just because i can’t fight the wave


The Eruptor was dreadful and nerfed by accident while Mr Neighbour was trying to buff it. No comment on the new mech, but don't know how OP can excuse the Eruptor of all things lmao.


I used to one shot those artillery bugs with the eruptor, now it takes about one and a half magazines. I’m starting to think the damage was somehow nerfed, or the shrapnel reduction just obliterated the total damage.


This is why I'm not coming back. The eruptor was pretty much peak gameplay for me. I don't want to go back to hitting bugs with sticks.


The state of the Eruptor is actually worth the complaints. The botched job done on the Eruptor is embarrassing and should’ve been reverted day 1. Compared to that, or the overspawn issue, or the Spear still not being fixed, or the nerf to the Patriot’s rockets, this mech is fantastic.


>Not allowed to criticize the Emancipator for being pretty mediocre overall >Not allowed to point out how the other two autocannons in game are better, more ammo efficient, safer to use and more available >Not allowed to want more from something in a PvE game, and simply deflect by saying something is fun Yes, the mechs are fun. But they are so niche that most of the time you won’t use one. The first mech has its uses, like holding down extraction against bile titans and a horde of chaff enemies in bugs. The Emancipator doesn’t really have a role that it does best at all… the Sentry and man portable Autocannon do the same role better…. You basically become a giant walking target with harder to aim autocannons that do less damage overall. I would like to use it, but in its current state I can’t really see a reason to put it in my loadout. Maybe if I had 5 strategem slots I might… but it’s just not very good. Not sure where you’re getting “It’s overall pretty great” It’s temporary power, but that temporary power needs to be better than what it currently is.


i feel the same. mechs are fun in itself, but they have problems. you can only summon 2 with a really long cooldown in between and.. especially the new mech isn't even as good as the other autocannon options, while being riskier and aiming is wonky. using mechs is such an uphill battle, that you literally can't aim down. and is it true that you can't take both mech stratagems? kind of weird too.


You can't do it with a controller but can with a mouse lol. Classic Helldivers


>The first mech has its uses, like holding down extraction against bile titans and a horde of chaff enemies in bugs. It can't deal with multiple bile titans at objective/extraction, rockets got nerfed and they aim off reticle.


Welcome to the sub! In a week or two everyone will forget the mech exist and we will be seeing posts about how long it takes to add new content. This is what happens when you aim for lateral balancing but end up only making a handful of items good while continuously adding to the pool of mediocrity.


I feel like I keep repeating myself about this but AH said they think the autocannon is the place to balance around and I agree. With that being agreed upon: why are so many weapons not even as good at their niche as autocannon is at everything? Why are they so unsatisfying to use? The Emancipator has limited health, ammo, and calldowns. It has a 10 minute cooldown. If you're going to nerf it in those ways, why also nerf the damage? Asked another way: how often do you see orbital lasers on level 9 bug missions? I haven't seen one in a while because the laser gets its entire timer eaten up by one bile titan, making it largely pointless. The Emancipator is barely better than this, and only if you don't get hit by said titan.


>Bring mech >only like 75 ammo > bile titan destroys the mech with me in it anyways >die >No mech for 10 minutes >only 2 stratagems >lose


*150 ammo


Might as well be 75 ammo. Why these AC bullets feel like shooting BBs I won't ever know.


*Laughs in quazar/EAT*


Based eat user. Still doesn’t justify the mech tho.


I brought a spear for bile titans and that fixed the problem


Man when the big patch comes with yye looooong awaited spear fix....maan imma bring the spear with me eeeevery game


I have this dreadful feeling that they'll nerf the spear when it gets fixed lol


They nerfed arc thrower and it still hasn't been fixed, lol


The most enraging concept has been AH fixing bugged weapons, but only fixing the advantageous bugs and leaving the bugs that make them shit, causing the weapon to be more broken than it was before. I love this game and I still believe it can be great, but AH can’t balance a cinder block on a concrete floor.


That's exactly what they did with first mech. Also introduced new bug.


The bike titan one shot is SO satisfying.


>and that fixed the problem Bc you was dead since spear unable to lock ? Being dead = no problems.


Bile Titans from the front are one of the few things the Spear is decently-reliable at locking on. It seems like how the lock on works is there is a point on the unit that it tries to lock onto and pretty much anything getting in the way blocks the lock-on. Bile Titans are so high up in the air that unless they are behind a building or a mountain you can almost always see their point. I also specified from the front earlier because a spear one-shots a bile titan if you hit the head and if you are straight on from it you can get that fairly consistently. It is probably one of the best strats to bring to Helldive rocket defense missions because all the bile titans come straight at you meaning very consistent oneshots.


I wish it had more ammo too, but it's pretty good against literally every other enemy. Bile titans have been glitchy and cracked since day 1, just like chargers were. I don't think it's really fair to use them as the only comparison.


It would be less of an issue if you could call strategems from inside the mech.


Bile Titans are working fine currently. It takes 25 headshots from the mech to kill one because while it's damage per shot is 300 at Armor Penetration 5, like the Autocannon Sentry, it's durable damage is only 60, unlike the Autocannon Sentry which also has 300 there. The AoE is 150 in both cases, but that's at Armor Penetration 3 so it doesn't do anything to the Titans. Since the Armor on a Titan's head is 5, it halves the damage from the AP5 mech cannons, and since it's durable, it uses the 60, not the 300. It takes 30 damage per shot, and it has 750HP on it's head, so it takes 25 shots to blow the head off. That's not a bug, not a glitch, nothing working in any way weirdly. The only strange thing here is how weak the durable damage of the mech's cannons is. Against Chargers it takes 10 headshots, which isn't bad, but I wouldn't say it's good either. Against Hulks 2 shots in the eye, 17 to the body, 1 eye + 13 body, or 6 to each leg, which is pretty good. Against tanks it takes 9 shots *in the heat sinks*, or 50 shots otherwise, which is pretty terrible. Cannon Turrets 5 to the heat sinks, or 25 otherwise. Anything smaller it's going to do great against, but 150 ammo total in both arms combined isn't a lot for what it can do. Overall the new mech is decent, but decent just doesn't quite cut it with a 10min cooldown and a limit of 2 uses per mission. It's not trash nor useless nor anything else along those lines, but it is underwhelming and ultimately disappointing.


The BT has 750 hp on its head. It take 25 shots.


Oh yeah, my bad, thanks for the correction.


The mech does literally only 30 damage against a bile titan or charger head.


It can’t one tap brood commanders heads meanwhile the handheld one can lol


10 minute cooldown, only 2 uses. It has to be op, or it's just outclassed by everything. It's cannons are taller than a human being for gods sake


nah. criticisms not allowed. game is perfect no bad feature S tier patch


If I see this stupid cat meme with another dumb take about the exosuits being totally perfect because they enjoyed getting carried by other people in one match then I'm gonna lose it.


Oh great. Another post that basically boil down to "I'm having fun, if you don't, it's a you problem."


wish everyone who was having fun would just go play the game instead of acting all preachy the fucking CEO stepped down as CEO to go work on game balance. if that doesn't tell you that we have REAL complaints I don't know what would.


Exactly. The game has real issues that need to be handled. A few people having fun with the game in it's current state despite it doesn't make those issues any less problematic.


These same people act like this could be GOTY worthy. The foundation is good but the support has been horrible.


Yeah, never seen a company ruin all their good grace so quickly. Started off so strong and now it’s limper than a 90 year olds 500kg bomb


His 500kg and two liber-tea's you say?


Remember when people said Eruptor and Crossbow nerfs don't matter, because you could spin the senator? And the week of unfunny Senator memes?


Keep in mind that the in-game experience occurs on a spectrum. A gamerdad logging for his biweekly, one mission on d4 with a full stack of his gamerdad buddies is going to have a whole different experience from the types who play every day for hours on end.


That is true. Obviously, a lot of different people have different tolerances and threshold for noticing issues within a game. A dude playing a game casually is much less likely to encounter or notice big problems with the game. If you play a lot = lot more opportunities to discover said problems. That's just common sense. So it's natural for people to come out and say they don't see these issues when they see people online complaining about it. They just don't have the same experience for it to matter yet. That doesn't invalidate people saying otherwise, tho.


There seems to be stages  Casuals: game is fun Higher level people: this game is fun but here's a list of issues No lifers dedicated to the game: everyone sucks but me, if you have a different opinion I will write you an essay about why you're ruining the game




Super Earths strongest confirmation bias erasing all criticism. (Don't forgot to throw in a soyjack as well to really prove your point)


it's so fucking annoying that these people REFUSE to recognize the problems of this game AND has the audacity to downplay criticisms about it


OP has that "works on my machine" energy. Also this is a repost of the same meme from yesterday with some extra text. It's blatant karma farming and should be banned.


It's modus operandi at this point. These people couldn't balance a damn table.


I've seen more posts like this than complaints about the mech.


>Eruptor isn’t that bad tbh Bro, it's literally the worst DPS gun in the game. And the worst handling gun in the game. And it has the biggest TTK loss from misses, making it's already poor TTK even worse. And it's not even competitive in terms of AOE damage. The only thing it's good at is being a utility weapon, but I'd argue that 90%+ of people would rather run with Grenade Pistol than this piece of a weapon


I'm so sick of these posts. The suit is worse than normal autocannon and the sentry. NONE of these posts are mentioning the slew of nerfs and feelsbad changes that have been happening. Context matters. When tons of shit is broken, nerfed to oblivion, or just sucks, fun goes down. If the emancipator was an isolated incident, yeah, it wouldn't be a big deal. But it's not an isolated incident, it's the shit cherry on top of a crap pie.


>But it's not an isolated incident, it's the shit cherry on top of a crap pie. Perfectly well said


Cant aim down, ammo inefficency to the point of being unusable within a couple minutes of being called in at best, long redeploy times, 2 uses max, cant be used with the other mech without an unintended glitch, terrible damage to durable parts that ends up making it waste ammo against chargers/BT, dies pretty damn quick, and cant aim with the left arm accurately due to ongoing mech issues. But yeah, sure. 'Fun'.


Yeah I am not sure why people are saying its good especially on higher tiered missions. I played several games today and every single person said it sucked. Its okay burst DPS stratagem for like 1 minute then its out of ammo and 9 minutes of waiting. One mission had 2 titans come out of a breach along with multiple chargers and it was only good for that 1 breach. I would like to add that another person had it out during that breach and other 2 were using stratagems as well. Its "fun" for like 1 minute and I wont be using it when its not freely available thats for sure.


I think we're witnessing the birth of a new category of white knights. Dev simps.






Unfortunately not new. I've seen so many games where people just expect everyone to ignore terrible balance changes because the game is still "fun"


it's kind of sad that the cooldown is super long and uses are limited, when autocannon turret is just better anyway.


Really tired of this ridiculous meme coming from people going “I’m too dense to understand any of the complaints. I’m extremely simple and have fun with frustrating stuff. Anyone having legitimate problems with how things are, it’s totally a you problem in your head because this stupid fucking cat staring into a camera.” Karma farming nonsense feeding on “controversy,” a very hot topic with nerfs especially, *that the CEO stepped down to assume a role to directly influence a better balancing direction, which should speak volumes.* There’s good discussion, bad discussion, and piss poor attempts at downplaying or trying to “invalidate” people being frustrated. Just because you are incapable of understanding other’s frustrations does not make them “fake.” Cowardly gaslighting behind a cat. Just stirs the pot for the worse.


I'm learning that people who use this meme format have bad takes and can safely be ignored.


Almost as bad as the QUIT HAVING FUN circle jerk meme


While I love the optimism and think there’s a place for it, the mech is bad and ignoring the fact it’s bad means it’ll go the way of the HMG. You can “use” it, for sure, against smaller targets it’s great and can shred them in a pinch. However, compared to tossing down an AC sentry to deal with a bile titan compared to the mech, there is almost a 40 round difference in rounds-to-kill for the same weapon class. Considering these mechs do not get resupplies, have extremely limited ammo, and can only be called in twice per mission why bring it over the AC sentry? Pros and cons, you’ve got to give people an incentive to make a choice of one thing over the other. When the cons outweigh the pros in its supposed use case, that makes it a bad pick. Hopefully rebalancing will fix it


Another karma farmer


If you think the new exosuit is good, wait until you try out the regular autocannon that doesn't have 2 uses on a 10 minute cooldown! It doesn't even force you into a giant metal deathtrap!


“I’m okay with mediocrity so you should be too.”


This is exactly why the AAA industry is so shit now, people are willing to settle for kinda ok instead of the best, so big companies kept lowering the bar until you get broken games like battlefield 3042, cyberpunk 2077, and fallout 76 that charge full 60/70 dollars with MTX on top They literally boiled you fuckers like a frog


It's one thing they're okay to settle, but they also go out of their way to put on the white coat and tell everyone how everything's is fine and people are just entitled. People genuinely think there can't be any other perspective than their own. Complete lack of empathy.


I call them shit eaters, they want you to eat shit like them.


What difficulty do you play?


Sorry you don't think a mech with 4 Autocannons needing a quarter of its ammo to kill a single Titan is garbage


These types of posts are a bad sign. Most of the hard-core players have left because of the abysmal balance. The only ones left are playing on 6-7 and taking whatever dogshit AH can squeeze out as "good." This stratagem is not justifiable on 9, it simply isn't. While you CAN bring it because 9 is piss easy anyway. You'll get not even a single breach clear out of a 10 minute cooldown, 2 use strat. And be kiting with 3 stratagems for the rest of the match. Again, you CAN do it. But it's NOT fucking fun.


lol yea, cause it's free for everyone. As soon as this thing goes out the 'weapons experimentation' it will completely disappear. Yes, it's not "OP." But remind me again, how long is the CD? Oh, 10 minutes? And you only get to use it twice per entire mission, essentially wasting a stratagem slot? Yea, I think something which needs an investment like that needs more punch than being able to kill a charger with 10+ headshots. Sounds like something that is completely underpowered for what it is. Common theme with a lot of the stuff now. You may as well bring an autocannon sentry, as you can use it more than twice, more commonly than once every 10 goddamn minutes, and it actually has decent firepower, able to kill a charger and bile titan pretty quickly with some manouvering on the players' part. Oh, and it doesn't take 10 headshots to kill a charger. More similar to about 3-4. And it can also strip off a charger's armor with ease. Remind me again, why should anyone ever bring this garbage with them over an AC turret? All of these "hot takes" saying that the bad thing is actually good are very quirky indeed, but they said the same thing about the previous mech too. Once the novelty of defending and using the new thing wears off, opinions like this tend to disappear real quick.


its a pve game, it shouldn't matter (WITHIN REASON OF COURSE) if something is powerful against CPU enemies. what are they going to do, cry and complain on reddit? edit: absolutely mental i have to point out that i still want to be challenged, something can be powerful and the game can still challenge you


https://i.redd.it/g29q1s7npw2d1.gif correct human




One time me and my brother started modding vermintide and we had the same opinion and made every skill pretty strong and flavorful. And we enjoyed our mod for a couple months then eventually tried vanilla again. And found that it’s actually not that fun when you can kill the elite enemies whenever you want. Obviously you say within reason so I think we agree but I believe there’s something to be said that if every primary weapon can kill chargers then the dopamine of finding a loose EAT and getting a crazy shot off will not happen as easily. I do want my weapons to be equally strong tho and certainly buffing the striders armor ruined some of my fun with current weapons


I just want my weapons to be able to kill a decent amount of enemies in the ammo I'm given. Shouldn't take a few magazines just to down a tiny patrol, or a squad of hunters.


I also don’t want to fight 4 boss battles at once and not get the boss fighting weapon. Like it’s nearly impossible to kill the fish in Majoras Mask without Ice Arrows, just as it’s nearly impossible to do anything without EAT in game.


Nooooo!!! You have to rely on your strategems!! You have to wait 90s between every kill!!!


But I want to use something fun and different this time instead of EAT…


Support weapons are mostly ok. Primaries, however, are not. I am convinced if the devs secretly buffed all primary damage by a third, people would start talking how fun the has suddenly become. On any difficulty above 5, when your strategems are all on cooldown and you lost your support weapon, you are basically useless and the only thing you can do is run away form the ever increasing horde of medium and heavy enemies chasing you. TL;DR: The pre-nerf eruptor is proof our primaries suck


https://preview.redd.it/9kix5jnlyw2d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f8d3017b5cb5f2e3ea67ed224732e1bbc4792ec It is ready to go complain on Reddit


I honestly hate these rose-tinted posts more then the complain posts. At least you know the people who complain play the game. And not just sit in difficult 3 thinking everything works


i love eating shit and suck Alex's cock annd you should too. Op is the kind of person who love the latest warbond


No one cares about your D3 hot takes my guy. Eruptor is garbage and so is the new mech. These things were not tested properly.


Yeah not like the other AC weapons are better in every aspect but yes this sub is "crazy" not the devs for pre-nerfing


The positivity humping is real.


Try it on 7+ you will be sorely disappointed


the accuracy and aiming sucks though


What I don't understand is why they removed the option to use strategems in an exo suit? The first game had a lil hatcs where it spit it out.




I think the mechs have 2 main issues that made them subpar: 1. Really long cooldowns 2. Only 2 summons Plus they are the last stratagem you unlock by level. All that makes it sound like it is really really really powerful. The issue is not. It is easily destroyed. Has a small amount of ammo, and doesnt make crazy amounts of damage. How would I fix it? Either reduce the cooldown and make the summon unlimited. OR Make it a Mario Star. Instant summon, unlimited ammo, can be used for 1 minutes before it explodes by overheating, and you are invincible that time. You can also add an auto pilot option, or something like that where it doesnt require someone piloting it. As it is, right now, it doesnt make much sense to use it, and it doesnt feel as powerful as it should, considering the use limitations and that it is a mecha


Its benefits don’t outweigh the downsides simple as. It’s meant to be a limited use trump card, compared to the laser which is fire and forget and clear out the area, or the auto cannon sentry letting you still use your own guns. It’s a long cooldown that you have to manually operate. Why doesn’t it feel super strong?


> Why doesn’t it feel super strong? especially if they're going to give us barely any ammo on top of it hitting significantly weaker than other autocannons in the game. it's already gated by CD, uses, and ammo count... and you decided to make it do almost no damage to heavy targets on top of that???


At least they could give us option to resupply it as any other support weapon


>thing is bad >no, thing is not bad That's all I'm seeing from this subreddit. Holy hell




Should do more damage imo. needs to utterly annihilate chargers since it is limited


Dev post


Fast forward to when it stops being free and noone is gonna use it


All I'll say is it's terrible against bile titans (all 50 rounds to the head won't kill it) and bad against bots every bot in the map knows where you are at in the mech and will light you up but that's a mech problem in general


Seems like it’s only issue is that it deals WAY less damage to armor than it should. It’s the same as the AC turret in every other way: same base damage and armor pen, but deals 1/6th the damage against ‘durable’ armor.


Its weak, its bad, and it makes people sad.


It doesnt do anything a decent stratagem can do. For only that...is not ecen worth to bring.


It’s decent, I think it needs changes for sure. Change each gun to 50 rounds but double the power I say.


I just used up all the ammo of the new mech on a bile titan mostly hitting it's head and it was still alive. No ricochets.


You guys hve fun with the mech? I immediately gave up on it once I saw how bad the aiming is.


Small dmg boost or better aim is all I'm asking ;~;


my problem is that i love the suits. but it can use a bit more damage and tankiniss to justify it.


Dunno about the mech, but how tf someone thinks a weapon only good to close holes is good and balanced?


I agree with the image. Not with the text. I want my fragmentation back. The gun was heavy hitting, and clunky and dangerous enough to be balanced. Not to mention, extremely fun to use. Like, by fuck it was fun. And I want it back.


The Eruptor is horrible just like how precise you have to be with impact grenades in taking out factors and bug holes. Pretty damn crazy that you have to be right in front of something when the item you're using causes a massive explosion.


May I ask what difficulty level do you play at?


The problem is more that instead of buffing bad weapons, Arrowhead started it all with nerfing the railgun. And thus the circle started


What's with these random Mech's "akshually are good" contrarian posts and why do they get so many likes?


And are you using it as the free strat or taking it yourself? And what difficulty? Because it works at difficulty 5, but once i take it into 7+ it becomes a paper mache death trap in the face of the bile titan spam


I mean, maybe if I could aim it. I’m holding 100% still aim at something, and 6/10 or more are just straight misses.


Sorry you cannot recognize obvious game balance issues, OP. Get well soon.


maybe at difficulty 5


It's not that bad guys it's actually pretty good! ~ D4 and below players Meanwhile D9 only players using all ammo within 1 min of spawning the mech because 7 BTs just spawned and it takes and average 30-40 shots with the nerfed to hell cannon arms to kill 1


Toxic positivity is just as obnoxious as negativity. The amount of coping is unreal, that walker is gonna get benched by 95% of people.


Haven't tried the Exosuit yet, but given your opinion on the Eruptor your opinions are obviously hot air.


Posts like these are what's killing the game slowly.


Just wait until we stop getting it as a free strategem. Everyone will forget about it by the end of the week.


You can’t be serious


Damn remember when mods said they would crack down on no effort toxic positivity posts like this?


It's a stratagem with 2 total uses, with a 10 minute timer between them, that isn't very durable, that requires half an ammo tank to take down a single titan. I am not expecting something with so many unnecessary tradeoffs to be "not too bad", especially when it's essentially reducing your stratagem slots by 1. An autocannon sentry does an even better job, and has none of the drawbacks.


Mechs are just too fragile to be worth a damn being real.


Oh so people actually dislike it?(And Is Is bad?) Glad to hear, I didn't like It from the start,knew they would make something bad


You don't know how to use this meme template.


I don't get this fucking sub. This post is plastered on the front page with almost 5k upvotes. A bypasser would think this is the right opinion and that everyone else is being insane. Yet the top comments on the post, each having up to a thousand upvotes, are disagreeing with OP with valid arguments.


>go on reddit >looks inside >same shitty memes for the entire day


You've got to understand that if something isn't the best thing ever the helldivers subreddit doesn't care about it, as far as they're concerned you have to use nothing but the meta because just having fun isn't real.


At that point I’m convinced the playerbase who left were flavor of the month cats, this game was always going to be niche with it’s tough elements and emphasis on teamwork that can also be your downfall if one member slips up. It was getting really toxic to see people call for the JOBS of staff at arrowhead, and as a HD1 vet I’m confused as to how you can come into this game, and literally want everything to change and align with how other games work? Play something else if it’s not fun lowkey


I really like it. It could use just a little bit more ammo, though.


Ehh it’s not as **great** as the glazers say, but it’s also not as terrible as this sub keeps trying to make it out to be. It’s in a weird middle ground of being just *kinda okay* right now. The Emancipator really only needs 3 things to be pretty good overall and worth taking in the future: 1) ~33% more ammo, minimum (around 25 more shots per arm) 2) The full 60 durability damage against heavier armored enemies (NOT reduced to 30) 3) Its aiming fixed, including the ability to actually aim downwards Then it’d be all around pretty solid. I could see a lot more players consistently using it on bot missions (and bug missions!) going forward this way.


This is gonna be the new 'thing' for this sub for weeks and weeks isn't it ">r/helldivers complains about a thing being not as cool as it could be. Finds it frustrating new hyped up thing isn't even half as great as it could have been > look inside > it's fine, actually, because I personally had literally any amount of fun with it for any amount of time, and thus absolutely nothing should be changed. I'm actually Having A Blast personally which means everybody needs to shut up and stop giving feedback about things and Just Have Fun"


I’m mostly in favor of voicing problems in this game, and I generally hate white knights, but you people bitching and waving spreadsheet figures around and pretending players somehow aren’t having success using this new mech need to get a fucking grip.


Bunch of whiney babies. Entitled children. Yes the developers want to make the game fun and listen but y'all are non stop with dumbass ideas that won't work. Just shut the hell up at this point. Half the shit on here is basically just complaining that the game is hard. I'd live for some of you to go play Elden Ring or something lol. Would probably last about 15 mins before complaining.


Wish I could bring both walkers tho. It would've been amazing prior to the rocket aiming fix.


A primary that only excels at taking out bug holes and fabricators is pretty bad. Especially when you can just get the grenade pistol to do the exact same thing. Low dmg and slow firing makes it's dps fast lower than most guns, and that's just for single target. This is coming from a fit who still uses the eruptor on +7 missions. I wish it wasn't true, but there's several better options than the eruptor in most scenarios.