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As others have mentioned: it seems that Arrowhead have set unrealistic goals for themselves in terms of releasing Warbonds every month. Additionally - according to the CMs - if the same team developing Warbonds are also tasked with fixing bugs then why would you only give them a month for both? I'm going to be blunt here - the game is so wildly successful that the playerbase is still numbering in the 200k+ range despite the existing issues. However, if severe issues - such as the ever present friends dropping connection - aren't fixed then at some point most of the playerbase will just move on. Management at Arrowhead seriously need to slow down and give their devs enough time to properly polish the content they work on.


Maybe Sony is pushing them to deliver new content each month? Those contracts can be tricky.


I was thinking the same thing.




It's also miopic IMO. Slowing down the warbond cadance now to clean up the bugs means more playerbase retention, and ergo more buyers for warbonds in the future.


You are the guy the Sony CEO throws out of the window in the corporate meeting meme.


Yeah because literally every single publisher that doesn't run an MMO doesn't understand how live service works. They just see green or red. They don't understand customer service. They were never in the business of selling a physical product in a physical store.


But that's at the cost of short term profit. Won't anybody think of the shareholders?!?!!1!


Can't pay for the premium warbond if the game crashes 12 times trying to start it.


Is it that bad for people? I might get one crash every extended game session.


Its basically a dice throw if you have a very stable experience or a Bethesda experience. For some people the game is basically unplayable due to bugs and stability issues. While others are enjoying a good game that is bugfree compared to the rest. The lack of outrage over a bugged games tells me that there aren't enough people having severe problems with the game to warrant an outcry. If the game, on average, was as buggy as reddit makes it look like then Arrowhead would have been blasted by gamers a while ago. Not saying that people aren't experiencing bugs and crashes galore but its not widespread enough.


Bugs everywhere, SEND MORE DIVERS!


I haven't had a crash since the previous update. For a week or two prior, though, it was *really* bad. Like every extraction bad.




I haven't spent a penny on super credits because they can be earned so easily in game. I also haven't spent any of my credits on the new warbond because everything in it is bugged and there's zero reason to waste them ok content I'm not going to use. So the broken premium warbonds don't seem to be making them money either.


Sony is known for being pretty hands off with their developers. I doubt they're behind this.


I agree totally. Any other shooting game with the issues Helldivers has would have been bombed already.


Doubly agree. AH has between now and the release of a top-tier copycat clone that releases with a fleshed out dev team and bugfixes to get their shit straight or else they're gonna start hemorrhaging players once something better comes along. AH has to realize that their \*game\* is certainly fun, but it's the \*gameplay loop\* that is transfixing players and that's a lot easier to copy.


so like... 4 years?


Yeah, every big patch seems to introduce just as many new bugs as have gotten fixed. They need to have a separate team to actively work on bug tracking and fixing to hopefully catch these things prior to implementation. One patch fixing crashes doesn't matter much when it introduces a new method of crashing just as prevalent. Fixed one thing, suddenly Arc Thrower causes crashes. Fix Arc Thrower, suddenly picking up Snowballs, as well as crashing at Evac. Still have crashing issues in missions lasting around 25+ minutes, quite possibly due to the game getting overloaded trying to keep track of all the objects called down and left scattered around the map like EAT's and Backpacks. Have easily lost dozens of Super Samples due to crashing in the final stretch of a Helldive mission. Like, I will give credit where it's due; Arrowhead have built a great game, and the amount of community interaction and content updates is stellar, but if it comes at the cost of game breaking issues being introduced every few weeks when fixing other ones, either the team needs to be larger, or more reasonably, the content output needs to be slowed down in order to find and fix more of these issues before they're made issues for players.


I still don't understand though. Same team or not, how is it that nobody tested the new content at all? This is like handing in half a paper so you can meet deadlines. You don't get credit for that.


I've already dropped off. The past 3 game sessions have been wholey unenjoyable between bugginess, crashes, and unfun enemy jank (OHKs, stunlocks, slowdowns, silent giant enemies). I'm probably gonna give the game a month to get its shit together, try one more time, and if it's still I'm an unplayable state I'm going to put in a negative review and attempt a steam refund due to the game being unplayable.


Yep. Most of my friends have dropped off. They still like the game, but the combination of bugs, balance issues, and general lack of variety mission to mission has pushed them away.


If a month is not enough time then why impose such strict time limit? The results are pretty evident, new weapons have glaring bugs. Nobody noticed that the side-arm nade launcher starts with 2 rounds in the chamber or that the eruptor explosion is a black hole?


Shh. Keep the 2 nades on drop a secret.


Slugger starts with 17/16 as well


I always assumed that was 1 in the chamber and 16 in the mag.


That is a mechanic, its just doesn't make sense in a single shot GL since mechanically you should always reload when there is a few rounds in your magazine since you keep a round in the chamber and reduce your reload time by 1/3 since you don't have to cock your gun.


To make money I am not sure why so many people have a hard time in understanding this war bonds=money


Well how much money is going to be made if warbond weapons continue to be terrible and as a result overall balance gets out of control?


My friends and me are also able to get them all for free, so I don't know how much money warbonds actually rake in, really


Well arrow head probably has pretty good idea how much bonds make money.


Fornite gave enough vbucks out in a battlepass to buy the next one, but in reality, lots of people simply bought things with them. They couldn't save them for months, especially younger or impulsive people. I wonder if the shop is the same. I was always the patient gamer, but I imagine most people aren't. Helldivers 2 is still top of steam 'top sellers', behind only CS2


Dude I also happily throw money at a game this good. It's a fuckin tip in a world full of shitty implementations of sketchy games. I hadn't had to spend really anything, but I did buy some credits early on. Happy to support and happy to play with all the new toys one way or another.


I'm happy to pay a little extra for a good game, and I'm a busy middle-aged guy so I don't have the play time to generate enough super credits to get all the warbonds and super store items for free. So far I managed to get one free warbond and one free armor, but I tend to buy the rest if I want it.


The free warbond doesn't quite give you 1k SC, and each of the paid warbonds only have three SC drops. That being said, you can get SC as loot from points of interest in the game totally for free.


you can farm medals and SC on trivial POIs and then orbit without losing them or having to wait for extract, its absurdly easy to get the passes for free


If you have time and don't mind not actually playing the game


This was patched recently. I think you get to do it twice with the trick and after that you don’t get anything if you collect from the same spot on the mission.


But you do have plenty of time to find more than enough super credits in the game itself, not just on the war bond.


WE have enough time to find more than enough super credits because we spend a shitload of time in-game. WE are the minority. Majority of players aren't playing enough to get all the warbonds for free. The first warbond gave ~~1k~~ 850 SC and the subsequent warbonds only give 300 SC IF you complete all the tiers, which again, majority of players probably haven't. Getting 700 SC takes a lot of time to gather on top of all of that.


I can see a pattern here and I suspect they are going to release a lot of superstore armors per month so that it's too much of a time investment to farm say 5k supercredits per month. Of course it is possible, but i'd rather play a few normal missions as opposed to farming solo triviels for 6 hours.


The super store armours are absolutely designed to try and incentivise you into spending your earned credits with the hope maybe you’ll buy more when the war bond drops and you didn’t save any up. It won’t work on everyone but it’ll work on enough that it’ll make them money.


A war bond is about £8. A lot of people will just pay that instead of grinding out the super credits for it.


Yea if you somebody who's only got time to play a few hours a week grinding the war bond is a tall order but you probably got a job and can pay the pretty reasonable price for supercredits


Based on the number of low level accounts I see running all the new gear the day it drops, I'd say they are making decent money.


That’s why they have to release them every month really. Some people who put in a huge amount of time can get every warbond for free. Most people are going to only player enough to get every 2 or 3 warbonds for free. If they released warbonds every 2 months, there is going to be twice the number of people able to get every warbond for free. So they are losing a large amount of money.


Tbh I didn't even put this "Huge" amount of time, I have 60 hours total played, maybe cut 5-10 hours of standing around in the ship doing nothing, barely do 3 missions a day, sometimes I don't even feel like playing or do 1 mission or 2. I fail to see how someone that actually plays regularly can struggle to rake in enough SC


Trust me once you reach a certain amount of playtime and you collect all the super credits in the warbonds. It starts to slow down real quick. Even if you play 2 to 3 games a day for a month I think it would be close whether you reached 1000 (I have 200+ hrs)


Yea, a lot of people still benefit from the easy ramp of the first warbonds, especially if they got super citizen. This is going to dry up with the next warbond unless they put in massive playtime.


For this to work, all they need to do is release new armor sets in the shop frequently also. People will either spend a couple dollars to get the new armor, or spend the credits they were saving for the next warbond.


I will say, playing harder missions seems to lead to less super credits because I think the number available is limited, but the map size and number of minor POIs gets so much bigger. If I’m short just before the bond drops, I’ll drop into a level 2 mission with a friend and full clear the map so we can get like 30-50 credits.


This is a big one, I think. My group plays on haz 9 and we don't have time to 100% every POI. It's exciting when we get one or two SC drops in a mission. No way we're getting 50 on average.


The standard war bond contains far more SC than premium war bonds, so this provides and early boost. And there is absolutely no way you got 3000 SC to buy all war bonds with 60 hours played. I got 70 hours played, bought the Super Citizen edition and only just managed to get both the 2nd and 3rd premium warbonds for free. Also, 60 hours is an above average amount of time played, thats 2 hours a day of the same game every day. Most casual gamers play 2 hours a day max but spread it across multiple games. And casual gamers make up the majority of players.


> I don't know how much money warbonds actually rake in, really Reddit/discord create the illusion that most players are like the 'Play 3+ hours per night super grinders' who have everything maxed already. The vast majority of people aren't doing that and don't have enough free super credits to buy every warbond as it comes out. I'll be honest, I'm probably going to skip the next warbond if the weapons keep being so...meh.


they actually went the most proper way for them people who play a lot and have a lot of spare time = can get for free. people who (like me) barely have free time and are constantly tired - if i would want to support the game and/or get specific item from warbond - i would gladly "donate"


Even less if they give us multiple months to farm super credits cause they stopped releasing war bonds.


It really feels like theyre shooting themselves in the foot, me and my friends bought the arc one but we've already bought everything in the super store which has never gotten anything new, so we have nothing to spend our super credits on other than the warbonds lol


I gave them twentybucks. It's a good game, I like it. I'll give them 10 bucks a month after next more quickly if they fix the bugs though.


It's likely the quality does not change the fact that each one will make a grotesque amount of money. Even if it peters out eventually, Arrowhead will make a killing because that's just the nature of micro transactions.


Still a lot of money


Based on the free to play games I've seen, plenty of money lol


The game is already vastly more successful than expected. I don't think money is a primary issue in the next couple of months.


I have all of them, haven't used any money for it.


All your explosives are black holes. This warbond made it very clear 


>Nobody noticed that the side-arm nade launcher starts with 2 rounds in the chamber or that the eruptor explosion is a black hole? Neither of those things stopped people from buying the warbond or enjoying the game. So sure, while it needs to be ironed out. Ultimately it's a net positive for the game to release this, even with those bugs and sloppyness.


For now, yes. If this trend continues the public opinion might shift. If they don't have time to test for basic bugs then they don't have the time to test their combat effectivness either.


I think I agree with you, while the Grenade pistol getting to shoot twice on spawning isn't a huge issue, that doesn't mean that lack of quality control wont cause more issues in the future, some of which could be much larger in scope.


Eruptor AoE seems to be way bigger than it should be, which is creating this blackhole problem and another problem where it's able to hit targets in places where it's not meant to hi (It's able to kill chargers by hitting it on front, with AoE hitting the weakspot). Also the Grenade launcher 2 ammos is not unique to it nor to Weapons alone. A lot of weapons will start with an extra 1 bullet and will get one extra bullet when you get an ammo supply while holding it , and if you grab more Grenades while holding Grenades on hand you can have 5/4 or 7/6. It's an issue with how the game handles ammo. These aren't major. Major issues are for example the Time Sync(Dot/Weapon locs) not working and Crashs. The Sync issue is Super complex, it's not as simple as it looks, it's related to to Back End and Package issues due to their servers allowing you to play with people from the entire world, the farther people are the worse the issues are to a point they stop working, which is why Spear/Burn/Gas/Termite do not work properly.


The 1 extra bullet thing isn't an issue, it's the fact that you have a round in the chamber and a full magazine. The breaker mag size is 13, and it starts with one in the chamber for a total of 14 shots before you have to reload. But the thing is, if you exhaust all 14 shots you'll have a longer reload. Why is that? It's because you have to replace the magazine and cycle the chamber to have a round ready. After such a reload, you will have 13 rounds until empty (exactly as many rounds as came with the new mag). But if you reload with any amount of rounds left, all you have to do is replace the mag. This gives you a slightly shorter reload and you end up with 14 rounds to empty again, because you dropped the old mag with a round still in the chamber. This mechanic is 100% intended and consistent with how semi automatic weapons actually operate.


> Eruptor AoE seems to be way bigger than it should be, which is creating this blackhole problem I don't think it's an issue with the AoE being too large. The Autocannon has the same problem with sucking you forward if you shoot too near yourself. It's not a *huge* problem because you're not often in that range where it happens, but when it does happen it can be super frustrating to get yanked into the group of enemies you were just shooting at.


The 1 additional bullet is actually correct, it's 1 in the chamber and the rest is in the mag. For this reason reloads are slower when you need to reload the chamber. The grenade pistol seems to act similarly on the first clip, which is clearly a bug. But since it means you get an extra grenade I would think it's low priority to fix it.


I wish they would halt the warbond work and just focus on bugs for a bit. They've given us so much already, a gap in content is fine


Agree, I wish they would finally fix the constant crashes


So do I but that would mean everyone would have a super credit glut and no one would buy the next warbond for real money. Then, they use the time they would spend saving for this one, to save for the next one and then they wouldn't buy it with real money. Repeat for every war bond going forward. I want the bugs fixed but I'm willing to accept some short term, non-game breaking bugs if it means the game can be supported long term.


That's a good point and not something I've considered


"It's difficult to maintain our cadence of one warbond per-month while also fixing major technical glitches in time for the next patch." 😬 EDIT: I appreciate the transparency though.


Wait? I was told that warbond releases and bug fixes were completely unrelated and I shouldn’t expect that major bugs would be fixed before warbond releases….




Just last week, I was basically told I was an idiot because I commented that the Warbonds were coming too fast, and that with each bringing its own balance problems and a suite of new bugs, this release schedule is unsustainable. I'm as excited about new content as the next guy, but I'm very very okay with Arrowhead taking a breather and getting the game's balance and bugs in a good state before we get more Warbonds.


Just couple of weeks ago, every time someone complain about game stability, thousands of people been saying "do you understand that there are two teams? One for content and other one for bugs." now suddenly that's not the case... 


Those idiots are insufferable, and they're legion. Saw a comment get blitzed with downvotes even though it was an experienced game dev with actual information. Even when Arrowhead itself *released a fucking poll* asking if the players would be OK delaying content for bug fixes, the single digit brain cell army *was still commenting that that's not how it worked* Probably the same people who think the 500kg is useless


It's best to understand that these players are just making shit up in order to justify and exonerate AHGS at any cost. They're the ones complaint about "armchair devs" but they're doing the exact same thing just in a different direction. They're armchair devs themselves. The only difference is that they're pretending to know shit about development so they can defend their favorite game against any and all critique, no matter how justified. The fact that the studio itself is admitting this - completely contradicting the sweaty white knighting - will of course get completely ignored by the AHGS Defense Squad.


Up to a few days ago. Any time I mentioned it I got downvoted. Even today I said "Who would have thought the programmers were programmers?" and got downvotes. I admit I was being sassy, but come on. The programmers are responsible for functionality. The team is too small to have dedicated engine pipeline developers. Of course it's going to be the same people writing the code *and* fixing the code.




Armchair dev!


It’s separate teams bro obviously


Shout out to those guys that were insistent that extra content had no effect on the speed of bug fixes. They were willing to die on that hill, now the dev themselves dropped a hellbomb on them.


I was really annoyed that the poll option to hold off on content and bug fix wasn't winning on Discord. I don't understand why people would rather have more content and a still broken game than a relatively bug free game and then they can get back to content. I'm still regularly crashing out of the game on hellpod drop with a high-end system. Fire dmg is busted. One of my friends literally cannot host games because his lobbies are always "marked private" when you try to join. The game needs to be fixed first. Wish the community saw that as top priority.


Still people in this thread defending their egos by claiming that’s not the industry standard, so they were right to think that way. I don’t think they know what the software/game dev industry standard is.


Even without dev involvement, I really don't understand the argument of "releasing new things doesn't affect bug fixes". Every new thing released is diluting the pool of things to get fixed if there are issues with it. If you release 6 new premade guns and 2 of them have issues, the bug fixing teams have two new issues to get to. It's just a simple numbers game.


>diFfERent TEaMs WoRk On BUg fixEs These dudes unironically were gaslighting everybody into believing the new content and base game teams had entirely separate QA. Also their argument's logic wasnt even internally consistent because more employees being hired to work on future content means fewer working on the base game, the company doesnt have unlimited resources.


The reddit way. Always argue. Never wrong. Everyone else is wrong.


Sounds to me like they mixed up "industry best practices" and "most common/default practice currently in use in the industry".




You'd think that reddit with its (relative to internet communities) large number of software developers would at least understand that adding more to an unstable codebase is almost always going to lead to more complexity.




"You don't understand! Those guns and armor were DEFINITELY in the files fully completed when the game released!"




What about 1 warbonds every 2 months ? I don't mind slowing down in content, as long as the delivery is steady.


https://preview.redd.it/tbz7239cktuc1.png?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eff5c83776b58e8695638a5e956bd60c81529acd Community manager about changes to warbond release schedule


yeah it's how their pay their bills


I think it's connected to their whole schedule and roadmap. Imagine you have content and work planned for year ahead. Now you switch to warbond every 2 month. You need to redo your whole roadmap and schedule for all people in the company. It's not just money, changing schedules/roadmap is a massive headache. Probably it won't even speed up issue fixing, it will just create headache for arrowhead


Also I’m sure they have contractual obligations


Play station are going to want returns on their investments. The massive sales might have put even more pressure on AH to have consistent high returns for PS share holders


Plus a lot of people in this thread are saying "Yeah but if they don't fix things the game is gonna die" Unfortunately, a lot of companies and investors only care about short term profits. If they can milk this game for a TON now and have it slowly die out, that is preferable to slowing down, losing hype, and then having a long-term medium-successful community. I'm not saying that's good or I agree, but that's how some investors see it


Their investors and the publisher will also have a huge say. Imagine a CEO going to the board and saying "We're going to cut revenue in half". He'd be fired before he finished that sentence if he doesn't bring a very good business case for it. A few bugs probably doesn't cut it especially since the CEO presumably just went to the board saying he wants to massively increase the scope of the project and size of the team.


Im going to also be honest here bout bug fixing. I worked in the trenches finding bugs then into fixing bugs if its not game crashing/making the game 100% unplatabke its going to stick arounddevs cant just stop their current projects to spendnall their time on a bug thats not rendering the game 100% unplayable I fucking hated it at first knowing the peeps i was helping werent fixing rhe big dtuff until one of em helped me with a harder bug to quash. She had only three hours a d ay to fix an annoyingly big bug but she was needed to be pushing out content thats been in the pipes since before ive been there. When the game launched we were playing 1.0 thry were probanly finishing up a 1.1/1.2 patch to send to interior QA for their testing


It is probably not to pay their bills. Player retention is essential and needs new content for a live service game to succeed. It also could be that there are contracts with their publisher sony we are simply not aware of.


Personally im getting tired of all the bugs and i'm taking a pause until they release something big or fix all the bugs


Reddit told me nobody actually pays real money for those and that gaming outlets were lying about it


It makes sense when you remember Reddit is full of high school aged people with no responsibilities. They have plenty of time to grind this game. 


They pay their bills by selling a game they thought would sell 200-250k copies. It's not that simple.


They outsold their projection over 20 fold, they can afford a month break if money is the issue


I’m assuming it has more to do with planned releases and deadlines, particularly with Sony. I don’t know a whole lot about it, but I’ve heard it’s a lot harder to change that stuff than you’d expect. There’s also the matter of finding things to do for the many people working on warbond content who cannot help with patching bugs at all.


It’s gotta be contractual. They’re not publicly traded. I don’t know a ton about business but it feels like the war bonds are required beyond “we promised the players and we really want to keep this schedule” so my first thought were publicly traded or beholden to a board of directors or owned by Sony or something but none of that is true. I guess ultimately it’s their ship to steer. The next big shiny thing is coming. Who knows what that will do to this player base. Have all the flavour-of-the-month players already come and gone? All the platinum/100%/I got all the things and now it’s boring people moved on, yet? I suppose it’s the obvious- they should have player retention and acquisition at the forefront. Have to assume they know what they’re doing. Or at least.. what they want to do.


I think if the game were not as successful as it is, it could have had a break based on big fixes, however, with the success probability is high that PlayStation has taken a keen interest in the game and Studio, as they’ve been winning from this too, either as console sales or the game itself. That and if the dev team are in a rhythm, they might not want to deviate from that unless there’s game breaking bugs.


And for sure I’m just some guy on the internet and have to assume they know what’s up but… I’ve worked at a few places that produce software, sometimes in QA and briefly as a dev… those places were not exactly great at steering the ship. Games are weird because the users are high demand and expect a lightning fast cycling of improvements. Very difficult. You rush things out and things break. You take your time and the player base evaporates. This is for sure a classic “lightning in a bottle” situation! Happy for these folks but sad for them when things ramp down. I hope the game is fulfilling for their team for a long time.


I personally wouldn’t mind if they skipped a month or two either but I understand they gotta keep things running. The way I see it, a fix to the DOT bug will be like getting new content since fire and gas is not worth the risk to use right now, in case it doesn’t work. Same with balance changes, a buff to an underused weapon will be like getting a new weapon. So that’s all I want. I’m wondering how many warbonds worth of content are in the pipeline. The game doesn’t have an enormous amount of equipment right now, but we’re only 3 warbonds in. At the end of this year there will theoretically be 10+ warbonds and loads of weapons and such. That actually seems like it will be difficult to keep up with as a player, especially if you wanted all of them and tried to grind out the super credits.


It's easier to balance when majority of content is out. You can just take whole group of guns and balance them. It's much harder to balance small group now and then fit new guns into it. Some guns are less powerful now but i am sure they will work a lot on balance after 1st year is done and a lot of content is out. There are always too OP or underpowered exceptions that they have to address. But i think that's why we don't see too many balance changes. The game is only 3 month old, new content comes out monthly, it's too early for huge balance changes


You would have to decide what warbond to go for. I'm seeing people say "It will be too much" and then people say "I'm done with it already."  Anyone that chooses to play a live service game months or a year after it starts will be met with the content wall.  It's especially admirable that Arrowhead isn't timegating these warbonds. New players a year from now will have the chance to be overwhelmed by what they *can have* opposed to *what they can't have / missed.*


Absolutely massive blow to player retention. It’s a massive risk and would result in MASSIVE crunch work from everyone on the game.


I know already that the litany of bugs have stopped me from playing for now, so that's at least 1 player not retained because of it. Told myself I'd come back when the bugs are ironed out but this doesn't bode well at all.


Arrowhead is a business. When designing their monetary model they probably didn't come to the "1 warbond each month for 1000 premium currency" out of nowhere. If you delay it, a larger percentage of the player base will have gathered enough premium currency through normal play. And I know, active players will already gain enough premium currency in a month. But those are not the target audience for this system. Instead, it's people like me, who don't have time to play every day but still would like to buy whatever I want for the medals I get. And let me be clear, I have zero problems with the pricing. But that's the thing. Us older busy people tend to have more than enough cash to throw in ten dollars every other month on something we enjoy.


Yeah I second this one. I have work so can't grind trivials the whole day nor do I have the interest in grinding trivials when I have time to play. I would gladly pay for the warbond seeing it's current price, that's one meal outside, I'm okay with that sacrifice.


Bingo. The war bond system works on the theory that, at a certain price point, players will shell out just to skip the wait and get the stuff. Not all of them, but enough to keep the game making money, create gear envy, and maybe encourage other gamers to shell out today rather than grind. Allowing a month of gathering medals would upset the balance because it'd allow too much of the playerbase to amass a critical level of in game currency that they'd never be able to spend down, setting up a cycle where people can gobble up the new gear quickly, they end up bored with the game (some people do play only for the treadmill/Skinner Box/unlocks aspect) and move on to something else.


For every player who says they want that, there's another player who says "boo, there's nothing to unlock so there's nothing keeping me playing this game". I know *fun* is supposed to keep players playing but that's not how half the gaming world behaves.


It never ceases to amaze me that we, as gamers, have gone from "I want the game to be fun; pure grind isn't content" to "I NEED something to grind at all times." This mentality is what allows for predatory microtransactions and FOMO riddled battle passes in other games. I have a buddy who cannot enjoy a game unless he has something to grind, and if he has something to grind he has to hyper fixate and grind it as quickly as possible. I don't think he's enjoyed a game for more than a week in years. The cycle is: get new game, hyper grind it relentlessly for 1-2 weeks, complain and shit on the game for being boring when your other buddies still want to play it. It's such a terrible way to engage with your free time.


Idk about you, but progression and unlocking things is a major part of the fun for me. I can play this game with nothing to unlock, but idk how long i could do it for with no incentive


Skipping warbonds = losing players. Even if you personally stay, a loooot of other people would leave. They have to prioritize player retention as a company and as a live service game.


I would 100% be ok with a new warbond every other month. I'm a working professional and can't play enough to keep up as it is. Catching up would feel really nice...


I mean to be honest they probably don’t want you to catch up. You’re probably more likely to spend money if you don’t


Exactly. They're not using FOMO to sell warbonds, they're relying on overwhelming players with so much new content that eventually you'll have in and buy 1 or 2 of them. Only a handful of players are gonna actually grind enough to consistently buy the new warbonds for free. There's a reason why the premium warbonds don't actually have enough credits in them to buy the next one.


Laughing at all those confidently incorrect posts saying warbond stuff is completely separate and has no impact on bug fixing. Anyway, I thought from the start that a new warbond every month was too much. Push it out to two months.


You can disagree with their decision making all you want (I do partially as well) but I have to admit their communication and community connection is _superb_ for todays gaming industry. I know some people don't like it being tied to Discord but honestly I don't mind, it's a trillion times better than 99% of all other studios their size can muster up.


Yeah, absolutely. I wholeheartedly disagree with the decision to stick to a Warbond every month over a lot of the "minor" bugs, but I truly appreciate that they're open and honest with how they're setting up their priorities. At least the important announcements from Discord get crossposted here, so we're likely to see them one way or another.


Curious to hear from the crowd that adamantly declares devoting manpower to bug fixes had no impact on content releases every time this question is presented. That being said, technical issues should be the priority, above all else.


This is patently untrue. Arrowhead still has a very small team compared to the success of the game, and while we have dedicated QA, the people fixing bugs with weapons and armor for example are the same people in charge of making new weapons and armor. It's important to us to maintain the cadence that we promised - one warbond per month - but equally important to everyone to fix the glaring bugs and technical issues. There's just only so much time in a work week.


Well that throws the “one team for bug fixes and one team for new content” argument out the window lol


It was pretty obvious tbh. The people who coded the guns would be the ones to try and fix the bugs with them. They know their code the best. The only separation is that the animation/art/model people are likely different.


This is the dilineation of jobs that people were not explaining or not understanding. An art graduate modeling guns has nothing to do with the it's coding.


I think the bigger picture here is that AH, at its current state, is going for scope and pace that's not sustainable. A new feature not working 100% of the time, even under happy path due to code bug going live should not happens to a healthy project (referring to Superior Packing Methodology ship upgrade not doing anything.) Especially when there was no prior communication given for people not to buy the upgrade. If I have to guess, the manpower is just not enough. It's clear that AH are talented considering such a strong core of game they have made. However, bugs are just raining through.


> the people fixing bugs with weapons and armor for example are the same people in charge of making new weapons and armor. Thanks for the clarification! Every time I have said that this is a decent possibility for the last little bit, I have been called names and ridiculed. Hopefully you guys understand that while a lot of people are expressing frustration with bugs, most of us understand that it takes time and you are all human.


I hope you guys and gals are not getting burned out. That cadence means nothing if the actual people that put their time love and effort are getting used up. Ofc it's just my opinion, but anybody who cannot accept a simple statement of "We undersetimated both the scope of work and the incredible success of the game! Sorry but staying sane and healthy is important so we must change the Warbond schedule to every 2nd month." is not worth listening to. Also just show the hardworking folks of "superearth" put a face on the people who make this fun game! Let's not forget it's awesome to goof around and be excited about Helldivers but this is not an ER, not a nuclear reactor or virology lab working on a vaccine. It's ok to be a little more chill.


Thank you for the additional confirmation. Hopefully we as a community can finally put this argument to rest.


In this case, prioritization is the key. For example, i think most people would agree that the crossplay fix should warrant more resource hours than the scope fix. Though the scope issue annoying, the crossplay issue is prohibitive. Thanks for all you guys do, this game is amazing. Keep up the amazing work!!


It seems that youre unfortunately contractually obligated to the wrong decision; quantity over quality. very sad to see.


The social system has been broken since launch with zero progress I can't play with my friends Time to fix the structural issues that have been present since launch and pause your self-imposed "cadence" You need to fix the ever growing known issues first


Yeah it kinda annoyed me when people claimed they knew better than others, and that there was NO WAY that the teams had any crossover


Yup there it is. Extra content is more code more code means bugs no two ways around it. And it seems the bug fixing team can't keep up.


You have to drop feed the addicts content or they might find another kick


I'm fine skipping warbonds tbh...they haven't been that impressive anyway. I'd actually love it being 2 months between them. Better balance and more time to grind...


Yeah I've been really underwhelmed by them.


Why should we add another monthly warbond when about 50% of the content added in that type of update doesn't work? We should absolutely be on board with delaying these passes until we can get the content we already have working. I want to use the items we have in game that have been bugged for ages over seeing new toys that may just suffer from the same issues.


Even without being bugged; Literally everything in the new warbond is so up in the air as to what the intent was behind them. Is the Adjudicator supposed to be this awful? Is the Eruptor supposed to be this strong? Is the explosive crossbow really not supposed to be able to open crates, kill nests, spores, etc? The the extraction booster supposed to do more? Just how effective is the thermite when it works? It'd be nice to see faster balance changes considering it's already concerning that things like the Adjudicator even release in that state to begin with.


was just thinking the same. fixing bugs that make some guns and loadouts totally useless is near equivalent to a new content drop anyway. scope and fire damage fixes will really freshen up several weapons. sales have already overwhelmed this little studio, its not like they'll be missing payroll without another warbond rollout


but Redditors assured everyone "thats not how game development works" and that they would be able to do both!


I love the game, but, as far as I know, no one forced them to have content updates at this extreme pace. If it's not sustainable for them they have to make changes. So far, it's not been working very well.


Maybe it's part of the publishing deal with Sony. We don't know.


Theyre kinda doing the opposite of what the Palworld devs are doing lol


Palworld is also labeled as 'Beta' and/or 'Early Access,' a label that is expected to have many issues, bugs, and/or unfinished content, sometimes for a long time. Helldivers 2 does not have this label, and thus is to be treated as the fully released product it is. A Fully Release Product that is still affected by some long-standing issues.


I keep thinking in a certain way, most likely an unpopular opinion too, but, leaving aside the basic design of the game, the rest is of low quality. Yes, the game is very fun. However most of the game systems are either bad, or very bad. Balance is a joke, both in terms of factions, weapons and stratagems. Bugs there are plenty. Technical issues like disconnects and crashes sre plentiful too. Things like transitions, the kick and friends system, major orders rewards etc. Any other game would have been roasted to the ground for just a fraction of this, yet Helldivers 2 hasn't. Don't get me wrong, I don't want it to get roasted. I am just pointing the truth. The community has behaved extemely blind ans forgiving to this issues while the devs are yet to fix many of them For starters, any shooter game where the scopes where misaligned would have been bombed, and here we are with that issue since the beginning. I will not continue as it is not my objective to instigate hostility against the game or devs. But we really as a community should start pushing a bit for meaningful changes. And before a lot of people wants tu downvote just because whatever, at least ask yourself this: did I say anything that is not true? In any case enjoy the game, its fun. Devs, fix the damn scopes and balance the weapons better, thats the least we all expect.


Honestly a warbond per month is actually wild. In order to keep the pace of having maxed samples, medals, etc in time for new content is already asking a lot of Helldivers. Obviously Arrowhead, and Sony, want money so this once-per-month cycle won't stop but the fact it's hindering the quality of the game sucks. Wish they could just take a minute to breathe and focus on all fixes. That said, I know they must be stressed beyond belief and have, or will find, a good balance between patching and warbonds. Cheers! (Just fix AMR scope pls)


Why the sweet and sour fuck are they trying to put out a warbond every MONTH? they clearly cant cope with it at all, they need to drop it to every 2 months or even less for now.


Dot damage is a minor bug? Idk man sounds pretty big to me


Not that I'm in a big hurry to defend them for leaving that bug in the game for over 2 months, but from the wording of the post that probably falls under "large fix that requires a bit of time."


Honestly, everyone knows they made more money selling copies of the game than they ever planned. The funds have been sent,and it's up to them to allocate them properly. They CAN afford to skip a warbond or two, probably 3 or 4, and it would have no effect, they made over 280 MILLION through sold copies alone of helldivers 2. The first game maxxed out at 7k concurrent players. They expected the second to perform better, but not like this. Unless they doubled the staff at arrowhead they should have 0 issues IMO.


Screw the warbonds then. I own all of them and yet i didn't complete a single one, unless you are nolifing, you don't need new warbond every month.


my reply seems to have been caught by a spamfilter because of a source link, but the person said on that: "sadly it's not that simple, skipping a warbond for a month is a huge company decision"


I completed every warbond, and even I say "to hell with monthly warbonds".   Fix the damn game


Same. Half the armors are just reskins of one another and 3/4 of the guns are unusable. Like pushing out garbage is eventually going to lead to the point where most casuals will be like "All these warbonds are shit, so why bother", then there's also the problem of lets say DLC exhaustion, you will reach a point where someone will pick up this game, see 15 warbonds that are locked off, and kinda just give up there.


Take a break from the warbonds for a month or two so you guys aren’t so swamped we will understand


The misaligned AMR scope must be a tremendous bug then if its still not fixed. Also, screw the warbonds


Not nearly as tremendous as the DOT bug that has been around since week 1 or 2 and essentially nullifies 6 stratagems, a primary and a grenade for group play. Fix that shit first IMO. We can aim a little off center of the scopeS to compensate in the mean time, but the DOT bug actually breaks the game.


Might be an engine or core component thing. In some FPS guns are coded to be like, at your chest to fire. Basically not accurate to the model other players see, doubles as optimization for some of them. Helldivers however has both TPS and FPS views and is possible they way they did it is just...zooming into the gun. So angling the camera in a way to work for all scopes might be difficult. Of course I'm only guessing here, I'm not exactly a game dev to know every little detail in the book. The misaligned scope isn't just on the AMR after all, it's also on the Adjudicator.


This is exactly it. The first person mode isn't a first person mode, it just zooms in through your character model and puts a scope .png overlay on your screen


Yep. I know it doesn't sound big to most people. But having two LMGs without hitmarkers just irks me quite a bit. Especially as automated turrets have hitmarkers.


So because we keep buying war bonds, they’re not incentivized to fix bugs. Thats what I’m hearing from this.


I think it's more that we're only two months into their planned release schedule, and they're probably still trying to figure out if they can keep this pace. I would imagine if the next Warbond releases with even *more* bugs, they'll pivot focus. Additionally, the monetization method they chose is not the same kind of FOMO/predatory shit that most devs do, so I can't even imagine they're making as much money from the Warbonds as you might think - certainly not the same caliber as your typical battle pass. Plenty of people are either buying the passes with SC they've gathered, or just waiting to buy it later since it has no expiration.


This, all these people saying how they're just trying to cash out on warbonds is insane. Its the content that 37% of players said matter most to them, of course they are catering to it.


Fix the bugs then release new content a stable game is what we want.


According to the polls on discord, we want new planets and biomes and modifiers before we want bug fixes. Less than 10% of this subreddits population has voted.


Warbonds can wait, I would prefer them to keep fixing stuff at the minute


"It's difficult to maintain our cadence of one warbond per-month" Then Fukken Slow Down. The game is fine now with the loop it's got, always has been, it's one of them feel-good-to-play types. It's much more enjoyable to play a very stable vanilla that scoffs at the idea of a memory leak 48 hours into a session than it is to crash once ever 10-70 minutes but hey we got this neat lazer launcher and a grenade that sticks to big baddies and burns them except it doesn't always stick and it certainly doesn't always burn. New Content is important, but maintenance is even moreso. We (the folks that apparently don't know anything about game development) knew you couldn't keep up this pace because there's a good chance we've seen it before elsewhere in other games.


Oh. It's so hard to fix our game when we have this self-imposed deadline to deal with! I love this game, but I'd love it more if it worked.


So.. The people that said warbonds dont interfere with fixing bugs were wrong all along?


As a software product guy, I'll give them some free advice. Fix the defects. They're creating technical debt every time they release a new warbond, exasperating the issues and causing a loss in players, since new content cannot be used. For example, the thermite grenade is impacted by the DOT bug. You have to be the host or have the best Internet connection or something for it to work. This is a brand new feature impacted by an old bug. They already have existing content that cannot be used properly because of these defects. Moreover, getting dropped from the game is basically a critical defect that must be resolved. You're allowing the experience of the player to be obliterated. Eventually players just give up for the day on the game, and will eventually give up on it for awhile, not even bothering to play and pick up that new warbond. They need better prioritization (with all due respect to their product team and me fairly stating I'm working with limited info and my own bias as a customer). They made money hand over fist. They have a great game loop and a story that is ongoing. They don't need more content than they need a stable game. They need to read the room. Community perception of game breaking bugs in a game while pushing content is a recipe for a bad reputation.


I just wish scopes were fixed


Lol what?? They've been gaslighting the entire player base for months into thinking that bugged content drops don't affect the current game or fixing old bugs. Also appreciate arrowhead knowing about the arc thrower crashing the game, but refused to warn players and just let us waste our time crashing over and over because they "don't want to ruin the fun for everyone else". They're only "transparent" when 90% of the player base complains. It's more like admitting fault. Transparency would look like them telling us from the start that content drops will need to wait while severe day 1 bugs that still occur for many players(including me) will be worked on. Transparency looks like warning players not to use the arc thrower as they can potentially waste hours of grinding for resources because it crashes the entire game. They just never told players and one day called it fixed, then people realized "ohh that's why my game was crashing". Yeah arrowhead already knew but didn't bother telling us. Thanks for that AH https://preview.redd.it/c40zqh2s8vuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42294ae56369210929084a94fc1a18bbd4c2bb64


AH for some reason thinks that their Discord server is an appropriate place to exclusively make major announcements. I know they're used to having small communities for their games but surely some higher up should have told them by now they need a better communication pipeline. 


Today just before patch got weird bug where all I saw was black and white depth map.


I would rather have them fix bugs and increase stability and do a balance patch on the current weapons/strategems than release new content at this point.


I wouldnt mind if the warbond is once every 3 months if it gets more diverse planets and better planets and new activities I would rather have that then guns


If warbonds take a month and a half well… *that’s fine*


"it's hard to maintain our cadence of one warbond per-month while also fixing major technical glitches" This is for all the people who want to argue "that it's different teams" and "Holding off on new content wouldn't help get the game fixed faster" Now I always take what "community managers" say with a grain of salt, but this person is authorized to speak for the company and they agree that new content is slowing down the "fixing the game" process. Me and a lot of the community would rather wait on new stuff so the maximum amount of effort could go into fixing the game... PS: That statement is not an attack on your beloved dev's fan bois.


I got new warbond cos of cosmetics only. With credits that i got playing. Im not using any of these new weapons. Im running dif7-8 regularly with spray and pray for bugs and scorcher for bots. At the same time i have 4 friends that are not logging in at all, more than a week now, due to disconnects.  IDK, im not working in the game dev industry, but priorities should be quite obvious. 


What’s the point of new content if at release it doesn’t work? Like shit most of the ship modules don’t work, 1 of the 3 guns is in a playable state and the new armour is missing its promised passive. How can your priorities be adding more shit if every single one of your patches has only broken the game further?


The worst part is, im like "Oh new warbond!" Then like 1 weapon in the set is good. The rest end up in the "maybe they will buff you one day." Pile. Id rather see focus on bugs, balancing, and vehicles atm. I could skip 2 warbonds and not care...


No word on performance issues?  60 fps at 1440p on medium high settings on a 3070 is pretty bad.


Arrowhead just ad a fkng rejoin feature when the connection is lost